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what's the worst/most painful injury or condition you've ever had?


adult circumcision, just for the shits of it.


Hardest part was them stabbing my d*ck with numbing medication. Stabbed me 5 times around, then 2 times directly on my f*cking head. Oh, and smelling my burning flesh as they fuze the skin together.

Hurt like hell, then after a few days you have to remove the bandages in the shower, and that was next level as well, gauze and hard tape around your stitches next to your head.

Looks good so far, but man there's no way in hell I'd do it again.
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Perforated ear drum, got it on a trans-atlantic flight somehow. The pain was so bad that I was crying nonstop for 2 days straight. Miraculously no loss in hearing.
I dropped a 40lbs small hydraulic pump (steel) on to my big toe from about 6 ft. It then bounced and hit my OTHER big toe. The one that took all of the fall damage bleed like a stuck pig (I had to throw my shoes away afterwards) and it shattered the bone into about 8 splintered pieces. The other toe was all bruised and fucked up but nothing broken.

I've broken bones and had spinal taps and bruise tail bone,etc,etc,etc injuries over the years but that was probably the most painful out of all of them.


House fire that burned about 15% of body 2nd and 3rd degree. Then got a staff infection. GF left me 2 days after the fire lol. Told her friend "he wont look the same again, what's the point if we're attracted?"
Gotta respect the realness. Lol

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Never really been injured honestly.

Severe pain:

1) Toothache. I was just talking to the dentist and holding it together stoically, but tears were going down my face. He then gave me a shot.
2) Gall bladder attack. Discovered I had gallstones when one blocked the biliary duct. The sensation was intense nausea, vomiting, and abdominal wall pain. Literally felt like the actual abdominal cavity lining was somehow hurt, radiating throughout my whole back as well. After I passed the stone on my own and found out what it was, I realized that sensation was actually my bile duct being blocked and my gall bladder backing up bile into my liver, stretching the gall bladder out to the point of almost bursting. Kinda hurt!


Gold Member
Back in 2015 I wrecked my motorcycle into a ditch as I was taking a turn. The ditch was low on the road side and high on the other and I slammed into it almost sideways. Cracked a rib and some bruises, but that was it. Hurt like hell for awhile and it nearly totaled the bike, but in the end I got a full exhaust for basically free out of it due to OEM costs.


House fire that burned about 15% of body 2nd and 3rd degree. Then got a staff infection. GF left me 2 days after the fire lol. Told her friend "he wont look the same again, what's the point if we're attracted?"
Gotta respect the realness. Lol
Well shit, that's fucked up beyond belief.


A long haul truck drove over my foot and broke my big toe when I was a kid, it's fine now though.

...that's kind of it, I've been in loads of high impact accidents (skiing, ATV, ect) but I always seem to come out with only minor injuries. I'm a pretty beefy/broad guy so that could be it, or I'm just lucky ...though I'm pushing 33 now and my left knee (dominant) is starting to feel weird whenever walk up stairs...so we'll see.

Edit: Oh yeah I had a Tooth abscess as well a few years ago, that pain was way worse then the broken toe, don't know why I didn't think of it, not a really serious injury I guess, since so many people get them. But yeah that was about a month of constant pain and sweating until I got the damned thing removed.
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Tooth abscess, by far.
I'm agnostic and I actually prayed god to zap me. I discovered that fresh garlic is an amazing antiseptic for these occasions


Old age seems to be taking it's toll. I can't go one damn day without some new injury or recovering from an injury that takes months now compared to days.

Way back when I was 20, I messed my knee up and that was probably technically the most painful incident. My knee blew out to the side when I had all of my weight on it.
Ive had absessed teeth, which are horrible are really do make you want to rip the tooth our with pliers, but i would have to say Kidney stones. I had a series of them about 7 years ago, passed 6 on my own including a 7mm pinecone shaped stone my doctor was amazed i passed. The pain is insane and debilitating.

Hats off to you mate. This is nightmare fuel of giving birth levels of pain for blokes.

So far breaking my arm is the most pain I've experienced.

As for the most dread I've ever felt it was years and years ago when my brother and I got this cough/lung type infection that literally closed our windpipes and we just had to keep gasping for breath for minutes until it passed. Literal thoughts of I cannot get oxygen and I'm going to die for minutes at a time. Fucking horrible.


I was too young to remember but when I was a little kid I stood on a chair that I moved over to the fireplace, to grab one of my dad's model cars he had. I was basically hanging onto the mantle with one hand and grabbing the car with the other. I guess I got on my tip toes and leaned too far forward, the chair kicked out from under me and while falling my jaw smacked the mantle while I had my tongue out for some reason lol. My mom tells me my it was basically hanging on by a thread and I was screaming so hard I nearly lost my voice. I still have a scar

Nothing else that bad has happened since, apart from some BMX racing accidents and some snow tubing incidents, but those just ended in concussions :D


°Temp. member
When I was in the 5th grade I was playing basketball. Someone passed me the ball and it hit my pinkie finger and broke it.


When I was in college, I dropped a bowl of rice soup on my foot (was boiling hot)...Yeah, screaming in the ER for 3 hours waiting for the codein to come wasn't fun.

The next one happened about 3-4 years ago. Had a blood clot in my lungs that required me to go to the ER, get surgery to put a filter in my vena cava, and then for 3 days, had tubes running down my neck pumping saline, blood thinners, just to make sure I live the next day. And let me tell you, inserting tubes down your neck and having the neck stay open is the equivalent of stubbing your toe at least 10 times, but the pain didn't leave until I finally left the hospital.
Surreal to this day that I even survived. Doctors later told me if I even let one more day pass on that clot, I was a dead man walking.
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I have pretty bad burn on my left arm. I sustained it from boiling water when I was... I think about 5-6 years old. I don't really remember much pain at this point - but I do remember being in pain, as well as terrified at the medical center while treating it.

