Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.

- Planned release sometime this year.
Satoru Iwata (January 06 said:You are now less than 365 days away from a new console Zelda game.
Wired interview with Cammie Dunaway I think people were really interested to know, are [you] going to release Mario and Metroid and Zelda all in one year?
Dunaway: And you said we wouldnt. You bet no, right? I bet no. Are you going to hold me to that? Do I owe you a steak dinner?
Dunaway: I think you do.
- Has been in development since (at least) 2008.
Wii IGN (E3 2008) said:But when we sat down with Shigeru Miyamoto this week, he elaborated on situation, absolutely confirmed that a new Wii Zelda is underway, and suggested that it will see some fundamental changes.
- Eiji Aunoma is NOT the director.
Eiji Aunoma said:During lunch, recently I have been spending my time with other game directors playing local connection battles in Spirit Tracks. I have been partnering with the director of the DS version to fight against the director of the Wii version and yes, recently we have been winning!
- Will be shown at E3.
Satoru Iwata said:We will show the new Zelda title for Wii at E3 this year.
- WiiMotionPlus Required.
Eiji Aunoma (Andriasang) said:In fact, Aonuma told Famitsu that the game will be Wii Motion Plus exclusive. This was actually an area that was under debate at the outset of development. "After actually making it compatible," said Aonuma, "it just feels so natural. Link's sword and the controller that you're holding become one."
- Link is much older then he was in Twilight Princess.
Shigeru Miyamoto said:Well, the story setting for this Zelda is, of course, in a completely different era and Link is older than he was previously. More approaching adulthood. There is one hint. Maybe from the art work you can see that he's not holding a sword.
- Change of traditional Zelda flow.
Eiji Aunoma said:We're making efforts regarding the total flow of the Zelda game. So far, the basic flow of the Zelda games is you're exploring a field, you go to a dungeon, you conquer it and return to the field. We're looking at altering that traditional flow. That's all I can share, and I can't say more until E3 next year.
- Game structure developed first.
Shigeru Miyamoto said:Normally, we create the video sequences, and these sequences are expanded. But this time we started with the game structure. And then with the video sequences. So this time it was reversed. Therefore, we have had little so far from the game to show. But will publish a lot close to the game's completion.
- Will be more accessible.
Shigeru Miyamoto said:For us, it is important to the to optimise gameplay and make the controls easier. We do our best to make the controls player friendly, since 'Zelda' has become complicated.
- Artwork plays important role in plot.
Shigeru Miyamoto said:This image plays an important role in the plot. At E3 you will see what I mean.
- Has been in development since 2005.
Game Informer Rumor Mill (2006) said:Zelda game specifically for the Wii has been in development for a year already.
- Has some sort of flying mechanic.
Eiji Aunoma (Guardian) said:Aonuma says that he told his eight-year-old son that in the next Zelda game, Link will have a train. His son answers, "OK, Dad, first boat, and then train? Surely next time, Link is going to fly in the sky ..." Eiji Aonuma then pauses, while grinning. He says, "I just don't know. If many people make many speculations ... some of them might be correct. Right now, I have to refrain from commenting on anything."
- Archery will be performed with motions instead of pointer control.
Shigeru Miyamoto said:MotionPlus will also be used to target things on screen in place of the Wiis infrared sensor. In the previous game, you aimed at things by pointing at the screen, but this time we'll use MotionPlus to create a much more convenient targeting system and a more pleasurable playing experience.
- Will be Vitality Sensor compatible.
Shigeru Miyamoto said:Whenever we are going to use any new device it is possible to expand the appeal to those who are new to the videogaming world. At the same time, however, it is also fun to think of ways in which we might apply that new technology to existing forms of gameplay just like the way we are working on the new Legend Of Zelda together with Wii Motion Plus. As you become more scared, the enemies become even tougher. So maybe you might like to ask me to incorporate the Vitality Sensor into Zelda so that as you become more scared, the enemies become even tougher.
- Girl from Artwork is Link's Master Sword.
Shigeru Miyamoto said:Maybe from the art work you can see that he's not holding a sword.

- Girl from Artwork is also the Fairy Queen.
Eiji Aunoma said:Yes, I have read some of the speculation on the internet, and some of it is right! But that is all I can say at the moment...

- Retro Studios was once working on Legend of Zelda Wii.
NVC Podcast Summary (May 29th said:- Heard crazy rumblings last week
- 95% sure this was true at one time
- A year plus ago, Retro Studios was doing the new Zelda or doing something big with it
- For one reason or another thats not the case anymore they dont believe
- Not working on it anymore
- Got reliable info, there were internet rumors at one point
- This is a rumor, really good rumor, since has been debunked that theyre working on it
- They are not making that game anymore
Master Sword and Shield spotted in Retro Studio's conference room (5:30 mark).

