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What's this P90X workout stuff?


Clydefrog said:
I rarely, if ever, use two scoops. I drink about one scoop of it after every resistance workout and about 1/2 - 3/4 scoop after every cardio workout. That seems to do the job. On the tub, it says use two scoops for every 2 hours of intense exercise, I believe. It's lasting quite a while :) it's good because it is rather expensive...
I actually think it tastes like shit. I couldn't even finish my glass of it yesterday. The chocolate whey drink on the other hand wasn't too bed.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
surazal said:
For protein, I'd recommend getting a blender bottle. Easy cleanup and gets rid of clumps.

I ordered one of these last week after seeing your post... I had never even heard of these things before, but wow, what an awesome product.

I'm using Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard whey mixed with fat-free milk. Stirring with a spoon works pretty good, with only very small clumps remaining. But using this cup turns it into an incredibly smooth, bubbly drink, and it honestly tastes better. I sound like a spokesperson for this damn thing, but I'm just amazed at how well it works. :lol


Sgt.Pepper said:
Fuck. Now I know what you're talking about.
Did you make it all the way through? I can't. I just did it, and I only made it 25-30 minutes in. And you know what? I have no problem with that. Haha.
Weapxn said:
Did you make it all the way through? I can't. I just did it, and I only made it 25-30 minutes in. And you know what? I have no problem with that. Haha.
I did. But I was so fucking tired that I don't think it was worth it.


I had done cardio X, Kenpo X and Ab ripper X. Today I tried Plyometrics.. I actually found ti pretty easy. I find that Ab Ripper X is incredibly hard ( i couldn't even do it), Kenpo was pretty tough, cardio wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.

The thing about plyo is that my whole body feels like its on fire right now :lol Also, for those who made it about half way, it gets really easy near the end. It's the middle part that's insane.

What are you guys using as a recovery drinks?


Neo Member
koam said:
I had done cardio X, Kenpo X and Ab ripper X. Today I tried Plyometrics.. I actually found ti pretty easy. I find that Ab Ripper X is incredibly hard ( i couldn't even do it), Kenpo was pretty tough, cardio wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.

The thing about plyo is that my whole body feels like its on fire right now :lol Also, for those who made it about half way, it gets really easy near the end. It's the middle part that's insane.

What are you guys using as a recovery drinks?
I just bought the fruit punch Endurox R4 at the local Vitamin World, I'll report back with taste impressions after tonight's workout.

Ab Ripper X is intense, but I found that as subsequent ARX sessions came up, I could do more and more of them. I can get through all the reps now - not to say it doesn't burn (it still does) - but I feel good about my progress in one week so far.
koam said:
I had done cardio X, Kenpo X and Ab ripper X. Today I tried Plyometrics.. I actually found ti pretty easy. I find that Ab Ripper X is incredibly hard ( i couldn't even do it), Kenpo was pretty tough, cardio wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.

The thing about plyo is that my whole body feels like its on fire right now :lol Also, for those who made it about half way, it gets really easy near the end. It's the middle part that's insane.

What are you guys using as a recovery drinks?
That's weird. I did P90X for about a week or two with my friend, and I thought Plyometrics was hard. Ab Ripper X wasn't that bad.

Plyo gets easier at the end, I'll agree with that. D:
After some research online, I'm going to go with a custom post-workout drink.

I have this as my protein-

High quality whey protein isolate with 0 carbs/fat and 23g of protein per scope. I also bought a 5 lb bag of dextrose/corn sugar at a beer home brew store around where I lived for $5.

The nectar powder is pretty good, much better then drinking the choco/vanilla protein mixes(drinking using water). It is quite expensive at ~$35 per 2 lb container, but the quality is topnotch and the flavor is pretty good.


Stabby McSter said:
That's weird. I did P90X for about a week or two with my friend, and I thought Plyometrics was hard. Ab Ripper X wasn't that bad.

Plyo gets easier at the end, I'll agree with that. D:

Could be that I was just having a bad day when I tried ab ripper x since i found it a lot harder than the rest. Or maybe my core isn't as strong as the rest of my body which could also explain it (though i did think my legs were weak since i neglect them most of the time when i train heh).
Boogie9IGN said:
So my friends are letting me borrow their DVDs, is there anything else I need to get before I start?

weights and/or bands
pull-up bar if you dont have bands
yoga mat
yoga block or something big like a protein powder container if you're not flexible(you'll need it for yoga)

If you want supplements, get some protein powders, multivitamins, and if you need it, a pre-workout energy powder.

