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What's this P90X workout stuff?


GallonOMilk said:
P90X is freaking amazing. I almost can't believe this - I've been trying to start working out for years now, and I finally manned up and got these DVDs. I figured, what the heck, there's nothing to lose. Well, miraculously, I've stuck with them for a whole week and, HOLY HELL, I'm in better shape than I've really ever been in (which isn't saying much, but still). I went from not being able to even hold myself on the pullup bar (much less pull myself up) to actually doing 2-3 of them in a row, unassisted. I can also clear a good 20 pushups (normal kinds) in rapid succession where I could do 5 on a good day before.

The stretching is the best part though - every time I've tried working out before, I've never stretched, overextended something, and stopped because of the pain. But this stretching feels great and leaves me feeling great - I even have better posture now that my entire muscular structure isn't quite so tight. Yoga X was painful though - I even had trouble with Warrior 1 and 2 when I first started, though I got better as I loosened up a bit throughout the workout. I'm really not flexible at all. Kenpo X was also nice. A good change of pace.

I enjoyed my stretch / rest today, but tomorrow, it's right back into it.

Oh, almost forgot to mention quite possible the greatest thing that's happened since I started - my insomnia is basically gone. I can fall asleep again because I'm so tired from these workouts (which I do in the evening), where before I didn't move around much then had trouble sleeping.
Now just have to stick with it ... hopefully this will be the one that gets me into a good routine so I can get in shape and stay there.

This was the most immediate effect I noticed when I started it in the summer. I've been waking up consistently at 5 or 6 every day since then. feels great.


vatstep said:
Why not try mixing it with milk (or soy milk)? You don't need a blender. I use this kind — it tastes great and blends well with just a little bit of stirring.

Thanks. Perhaps my next whey protein, this might be the one. Yeah.. thinking about getting a shaker, as mine doesn't really like to be mixed with anything...

Now, today's day 8, and getting back to it. Yesterday's rest only made me want to work out a little more - as my arm pains are all gone now. Not working out for some reason, gives me less energy it seems. I was pretty much all downer all day yesterday.

Hopefully, I"ll be able to do more this time around. Unfortunately, due to heavy time constraint I have, I've decided do about 1/2 to 2/3 of the whole workout with much more intensity and focus + my own standard sit-ups 20 x 3 res + little bit of eliptical machine to cool off. While I"ll probably not get the greatest results, I should be more willing to do them every day, that I've been spending my ample amount of free time I have at home, only on working out.

Working out the whole thing was nice, but I have to be honest to myself, that for the last half of the workout routine, I was merely watching them mostly... while I try my best attempting to do some reps but no avail. At my fitness level and strength, I think it might be beneficial to focus on building up my strength at my own level. Rather than watching them doing more reps, I'd rather do workout of my own on aerobics and sit-ups, so that that time doesn't get wasted...
f-castrillo said:
Any of you guys try contrast (hot -> cold -> hot -> cold -> hot -> cold) showers? It really relieves that post-workout muscle tightness. The theory is that the hot water will increase bloodflow to the extremities, then the cold water will pull the blood back to your core, taking along the lactic acid that built up during the workout and causes the muscle tightness.

I feel devastated, but excited to try the next sessions at the same time :D
At what intervals? How long should each last?


Neo Member
silverbullet1080 said:
At what intervals? How long should each last?
General guideline from what I've been hearing/reading is that the cold session should be half the duration of the hot shower. So I do 1min hot -> 30sec cold -> 1min hot ->30sec cold. The first hot-cold transition is harsh, but subsequent ones aren't as bad.

They also feel good because you don't get that post-shower chill since your body is already cold :D

QUESTIONS: (recovery drink related)
1. Can a whey protein recovery drink (Six Star Premium Whey, or any other recovery drink for that matter) be taken with a meal? Or should it be before meals?
2. The directions on my whey protein jug says to "drink immediately". Is there anything wrong with making the recovery drink a few hours ahead of time? I have that Magic Bullet (As Sseen on TV, eliminates the clumping I got with spoon stirring) at my house, but we work out at my gf's house, and I wanted to have it ready for after we finished our workout.


