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What's this P90X workout stuff?


What's up with this thread? Where is every body (body...ody....dy...)

Anywho, My first 2 weeks back haven't been super focused, so i'm going to add another Phase 1 week(today started week 3). I had to fight to get my workout started today...big energy crash, took a nap and had to guilt trip myself to starting. Thankfully I had already done Ab Ripper X this morning. Chest&Back felt as tough as usual, but i'm just glad i'm actually able to do diamond pushups now...in fact, today i finally touched my chest to my hands.

My biggest worry is getting through this holiday period...my biggest vice around this time of year is comfort food, festive sweets, and being lazy when it's cold(just takes away my will to do anything other than get under the covers).


I took my Day 1 photos (again) and am restarting this, today, now, after I fell off the horse after 21 days last time.



OK so I just started this yesterday so hopefully it all goes well.

Like another member, for chest and back I didn't really feel it with the back and chest that much but it really punished my arms. I guess it's because i'm so weak i'm not using all the muscles yet. Another member posted a link about the body adapting for more effective workouts so it should be good. Also I couldn't do a single chin up so replaced them with dumbbell rows like another member suggested. Might use the bands next week.

Today I did plyometrics. It looks A LOT easier than it is. I went to sit down to eat earlier and had to use gravity to get all the way as my legs were aching too much :lol Getting up stairs causes a fair bit of aching as well. I've almost never squatted before like that in my life. One of the reasons I dropped out of the beginner's regime in the fitness thread is because I wasn't flexible enough to do squats. For some of the later squat exercises I could only do 3 or 4 as my thighs were aching too much. I was gonna call it quits half way for this week but made it to the end.

I'm not doing the diet thing as I don't like the idea of restricting carbs so much; too many bad things said about that kind of diet. But i've made changes in my diet not long ago and adjusted it more just before starting this; I bulk up carbs with vegetables rather than having huge quantities and that seems to work well. I've replaced white bread, rice and pasta with the brown equivelents. I've upped the protein I get and rather than eat carbs for snacks I have nuts. Because of bulking carbs with vegetables, I now get about 8 portions of different fruit and vegetables a day. My skin feels a hell of a lot smoother.

One thing though, when I lift weights my lower back aches. A lot of the time I reach my limit in how many reps I can do not because the targetted areas can't take any more but because the pressure in my back gets too much. I seem to be getting the form right but is there any way of reducing the strain on the back?


ceramic said:
OK so I just started this yesterday so hopefully it all goes well.

Like another member, for chest and back I didn't really feel it with the back and chest that much but it really punished my arms. I guess it's because i'm so weak i'm not using all the muscles yet. Another member posted a link about the body adapting for more effective workouts so it should be good. Also I couldn't do a single chin up so replaced them with dumbbell rows like another member suggested. Might use the bands next week.

Today I did plyometrics. It looks A LOT easier than it is. I went to sit down to eat earlier and had to use gravity to get all the way as my legs were aching too much :lol Getting up stairs causes a fair bit of aching as well. I've almost never squatted before like that in my life. One of the reasons I dropped out of the beginner's regime in the fitness thread is because I wasn't flexible enough to do squats. For some of the later squat exercises I could only do 3 or 4 as my thighs were aching too much. I was gonna call it quits half way for this week but made it to the end.

I'm not doing the diet thing as I don't like the idea of restricting carbs so much; too many bad things said about that kind of diet. But i've made changes in my diet, I bulk up carbs with vegetables now rather than having huge quantities and that seems to work well. I've replaced white bread, rice and pasta with the brown equivelents. I've upped the protein I get and rather than eat carbs for snacks I have nuts.

One thing though, when I lift weights my lower back aches. A lot of the time I reach my limit in how many reps I can do not because the targetted areas can't take any more but because the pressure in my back gets too much. I seem to be getting the form right but is there any way of reducing the strain on the back?

A low carb diet isn't bad for you. Your body can make carbs from fats. It's important to get SOME carbs for most people, but don't worry about cutting down on carbs. Humans are designed for a high protein, high fat, lower carb diet.

I'd recommend replacing the chinups with assisted chinups instead of dumbbell rows. Either use resistance bands, or put a chair next to the chinup bar and support your legs on it (best of all). Dumbbell rows do not work the same muscles, and are not as good for your goals as chinups. I know it's tough, but use assistance and gradually increase difficulty, and you'll be good to go in no time.

As for your lower back, you may be having issues with rounding your back. You want to keep your back in a normal arch (might even want to hyperextend a bit f bending down), and keep your whole core clenched tight around a little air. Make sure your pelvis isn't tilted back due to tight hamstrings. That should reduce back pain.

