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What's this P90X workout stuff?


Welcome to the fold, Kinitari :)

Yeah the first week can be quite a shock. As people have stated, modify, modify, modify. And if you need to pause the DVD, then do it, especially when you do Plyometrics(hell, even Tony has to take a mini-pause at one point).

Remember that with Ab Ripper X, it's not just abs, it's core, so it's also the hip flexors/upper thighs. I remember my first week doing my first Ab Ripper X and then my first Plyometrics, and then having to go out(it was 4th of July), and I couldn't stand up straight fully without really feeling it in my upper quads.

Log in your performance in the worksheets, or just jot it down on your own...you will be surprised at your progress. There's the Clap or Plyo pushup exercise that is in Phase 2...the first week, i was so beat from the previous chest/tricep exercises that i could only do 10 knee pushups...then i did 8 knee pushups, 3 of them with a clap, then again the next time, then back up to 10 knee pushups with 4 claps, and then just last friday i did 10 full knee clap pushups. I'm hoping that when I do my next P90X cycle, i'll be able to start doing some regular clap pushups.

That said, don't freak out if sometimes you can't do more than what you did last week, or you do a bit less...as they keep saying, "Do your best and forget the rest".


Kinitari said:
Thanks for the encouraging words.

Quick question though, I am doing the 'normal' regiment, and I assume that is the best for my body type and my goal (Currently 145lb at 6 foot, looking to gain a bit of bulk, but nothing too extreme, some weight would be nice, 160 at least) - I need to consume a lot of calories I am assuming. This morning I went to the grocery store and bought a lot of fruit, and I am actually about to dive into a Mango - my question is... are there any modifications/special diets I should be following for my particular body type and goal? I feel like I should be eating a LOT more than I already do, but I don't know if I am going to get enough calories from fruits and nuts and fish, but I know carbs are a biiig nono ( =( pasta). Any advice?

There's nothing wrong with carbs on a musclebuilding program, as long as they aren't refined. You only want refined carbs right after a workout (which is what the P90X recovery drink is, sugar and a little protein). you'll find it a challenge to eat enough food without any carbs, one which you don't need as you're quite underweight. If I were you, I'd actually aim for 165 if you want to be thin at six feet.

To reiterate some of the fitness thread info, you'll have to eat more than three times a day. It's just too hard to get the amount of food in with three meals and no snacks. As you are planning on gaining weight, you can eat (and should eat) significantly more than the diet guide says. Try eating what that guide says and also drinking a gallon of milk a day (look up GOMAD on google). It works really well. REALLY well.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Kinitari said:
I just... did my first p90x workout.

Before I get into that, let me tell you about how I decided to do it. Yesterday (or was it the day before?) I posted in the get fit thread, and someone suggested I look into P90x. Anyway, last night I met up with some work buddies who all went out and got the DVD's and equipment a few weeks back - one of the guys was pussying out, and told me I could borrow his crap - he even made a bet (loser picks up bar tab) that I wouldn't last as long as he did (3 weeks). Anyway, I thought I could do it absolutely no problem, and I finished my first day about 30 minutes ago.


Holy fuck. Ho-Lee-Fak. A minute ago I tried to get up, and I almost felt like throwing up. My whole body was even shaking for a minute or two a little while ago. My hips hurt, and I don't even know why. Lifting my arms to the keyboard took so much effort I feel ashamed. How the fuck am I supposed to do this for 3 weeks? I read in this thread people keep saying it gets easier - but I have no idea how I am supposed to get better at this. I couldn't even DO all the exercises properly, halfway through I had to start doing girl-pushups, in the last 10minutes I was lucky if I could do 5 of anything. And don't even get me started on this AbRipper crap, I was about to give myself a hernia.

I am definitely going to keep this up for 3 weeks, as I am a poor/cheap bastard and I refuse to pick up a bar tab, so really this is me just bitching. But goddamn.... goddamn.

Brace yourself for Plyometrics. It was by far the hardest workout for me the first week. I was pausing and panting so hard on the floor that it sounded like asthma. You'll want to pause between every workout.

