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What was your favorite game that year? 2011 edition. (56k)


It seems no one liked motorstorm apocalypse that year!!

My top games of 2011 are as follows, no particular order.

Dead Space 2
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Uncharted 3
Modern Warfare 3
Gears of War 3
Infamous 2
Resistance 3
Motorstorm Apocalypse
Yakuza 4

I'd say my favourite of the bunch would probably be Deus Ex HR, fantastic game.


Neo Member
1. Dead Space 2
2. Dark Souls
3. Halo CE : Anniversary
4. Batman : Arkham City
5. Skyrim



Unpopular, tho I enjoyed Rage the most that year. Played a great deal of Modern Warfare 3 online. Neither game deserves the hate.


Dark Souls. It was the perfect storm of a new IP following a sleeper hit and people slowly figuring out how brilliant the game is from its level design to boss fights and everything else.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
I love these threads! Because modern gaming is so expensive, I've been trying to go through older titles I pick up cheap that I missed when they came around. To that end, these threads are super useful!

To the thread, Man I love Infamous 2. It was fun, great and lively sandbox, had really cool fights between other superpowers enemies. And also, fuck that ice jump felt so good <3

Resistance 3 Was fucking fantastic too. I loved the return of the weapon wheel and health pack system at a time when regenerating health was still super prevalent in shooters. Loved the series, and loved this game.

I have to respect how Amnesia changed and revitalized the horror genre at the time.

Favorite game of that year is easily Dark Souls though. Not much else to say about such a talked about game except if you didn't play and love Demon's Souls when it came out, then you probably missed the massive hype train that came for Dark Souls. I still remember freaking the fuck out at that first trailer and listening to the GT guys gush so much they even made a brief dedicated podcast to speculations about the game (said video I think is now lost to time). I don't think I will ever get as hyped for a game as I did for Dark Souls again.
It's between Portal 2, Battlefield 3, and Skyrim. Battlefield 3 was easily the one I was looking forward to most. I didn't actually buy Skyrim until the end of December so I played most of it in 2012. Portal 2 was great but really short. I guess I have to go with Battlefield 3 but Skyrim is damn close.


Dark Souls. There was absolutely in no way any contest from any other game released that year.

Dead Space 2, The Witcher 2 and Human Revolution would be my other "favorites" from that year, but they weren't even close. I "liked" Skyrim I guess, but I spent more time installing mods to actually make it fun than actually playing it. It was nice enough to roam through, but there wasn't actually much of anything compelling outside of the guild quests (and your ability to zip to the top of the ranks was pretty lame).
What a fucking good year lol

1. Dark Souls
2. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
3. Rayman Origins
4. Infamous 2
5. Limbo
6. Crysis
7. Portal 2
8. Mass Effect 2
9. Sonic Generations
10. Uncharted 3

10. Bastion
11. Mortal Kombat
12. Plants vs Zombies
13. Batman: Arkham City
14. Trine 2
15. Beyond Good & Evil HD
16. Crysis 2
17. Dead Space 2

I still want to play the Resistance franchise


1. Batman: Arkham City
2. Portal 2
3. LittleBigPlanet 2
4. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
5. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
6. Limbo
7. LA Noire
8. Motorstorm Apocalypse
9. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
10. Battlefield 3


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Kind of a crappy year, apart from some great re-releases (Sonic CD, Radiant Silvergun). I'd say Radiant Historia is my favorite from the year, and the best overall DS game.


I will not consider porting or remaster of games, nor games originally out for other system before.
A nice year but not the best to me... there is Sonic Generations that was huge, but I personally preferred Unleashed.
Portal 2 is a great sequel.
Catherine a really intriguing puzzle game and story.

I'm actually between Deus Ex, a great return of a classic, and Dark Souls...

I will choose Dark Souls 'cause is a damn masterpiece in term of almost everything, and in particular of level design.
Still talking about it with my friends.


Dark Souls by far.

Although, I could also cheat a bit and mention Shadow of the Colossus HD, that game is in my top 3 all time.


2011 was amazing! The games that stuck with me the most were:

Mortal Kombat
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Infamous 2
Uncharted 3
Pokemon Black & White


At the time it was either Skyrim for single-player or Gears of War 3 for multiplayer.

But once I finally found time to play Dark Souls, it easily eclipsed both of those.