Neo Member
For those of you writing down your progress during the workouts, how are you keeping track of plyometrics, Ab Ripper X, Cardio X, etc.? The Fitness Guide only comes with worksheets for Chest & Back, Shoulders & Arms, Legs & Back, Chest/Shoulders/Triceps, and Back & Biceps. There's an excel file floating around the interwebs that has a log sheet for ALL workouts, but I want to know if there's a different method that everyone is using
f-castrillo said:
For those of you writing down your progress during the workouts, how are you keeping track of plyometrics, Ab Ripper X, Cardio X, etc.? The Fitness Guide only comes with worksheets for Chest & Back, Shoulders & Arms, Legs & Back, Chest/Shoulders/Triceps, and Back & Biceps. There's an excel file floating around the interwebs that has a log sheet for ALL workouts, but I want to know if there's a different method that everyone is using

I just use the excel sheet, but even that has only an area that you mark as completed whenever you finish one of the cardio ones (Yoga, etc.). If you want to do it on paper, just print out one big calendar with the P90x days numbered and the exercise of the day written on there. Then, just cross out the day when you're done with the workout. On the Plyo, Ab Ripper, and Yoga, you don't really need to keep track of the reps, you just need to do as many as you can and keep your heart rate high to get the full effect of the workout.
f-castrillo said:
General guideline from what I've been hearing/reading is that the cold session should be half the duration of the hot shower. So I do 1min hot -> 30sec cold -> 1min hot ->30sec cold. The first hot-cold transition is harsh, but subsequent ones aren't as bad.

They also feel good because you don't get that post-shower chill since your body is already cold :D

QUESTIONS: (recovery drink related)
1. Can a whey protein recovery drink (Six Star Premium Whey, or any other recovery drink for that matter) be taken with a meal? Or should it be before meals?
2. The directions on my whey protein jug says to "drink immediately". Is there anything wrong with making the recovery drink a few hours ahead of time? I have that Magic Bullet (As Sseen on TV, eliminates the clumping I got with spoon stirring) at my house, but we work out at my gf's house, and I wanted to have it ready for after we finished our workout.

Just make sure to drink the protein drink within 1 hour of finishing your workout. Other then that, you drink the protein drink if you can't have a proper meal. Think of it as a quick meal replacement if you're too busy to prepare food.

Just started week 4 and I accidentally did core synergistics rather than yoga x. Didn't prepare my workout drink and I ended up bonking 30-40 minutes into the workout. Fought through the crash but I ended up skipping some of the exercises due to fatigue. I'll correct my mistake though and be well prepared on day.

Also, anyone just starting out and only have bands, you're going to need some light weights for core synergistics (5-15 lbs). There are a few moves that require the use of weights and cannot be done with bands.


Neo Member
GallonOMilk said:
I just use the excel sheet, but even that has only an area that you mark as completed whenever you finish one of the cardio ones (Yoga, etc.). If you want to do it on paper, just print out one big calendar with the P90x days numbered and the exercise of the day written on there. Then, just cross out the day when you're done with the workout. On the Plyo, Ab Ripper, and Yoga, you don't really need to keep track of the reps, you just need to do as many as you can and keep your heart rate high to get the full effect of the workout.
Thanks for the clarification, I'll just stick to the pages from the Fitness Guide.

Masta_Killah said:
Just make sure to drink the protein drink within 1 hour of finishing your workout. Other then that, you drink the protein drink if you can't have a proper meal. Think of it as a quick meal replacement if you're too busy to prepare food.
Yeah, I down 8-10 oz of my drink within 10 minutes of finishing the workout :D . I'm going to continue pre-blending them before working out so that we can drink it immediately after the session.