Yeah , Plyometrics is incredibly tough. When I first did it I laid on the floor gasping for air and then fell asleep. It's an amazing cardio workout.


Saw "This is it" today and out of nowhere I spot Dreya from p90x she only has a few seconds in the movie, she was some sort of pole dancing consultant?!


Alright, so I haven't been to terribly focused with phase two (I missed an entire week, and the others have been slightly spotty). Work has gotten busy, and I've found myself skipping out of kenpo and yoga. I'm planning on really buckling down these last two weeks (1 more + recovery week) so that I can move into phase three with some inertia.

I weighed in for the first time in a few weeks, and I haven't really lost any, which is a bit of dissapointment, but I took some new pictures and I can really see a difference in the size of my stomach.

I'm so goddamn close to doing a pull up, though. I can get half way up unassisted now. and it feels like once I pass that half way point I could make it all the way. My new unassisted pull ups have been good these past few weeks, and I'm about to move into one leg unassisted. With any luck I'll be able to do a one by the end of the program. It will be my first ever!

My biggest worry is getting through this holiday period...my biggest vice around this time of year is comfort food, festive sweets, and being lazy when it's cold(just takes away my will to do anything other than get under the covers).

Haha, I hear ya. I'll be heading home for christmas right after finishing up my first round. December 11th I think is my last day of phase three, and I'm planning on starting up again in January. I'll really have to work at making sure I don't throw everything out the window in favor of christams cookies and whatnot.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I never really stuck to the program exactly anyway, but a few weeks ago I started just doing a few workouts a week. I usually do Chest/Back, Ab Ripper (I keep them on separate days), Shoulders/Arms, Ab Ripper. So 4 light workouts. I'll be throwing in Yoga and Plyo/CardioX/LegsBack against soon.

Even though I'm being lazy with it, I'm still gaining a lot of strength in the weight lifting routines. In Shoulders/Arms, I'm using 30 lb weights on half of the exercises, and I started with 10-15. I've mastered every normal version of Ab Ripper X exercises, except Fifer Scissors. I've started doing some of the advanced versions.

I think these are solid workouts, and I'll be using them for a very long time.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
ceramic said:
OK so I just started this yesterday so hopefully it all goes well.

Like another member, for chest and back I didn't really feel it with the back and chest that much but it really punished my arms. I guess it's because i'm so weak i'm not using all the muscles yet. Another member posted a link about the body adapting for more effective workouts so it should be good. Also I couldn't do a single chin up so replaced them with dumbbell rows like another member suggested. Might use the bands next week.

Yeah, exercises like close grip chinups and dive bomber pushups depend on a lot of secondary muscles that don't get used much at all when sedentary. I can do 30 lbs at 8-10 reps of deep swimmers press, but I'm just now able to do about 8-10 dive bombers. When I started, I could do a single, cheated form of dive bomber.


Been putting it off too long and thinking about starting it up.

I have concerns about diet. My parents cook daily and it's always some kind of meat and vegetables. I want to eat what they cook and eat the same thing daily the rest of the day. As in the same cereal for breakfast for example.


damn love p90x

before I could barely do 1 pullup, now I can do 8 without stopping. This is 45 days into it too.

I can definitely tell a difference in my body too.


p90x is awesome
Already during the second month people started to comment on my weight loss and asking how I did it.

But when I tell then I exersice 7days a week for 3 months they think I'm crazy :lol


mYm|17| said:
damn love p90x

before I could barely do 1 pullup, now I can do 8 without stopping. This is 45 days into it too.

I can definitely tell a difference in my body too.

Dang! you're making good progress with the pull ups. I guess being able to start with one really moves you along. I'm in the first week on the 3rd phase, and I think I should be good to do 1 by the time I finish. I think I screwed up how I was doing assisted pull ups early on, though. I should have just used bands instead of screwing around with chairs and whatnot.

I've been pretty rocky with the program this past few weeks, though. I more or less did nothing for all of my rest week, and then I skipped a week for thanksgiving. Going back in with two weeks off was rough. I'm going to finish out phase 3, though, and then start up again in january. So maybe 2 and a half weeks after I finish. I think the second time through will go better. Looking back I probably could have stood to do straight p90 instead of x, but I think jumping straight into x works well enough. I'll have to see how my 90 day pictures compare to my day zeros.
I've been on the P90x bandwagon for a little while now, in the middle of my first recovery week. Like some of you I haven't been following the diet, and so far haven't noticed weight loss at all, but I do feel noticeably slimmer (my pants are looser).