So many excellent games. And not so excellent. Surprised at how much here I managed to get my hands on.

Hands down, though, it's Dark Souls. I really dig Arkham City, Amnesia, Portal 2, Rayman, 3D Land, and Uncharted 3, but yeah. Skyward Sword I haven't revisited at all, LA Noire isn't very good, and the others are remakes or remasters of some kind. Dark Souls is basically the monumental title of that year.
Dead Space 2. Game doesn't get credit for having one of the best female characters in any game

which they destroy and mutilate in the most horrible way in dead space 3
Mass Effect 2 -

In 2003 Bioware makes KOTOR and while it was turn based, it had a faster feel to it. You could position your character up on an enemy and physically move them, and actions where performed with fast movements even if there still was a dice roll. It was a departure for Bioware who was moving towards real time action combat in RPGs.
In 2005 they make Jade Empire, and this time they've refined the system from KOTOR. The game is a lot more action packed, has dodging and rolls and quick action attacks but suffers from simplistic mechanics and lack of depth. It falls flat.
When Mass Effect hits in 2007, we see the third generation. Now we can aim at with our characters. There is still levels and gears. The game works, but the cover mechanics is garbage, the squad mechanics are garbage, the loot system and inventory systems are pointless busywork. The game is full of atmopshere and promise but it doesn't reach its potential.

Along with Witcher 2, Mass Effect 2 is the most improved sequel I have ever played. Mass Effect 2 was an incredible game. It foregoed the main plot and focused on what Bioware does best- Characters, and made the squad you're collecting the central theme of the game. The combat was feeling very fluid like a real action game, ammo was introduced, cover system was tightened up, as was UI, the game had more open enviornments, it had a lot more challenging content and the tone war a lot darker.
Its companions was also incredible. In Mass Effect 1 the entire range of characters was not very fleshed out and interesting. you had idealistic aliens who worship shepard and boring plain jane humans wrapped in standard sci-fi military jargon.
ME2 introduced Mordin a pragmatic and offensive brilliant doctor who gives a rats ass about the moral consequences in favor of the greater good. And Thane a sentimental assassin who ponders about philosophy as he deals with his own demons. And Legion a hive-mind AI that you're not really sure if good or bad. The characters where so much more intriguing than in ME1 and those that returned in ME2 where a lot better.
The DLC for ME2 was also incredible.
Mass Effect 2 showed the promise of Bioware trying to take their storytelling games from turn based RPGs into functional action games. Jade Empire and ME1 where failures. ME2 stands on its own for its gameplay.

Total War Shogun 2 -

Game is legendary. If you need to buy your first total war, you might want to start with Warhammer, but Shogun 2 is an amazing place to start as well. It's difficult to express how small general icons and all the small voice work and sounds mean- but trust me when I say that it adds up. In total War you're constantly dealing with the UI, and they fucked it up immensely in Rome 2 and Atilla. Shogun 2 is snappy, tight, conceise and fun. You need to play Shogun 2. It's a brilliant video game.


Skyrim is the one I enjoyed the most, even if it's a flawed game.

Killzone 3, Portal 2 and Zelda Skyward Sword were also amazing games.

EDIT: Damn I forgot about Dark Souls, that was my favorite game.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Ooh, this one's easy: Dark Souls. Blows away everything else. Either that or The Witness is the game of the decade.
Dark Souls. One of my favourite games.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution was the best surprise that year though. I was expecting it to be good but not that good. Became one of my favourite games last gen and I love the classic Deus Ex game on PC. Felt great to see such a big budget cyberpunk game again and see the series come back after Invisible War.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Outland for Xbox 360. Easily a 9/10 and my 2011 game of the year.


Neo Member
Rage is top of the list for me. I know that game got a lot of hate but I will defend it til the day I die, one of my favourite games from last gen.


Pokemon Black and White, though I'm of the opinion that that's the weakest mainline Pokemon game in the last several years and I haven't played Radiant Historia or Dark Souls (the two biggest other contenders). 2011 was a really weak gaming year for me personally, probably the second weakest in recent memory next to 2015.
Portal 2 for sure. As a side note since the forum has been talking about best trailers ever lately, I think the Portal 2 announcement trailer is one of the best trailers ever. Gave me goosebumps.
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