Like people have said, modify/cheat like crazy. The objective is not to keep up with the ridiculously fit people on the video. It is to make gains. You do that by pushing yourself to where you need to be to make gains.

If Plyometrics is too hard, try CardioX instead.

Quitting 3 weeks in doesn't make sense. By then he should have been increasing weights and doing more reps without breathing as hard and getting as sore. Sounds like he had a really bad diet, or wasn't getting enough sleep.

I highly recommend recording what you did, like Tony says 500 times:

Excel makes it very easy to track results. I'm surprised it didn't come with the program.


So I'm thinking of jumping in. Like many of you here, I can't get to the gym and just want to get in shape. I'm pretty thin though, and not looking to lose any weight. I'm 25yo, around 5'8'', and weigh in at a very lean 130lbs. How's your progress going TS?
FUCK bands. I was doing the pull up segments on bands and thought I was doing great... That is until I bought the Gold's Gym Pull Up Bar & Perfect Push Up set... I can barely do three. Fuck!


Crap, I just started this past Monday and completely forgot to do Ab Ripper X for the first and third workout sessions. Can I make them up later, or just forget it until Day 8?
izakq said:
Crap, I just started this past Monday and completely forgot to do Ab Ripper X for the first and third workout sessions. Can I make them up later, or just forget it until Day 8?

Forget "make-ups".

Just do it on your next scheduled day.


Black Canada Mafia
Welp, time for day 3 of my work outs (I had to take my rest day early as I had an entire day booked) - fuck Pylo. Fuck it up the ass, that shit was not cool the jumping squat shit nearly made me pass out.

Like a lot of you said, I have been eating a lot, trying for about 5 meals a day, and throwing in whatever I could into the mix, while staying away from the really bad stuff (although I am going to HAVE to treat myself from time to time), I'm glad I don't have to stay away from carbs.

Today is shoulders and arms/abripper again. I imagine shoulders and arms are much like chest and back, and after Pylo that doesn't seem so bad. What I am terrified of is abripper again.

Also... I am pretty sure it's entirely my imagination, as there is no way I should be seeing results already, but when I feel my pecs/biceps, they feel firmer - like I am half-flexing them, but I don't think I am. But like I said, it's probably my imagination/desire to see results even when there is no way for it to happen so quick. I have been keeping track of my reps and took pictures as well, I agree excel is amazing. Anyway, time to start day 3 :(.
Dammit. I went to a wedding this weekend and completely went crazy with my diet. Last friday I was making it through workouts with a lot of motivation... this week it took me two days to get through plyo. First night was "i am not ready yet" haha. Really is insane how much a weekend of being off it can hurt you


Kinitari said:
Today is shoulders and arms/abripper again. I imagine shoulders and arms are much like chest and back, and after Pylo that doesn't seem so bad. What I am terrified of is abripper again.

I tend to do ab ripper at the start instead of the end when I'm wasted. I do the warm up with them then cut to ab ripper then into the shoulders/arms or whatever.

Also with abripper I've had some success just focusing on doing a set number of each move. So start with 10 or so of each instead of killing yourself doing 25 of the first few.

I think the trick with shoulders and arms (unlike chest and back) is to not pace yourself. Pay attention to the weights so you can adjust for the second round, but don't ever go lighter or less reps as a means of saving up for the end.


Neo Member
I absolutely agree. Muscle confusion is the key here...

I have the system, but have yet to begin it. Hopefully will next month.
Man, does anyone actually do the X stretch during recovery week? I find it to be a real waste of time. I'm thinking of just taking it off, stupid stretch video.
Freedom = $1.05 said:
Man, does anyone actually do the X stretch during recovery week? I find it to be a real waste of time. I'm thinking of just taking it off, stupid stretch video.

I do X Stretch, but ONLY during Recovery Week.

I never do it on my 7th day as the option.


Guess I'll get on the hype train.

Week 2 of P90x, Day 1 and it's depressing how week I am. Most of these moves on the Chest and Back I'm going easy on the first run around, thinking I'm saving for the second set but once it comes around I'm drained and have to cheat from the first rep! Other times my reps for even the first set are pretty low. Will this get better or will I just have to suck it up and do maximum reps on both sets (even though that means I'll have to cheat more)?

