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What's this P90X workout stuff?


Neo Member
What's up GAF? Finally got my account validated, been a long time lurker.

The gf's cousin has P90x, so we've been doing it with him for the past two weeks (on and off, not every day). I've got my own set of the videos now, so I'm gonna start doing it seriously too.

What do you suggest, GAF? Start on week two? Wait til Sunday to start all over? Or start a new 90 days starting today?


lachesis said:
I'm in a world o' pain today... can't barely lift nor stretch my arm at all. I did all the jumping and my legs/hamstrings are relatively okay - but the first day's muscle soreness is killing me, especially my right arm.

I think today's a wall-squat day, so I'm not sure how much of arm muscle I"d be using it... I'll probably tough it out and just force myself doing everything I can, but I just hope this isn't going to be the case for the rest of 90 days. LOL...

it will go away after Yoga X and then it doesnt get nearly as bad once you are used to it a bit. I couldnt sleep for a few days after starting because every time i'd move in my sleep i'd wake up from the pain


gcubed said:
it will go away after Yoga X and then it doesnt get nearly as bad once you are used to it a bit. I couldnt sleep for a few days after starting because every time i'd move in my sleep i'd wake up from the pain

I hope that's the case. Usually, I'd give up at this point, but I'm determined to get through with this, to the end, as far as I can do. I really would like to do Yoga X today.. :lol

It somehow feels like quitting smoking. My first attempt lasted about a month, but I finally gave in.. along with tremendous amount of self-guilt. My 2nd attempt only lasted a week, becuase I was used to the fact I was going to give in. My 3rd time, didn't even last a day. :(

If I quit now, I'll probably feel the same way... I'll probably never lift a weight in my life, so it feels like I "have to", not "should do".


lachesis said:
I hope that's the case. Usually, I'd give up at this point, but I'm determined to get through with this, to the end, as far as I can do. I really would like to do Yoga X today.. :lol

It somehow feels like quitting smoking. My first attempt lasted about a month, but I finally gave in.. along with tremendous amount of self-guilt. My 2nd attempt only lasted a week, becuase I was used to the fact I was going to give in. My 3rd time, didn't even last a day. :(

If I quit now, I'll probably feel the same way... I'll probably never lift a weight in my life, so it feels like I "have to", not "should do".

this is my 2nd attempt and i've made it further then my first attempt (i recently finished week 2, like you are saying, i never made it past the pain in the first week)... now that i'm past the intense pain and into a relatively consistent schedule its much easier to muster up the energy to do the workouts
f-castrillo said:
What's up GAF? Finally got my account validated, been a long time lurker.

The gf's cousin has P90x, so we've been doing it with him for the past two weeks (on and off, not every day). I've got my own set of the videos now, so I'm gonna start doing it seriously too.

What do you suggest, GAF? Start on week two? Wait til Sunday to start all over? Or start a new 90 days starting today?

Start from day 1. You could start today if you want to, but if you're going to have trouble with tracking the days, you may want to start on Monday. Just do a few of the moves this week in order to get used to it.


I am starting this up again on Sunday. Hopefully I can finish this time. I hurt my back in phase 2 last time, and I guess I've been a lazy ass since then. Wish me luck!


Neo Member
Masta_Killah said:
Start from day 1. You could start today if you want to, but if you're going to have trouble with tracking the days, you may want to start on Monday. Just do a few of the moves this week in order to get used to it.
I'll probably just end up doing that. Something about having the rest/X-Stretch day on a Sunday just feels fitting. I wanted to start tonight, but I figured the rest/stretch day would fall on a weekday, rather than a weekend.

Do you guys use the protein shakes? I was thinking of just getting one of those whey-protein heavy drinks from Jamba Juice for now lol. Or does anyone have a jar of whey protein that they mix into something?


I did a full cycle of it last year, lost a good 12 pounds and it was great. Then I started drinking soda again, gained back 5, haha. I'm doing it now, but not as consistent as before. I did plyometrics last night and I forgot how much it hurts, haha. For everyone starting though, stick with it and the pain goes away. I love P90X.


Neo Member
Just did a trial of Yoga X today, even though I start this Monday. Wednesday would've been the normal Yoga X day, so I decided to see what it was like. Words can't describe how brutal this is to a beginner like me. I thought "psh, yoga". For the entire set, my body was crying. Warrior 1, 2, and 3, oh man oh God oh man oh God.