When I was about 7 - I had a baseball hit directly my right eye while playing baseball in the yard. It was one of the hard rubber balls, that kids use - but my right eye sight is much worse than my left - and I am still pretty afraid of fast moving balls. Tend to have a bad luck with them too - that I often get hit by fore balls - whether walking by town baseball field, or kids playing soccer on the street, or even in golf courses.

Other than that - I've been living pretty safe, healthy life, except one time, my root canal went bad. My face was swollen pretty bad - but even that, I kinda forgot. I ended up having surgery called apicoectomy - but the surgery itself wasn't that bad, as I was basically out.

But there are things that hurt my heart - infidelity, betrayal, and divorce w/ my ex was one of that. It's been 3+ years since, it's gotten a lot better - but sometimes it still hurts. It was obviously falling apart a few years before that - and I tried my best to save the marriage - but it wasn't meant to be. I think I lost about 30lbs during the whole ordeal. Whatever I ate, I vomited or immediate diarrhea. Lost a lot of hair too. That was the most painful thing I ever had to go thru so far.

I guess it's the personality thing - that when people that I love or care either lie or betray - it just feels like my soul has died by a big chunk - and my body just reacts to that type of stress. Work stress doesn't really bother me too much though, as they are temporary.


Not really painful but had something attack my liver. Made me sick for the better part of 9 months. I had a few episodes where I was puking my guts out for most of the day. Also whatever it was gave me jaundice and left me in the hospital for 5 days at one point and gave me bleeding issues as well. They never figured it out and I got tons of tests including a liver biopsy. Given how they do that I can honestly claim I've been stabbed.("I was minding my own business and this guy just walks up and stabs me in the ribs" is how I put it.)
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Testicular torsion.

Nightmare scenario where the hospital I went to couldn’t do the surgery, so they needed to transport me somewhere else by ambulance.

For some reason this took like 6 hours. Pain got worse and worse throughout the day and in the ambulance I felt a body part literally die inside of me.

They removed the testicle since it took so long to do the surgery.

9/10 pain the entire day that turned into a 10/10 by the time the sun came down. Pain is so bad that you are nauseous and cannot think straight.

To this day I live in fear of it happening to the other testicle and losing my testosterone. They stitched the other so it has a very low chance of happening, but I am not sure the fear will ever leave me.

Good thing is that since then my pain tolerance has been extremely high which helps during workouts.
Same thing happened to me!

except i was able to be seen asap. I was lucky though, they said the testicle unwrapped itself and if it hadnt i woulda lost a nut. Got the surgery to sew the balls down though to prevent it from happening again.

Every time i get blue balls i worry its torsion
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Actually no, I had a fishing hook in the crevice of my eye once as a kid

It didn't pierce anything or damage my vision at all as far as I know

Had to go to the ER to have it removed but i was still chilling the most


Snapped my right foot in half during a training exercise when I was still in the Army. Tore my left rotator cuff years later doing way too many push ups with a focus on reps instead of form like a moron. Tore my right rotator cuff on an overhead press a few years ago. Tore my right quad during a leg press that was honestly just too fucking heavy, but my dumb ass was listening to my ego rather than reality. Got in a car wreck once and my head knocked the windshield out completely as I wasn't wearing a seat belt because I'm a goddamn mental incompetent and the car warped in, (1964 VW bug), and the metal pierced my right knee through the center. Got my right eye swollen completely shut for three days after a boxing match with a fella who kept fucking rabbit punching me over and over again, but my guard sucked so I deserved it.

I'm dumb, so I manage to hurt myself often.


Had my large toenail ripped up off the bed by a door slamming open on it when I was a child. Doctor tore it off with pliers without numbing me up first, I literally saw stars. Then a skimboard also took it off a few years later. Eventually had them burn my cuticle with acid so no nail grows anymore.

Had a softball sized tumor in my chest at twenty. Intense pain I was Rx’d 180mg of OxyContin daily for nearly a decade before I decided to detox. That shit hurt in early diagnosis before chemo shrunk it and took pressure off the nerve.

Speaking of awful conditions, narcotic detox. Being severely dopesick is easily one of the most miserable experiences I‘ve ever endured, as is the emotional roller coaster of your brain readjusting itself post detox which lasts many, many months and is the true battle of getting clean.

More recently, my first stroke on Jan 5th caused from previous cancer treatments. Was in the hospital for two and a half weeks, two of which were learning to walk again. Mostly back to normal, but this was not enjoyable.
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Boy bawang

I was backpacking in Cambodia and I had a durian ice cream from a street vendor at 4pm. I had already been traveling for 5 months and I thought that my stomach could take anything thrown at it; and I'm Caribbean where we eat a lot of weird stuff anyway.

Beginner mistake. I couldn't leave my 1$ guesthouse room for almost 3 days, I even passed out while shitting. That's the worst I've ever felt in my life.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
When I was like six or seven I woke up to a spider biting me on the thigh. It hurt but I smushed it and didn't think much of it.

Two days later that spider bite ballooned into a huge cist that hurt like hell. Had to go to a doctor and have him cut it out. I was told it was likely some kind of spider egg factory or whatever, and if left untreated hundreds of baby spiders would have eventually erupted from it.

I just remember it feeling like someone was stabbing my entire thigh with needles.
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