This is what I use-
How much am I losing out by doing standing shoulder presses instead of pull ups? The place I'm living now....I don't think it would be possible to use bands. The pull up bar I bought definitely isn't useable with the doors here. (just finished the first week. The jumping parts kill me)


Well, I also avoided high-jumping moves on Plyo (rockstar and the knee up to your chest jumps) due to the fact that I don't want to wake up my neighbors and cause any problem.... but during those session, I did fast jumping jacks instead. Having said so... I get most tired by running around the circle part - and after that, it seems mostly bearable to the end, and last 3 (sports one) seems rather easy. I understand the doing the same workout for both sides - but those sports ones, I don't know. Throwing with my left arm, and jump shooting with my left? (I am an rightie).. little weird... same goes Kenpo X, where I have to turn into a south paw. Just seems a bit weird.

I just finished my 2nd week. I think I"m getting used to the first program now - and will try push to my max this week. I'm already thinking about doing 2nd round with heavier weights after 90 days of this, till I reach my goal of 160lbs or so.

Pull up bar, the one I got, makes a little bit of squeaky noise when I pull up. I only have 1 door which I can put it up in my house, and it's really close to my neighbor's bedroom - so I just decided to use the band instead. Not as intense, though - even though I'm sitting pretty far to increase the tension... but I'm just afraid whether it's going to snap, and just slap my face hard... LOL. Maybe I should get some 30-40 lb bands as well for pull ups. (right now using 20lb)


Did the X stretch today, my body feels so good. I was so sore from plyometrics, ab ripper, and the bicep one, but after X stretch my body feels so good. ^_^


You guys all know that Chocolate Milk is pretty much the best post-workout recovery drink you can get? It's better than endurox, anaconda, all that other stuff, and cheaper too (i think).


About Plyo... my first time through I probably paused it at least 5 times. Remember, you're allowed to do that. But only if you really need it.

However, after that (day 2), I never paused again :D


For me, yoga X is the toughest one. I thought my flexibility was at least average - but turns out... not at all - such as laying down and keeping my one foot up in the air straight is impossible, when it goes past about 45 degrees. at best, I have to bend my knee somewhat to get 90 degrees, and can't tough my toe with my fingers too. :(

On top of that, it's freaking 1 hour and 30 min, with slow, sleepy music and all. Of course, I'm supposed to clear out my head, but I'm constantly looking up to see what they are doing, etc... and feel despair....


on the 15th floor
Awesome to see this thread here. I stared P90X in early September last year and I'm really loving it. My wife even joined in late during Phase 1 and we do it together.

The workouts are intense, some of the hardest shit I've ever done in my life.

My biggest challenge has been finding 90 contiguous days to work out. Since September, I've been away from home for 4 weeks, was sick twice, and sustained two injuries (lower back pain and a torn ligament near my clavicle). Each time I've simply extended the phase I was in, but even then I'm still stuck in Phase 2.

I strongly recommend extending their stretching exercises to include more lower back stretches; my wife and I both started pulling our backs out and I had to start seeing a massage therapist. It turns out many people have extremly tight IT bands in their hips/legs and if you don't get enough stretching it can really fuck you up. I've added 4 additional stretches and the pain has completely subsided.

Ab Ripper was a fucking bitch at the start. I simply couldn't keep up. We paused a lot at the start but it was taking us 25-30 minutes to do them. So instead, after week 3, we modified and did sets of 12 (instead of 25). A couple of days later, we increase to 13, etc. After about a month, we were keeping up with Tony and Adam (what a freak of nature!).

Some of you have been talking about the protein/recover drinks you've been having. I have to say almost everything I've tried tastes terrible, but we've settled on a really good tasting Muscle Milk 'Mint Chocolate'; it's so good that it gets us up to do the workouts some mornings.


Masta_Killah said:
weights and/or bands
pull-up bar if you dont have bands
yoga mat
yoga block or something big like a protein powder container if you're not flexible(you'll need it for yoga)

If you want supplements, get some protein powders, multivitamins, and if you need it, a pre-workout energy powder.

This is what I use-

Damn that seems like a lot when I'm on a budget..any good places to get that shit for cheap?


Neo Member
Weapxn said:
You need to know that Tony is annoying as fuck.
"let me tell you a thing or two about a thing or two because I know a thing or two about these things" :lol

Day one of the second week was definitely more killer than last week, probably because I was trying to beat all of last week's reps by 2-3 reps. That, and we didn't sleep all that great last night because of a party we were at.

Plyo will probably be harder tomorrow as well, because I'm really gonna try to bring it this time.