After finishing up and taking a contrast shower (hot-cold-hot-cold), I feel good. May or may not test out the remaining days. I'll try out X Stretch on Sunday for sure, but not sure if I want to do the Legs & Back/Ab Ripper X or Kenpo before I even start counting days towards 90.

I should probably eat something very protein-y now.


Cubsfan23 said:
Seems like overkill to me. just do standard home exercises and yoga and you're set.

Perhaps. Then again I'm in the middle of my second week. So I'll wait until I'm done before passing judgment. I'm actually gaining muscle weight, I barely had any fat on me to begin with.

I did skip plyometrics yesterday because I was sick as a dog. I even felt guilty about it though :lol
I always wonder if the reason I find it easy to build muscle is because I already eat way more protein than is normal... I mean when I was a kid meat was all I would eat and now my body never really seems satisfied unless I've eaten some chicken, pork or beef (or whatever else I've got but it's usually chicken or turkey).

The high amounts of protein they recommend in the guide is a downgrade in comparison.


Just did my last chest/tri/shoulder excercise for this 3rd phase. I am almost done................thank the lord.

Ever since I got back from Christmas, it has been hard to do any of this p90x stuff


Neo Member
mYm|17| said:
Just did my last chest/tri/shoulder excercise for this 3rd phase. I am almost done................thank the lord.

Ever since I got back from Christmas, it has been hard to do any of this p90x stuff
Better than doing p90x during the holidays, I'm sure. It would be near impossible to try and say "no" to all of the food available during Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year


So I've got the P90x workout videos and this seems to be done with barely any equipment besides yourself, some dumbbells and a pullup bar, which is cool.

On the first chest video when they begin doing the exercises how many reps are you supposed to do for each exercise, or is it as many as possible in one minute? I don't really get it.
-viper- said:
So I've got the P90x workout videos and this seems to be done with barely any equipment besides yourself, some dumbbells and a pullup bar, which is cool.

On the first chest video when they begin doing the exercises how many reps are you supposed to do for each exercise, or is it as many as possible in one minute? I don't really get it.

Shoot for 8-10(to build mass) or 12-15(for toning) reps. The only time you go over that is when doing ab ripper x(all moves are 25+ reps). Also, you should feel the burn 3-5 reps before you hit the end. If you aren't, then either get heavier weights, or increase the reps.

Also, it's perfectly okay to fall short of your rep count. Just make sure to write it down in your worksheet and try to improve on it next time.


Masta_Killah said:
Shoot for 8-10(to build mass) or 12-15(for toning) reps. The only time you go over that is when doing ab ripper x(all moves are 25+ reps). Also, you should feel the burn 3-5 reps before you hit the end. If you aren't, then either get heavier weights, or increase the reps.

Also, it's perfectly okay to fall short of your rep count. Just make sure to write it down in your worksheet and try to improve on it next time.
The chest video shows them doing pushups. 12 for pushups? I can do 50-60 before getting tired. I just noticed in the video they're doing 30. Is that an okay number?

Also, how many lbs should each dumbbell be (for the excercises requiring weights)? And do I need resistance bands?


-viper- said:
The chest video shows them doing pushups. 12 for pushups? I can do 50-60 before getting tired.

Also, how many lbs should each dumbbell be?

dumbells should be enough for you to be hurting after 8-10 if you want to build muscle, 12-15 if you want to go lean. If you arent struggling to finish 8-10 you should up your weight until you do.

Pushups, you do as many as you can in the time they allow. tell yourself how many you think you can do and try to get there.


gcubed said:
dumbells should be enough for you to be hurting after 8-10 if you want to build muscle, 12-15 if you want to go lean. If you arent struggling to finish 8-10 you should up your weight until you do.

Pushups, you do as many as you can in the time they allow. tell yourself how many you think you can do and try to get there.
The weights I got go up to 33lbs (15kg) per arm. That okay?

I'm fairly lean, but I'd consider my fitness terrible (stamina wise). Looking to add muscle and improve fitness. But just wondering what weight I should ideally be lifting :p


-viper- said:
The weights I got go up to 33lbs (15kg) per arm. That okay?

I'm fairly lean, but I'd consider my fitness terrible (stamina wise). Looking to add muscle and improve fitness. But just wondering what weight I should ideally be lifting :p

i have a set up to 25lbs and i didnt really start with too much muscle and in the beginning i was maxing at 20 or so... the do enough reps that by the time you are done you can't lift your arms... i think the max they use in the videos is 45's and thats them after numerous run throughs.


im on week 2 right now and im loving it. did chest and back and ab ripper x, both still kick my ass!! i see some improvement with ab ripper x, and i definitely still cant do diamond pushup!!!

can anyone here recommend me a good (cheap if possible)) whey protein?