Plyometrics is killer, but I'm sure you all knew that. When I move around the house, I feel like I should be in Last Stand mode on the ground


Well, just did my 8th day work out (chest and back). Having it to do 2nd time came out to be a much smoother experience - that I anticipate what's coming up. I was able to do more push-up and pull pus albeit still knee/chair assisted, much more than I was able to do so. As I'm shortening the workout time in half to 2/3, I made sure I'll give my full attention and pushed myself to the limit each time around.

At the half time though, when the instructors were starting to do the 2nd round, I found I'm more fired up than ever, so I ended up doing a few more moves before I call a day, and went for my sit-up routine. (instead of Ab Ripper X, because I can't to those moves yet with my fat-filled belly)... and whoa. I was able to do 50. Of course not in 1 sitting, but within about 3-4 mins total. I remember I could barely do 20 and then my abs wouldn't just move at all... it's a remarkable improvement!

Then I ended my workout with short but intense 20 min eliptical machine run, while catching up an anime episode that I missed out for last week. I'm very worn out, but it feels great! One day, perhaps when my daughter is old enough to go to school in the morning, I think I'll start working out P90X in full routine in the AM. Until then, 2/3 + my own routine, I hope it will give me some basic fitness that I can follow what they do on screen.


Man, I can't wait for my bands to come in. Using the correct weight will help considerably. :lol Reading this thread makes me want to start up/try again really bad.

Before I was using the green band, which is what the guy in the video I think was using. Yeah, how about not. Haha. I'm pretty sure that's why I wanted to die two days later.


Glad to see the new energy of those just starting.

Here's a quick progress report since today is my birthday and I happily exceeded my goal for today. I wanted to get to 220 or under by today, and i'm 218 :D

For those keeping score, I started at around 245lbs last July...got to 226 after my first round ended in Oct. I'm glad I survived the holiday lazyness and excess(not to mention a strained right hip) with minimal damage. I had gotten down to 222, then back up to 226, so very happy to be at 218 right now. Next stop, 210!

I may post some pics at the end of my recovery week next week.


OmniGamer said:
Here's a quick progress report since today is my birthday and I happily exceeded my goal for today. I wanted to get to 220 or under by today, and i'm 218 :D
Congrats and happy birthday! :D Keep going!

I am sore as hell from yesterday (could barely get things from the top shelf) and plyo almost knocked me out this morning. I had to pause it half way through and drink some chocolate milk to get me through the rest... Looking forward to my first Shoulders & Arms tomorrow.


Neo Member
OmniGamer said:
Glad to see the new energy of those just starting.

Here's a quick progress report since today is my birthday and I happily exceeded my goal for today. I wanted to get to 220 or under by today, and i'm 218 :D
Nice, sounds like you got your birthday present!

Yonn said:
I am sore as hell from yesterday (could barely get things from the top shelf) and plyo almost knocked me out this morning. I had to pause it half way through and drink some chocolate milk to get me through the rest... Looking forward to my first Shoulders & Arms tomorrow.

Sounds like you're on roughly the same schedule as me , we're doing Shoulders & Arms this afternoon :D My abs haven't even recovered fully yet, so Ab Ripper X is going to be fun lol. Thank God it's only 16 minutes. And my legs are, not surprisingly, sore from Plyometrics. There's only a few times in my life where I've felt remotely crippled, this being one of them :lol


OmniGamer said:
Glad to see the new energy of those just starting.

Here's a quick progress report since today is my birthday and I happily exceeded my goal for today. I wanted to get to 220 or under by today, and i'm 218 :D

For those keeping score, I started at around 245lbs last July...got to 226 after my first round ended in Oct. I'm glad I survived the holiday lazyness and excess(not to mention a strained right hip) with minimal damage. I had gotten down to 222, then back up to 226, so very happy to be at 218 right now. Next stop, 210!

I may post some pics at the end of my recovery week next week.

Congrats and wish you a happy birthday!

