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Whats the best fps ever?


Al Pachinko, Konami President
First Encounter Assault Recon.


If any game needs a Remake its this one.
I know Monolith is currently working on Wonder Woman, but WB have the license, the game isnt that long, im sure Monolith have a B-team that could work on remaking this with even better damage and better AI.

No remake ever will get that same feeling

The Lunch Legend

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I'm not going to say you're wrong homie, but you're wrong. I would take Quake 1 over 2 any day of the week.
Quake 2 has a better and brighter setting, which I liked better even when my computer was so crappy it couldn't display colored lighting.
I also liked that I had goals, so it wasn't just shoot random monsters in random castles.

Maybe I would have liked Quake 1 more if it had had more of those base levels in the starts of the episodes, like one episode could have been that way. And anyway, each episode should have had a more different theme.


Halo 2 - Epic single player campaign and amazing online multiplayer, with a great community.

Honorable Mentions: Halo CE, Halo 3, Destiny, Destiny 2, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Doom and the OG Rainbow Six.
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Halo CE
DOOM 2016

Back in the day it was Perfect Dark, Halo2MP and MW2MP

Wish Valve would release a remaster of HL2 =)
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I was just mentioning this in the RedFall preview thread, but the most fun I had with an FPS was at the launch of OG Destiny. I played mainly solo and loved exploring the first two areas (Russia and the Moon). I had a lot of fun with those first two Boss battles and farming that cave as well.

Of course, as the "live service" aspects of the game started to drag on, I lost interest and never went through all of the DLC. It went from such a high, down to such a chore to play.
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GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Hmm, lots of people praise Doom Eternal, is it that good? And how long is the campaign roughly?


not tag worthy
Haven’t played eternal. But the Dooms (yeah even 3 it’s a great survival horror fps) quake prodeus are up there for me

Also return to castle Wolfenstien and haven’t played the new colossus enough yet.

MP quake 3 arena, unreal tournament and what ever battlefield was on the 360
Left 4 dead 1 and 2
Honourable mentions to Hexen, duke Nukem turok goldeneye and half-life
Halo CE

Oh and Cod4 MW was great but then it eventually went to pot with the sequels ohh well
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1. Doom. It is nothing short of a miracle how well this game aged and how popular the modding scene around it is. Yes, maybe the original, vanilla DOS version has some technical blemishes, but play the game through its countless sourceports on Ultra-Violence (at minimum). You are going to enjoy it.

Codes 208

AAA: Halo 3 (2 and reach are also really damn good)

Indie: Titanfall 1 (im counting this because the first game was technically in development before ea bought respawn)
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Quake. Zero pretension, zero bullshit, great level design and atmosphere, incredible mods.

Unreal Gold, the original Half Life, and FEAR are up there too.

Doom 2016 was excellent and games like Dusk, Cultic, Prodeus, Ion Fury, and Amid Evil have all been wonderful experiences.

Doom Eternal was disappointing. Played it twice including both DLCs though so it isn’t a bad game, it’s just not what I hoped and completely lacked atmosphere.


The original Titanfall didn't have a single player campaign per se... its "campaign" was multiplayer matches with some extra comms and bits playing in a little window. I actually liked how it worked but you definitely don't have to play it.. not sure the population is there to play it anyway.
Everyone loves to gush about Titanfall 2 and it's campaign, but for me OG Titanfall had superior multiplayer mechanics. The sequel didn't feel as fluid or engaging. The first game had perfect MP, IMO.


Well, depends on the category of FPS.

For pure gameplay - Doom
For multiplayer precision - Counterstrike
For story driven experience - Half Life 2
For mass market multiplayer - CoD


I haven’t played a decent FPS in years, but the ones that stand out for me are Timesplitters, Black, Half Life 2, Resistance FOM, Goldeneye and Killzone 2.


Gold Member
Recently.. Prodeus was very good. Basically modern version of og Doom and quake.

Half-Life 1- so ahead of its time, and had a huge impact on my teenage years with tfc and counter-strike.

FEAR 1 - insanely kinetic firefights that most fps to this day haven't been able to match. Even the sequels fucked it up.

Soldier of Fortune 2 - Gore tech engine. The desert eagle head shot is still the best in gaming.
Best Overall Package: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

Best Casual Multiplayer: Titanfall or Battlefield 2

Best Single Player: Half-Life or Doom II

Best Battle Royale: PUBG

Best Competitive Multiplayer: Rainbow 6: Siege

Best Co-op / looty mcshooty: Destiny 2

Honorable mentions: Medal of Honor Allied Assault, FEAR, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, Doom (1993), Quake II, Bioshock, Half-Life 2, Battlefield 4, Battlefield 1942, Call of Duty w/ United Offensive expanison
The fact that you don't have Halo anywhere in there means your gamer card needs to be revoked, post haste!
no way i can decide, so here's a bunch of games i like

doom - still fun, so influential
hl1 - still the best hl, love the survival/mystery atmosphere
turok - showed FPSes could work well on consoles, cool death animations, still feels great to play
ut99 - gibs, maps, music, and gibs
r6 ghost recon - first long distance realistic shooter that really worked IMO
r6 raven shield - best close quarters realistic shooter (unrecord has potential to be better)
goldeneye - MP was so fun and cemented that controller rumble here to stay
solider of fortune - set a precedent for gore
battlefield 2 - something about it, legendary demo
dayz - tons of jank, but tons of unique experiences too (coop)
project reality - loved the way the aiming worked in this game (let the gun "settle" = better aim, no indicator to let you know)
stalker - bit janky, but cool survival atmosphere

just going to stop here
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Doom (with or without Brutal mod, all amazing)
Perfect Dark
Doom 2016
Overwatch 1/2 (the current culmination of my favorite multiplayer fpses)

Halo is an honorable mention, but loses its right to be at the top because of the awful flood sections which takes up half of the game.
Like Halo, FEAR has great moments, but is not quite the full package. I have faith its spiritual successors like Trepang² and Selaco will surpass it.
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gameplay: Doom Eternal

FPS RPG: System Shock 2

Survival: STALKER Misery (1.2)

Multiplayer: TF2

Campaign: Titanfall 2

honorable mention: FEAR
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First thing I thought of when reading the title was Titanfall 2. The gunplay was smooth as butter and the gameplay transition from on-foot to mech was quite seamless. There wasn't much to keep you playing to be honest, apart from the game being really well made. Its nowhere near Call of Duty level of unlocks to keep you playing, and yet I find myself buying the cosmetic DLC's just to support the development (plus they weren't super expensive, price felt right). Still hoping for Titanfall 3, Apex Legends isn't doing it for me.


Single player: Half Life 2 and also the original COD MW1 and MW2 games were awesome.

Multiplayer: Counter Strike Source around launch (I like the original skins and layout etc.), Battlefield 2, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, COD MW1 (the original one, which introduced perks for the time, I was fuuuuucking hooked like a trout).
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