D23 said:
im on week 2 right now and im loving it. did chest and back and ab ripper x, both still kick my ass!! i see some improvement with ab ripper x, and i definitely still cant do diamond pushup!!!

can anyone here recommend me a good (cheap if possible)) whey protein?

In time, you will do them like nothing, trust me.
-viper- said:
The chest video shows them doing pushups. 12 for pushups? I can do 50-60 before getting tired. I just noticed in the video they're doing 30. Is that an okay number?

Also, how many lbs should each dumbbell be (for the excercises requiring weights)? And do I need resistance bands?

If you want to go for 30, go for it. Just remember that there are 6 different types of push ups you must perform. On top of that, you're going to have to do the push ups twice.

The dumbbells should be heavy enough to where you struggle between 8-20 reps. You should get various weights, or you can be like me and get two bands which does all the work(you can increase the resistance of bands by shortening their length). The bands are only necessary if you don't have a chin up bar. If you have that and the weights, you don't really need the bands.

Just finished arm/shoulder week 3 and I was finally able to do laying down triceps extension fully extended. Did 30 total, which is a huge improvement of only 10(of which I was barely able to get off the ground).


I'm still warming up with my own techniques and plans but I did buy the bar and I've done two of them (real hard time doing ab ripper x though). I've also dramatically improved my diet. I'm farting like a champ :lol


Well, I'm not sure how much weight I lost - probably the same as I've only done it for 3 days now, maybe a couple lbs less than normal... though I can see that my man-boobs (LOL) has shrunk down, and stomach is much flatter now. I guess since the muscle weighs 3times more than fat, maybe that's the reason that my weight isn't drastically different now... but my scal is so inconsistent that I can't never tell exactly how much I weigh. Sometimes I go over 180lb, and sometimes it shows I"m 170lb when I step on it 2nd time! LOL... maybe I should get a new scale to be sure. I can feel a little tiny muscle bulging up in my bicep/tricep area.... My wife tells me that I look leaner already! :D

I did shoulder and arm with dumbbell yesterday - Since it was my first time doing any sort of weight training, I'm going in easy with just measly 8lbs, doing 15+ reps for toning, mostly. I'm not looking too much of bulk muscle, but even so, the weight might be a little too little, except some of the 16rep moves... so I'm thinking going for something heavier, maybe around 12-15 lbs. (I'm sure some of you are going for 25lb+ weights... I envy your strength.)

Only thing that I couldn't really do was the one-arm side push-ups. I was just really awe-struck when I saw them all doing 15 reps or so. Damn!

Then after that, Ab Ripper X came in. I was pretty much a sitting duck again, like first day, for nearly entire duration. I simply don't have any ab strength to keep the balance in some moves to begin with... :( So I just did some sit-ups during that time, just hoping it would help me build up some ab strength for the future.

My arm still hurts, but not as bad as yesterday. Today's finally the Yoga X day, so I can stretch my sore muscles... finally! :D


Neo Member
LCfiner said:
right angle pose, twist and grab.

mother F*CKER.
Now that you mention it, that was probably worse than Warrior 3. My legs were spent halfway through the exercise, so much of it was pretty bad. I can't wait to do this, I couldn't even do the grab under the thigh and over the back :lol


f-castrillo said:
Now that you mention it, that was probably worse than Warrior 3. My legs were spent halfway through the exercise, so much of it was pretty bad. I can't wait to do this, I couldn't even do the grab under the thigh and over the back :lol

When I started this at the end of July, I couldn't even get close to having the fingers touch. Not even close. at least 4 - 6 inches apart behind my back

Now, I can sorta get my fingertips to touch, but only when I do it from one side. progress!

More than any other routine (well, maybe plyo) I am so glad i can do yoga in the privacy of my own home. Seeing a big 6'3" mofo like myself twist and contort and bend like this in a gym class would be awful to watch.

shit just ain't nachul!


Neo Member
I was always within an inch or two of touching. I could make a big strain and touch for like two seconds, but my belly and thigh fat always broke my grip on them. I blame my arm length :D
What about the diet (yes I know it's not a diet!), the guide recommending you to eat swordfish is just stupid. There's no way I can afford to buy half of the stuff on the list.


Neo Member
Can anyone recommend a good substitute for the recovery drink? I'm gonna go buy them at WalMart tonight, but Google isn't giving me a sure answer. Whey protein? Creatine? Both?