Satoru Iwata said:I can tell Nintendo's staff has really been galvanized by you. I can tell they feel like you did what they hadn't yet," Iwata said in a conversation with Monster Hunter Tri game director Kaname Fujioka and producer Ryozo Tsujimoto. "Looking at the graphics objectively, I feel like the game's visuals are one of the representative examples of what can ultimately be done with Wii. I think it [Monster Hunter Tri] has placed the Zelda team under a considerable amount of pressure.

Shigeru Miyamoto said:In this [installment of the series], we're using MotionPlus to make you feel much more like you're actually fighting while holding a sword in your hand.
Shigeru Miyamoto (August 2009) said:(commenting on First-Person View) [is not] going to be that radically different [than previous games in the series]..
Shigeru Miyamoto said:We are trying to make Zelda, which has become very complicated, easier to play.
Shigeru Miyamoto said:I dont think its [the graphics] going to change dramatically. We are doing it on the Wii [console]. That being said, we can look at Twilight Princess it was built to run on both GameCube and Wii, and this one will be running only on Wii, so I think there will be differences inherent to the fact that its only on this platform.
Shigeru Miyamoto said:Every persons own individual experiences with the game should be unique and be their own sort of My Zelda experience, and I think thats super important, and we have to look at that when were creating dungeons and how we can make that come true. So were spending a lot of time concentrating our efforts in that area. But its not going to become individual: Hi, Im this Zelda or Im this Link!. The experience will be unique but within the world that weve defined.

Eiji Aonuma said:I'd like to show something playable (at E3).
Eiji Aonuma said:The fact of the matter is that MotionPlus was actually not conceived at the beginning of the development of this new Wii version of the game," Aonuma explained. We thought about the possibility of integrating the Wii MotionPlus technology into the Legend Of Zelda idea so we then had to start experimenting. Now we have come to the stage where a very convenient result has been realised. In the end, Wii MotionPlus will be something really great for improving the playability of the game.
Eiji Aonuma said:In the case of the new Legend of Zelda on Wii, hes trying to take more direct hands-on and specifically at least once every month we are having a very intimate meeting where we confirm the status quo, we discuss what needs to be done and Mr Miyamoto gives instructions as to what we need to do.
And in such a situation, of course there are some heated arguments, because each of us has his own idea as to what a Zelda game should look like, should play like. As time passes and as we are growing in terms of number of people working for the same department, naturally Mr Miyamoto has to keep some distance away from any other producers and developers, but I think we always try to have as close communications as possible in one way or the other. Thats how I think everyone including me has been communicating with Mr Miyamoto at Nintendo.
Eiji Aonuma said:It is something we used to talk about with Mr. Miyamoto, and he and I agree that if we are following the same structure again and again, we might not be able to give long-time Zelda fans a fresh surprise. So we have been trying something new in terms of the structure of the Wii version of the new Zelda game this time. I am really hopeful that people will be surprised with the changes we have implemented for this Wii version.
Eiji Aunoma (Andriasang) said:Asked if there will be gameplay that emphasizes the ability to freely swing your sword, Aonuma responded with an "Of course." He also hinted that the way you fight enemies could be the key to solving some puzzles.
Eigi Aunoma (Andriasang) said:Elsewhere in the interview, Aonuma reflected back on 2009, a year that saw the release of Zelda Spirit Tracks, on which he served as producer. In Japan, the game made it out a few days before Christmas. However, it was almost a Spring 2010 title. Early in development, the staff believed they'd need the additional time. E3 came around and the game had all the fundamentals in place, and not wanting to overlap with Wii's Zelda, Aonuma pressed the staff for a release at the end of the year.
Eiji Aunoma said:Although you may be under the impression that we are still only in the early stages of development, in fact we are well into the making of the game.

Reggie Fils-Aime said:A product like Zelda will launch truly when it's perfect and the best person to answer that question is going to be Mr. Miyamoto. Hopefully, hopefully it's going to be a title that we can bring to market this year. But it's not something that we're going to commit to until we have a much better sense of whether Mr. Miyamoto is going to upend the tea cart and challenge Mr. Aonuma to do new things or whether the development plan is going to stay on track.
Reggie Fils-Aime said:For us, its all about making sure it is perfect.
Reggie Fils-Aime said:Ive talk to people about it. I, personally, have not played Zelda.