I myself, so far in just mere 9 days or so, lost 11 lbs. I'm one of those who used to eat 2 meals per day - skipping breakfast, moderate lunch, then BIGGGG dinner at 8:30 PM. At 5'9" and at 187 lbs at one point. No muscle with man boobs. On the outside, a lot of people didn't think I was just a lump of lard as I wore primarily rather loose shirts.

I started out eliptical machine and ran about an hour per day for about 2-3 months - but I still kept the eating habbit.. big, late dinner - I lost some weight, but gained back rather quick - so I stayed around same 185. With P90X and just loosely following its diet plan... I lost 11 lbs in 9 days. 3 smaller meals, with little snack in between + working out. I'm at 174.5lb (as of this morning)! My goal is to get back to my pre-marriage weight, which was around 150 -155 lbs, when I felt the best - but realistically, I'd be happy if I can just get back down to 160-165lbs.

Anyhow, I've been getting some comments from several people, in just 9 days. Can't believe this stuff... and my wife can't believe it that I - who never worked out before - am doing it... :D


Just got p90x but only one problem. I only have one 20lb weight, and have yet to install the pullup bar so I need to use the resistance bands. only problem with this is that I don't have those beach body ones. I only have the Nike resistance band kit(one heavy long resistance band, one figure 8 medium band, and one circular light band) as well as a medium resistance band from Capbarbell. Would these still be good enough for p90x or will I need to order the official ones from them?
onemic said:
Just got p90x but only one problem. I only have one 20lb weight, and have yet to install the pullup bar so I need to use the resistance bands. only problem with this is that I don't have those beach body ones. I only have the Nike resistance band kit(one heavy long resistance band, one figure 8 medium band, and one circular light band) as well as a medium resistance band from Capbarbell. Would these still be good enough for p90x or will I need to order the official ones from them?

Those should be fine. I bought my bands from sports authority, which I prefer since I can buy the weights individually(they have some that are over 100 lbs). If you need to increase the resistance of the bands, reduce the length(step on the bands). Also, if you don't have the door attachment for the door, you can use a big roll of tape(youtube for instructions). You may need to get a pair of lighter dumbbells though. Core synergistics(not sure about the later videos) has moves that can only be done with them.


omfg, just did the chest/back and ab-ripper x, and it absolutely destroyed me. I couldn't keep up with them at all for the ab-ripper program, let alone do 25 reps of each damn exercise. The next month will destroy me:lol

And for anyone who used resistance bands for the chest/back, how many reps of each exercise were you able to do? I was able to do more reps(usually about 5-10 more) than the guy in the video using it for most of the exercises(except the one where you have to use the band on a chair), and I wouldn't consider my chest to be that ripped. Would increasing the reps help compensate? I use the nike resistance band, so it wouldn't be as resistant as the red and maybe the green band the guy seems to alternate with.


onemic said:
And for anyone who used resistance bands for the chest/back, how many reps of each exercise were you able to do? I was able to do more reps(usually about 5-10 more) than the guy in the video using it for most of the exercises(except the one where you have to use the band on a chair), and I wouldn't consider my chest to be that ripped. Would increasing the reps help compensate? I use the nike resistance band, so it wouldn't be as resistant as the red and maybe the green band the guy seems to alternate with.

According to beachbody.com, the bands they use have the following resistance levels:
Pink (B3) 15lbs
Magenta (B4) 20lbs
Red (B6) 30lbs
Green (B8) 40lbs
Blue (B9) 45lbs
Black (B10) 50lbs

Not sure which nike band you have, but my guess is that it's the equivalent of 20lbs. Although bands are more convenient, I still prefer adjustable dumbbells. The constant resistance during the whole motion and the need to balance adds an extra degree of difficulty.


gonna join you guys. i'm going on a trip to florida in 15 weeks and am getting flubby due to winter anyways, lol.

not going to do the diet, except:
less fried food
no more pop, except
when drinking, hard alcohol instead of beer

about to go do ab ripper x tonight, then start the program and take some before pics tomorrow. i'm sure i'll be back soon :)

one thing i need advice on, i'm thinknig of attaching a pull-up bar to a floor joist in my basement. does anyone have any suggestions as to how to do it? all i can think of is attaching two 2x4s that drop down and then running some sort of pole between them, though i don't know what to put there