Also, I try following the dietary guide but I don't think the number of servings correlates with the number of calories I'm getting. It seems like I'm still pretty short of the calories I need once I finish all my servings. Is this normal? How should I get the calories? Would I still gain muscle if I get less calories than I need?


Freedom = $1.05 said:
Man, does anyone actually do the X stretch during recovery week? I find it to be a real waste of time. I'm thinking of just taking it off, stupid stretch video.

I like the X Stretch. I used to have some lower back problems from tight hip flexors, and this made them go away. It also makes you feel really good and reduces injury. YOu get out of it what you put into it, though, I had to push it really hard to make it work right.


Is there any real downside to not taking the recovery week and moving straight onto the next phase?


Balboa said:
Is there any real downside to not taking the recovery week and moving straight onto the next phase?

Yes. You've been pushing your muscles very hard, and without a week for them to relax (and grow), you risk overtraining.

Take the recovery week. You'll be stronger and healthier at the end of it, and reduce your chance of injuries.


You're making progress, Omni. Go again! Go again! :D

I'm nearly ready to start, myself. At least as far as equipment goes. I got my chin-up bars installed in the garage this past weekend. The week before I got the TV and speakers up and working. Dumbbells, check. Push up thingies, check. I'm running out of excuses!

My wife and I will be doing this together. We're going to have to work our way up to it. I bought a few other vids to start off with. And I've got the "normal" P90 discs. I'm not sure I want to do an entire 90 day cycle on P90, but if we can get to where P90 starts seeming more boring than painful, that might be good enough. P90X will still kick our asses at that point, but hopefully in a non-fatal fashion.

We'll be doing well if we can even start P90X by New Years Day.


aka II VerTigo II
So guys, where can I get this bad boy for a decent price?

Since I really don't have the time anymore for the gym, I decided to give this program a try.


grumble said:
Yes. You've been pushing your muscles very hard, and without a week for them to relax (and grow), you risk overtraining.

Take the recovery week. You'll be stronger and healthier at the end of it, and reduce your chance of injuries.

Thanks for the info, I think I'm just going to add 1 more week to this phase and then take the recovery week the week after.


Ding said:
You're making progress, Omni. Go again! Go again! :D

Thanks man, I plan to(I certainly am not where i want to be yet).

I posted the pics in a hurry, had to meet up with a friend...but in general, it was completely meh-inducing putting the pics together

For the record though,

Day 1 - 244 pounds
Day 90 - 226 pounds

Day 1 - 42" Belly
Day 90 - 38.5" Belly

Who knows if/when i'll look decent fully shirtless...i'm sure the skin will never tighten up so i'm just doomed in that department...but i think my progress shows a bit more with me covered up a bit more, and taking some non-P90X poses...here's some webcam pics i took last saturday and monday(monday's was after core synergistics, soaked shirt and all). Also, the webcam is more forgiving...i'm clearly not high-def ready yet :lol


Btw, I plan to do an improvised recovery week schedule for the next week(with some added plyo as well), and start over again on October 19th.


Will start substantiating his hate
Since I really don't have the time anymore for the gym, I decided to give this program a try.
Don't expect to use less time on P90X than you do at the gym. Workouts are between 1 hour and 1.5 hours and you may have to pause every now and then. P90X is convenient but not really a time saver, IMO.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
cybamerc said:
Don't expect to use less time on P90X than you do at the gym. Workouts are between 1 hour and 1.5 hours and you may have to pause every now and then. P90X is convenient but not really a time saver, IMO.

Yeah, they do take about 90 minutes with pausing. But I think if you were to do as many sets at the gym, it would take 3 hours depending on how busy your gym is. But then again, if you're looking for hardcore weight training, then you have to go to the gym. P90x is a great way to add a fair amount of muscle (if you're out of shape), get fit and healthy.


How the hell can anyone do that many pull ups in just one hour session with other exercises in the mix? I'm going to start this program in a week, but damn it looks tough (I'm not overweight or that out of shape).