I'm also using Endurox R4, bought at the local Vitamin World, as my post workout recovery drink. I'll see how this week goes with this (versus the Six Star whey mixed with milk) Anybody know how long it takes for a person to start feeling the replenishment Endurox provides? 1 hour? I'll still be using my Six Star whey protein from Walmart as my morning protein shake, though. I'm contemplating Muscle Milk, anybody know anything about the brand (Cytosport, I should say)?


This song has been running through my head the last few workouts: Keep those Balls in the Air It actually helps. :lol

Chest & Back went quite well today, but I still suck at pull-ups...

Oh yeah, how many here have tried chocolate milk as a recovery drink? Studies have shown that it's just as effective (if not more) as regular recovery drinks, and it's been working great for me. Cheap, tasty and efficient.
Choco milk is out of the question for me. I'm lactose and the choco lactose milk is near $5 dollars for a carton. While I was giving lactose milk a go, I was going through 4 or so cartons a week. That is fucking expensive since each carton cost around $4. It also had the affect of hardening my stool to the point of it being hard as a rock(Im on a low carb diet w/ a fiber one in the morning).

Milk is good if you're not lactose intolerant, since regular milk will be extremely inexpensive. If you are lactose though, stick with powders. It's far cheaper imo.
Boogie9IGN said:
Damn that seems like a lot when I'm on a budget..any good places to get that shit for cheap?

If you want cheap, I suggest going to sports authority and buy individual bands. I bought a 30 and 40 lb band, each under $9. Then buy the handles for the bands, which are around $10. Then get some cheap whey protein at Wal-mart for $15-16 for a 2 lb container. Get a large duct tape and use that as a door attachment for your bands. Use a blanket or a rug as a makeshift yoga mat. As for the yoga block, use the protein container as a block.

I suggest buying a yoga kit from Sports Authority(or any sporting goods store) when it goes on sale. The best deal will be a yoga mat + block for $20. You don't need to get it immediately, but should be at the top of your list after getting the bare essentials.


Clydefrog said:
"like a Pterodactyl backing out of trouble! CAW! CAW!" :lol gets me every time

I just noticed a funny quote of Tony's from the end of Core Synergistics...during the "ankle over knee, reach through and pull" stretch, he says to Adam(super ripped black guy from Ab Ripper X), "How's that feel in your glutes?" then gravelly "That's what I want to hear"" :lol

Some of the sound byte repetition can definitely grate at this point...like that chick from the Back&Biceps disk...her super squeky "I did ten!" and "I'm gonna do corn-cobs" lines are like nails on a chalkboard.
I think I'm actually gonna order the set and give it a try finally. A couple of coworkers have started using it and I can see their results.


My best friend swears by it also. I borrowed the discs to try it myself, but I like my gym routine so I didn't dedicate myself to it. I can say, though, this program really kicks your ass.

You just need a mat, dumbbell set (I recommend the SelectTec DBs), and that's about it, but also some resistance bands installed in your ceiling or in a doorway would help too. That's about all you need.


alternade said:
So ive decided to do this starting today. Hopefully by april 30th ill see a change:lol

You'll see some change within a week :lol

I'm on day 4 though i'm doing a custom p90x (doing some of my own variations for strength and using "the abs diet " instead of the p90x diet. I think i'm going to die!


OmniGamer said:
I just noticed a funny quote of Tony's from the end of Core Synergistics...during the "ankle over knee, reach through and pull" stretch, he says to Adam(super ripped black guy from Ab Ripper X), "How's that feel in your glutes?" then gravelly "That's what I want to hear"" :lol

Some of the sound byte repetition can definitely grate at this point...like that chick from the Back&Biceps disk...her super squeky "I did ten!" and "I'm gonna do corn-cobs" lines are like nails on a chalkboard.

ugh, that girl! the guy on that dvd seems like such a douche too.. i think he's chewing gum throughout the whole workout

oh and Dreya is insane


Masta_Killah said:
If you want cheap, I suggest going to sports authority and buy individual bands. I bought a 30 and 40 lb band, each under $9. Then buy the handles for the bands, which are around $10. Then get some cheap whey protein at Wal-mart for $15-16 for a 2 lb container. Get a large duct tape and use that as a door attachment for your bands. Use a blanket or a rug as a makeshift yoga mat. As for the yoga block, use the protein container as a block.

I suggest buying a yoga kit from Sports Authority(or any sporting goods store) when it goes on sale. The best deal will be a yoga mat + block for $20. You don't need to get it immediately, but should be at the top of your list after getting the bare essentials.