Was it just me, or is Core Synergistics noticeably tougher than any workout so far? I just about killed me. Also, yoga is a complete bitch, but I am slowly growing to love it. I can now get through the first sequence (30 min or so) without have to rest or skip one of them.


Soakedjunk said:
I've been on the P90x bandwagon for a little while now, in the middle of my first recovery week. Like some of you I haven't been following the diet, and so far haven't noticed weight loss at all, but I do feel noticeably slimmer (my pants are looser).

Was it just me, or is Core Synergistics noticeably tougher than any workout so far? I just about killed me. Also, yoga is a complete bitch, but I am slowly growing to love it. I can now get through the first sequence (30 min or so) without have to rest or skip one of them.

My pants are looser now on me as well and I was a 31 before.

Yoga for the first 50 minutes or so have to be the toughest of all the workouts. With all the plank/downward dog/leg up in the air/runner stance, it's brutal

Yoga/Plyometrics/Core Synergistics are the toughest workouts by far
mYm|17| said:
My pants are looser now on me as well and I was a 31 before.

Yoga for the first 50 minutes or so have to be the toughest of all the workouts. With all the plank/downward dog/leg up in the air/runner stance, it's brutal

Yoga/Plyometrics/Core Synergistics are the toughest workouts by far

Yah, I'd say that's spot on. At the same time though I find myself being able to go further each week. We'll see how phase two goes though, that starts in a couple days.


mYm|17| said:
My pants are looser now on me as well and I was a 31 before.

Yoga for the first 50 minutes or so have to be the toughest of all the workouts. With all the plank/downward dog/leg up in the air/runner stance, it's brutal

Yoga/Plyometrics/Core Synergistics are the toughest workouts by far

I laughed at Yoga being on here before I started doing the program. Never again :lol

After Yoga, chest and back is the hardest for me. It's what I'm best at, but I always want to throw up after doing it. I have to lay down for 10 minutes and recover.
Everyone usually chuckles when I say I'm doing this intense workout and one of the days is yoga. They have NO.IDEA. :lol about 35 minutes into all those yoga moves I kind of let myself fall down from plank for a 1 second rest. Brutal.


So, I'm on phase one week 1 of p90x and I'm thinking about buying some some stuff:

1- Resistance bands
2- p90x recovery formula (after workout drink)
3- whey protein powder
4- protein bars
5- I've heard people talk about omega 3. Looks like beach body has multivitamin capsule supplement.
6- Creatine

I need to know what to buy and from where so I don't waste money. Beachbody has their own versions, and I know their are other probably better brands.

I'm pretty much overweight and unfit. 230 5'10''. Looks like I'm going with the p90x level 3 fat shredder 3,000 calories a day diet.
I lost about 25 pounds with my first run at p90x, which ended about 2 months ago. I haven't added any of the weight back but I definitely miss the feeling of being able to go up several stories worth of stairs and not be out of breath. So I've started again, just in time for the New Year/Semester in uni.

And I almost passed out 2/3 of the way through chest and back :lol

I was able to do all of plyometrics, though. This time I think I'll be much less strict with myself, allowing coffee and beer and all those things I missed out on so much during my first run at P90x. I'm at my ideal weight, I just want to maybe add a bit of muscle and make my abs a bit more firm.

tl;dr version: Anyone else starting this up for the new year? :D


I'm just about to finish up my second week. So far I really like the program but am going about is I guess somewhat lax. I stick to the calender schedule drink the recovery drink and usually have a protein bar for breakfast. Other then that I still go out and drink and eat the occasional fast food.

Even not sticking to everything I have noticed a huge increase in even the second week on the amount I can lift and push ups I can do. It's a rough system but I like it.


Whoa. Just stumbled across this thread. I'd seen it before but from the title I'd assumed it was about a mobile phone or something.

I'm intrigued...

I'm a big guy but in shape (not perfect of course). I play soccer, tennis and do martial arts about 5 times a week. I also go to the gym 5/6 times a week. I guess I'm just striving to be better though. Would people recommend this for folks who're already gym bunnies?


I'll be starting this again next week. I had to stop due to some lower back problems that got worse while doing the Yoga X routine (or at least it was a catalyst). Think I'll skip it this time around.

So, I'm on board for the New year.


just bought p90x online this morning after watching the infomercial. First time I ever bought something from an infomercial before :lol. I am ready to get my act together in terms of getting in shape. Can't wait for it to arrive and to get started. Glad there is a thread here, will be updating as I go. Are pictures of progress allowed? Was thinking of posting pictures after every month.


Hey, haven't seen this thread on the front page for a while.