Neo Member
lachesis said:
At 5'9" and at 187 lbs at one point. No muscle with man boobs.
I raise you one - I'm 5'8" and I started this past Sunday at 190 lbs. Also man boobs and a little bread baking going on :lol

mcrae said:
one thing i need advice on, i'm thinknig of attaching a pull-up bar to a floor joist in my basement. does anyone have any suggestions as to how to do it? all i can think of is attaching two 2x4s that drop down and then running some sort of pole between them, though i don't know what to put there
My lady's cousin did just that - two 2x4s (I'm assuming that's what they are, you probably have more sense than me), with a metal pole/pipe between them.

I'm having a "feels good man" moment. A contrast shower after Shoulders & Arms and Ab Ripper X makes me feel refreshed. Of course I still feel weak, but I feel renewed at the same time. Can't wait for Yoga X tomorrow :D


f-castrillo said:
Sounds like you're on roughly the same schedule as me , we're doing Shoulders & Arms this afternoon :D My abs haven't even recovered fully yet, so Ab Ripper X is going to be fun lol. Thank God it's only 16 minutes. And my legs are, not surprisingly, sore from Plyometrics. There's only a few times in my life where I've felt remotely crippled, this being one of them :lol
Cool, seems like we're about the same weight/height too! I'm 6'0" and 187 lbs. Man boobs + love handles to boot. :lol

Shoulders & Arms went great today but I had to pause to change the weights on my dumbbells quite a few times. I also discovered that my right arm and shoulder is way stronger than my left ones, but my left tricep is stronger than my right one. I figure I'll just do the same amount of reps on each (maybe one more on the weak) and let it even out. Suggestions?

Had oatmeal with some peanut butter and blueberries for breakfast this morning. Delicious! :D


Oh man,
Yesterday was my 8th wedding anniversary. Since we both work, and don't want to leave our daughter with baby sitter/nanny any longer than we already do... we gave up eating any fancy dinner at a fancy restaurant. Instead, we ordered some food from near by Peking Duck place. I used to be able to gobble that thing up, but to be honest, with all that grease made me rather sick in my stomach after going with such light dinner pattern for past 9 days or so.:lol

Anyhow, plyometrics. 2nd time around. Now I was able to follow 80-90% of that thing, except a few high-jump moves (the rockstar move or knee jumps) - so for those, I just ended up doing regular Jumping Jacks. However heavy dinner and plyometrics just didn't mix well... nearly threw up afterwards - and it was after 2+ hours after eating my dinner too. I think on tuesdays from now on - I'll have extra-extra light dinner.

It's still tough, but I have very little muscle soreness... remembering my first day 1-4 was filled with pain, this is like nothing at all. Can't wait to do the Arms and Shoulders tonight - as I find I'm enjoying muscle workouts much more thant I thought I would. :)
f-castrillo said:
Any of you guys try contrast (hot -> cold -> hot -> cold -> hot -> cold) showers? It really relieves that post-workout muscle tightness. The theory is that the hot water will increase bloodflow to the extremities, then the cold water will pull the blood back to your core, taking along the lactic acid that built up during the workout and causes the muscle tightness.

I feel devastated, but excited to try the next sessions at the same time :D

This really works. Tried it this week and my muscles aren't as sore the next day as before. Anyone having issues with sore muscles, this really does the job. This is especially helpful for the thigh, since you're doing so many squats.


Neo Member

This is what I'm going to be like after today's Yoga X + contrast shower :D (and probably the X Stretch day and recovery week)


So I did the shoulder and arm yesterday. (Day 10) 2nd time around - and contrast to my last report that I was going to cut down my workout time to half to 2/3.... I just couldn't stop. I kinda know the pleasure of pushing oneself now, so I'll not back off from these workouts anymore.