Ahhh ok, so a 30lb band or so would be good enough to start off with? And the pull up part, is there some sort of attachment I could buy to use? I doubt my mom would be too happy about me using duct tape :lol

EEEE I'm excited. If I find the two after work then I'll start it tonight.


Is this program suitable to add mass or not?

Almost every video I've seen shows fat guys turning into muscular guys. But not skinny guys turning into muscular guys.


Clydefrog said:
ugh, that girl! the guy on that dvd seems like such a douche too.. i think he's chewing gum throughout the whole workout

oh and Dreya is insane

Yeah, she's a beast...totally emasculating, lol, but I like her. I'll be happy if one day i get to the point where i can look back and breeze through these exercises as effortlessly as these guys do. I feel like i'm in Gattaca sometimes with a bunch of genetically superior physical specimens.


-viper- said:
Is this program suitable to add mass or not?

Almost every video I've seen shows fat guys turning into muscular guys. But not skinny guys turning into muscular guys.

It's all in the diet really. Make sure you're getting more calories in than you burn during the workouts. Keep the carbs down-ish, add some protein, and you should see some gains. That's what I've gotten out of the diet guide anyway


Jesus Christ, tried doing ab ripper x again today.. second try.. still can't do it. It's way too insane and I can't manage to do any of the ones that require you to lift your leg straight (my is always bent). The part that bugs me is that ab ripper x is the only one that I haven't been able to finish yet.

Any tricks on how to improve my ab strength so that I can at least keep up? It's not like I've got much fat in there to begin with.


koam said:
Jesus Christ, tried doing ab ripper x again today.. second try.. still can't do it. It's way too insane and I can't manage to do any of the ones that require you to lift your leg straight (my is always bent). The part that bugs me is that ab ripper x is the only one that I haven't been able to finish yet.

Any tricks on how to improve my ab strength so that I can at least keep up? It's not like I've got much fat in there to begin with.

Well, I myself can't do them. So I'm just doing what I can - just regular sit-ups. I set up a goal, and I do it. Last Friday was 70. Today, I'm going for 80. Sure, I can't do all in 1 sitting - I can only do something like 25 max + 10 + 8 + 6 + 4 + 2 + 1 (huff) + 1 (huff) etc. :lol But by end of this week, I'll be proud to say that I did 100 sit-ups within 10 min. :D

Another way might be doing someone else's method up there. Do half, if you can, and increase a little by little over the weeks. I think I'll try this on my 2nd phase.


Neo Member
For Ab Ripper X, I just pause the DVD when I need to. I made it my own goal that I was going to do all 25 of each exercise, + the 50 reps on the Mason Twist, no matter what. So I take an extra two minutes or so during the V-ups and wide leg situps to do that. Sometimes I'll take a few second break in between reps, but I always get to 25. Feels good knowing you hit the required reps :D. During the Fifer Scissors, I can't get my leg up high without bending :lol , so I just go as high as I can go while still staying straight. I still feel a massive burn, so I'm getting something out of it.


f-castrillo said:
For Ab Ripper X, I just pause the DVD when I need to. I made it my own goal that I was going to do all 25 of each exercise, + the 50 reps on the Mason Twist, no matter what. So I take an extra two minutes or so during the V-ups and wide leg situps to do that. Sometimes I'll take a few second break in between reps, but I always get to 25. Feels good knowing you hit the required reps :D. During the Fifer Scissors, I can't get my leg up high without bending :lol , so I just go as high as I can go while still staying straight. I still feel a massive burn, so I'm getting something out of it.

Scissors kill me but the one i absolutely can't do is the legs straight in the air and lift the bum. I can do like 2-3 heh.
I tried Yoga X today, seems like I'm pretty flexible! By the way, I only have the DVDs so I'm still doing my normal High (dietary) fat, moderate protein and low-carbs. Is this acceptable? I don't have the nutrition guide.


I had good luck with ab ripper x doing a reduced amount of reps. So try starting at 10 or 15 or each exercise and add from there. Focus on form, but if you can't get your legs straight at the beginning just work on that over time.

Don't try and go all 25 at the very beginning because that absolutely kills the later stuff. Also, just keep sweating through them. I found that eventually a lot of the moves just click.


Neo Member
Sgt.Pepper said:
I tried Yoga X today, seems like I'm pretty flexible! By the way, I only have the DVDs so I'm still doing my normal High (dietary) fat, moderate protein and low-carbs. Is this acceptable? I don't have the nutrition guide.
I would definitely cut down on the fat. The supposed balance, according to the Nutrition Guide, is 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fat. Phase 1 (the first month of the program) focuses on getting rid of body fat, so that diet is key.