Napoleonthechimp said:
What about the diet (yes I know it's not a diet!), the guide recommending you to eat swordfish is just stupid. There's no way I can afford to buy half of the stuff on the list.

portion approach to meals is the way to go if you have limited time for cooking or don’t want to follow their recipes.

the guidebook goes into detail.
Napoleonthechimp said:
What about the diet (yes I know it's not a diet!), the guide recommending you to eat swordfish is just stupid. There's no way I can afford to buy half of the stuff on the list.

The diet in the book is basically a high protein, low fat/carb diet. Basically, eat a lot of lean meat like chicken and fish, and cut out carbs as much as possible. No juice, bread, beans, fruits(you're allowed basically 1 portion) and rice.


f-castrillo said:
Can anyone recommend a good substitute for the recovery drink? I'm gonna go buy them at WalMart tonight, but Google isn't giving me a sure answer. Whey protein? Creatine? Both?

I use Endurox R4 as my post-workout recovery drink. It's simply a recovery drink, not a protein supplement. It has 4:1 carbs:protein ratio. But it works wonders for soreness and muscle growth. Really does! oh it also tastes great.. i seriously crave it after the workout.

Then there's also whey protein supplement. I drink this only when I feel like I haven't eaten enough protein from actual foods for the day. If I've gotten enough protein from my meals, then I don't drink it. It doesn't taste as good..

endurox: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00029F5M2/?tag=neogaf0e-20
whey protein: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00024D7ZO/?tag=neogaf0e-20


Neo Member
I was on a budget, so I got the Six Star Whey Protein from WalMart. Taste aside (still haven't tried it, probably won't til Monday), it can't be that different from the $50+ formulas everywhere else.

I still need to buy the Iron Gym Extreme pullup bar... I almost bought the Gold's Gym bar for $20, but I don't think it allows for enough positions (i.e. no wide grip) P90X demands, right? I'm kinda still debating pullup bar vs. resistance bands w/ door attachment. Then I still gotta buy those pushup handlebar looking things, then I'm all set.:D
Going out of town this weekend so I decided to do back/legs, ab ripper x, and kenpo x today. Just finished and I am wiped. At least my muscles will have a nice 2 day break before I start week 4 and go into cardio mode.

I also bought a scale last night and weighed myself for the first time since Sept/Oct.. Last time I weighed myself, I was at around 210 lbs. Last night, I was at 198 lbs and this morning I was at ~185 lbs(empty stomach). My chest and gut have gotten smaller as well. The biggest change is my face. I no longer look puffy. :lol Pretty good results considering I've only done p90x for less then a month. :D


Neo Member
Got the Iron Gym Extreme at Target today. I'm reading through the Fitness Guide, and after reading the Yoga X section, as well as having done Yoga X the other day, I realized I probably need yoga blocks. I can't touch the floor to support myself for shit :lol

I'm considering a Sunday start, since I'm usually out Saturday evenings. But part of me still wants to have Sunday as the rest day, it being Sunday, sabbath, etc. I'm excited to start though, hope that energy stays with me throughout it all!


My friend told me about this yesterday... she said P90X and I thought it was some sort of workout machine or pc program.

I'm ordering it via Amazon... I'll have to check youtube for some progress vids


I ordered a new set of bands. When I ordered my last set, I didn't realize which weight set I was getting. Ha. Yeah. No. ;) Also ordered that recovery drink formula/whey protein linked a few posts up.

We'll see how this all goes when I start again.


Neo Member
Mid-action report, day one.


My arms feel like they're going to fall off. I'm not feeling Ab Ripper X as badly as I am the shoulders/back right now...then again, Ab Ripper X is only 16 minutes. Not to say it wasn't tough - there were several times where I had to stop on the trek to 25 reps. But the aftermath isn't so bad right now for my midsection as it is for my shoulders.

And that Six Star Premium Whey Protein tastes really good actually. They say it's French Vanilla flavor, but it's more like good old fashioned vanilla IMO.

Any of you guys try contrast (hot -> cold -> hot -> cold -> hot -> cold) showers? It really relieves that post-workout muscle tightness. The theory is that the hot water will increase bloodflow to the extremities, then the cold water will pull the blood back to your core, taking along the lactic acid that built up during the workout and causes the muscle tightness.