I used even heavier loads and pushed myself to the limit (Last time I was using mostly 8lb weights, which came out to be not as effective, so I've been using 15lbs and 20lbs bands for some of the workouts - and I do really feel the buuurrrrn.... great stuff.) However, muscle soreness is pretty much minimal. however, I think I'll do half the Yoga X stretching, and finish off with eliptical, as while it feels good to stretch, but 1 and half hour is just way too long, and my legs are just all spent and well stretched after a few reps of the warrior poses. LOL...

Sit ups - I'm still skipping ab ripper x. Still don't feel like I can do any of those hands-free moves - that's pretty much the toughest part. So I did my own sit-ups, 60 of them... which is 10 more sit-ups from Monday. I'll do 70 sit-ups on Friday, and 80 next monday... and see how it goes.

As far as my weight goes... I thought I lost 11 lbs on 1st week. My damn scale is fooling me, that I'm back at 179! Of course, I ate little bit of rice and some carbs... and peking duck on Tuesday, but not to the extent of fattening myself... but still I seem to have gained some weight. It seems like it'd be a long long fight to lose my weight down to 160... sigh. Anyhow, my scale's gotta go. It's so inconsistent (5-10 lbs differences between in the morning to evening and all), I can't possibly tell what is my true weight.


First time noticing this thread. I'm going to read through the previous pages. From the number of pages, it seems this program seems to be working for you guys?
lachesis said:
As far as my weight goes... I thought I lost 11 lbs on 1st week. My damn scale is fooling me, that I'm back at 179! Of course, I ate little bit of rice and some carbs... and peking duck on Tuesday, but not to the extent of fattening myself... but still I seem to have gained some weight. It seems like it'd be a long long fight to lose my weight down to 160... sigh. Anyhow, my scale's gotta go. It's so inconsistent (5-10 lbs differences between in the morning to evening and all), I can't possibly tell what is my true weight.

You should weigh yourself in the morning after taking a piss and/or a shit. Your weight will fluctuate throughout the day as you put food in your body, so the mornings are the best time to check your weight.


I generally sit in the sauna at the gym for 10-15minutes after my workout to relieve muscle stress. I can certainly feel it the day after if I don't do this. Then again I have a running theory I've abused my muscles for so long that they can take a gallon of lactic acid in them.

Oddly enough I was watching Fight Science about MMA and Randy Couture's lactic acid levels DROPPED after sinking in a guillotine choke for a while. That's just crazy. Wish I could meditate and will away lactic acid like he claims he can.


Neo Member
Day 5 (legs & back + ab ripper X) done. Legs were on fire, and I still had to use a stool for assistance to do chin ups :lol (but I was doing MAX 6 reps on the chin up bar w/ a stool on day one, now I'm doing 8-10). I'm not the only guy here using a chair for chin ups am I? Am I correct in assuming that it's better to use the chair to help myself up a little so that I can achieve that full range of motion of the chin-up/pull-up, as opposed to using no support and only doing a quarter pull-up?

My scale says I've been losing a little body fat daily (Sunday I was at 27.5, Wednesday morning I was 26.0). And while I don't expect to visibly see results for at least another two weeks, I can definitely feel them. Day 1, I couldn't even hang with Ab Ripper X. This time I'm able to get through the first set of exercises with ease, and I paused the DVD in order to get myself to 25 no matter what. And I can do the 50 mason twists at the end without stopping now :D

I'm liking where this is going.


The first big change I notice was the gastrocnemius muscle.
It went from a lean thing to a huge lump in about 3-4 weeks.
My ability to run over long distances also went off the chart.

It feels so good.
My uncle from Colombia lent me his DVDs, so far the only problem I had was with the goddamn pull up-bar and push-ups because of my weaksauce arms. Does it get better? I could only lift myself like two time in the pull up-bar and 10 with push-ups.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Sgt.Pepper said:
My uncle from Colombia lent me his DVDs, so far the only problem I had was with the goddamn pull up-bar and push-ups because of my weaksauce arms. Does it get better? I could only lift myself like two time in the pull up-bar and 10 with push-ups.