I personally don't follow the recipes in the guide. Just keep the general percentages in mind when you eat. Lots of lean meats, cut back on rice and fats. And a protein supplement as an added bonus
f-castrillo said:
I would definitely cut down on the fat. The supposed balance, according to the Nutrition Guide, is 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fat. Phase 1 (the first month of the program) focuses on getting rid of body fat, so that diet is key.

I personally don't follow the recipes in the guide. Just keep the general percentages in mind when you eat. Lots of lean meats, cut back on rice and fats. And a protein supplement as an added bonus
I dislike rice so that's no problem and I have a protein supplement that has Glutamine in it. When you say cut down 'fat' what do you mean? Trans-fat? What I eat is most meats, leafy green vegetables, fruits, nuts and lots of eggs, with as little sugar as possible.

Edit: Oh, and I also have fish oil and multivitamins.


Neo Member
Sgt.Pepper said:
I dislike rice so that's no problem and I have a protein supplement that has Glutamine in it. When you say cut down 'fat' what do you mean? Trans-fat? What I eat is most meats, leafy green vegetables, fruits, nuts and lots of eggs, with as little sugar as possible.

Edit: Oh, and I also have fish oil and multivitamins.
The best example I can think of is fried foods, most notably fried chicken. When I eat fried chicken (which I've been trying to avoid), I try to take some skin off of each piece, as that's where a lot of the fat is. But yeah, try to cut back on trans fat and saturated fats in general.

Stick to white meats if you can. Chicken breast, porkchop, etc. You got your fish oil covered, so that's great for your overall health.

I'm giving up fried foods for lent. Even though that doesn't start for another two weeks, I've already started, in an attempt to maximize the fat shedding portion of the program. I've taken a liking to baked foods recently. Baked chicken is made of awesome :D
koam said:
Jesus Christ, tried doing ab ripper x again today.. second try.. still can't do it. It's way too insane and I can't manage to do any of the ones that require you to lift your leg straight (my is always bent). The part that bugs me is that ab ripper x is the only one that I haven't been able to finish yet.

Any tricks on how to improve my ab strength so that I can at least keep up? It's not like I've got much fat in there to begin with.

Do not try to keep up. Go at your own pace. Just because Tony says you have to do 25, doesn't mean you have to. Set a personal goal and aim for it. If you can only do 10, then shoot for 10 and try to improve on it the following week. Also, pause the dvd. I pause it all the time in order to get my reps in.

I started off ab ripper just like you. I could barely keep my legs straight during scissor kicks and I couldn't even do 1/2 of the moves. I'm now on week 5 and I am able to do all except maybe 2 or so moves(roll up/v up and leg climb). Just keep trying and you'll see improvements.

My weakness is my chest and I am still doing knee push ups. Even though I am still doing knees, I still push on. I was actually pretty surprise at how I was able to still do them on shoulder/chest/tri (holy shit at the amount of push ups).

BTW, Yoga X will help you with those bent legs, so make sure you do the workout and give it your all.


So I'm planning on starting this in the morning. I quickly watched the first video and noticed that after the main hour exercise there was a 15 min or so ab portion, is that supposed to be done at the same time or can it be done later in the day


Is anyone here drinking kombucha?

I started drinking it daily (about 2-4 oz) and it has made me poop like a fuckin' champ! It has probiotics like yogurt does... except it's an ancient, mystical Chinese-like type drink that fucking works. I can attest to this. I mix a couple oz of it with a couple oz of V8 Fusion drink and after literally one week, I/my toilet are reaping the benefits.

It's noticeable because when I stop drinking kombucha and go on a weary diet, things start to change for the worse. It's golden. Like a shower. Just make sure you buy the 100% kombucha non-flavored stuff. The flavored stuff waters down the important parts. It's also not very difficult to brew your own kombucha. If you've brewed beer before, it's a piece of cake.

Here's how my normal day goes...

Wake up
Drink a couple oz of Acai juice for breakfast (I suck at breakfast big time - my nemesis)
Go to work (eat leftovers and/or go out for lunch)
Come home from work
Do P90X workout
Drink recovery drink
Make and eat dinner
Time flies
Mix kombucha + V8 Fusion
Time flies again
Go to bed

Anyone doing P90X (or anyone in general; I'm a junior member and cannot create a thread for kombucha), I highly recommend you take a shot or two of kombucha daily. Report back! It's not that expensive and stays well refrigerated for months.
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