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Whats new in ESPN NHL 2k5 this year?

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Im just curious. Ive read some previews, and from what I gather the big additions are full stick control, improved fighting, improved franchise, and online seasons. Is there anything else? Is this also $20?

Will there be HD support this year(a la NBA 2k4)?

Thanks in advance.
its $20. I hope they fixed the poke checking and the goalies. The Goalies were super human in 2k4. I would get like 60 cross crease onetimers and the goalie would save EACH ONE!


Besides Full Stick Control on offense, defensively you can use the same analog stick to play dirty (as far as I understand, I could be wrong).

Yeah, you can play Flames style!

Clutch, grab, spear...you'll get called for it usually, but it's there.

In 2K4 you can press B to protect the puck so it doesn't get poke checked.
Fight for Freeform said:
Besides Full Stick Control on offense, defensively you can use the same analog stick to play dirty (as far as I understand, I could be wrong).

Yeah, you can play Flames style!

Clutch, grab, spear...you'll get called for it usually, but it's there.
You get called for it? Then it's not really Flames style, now is it?
The poke check is way, way toned down. It's kind of hard to get used to at first actually, because I relied on it so much in the last game. Now you can hold the L trigger (modify) and then use the right analog to sweep your stick around, to intercept passes. Just have to be careful to make sure you're holding modify, or else you'll accidently do one of the "intense contact" moves, which will often land you a penalty.

I dig the intense contact stuff, although I only used it rarely. On one occasion I was chasing after an iced puck with the defender just ahead of me, and I used the R stick to whack him just before he could touch the puck--it slowed him down enough so that I could get around him and beat him to it.

Penalties are called way, way too often...you'll want to crank down spearing, interference, and elbowing sliders to start with.

All new fighting engine, but...bleh. I have SC2 for that.

Huge dynasty mode too, all kinds of off-season scouting options, prospect work outs, etc.


Penalties are called way, way too often...you'll want to crank down spearing, interference, and elbowing sliders to start with.

Would you say that they are called much like a real game? Or is it too much?

In the last game I found that it was too lax, I usually turned up the penalties a notch, especially when playing competitively.
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