Yes, but you have to be consistent on doing the workouts, resting, and eating correctly. Don't try to compete with the people in the videos. And remember even in the P90x infomercials, the people that went from obese/completely out of shape to fit did so with multiple rounds of p90x.

I'm starting pseudo-round 2. I'm replacing P90X cardio with an hour of elliptical trainer cardio. And during non-cardio days, I'm still adding an hour of cardio. Less noisy and not as high impact on the knees.

Foam rollers work well to loosen up sore muscle from this program. It's like yoga without the effort, ha.


f-castrillo said:
Day 5 (legs & back + ab ripper X) done. Legs were on fire, and I still had to use a stool for assistance to do chin ups :lol (but I was doing MAX 6 reps on the chin up bar w/ a stool on day one, now I'm doing 8-10). I'm not the only guy here using a chair for chin ups am I? Am I correct in assuming that it's better to use the chair to help myself up a little so that I can achieve that full range of motion of the chin-up/pull-up, as opposed to using no support and only doing a quarter pull-up?

My scale says I've been losing a little body fat daily (Sunday I was at 27.5, Wednesday morning I was 26.0). And while I don't expect to visibly see results for at least another two weeks, I can definitely feel them. Day 1, I couldn't even hang with Ab Ripper X. This time I'm able to get through the first set of exercises with ease, and I paused the DVD in order to get myself to 25 no matter what. And I can do the 50 mason twists at the end without stopping now :D

I'm liking where this is going.

You are not the only one using stool. I use a chair too! LOL. I even use my knees for the push ups - otherwise I can't do even few. I plan to go without knees on the final stretch and see how much I'm improved. It's quite possible that using chair is not as effective - but still 100times better than not doing it. :) When you think of it this way...

As per Ab Riipper X - maybe that's what I should really do too.. pause and do 25 reps no matter what. Congrats on 50 mason twists! I could only do maybe 1/4th...


Just started p90x 2 days ago, and I feel broken down, but in a good way! Could only do the first section on chest and back, but I was able to complete the plyo yesterday. Every time I hear Tony say "Ok time to do all those moves one more time!" I wanna kick him.

This workout totally destroys any thoughts you have on your level of fitness going in. Can't wait to finish my first week.


I just started doing Ab Ripper X before the resistance workout instead of after and my abs are noticably more sore now than they used to be. I guess with the more energy I have before completing an hour-long resistance workout, I can better complete Ab Ripper X and give myself better results. I think. Unless this is just a psychological thing..


Neo Member
lachesis said:
You are not the only one using stool. I use a chair too! LOL. I even use my knees for the push ups - otherwise I can't do even few. I plan to go without knees on the final stretch and see how much I'm improved. It's quite possible that using chair is not as effective - but still 100times better than not doing it. :) When you think of it this way...

As per Ab Riipper X - maybe that's what I should really do too.. pause and do 25 reps no matter what. Congrats on 50 mason twists! I could only do maybe 1/4th...
Nice, I'm not alone in my struggles with the bar+chair :D . I guess my latissimus dorsi muscle (the back muscle you use in pull ups) is weak as shit :lol . I'm only able to do one "real" chin up in any hand orientation (wide, narrow grip, reverse, switch grip). I figure to get the full benefit of the workout, I should be able to achieve full range of motion in order to get that muscle working at all. I feel that it's working because on day one, it took 200% of me to do one pull up, and now I can do 1-2 before hitting failure. I may also try negative pullups sometime (where you start at the top of the pull up, lift feet from chair, then "finish" the pull up by going down). Shoulders & Chest is coming up this Sunday, hopefully I'll be able to do a few more pullups without a chair...even if it's just 3.

mnannola said:
Just started p90x 2 days ago, and I feel broken down, but in a good way! Could only do the first section on chest and back, but I was able to complete the plyo yesterday. Every time I hear Tony say "Ok time to do all those moves one more time!" I wanna kick him.