I took a break for Xmas holidays but am getting back into the thick of it for the winter/early spring.

Hoping to drop another pants size in the next two months.
Tom f"N Cruise said:
fuck guys, like i said on the "stupid questions thread" i jammed my thumb and most likely sprained it.

this means my last 2 weeks are gonna have to wait :(. it feels better already (since Saturday) so hopefully if i dont use it and just ice it i will be back in no time

pray for my speedy recovery fellow 90xers :D
since then my wrist and thumb havent healed up all the way till about november/ december.....gonna jump back on the p90x today as my new years res. this time im gonna take a before and after pic :D
grumble said:
A low carb diet isn't bad for you. Your body can make carbs from fats. It's important to get SOME carbs for most people, but don't worry about cutting down on carbs. Humans are designed for a high protein, high fat, lower carb diet.
Small correction: your body can make glucose, the only required carbohydrate, from amino acids, the molecules that make up proteins. It can't make it from fats, though it does convert some carbohydrate (both glucose and fructose) into fat for storage purposes.


I'm 160lbs with about 5 pounds that I can lose. I'm interested in toning more than bulking. Is P90X right for me?
I just finished reading this thread...I'm getting the regular Power90 and going to do that for my New Year's resolution. Hopefully after 6 months I can bump up to P90X. A question about the meal guide, is it comprehensive or does it just give some tips to follow?

Anyway, thanks for this thread and wish me luck.


I started this yesterday. Actually started with the second day: work is running it at our new fitness center, and I didn't know about the first day. I'm hoping I can stay in it since some guys at work and I have put money on whether we'll finish all 90 days or not.
Just completed my 3rd day and I already feel a difference. First day was a bitch, muscles I haven't worked out in years were finally awake and screaming at me. Second day was even worse. Plyometrics, which consist mostly of squat exercises, was just fucking brutal. My thighs were burning after 15 minutes and I had to keep stopping every 10 minutes just to rub out the burn. Third day was a lot better though. Had more energy and I was fighting for every rep. Ab Ripper X is a bitch though. I'm having form issues but making due and still attempting to finish the exercises. I'm hoping to have better form once my legs are stronger.

koam said:
I'm 160lbs with about 5 pounds that I can lose. I'm interested in toning more than bulking. Is P90X right for me?

P90X is fine. The videos/books tell you to increase your reps if you want to tone. For mass, you decrease your reps. Just a warning though, this program will test you to the limit. You'll probably come close to puking the first couple days if you haven't already done so.

If you do decide to do the workouts, take the first week slowly and don't follow the pace of the videos. I made that mistake the first day and had a hard time completing it. Set a low rep goal and stick to it. Why low rep? Because you're going to do most of the exercises twice and the workouts last for an hour!

Also, don't forget to eat. Most likely you're going to have to start eating more since you're body will be burning a ton of calories during the workouts.


All the Christmas food and sugar candy made me feel kinda icky.

Going to start a second round of P90X next week.


just got mine in today. I read through the nutrition guide and fitness guide. I'll be starting on Monday the 11th. Anybody want to join me and start on the 11th for some support? :D I've decided to do the the classic and the portion plan because It will just fit my schedule better, although it does look a little daunting, I never even cared how many calories are in what before. Oh well, I'm excited to get started. :D Still have to take my before pictures and the fitness test, maybe I'll do that Sat or Sunday.
jey_16 said:
what extra equipment do you need for this? i'm more interested in bulking up since i'm quite thin

All I'm using are 2 bands(30lb and 40lb) I bought at Sports Authority($7-8 each), handles for the bands (buy them at beachbody.com), and a yoga mat I had laying around. Also, a roll of masking tape that I use as a stopper so that I can do the pull-ups. If you wan't to bulk, get a heavier band and go with lower reps. I suggest also getting a light band because the triceps exercises can be a challenge with heavy weights. Also, you can increase the resistance of the bands by reducing their length(vids show you how).

You can also go with dumbbells, but that can be expensive considering you'll need pairs of varying weights.

Anyway, just completed day 5 and I feel fucking great. I also started to up my protein intake and drop my carb intake. Also, Yoga X is fucking amazing. All that stretching really helped me with my form issues. I was able to do Ab Ripper X today without the leg stiffness I had when I first did Ab Ripper X.


Is it essential to use the protein shake and protein bars to get good results? I can't buy them from the beachbody website since I don't live in the US. And I am not really sure what I should use as a subsitute, I have seen protein formula in shops around here but it is so expensive!


