What we know about Legend of Zelda Wii prior to E3 2010

thecouncil said:
is there a possibility that this will NOT be shown today or has it been confirmed? all we all just assuming, cause that will be a horrible disappointment to everyone everywhere. haha.

If that happens everyone will start talking about how it will happen at Nintendo's proprietary show later this year. They've been talking about how TP was meant to be the final "traditional" Zelda for a while, so it very well may be true that there isn't one. But Nintendo would need some serious balls to withdraw what might be its most anticipated series.
KeeSomething said:
Correct. Noon est, but it will most likely get delayed by 30 minutes or so. This always happens with Nintendo.

??? Usually it starts 5, MAYBE 10 minutes after 12. I've never seen it start a half hour late.


Haunted said:
Ah, ok. I'm looking at the channel page right now, I guess it'll appear as a regular video?

It's just the IGN stream embedded at the top of the channel page. It's not a regular youtube video.
I can't believe nothing of significance has leaked regarding not only Zelda, but everything else as a whole for Nintendo. Really incredible in this day and age.


Boney said:

When I got the database error, I thought GAF had flipped out because some big leak just happened.

Fuck this, I'm going to play some Dungeon figher. See you guys in 32 minutes.
JzeroT1437 said:
If that happens everyone will start talking about how it will happen at Nintendo's proprietary show later this year. They've been talking about how TP was meant to be the final "traditional" Zelda for a while, so it very well may be true that there isn't one. But Nintendo would need some serious balls to withdraw what might be its most anticipated series.

...uh-oh. this could get pretty ugly in a few hours then?... if they dont show it, i fear GAFs reaction. ill have to read posts while peeking out from behind my sofa... :lol


Gold Member
Wind Waker graphics please! In HD on the new Wii HD or not, everything's better than Twilight Princess's art direction.
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