This workout totally destroys any thoughts you have on your level of fitness going in. Can't wait to finish my first week.
My girlfriend unleashes her dirty mouth throughout the workout. Every session is all "fuck you motherfucker" lol. She laughs about it during and after though, so at least she's a good sport about it. Congrats on finishing plyo! Maybe you can finish chest & back next week? I'm sure it'll be a little more possible second time around


I cannot do a friggin wide grip pull up to save my life. Man it's so frustrating seeing them do like 15/20 of those suckers. They're insane.


I'm also a chair-user: cannot do a real pull-up for the life of me, but I'm getting closer all the time. Legs & Back was kinda boring today; it was just a bunch of lunges and pull-ups... Felt really good afterwards as always, though. I'm starting to notice a bit of a difference in my body now – I had to use one more belt hole this morning. :lol My arms and shoulders are feeling slightly tighter, too.


TheBranca18 said:
I cannot do a friggin wide grip pull up to save my life. Man it's so frustrating seeing them do like 15/20 of those suckers. They're insane.

just wait until you have to do corn cob pull-ups :lol

i, too, about once a workout yell out "FUCK YOU, TONY!!" I wonder what my neighbors must think..
Just finished Core Synergistics. Took me an hour and a half to complete, but I was able to complete most of the moves(didn't do 1 or 2 near the end due to fatigue). This workout will have you working your entire midsection, all while working out a ton of other muscle groups at the same time. It isn't as brutal as Ab Ripper X, but the entire workout requires you to keep your midsection really tense in order to get the desired effect.


Neo Member
Clydefrog said:
I use Endurox R4 as my post-workout recovery drink. It's simply a recovery drink, not a protein supplement. It has 4:1 carbs:protein ratio. But it works wonders for soreness and muscle growth. Really does! oh it also tastes great.. i seriously crave it after the workout.

Then there's also whey protein supplement. I drink this only when I feel like I haven't eaten enough protein from actual foods for the day. If I've gotten enough protein from my meals, then I don't drink it. It doesn't taste as good..

endurox: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00029F5M2/?tag=neogaf0e-20
whey protein: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00024D7ZO/?tag=neogaf0e-20
How often do you drink Endurox? I'm thinking of picking it up at the local GNC/Vitamin World, because my current whey protein is running low (I share the supply with the girlfriend). Do you use the recommended two heapings scoops? Trying to be cheap if I can lol, I want a recovery drink with that 4:1 carb:protein ratio.


Man, I just did Day 1 again. What's funny is I actually did Day 1 better than my last attempt. Let's see how much pain I'm in tomorrow. :lol Hopefully I'll be able to stick with the program this time. I think last time I just pushed myself way too hard the first workout and used too strong a resistance band.


f-castrillo said:
How often do you drink Endurox? I'm thinking of picking it up at the local GNC/Vitamin World, because my current whey protein is running low (I share the supply with the girlfriend). Do you use the recommended two heapings scoops? Trying to be cheap if I can lol, I want a recovery drink with that 4:1 carb:protein ratio.

I rarely, if ever, use two scoops. I drink about one scoop of it after every resistance workout and about 1/2 - 3/4 scoop after every cardio workout. That seems to do the job. On the tub, it says use two scoops for every 2 hours of intense exercise, I believe. It's lasting quite a while :) it's good because it is rather expensive...


Neo Member
Sounds like a plan for me then, I'm gonna get me some Endurox at the local GNC tomorrow. We'll probably vary about 1/2-1 scoop (same as what you're doing). I wasn't aware it was 2 scoops for 2 hours of intense exercise.

It's 2:22AM PST right now. It's my off day, got home from a party close to 1AM, and I wanted to make sure I did an X-Stretch. I know it's also a rest day, but I wanted to see if I could commit all my off days to X-Stretch, as I'm not a really flexible guy and I'd eventually like to be like Gumby.

Late night/early morning X-stretch = perfect formula for sleep.
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