Finally got back to P90X after 3 weeks of holiday bingeing. Finished one and a half round before the holidays, and I was surprised that family members remarked how bulky I look now, considering that my weight actually stays the same :D My goal now is to get more mass (will be drinking lots and lots of milk for this) and improve my stamina. One bad news is that I somehow developed a wrist injury during the holidays. Yoga now becomes painful, and I have to use my fist on push ups :( Will be seeing a doctor next week though, and hopefully everything can go back to normal.

D23 said:
r you guys doing lean or classic?
I'm doing classic, since my goal in the first place was to increase mass as I was very thin.

zankara said:
Is it essential to use the protein shake and protein bars to get good results? I can't buy them from the beachbody website since I don't live in the US. And I am not really sure what I should use as a subsitute, I have seen protein formula in shops around here but it is so expensive!
I use protein shakes, though not beachbody's, and I don't use any protein bars. 2kg powder is around C$30-40 here. I never tried going without shakes, but I think you can substitute it with high protein foods like meats, fish, or milk, and you'll still get good results. One rule of thumb that's often mentioned is to take around 1g of protein for every lb of your body weight.


i can vouch for this program. i am halfway through the 90 days for the second time in a row, and the difference between now and when i started is night and day.

just want to encourage the people who just started and tell them to stick with it. don't worry about the amount of reps on the videos, those guys have been doing it for years. just focus on your from and pushing yourself to your maximum.

personally i am trying to keep doing cycles of this until summer time with no break. so far i skipped 6 days due to lack of time. let's get some more encouragement and tips in this thread.


akenatone said:
i can vouch for this program. i am halfway through the 90 days for the second time in a row, and the difference between now and when i started is night and day.

just want to encourage the people who just started and tell them to stick with it. don't worry about the amount of reps on the videos, those guys have been doing it for years. just focus on your from and pushing yourself to your maximum.

personally i am trying to keep doing cycles of this until summer time with no break. so far i skipped 6 days due to lack of time. let's get some more encouragement and tips in this thread.

thanks for your advice on the reps. I'll be starting tomorrow, I have my food all set up for tomorrow. I was wondering about different weights. I only have 15 pound dumbbells and was wondering if I should get another set maybe 20-25 pounds. Should I start out kind of easy on the weights or should I go heavy(for me) from the beginning?


go through the first week with what you have. get used to to moves, get the form down and see what you can and can't handle. 15lb might be enough for the triceps exercises but won't cut it for the biceps. feel it out, if you can do the last exercises easily (as much reps as the videos) with your 15s then get heavier stuff.

like i said it's all about you, your body will tell you when you can't do more reps or when it's time to upgrade the equipment. just don't quit.


Did my first session of the year today.
Feels good man :D

Going to do a soft warm up with Yoga, Kenpo and Stretch and then jump into the regular program mid week :p
Ab ripper + Plyometrics + Ab ripper = FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU


Glad to see this thread is still going.

My body feels like of beat up at the moment, I don't know what's going on. I'm in week 2 of phase 3 of my second cycle (crazy what i just typed, lol). I did chest/shoulders/triceps (and ab ripper x), and it kicked my ass. I'm convinced i have an inferior body, but i'll spare y'all the bitching. I'm trying to give these last couple of weeks my absolute all. My birthday is 2 weeks from tomorrow(it lands on Plyo day, figures, lol), and after this cycle, I plan to do my own thing for the following 3 months (with some P90X stuff thrown in occasionally like Plyo, Kenpo, maybe Yoga), before returning to P90X just before summer hits.

Here's a couple of quick post workout webcam pics...kinda dark, my wall light is out and i didn't feel like setting up the floor lamp. I'm gonna take some proper pics on or around my birthday as a reference point for my next goal.



I got my stuff, i need a pull up bar though i guess I could just use the one at the gym.

Is it just me or did they not proof read the booklets at all? There's typos on almost every sentence.


Well I've started on my diet. And now after work I'm gonna start on the exercises. We'll see how this goes, it's going to kick my ass I have a feeling :lol


My first session kind of trailed off as the holidays and the end of semester crunch hit. But I'm going to be starting up my second session either this week or the next. I'm thinking this session will go a lot better now that I know what i'm doing. I'm looking forward to it.


Holy crap that just kicked my ass. I could only get halfway through the abripper exercises before i felt like I was going to throw up haha


Can't say I have any experience outside of the Ab Ripper X video. I guess it's alright. My fitness club at work goes through a circuit then finishes off with that video on Friday. Like I said it's good and my abs feel pretty good afterwards but I just don't find it that challenging. I guess it doesn't help I've been working out at least 3 times a week for like 7 years now.

However from all the stories in this thread it looks like it's a solid foundation for those less experienced with physical fitness
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