I feel devastated, but excited to try the next sessions at the same time :D


I'm actually eating whey protein as is, in powder form. I know, I know - but this chocolate thing doesn't really taste too terrible - it reminds me of this powder milk. Can't hardly talk when I have a spoonful of this stuff - like having too much of peanut butter in my mouth!

My daughter is terribly afraid of the sound of motors (like blender), so I have no choice but doing this... :lol


A friend of mine passed p90x down to me. I've never watched it let alone try it. This thread seems motivational so maybe I'll start it soon.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
lachesis said:
I'm actually eating whey protein as is, in powder form. I know, I know - but this chocolate thing doesn't really taste too terrible - it reminds me of this powder milk. Can't hardly talk when I have a spoonful of this stuff - like having too much of peanut butter in my mouth!

My daughter is terribly afraid of the sound of motors (like blender), so I have no choice but doing this... :lol
Why not try mixing it with milk (or soy milk)? You don't need a blender. I use this kind — it tastes great and blends well with just a little bit of stirring.
P90X is freaking amazing. I almost can't believe this - I've been trying to start working out for years now, and I finally manned up and got these DVDs. I figured, what the heck, there's nothing to lose. Well, miraculously, I've stuck with them for a whole week and, HOLY HELL, I'm in better shape than I've really ever been in (which isn't saying much, but still). I went from not being able to even hold myself on the pullup bar (much less pull myself up) to actually doing 2-3 of them in a row, unassisted. I can also clear a good 20 pushups (normal kinds) in rapid succession where I could do 5 on a good day before.

The stretching is the best part though - every time I've tried working out before, I've never stretched, overextended something, and stopped because of the pain. But this stretching feels great and leaves me feeling great - I even have better posture now that my entire muscular structure isn't quite so tight. Yoga X was painful though - I even had trouble with Warrior 1 and 2 when I first started, though I got better as I loosened up a bit throughout the workout. I'm really not flexible at all. Kenpo X was also nice. A good change of pace.

I enjoyed my stretch / rest today, but tomorrow, it's right back into it.

Oh, almost forgot to mention quite possible the greatest thing that's happened since I started - my insomnia is basically gone. I can fall asleep again because I'm so tired from these workouts (which I do in the evening), where before I didn't move around much then had trouble sleeping.
Now just have to stick with it ... hopefully this will be the one that gets me into a good routine so I can get in shape and stay there.


Since I didn't receive my pull-up bar in time for last week I did the exercises in the rest week (week 4) to prepare myself, and it went really well – I already feel a lot better! Yoga X was quite hard, but I'm glad I managed to pull through. Half-Moon Pose is a long ways off, though. :lol I've also followed the diet pretty closely and had no major problems with it; I've gotten used to salads and shakes by now. There's a noticeable difference in my energy levels, too; I have no problems getting up early to do the exercises; and I've slept better as well. These changes kinda surprised me since it was only my starting week, but they are awesome nonetheless. :D

So I got the pull-up bar towards the end of the week and discovered that I cannot even begin to do a pull-up, but a chair did the trick, though it still kicks my ass. My very first Chest & Back went quite well today, although I could only do a few reps of each in round 2... Ab Ripper X wasn't as hard as I had expected (still damn hard, though), and I thank my warm-up week for that. Looking forward to see what plyometrics is all about tomorrow.


Yonn said:
Since I didn't receive my pull-up bar in time for last week I did the exercises in the rest week (week 4) to prepare myself, and it went really well – I already feel a lot better! Yoga X was quite hard, but I'm glad I managed to pull through. Half-Moon Pose is a long ways off, though. :lol I've also followed the diet pretty closely and had no major problems with it; I've gotten used to salads and shakes by now. There's a noticeable difference in my energy levels, too; I have no problems getting up early to do the exercises; and I've slept better as well. These changes kinda surprised me since it was only my starting week, but they are awesome nonetheless. :D

So I got the pull-up bar towards the end of the week and discovered that I cannot even begin to do a pull-up, but a chair did the trick, though it still kicks my ass. My very first Chest & Back went quite well today, although I could only do a few reps of each in round 2... Ab Ripper X wasn't as hard as I had expected (still damn hard, though), and I thank my warm-up week for that. Looking forward to see what plyometrics is all about tomorrow.

That was me to at first, but after a few times of doing pullups, you will get used to it.
I would try and do a pullup while I was watching tv cause the pullup bar was right near my tv. Now I can do 10 wide grip pullups without stopping when I really try.

This is my last week for 3rd cycle and then I am taking a week or two off before I start up again. I think the next time I try it, I am not going to do all the exercises everyday.
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