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
RobertM said:
How the hell can anyone do that many pull ups in just one hour session with other exercises in the mix? I'm going to start this program in a week, but damn it looks tough (I'm not overweight or that out of shape).

Almost nobody does starting out. I could maybe 1-2 pullups the first set, and then I would use bands. Now I can do about 12 the first set, and 6-8 the second set.


venison crêpe
Good grief.

Much like Kinitari experienced, that kicked my arse. I've always had problems with push ups so maybe chest and back wasn't the most encouraging one to do on my first day... Used my knees about 80% of the time. And holy crap decline and dive-bomber push-ups are torture :(

Second time around I did 2 complete declines before giving up and shouting at tony for being a cheeky bugger.


Wes said:
Good grief.

Much like Kinitari experienced, that kicked my arse. I've always had problems with push ups so maybe chest and back wasn't the most encouraging one to do on my first day... Used my knees about 80% of the time. And holy crap decline and dive-bomber push-ups are torture :(

Second time around I did 2 complete declines before giving up and shouting at tony for being a cheeky bugger.

Did you survive Plyo-X? :)


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Almost done with my second week. I haven't seen a difference in looks, but I felt a lot better going into the second week. Though, I think I busted something in the shoulder. Took a few days for that to chill out.

The Plyo-X was still killer, but the Yoga was insanely easier the second time through. My package didn't come with the legs/back disc, so I haven't done it these two weeks. Just got it in the mail and plan on doing it tonight. Hope that doesn't hurt me too much.

edit: also, i'm not in it for weight loss. I weigh about 130 as is, but I'm out of shape. I've been on and off exercising for a while, and this was exactly what I needed. A solid plan and routine to follow. I'm loving it, and hope next week gets even better/easier. I wanna be able to keep up with Tony, demit!


Quick status update on my progress. I’m now done with my first round of the program. huzzah! :D

Lost a little over 25 pounds, around an inch off the waist and added some muscle, more noticeable on the arms.

I’m now getting ready for round 2 (still want to lose another 30 pounds) and I picked up some 30 pound weights to add to my old set of 20s, 15s and 10s.

What I found funny was that the first "real world" use of the improved strength I got from working my arms was used… to buy heavier weights and carry them to my car. It really was easier moving these 30s around now than the 20s three months ago :lol

I gotta say that I’m real glad Bish made this thread asking about this program. If I had just seen the infomercial for this program on TV, I would have dismissed it out of hand - I never trust informercials. But seeing people talk about it on here made me give it a chance. glad I did.


venison crêpe
OmniGamer said:
Did you survive Plyo-X? :)

Actually I found that a lot easier. I'm restarting again on monday as I've had to miss a fair few sessions this week due to unforseen personal events :|


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I kinda fell off the P90x train after a couple weeks (motivating myself is hard), but I still use the videos a few times a week for exercise. I actually use Plyo-X more than anything else. It's a surprisingly damn good cardio workout, and I've found I can get through it pretty well.


Black Canada Mafia
Half-way through week 2, goddamn I can kind of already feel results. I don't know if they are actually there, but my girlfriend says she notices a difference - but she has to say that she is my girlfriend.

At the least, I have a lot more stamina, and I can do the exersices much easier. Unfortunately, I've been getting Busy/Lazy, and while I haven't stopped or really missed any days (at worst I changed up when my rest day was) - I feel like I need a good burst of encouragement to keep at it. So please GAF, yell at me or whatever, hopefully it will help inspire me.

By the by, I have noticed I've lost a couple of pounds, maybe 3 (it fluctuates) - I actually really don't want this to happen, as I was at 146ish when I started working out, and I am 6foot. Anything in particular I should do to keep my weight up? Or is this to be expected before I gain in muscle weight? I actually have noticed that the little tiny pouch/love handles I had have actually gotten smaller.


Wes said:
Actually I found that a lot easier. I'm restarting again on monday as I've had to miss a fair few sessions this week due to unforseen personal events :|

Cool...Plyo varies for me, sometimes it's brutal, sometimes not(I guess it depends on what i've eaten prior and how much energy I have) but i absolutely love it either way because it's such a good leg and cardio workout.

ryutaro's mama said:
Good work Omni.

I definitely see a difference from your Day 1 to Day 90.

I hit Day 60 last Wednesday.

Thanks man, hope to see your progress as well...I just wrapped up my "break" week(though I still did a core syn workout, and walked quite a bit). Tomorrow, back to Day 1, Chest&Back, to hit it for another 90 Days.


Awesome job Omni.

I haven't started the program yet, I'm still gathering materials (dumbbells, etc) - but these results are great. It gives me a lot of hope that it could work for me as well.


Will start substantiating his hate
Anyone else dislike Core Synergistics? I tried it for the first time today and it just felt like a weird mix of exercises from the other programs. You need a lot of space for this program as well.


cybamerc said:
Anyone else dislike Core Synergistics? I tried it for the first time today and it just felt like a weird mix of exercises from the other programs. You need a lot of space for this program as well.

I like it overall, though it can be tough sometimes...I liked the improvement I was able to make doing the Dreya Roll, and the plank-to-chaturanga Iso...i also like the prison cell pushups...but i want to knock Tony in the head for his frantic Superman/Banana switching


Can anyone recommend a good resistance tube set for someone on a budget residing in the UK? I really don't have the space for free weights or any suitable frames for a pull-up bar.


Oof. I more or less blew off all of week 2 phase 2. Work really caught up with me this week and I was just feeling drained. I'll for sure be starting up again on Friday, though.

I'm thinking that I'll do three more weeks total of phase 2 (2 normals 1 recovery) to get all the way back on track.

Also I'm so close to doing a real pull up. I finally have my assisted pull up form down--I think that I was doing it wrong this whole time. Now I do it with my heals on a weighted down stool, and I pull myself up without any assist from my legs. I think if I really push myself I could be doing real pull ups by the time I hit phase 3.

Anyway, skipping a week really sucks. I'll have to not do it again.


HOLY SHIT, i finished day 2 earlier..........................mommmmmmmmy, but i feel really good even though i am sore as hell.

I am hoping the plyometrics will help me out with my football and ultimate frisbee. I already use some of it when I do conditioning on sundays after football
Hi guys, I'm a decent bit out of shape and a little tentative about diving into P90X. I'm thinking about trying P90 (never done anything like this stuff before). Does anyone have any thoughts about the P90 program? Good/bad?

Just trying to get into some good habits, i.e. exercising in the evenings after work, when it's all dark outside. Thanks.


Omni, great work. I actually see more improvements in you then the already lean type guys. You can tell your fairly ripped already, just need to shed a bit more fat. I bet a second round would make you rediculous.

Unfortunately I hurt my back and havent kept on track. I stopped p90x for 2 weeks and dropped 15 lbs. It sucks because I am positive everything I lost was muscle. Been hitting up the gym a bit lately and will restart P90X next month.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
So I'm thinking about getting into this but I am not sure if this is for me. I am 27, currently 30lbs overweight and have not exercised in 6 years. Would this program be a good starting point or should I try something easier?

I'm just tired of feeling and looking like shit. I have a double chin so bad that you cannot tell where my chin ends and where my neck begins if that makes any sense. I have tried watching what I eat the past few weeks and have lost 5lbs. Right now I weigh 190lbs but would like to drop down to 160-150lbs.


P90X is for everyone, but a good base level of fitness helps a lot. Try the P90X fitness test. If you can't do it well, then do P90 instead and once you've finished that you can move right into P90X.

There are people who did P90X from the start, but being unable to do many of the exercises is a downer.
Anyone have any tips for the weights section (chest/back and arms/shoulders) i usually end up being in a riduclously large amount of pain, and I end up needing about a week or 2 to recover. IDK if it's my form or because I've never really been strong, but I can't imaging I'm supposed to not be able to move for 3-5 days after working out. I'm only using 15lb weights.....i don't want to do 10s because then ill just feel like a big pussy :(
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