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What's this P90X workout stuff?


Dogenzaka said:
Well guys, I've tried "working out" and it just never "works out".

I have an extremely fast metabolism, I suppose. I never gain weight no matter how much I eat.

At one point, I had a personal trainer, went to the gym 3x a week, had like 6 full-course-meals a day with protein shakes. My trainer would work me out so hard that I would be dizzy afterwards and have to be carried to the car from my legs simply no longer working.

That was the most unpleasant time of my life, I don't see how anyone could enjoy working out. It just fucking sucks. And I was sore to the point where I couldn't even outstretch my arms for over a week. Working out just renders my body totally useless until it's recovered.

And I never really got any results. From the various times I've tried working out, by myself, or under instruction, it just never seems to yield any results. I grow discouraged and quit. There was no point to put myself under so much pressure, pain, and an incredibly expensive diet just for nothing.

Recently, my doctors think I might have hyperthyroidism, and it might be the cause of my incredibly vigorous metabolism. If it's confirmed, I'll take meds to slow down my thyroid activity, which would in turn slow down my metabolism. Maybe my body just wasn't absorbing anything I was giving it?

Anyway, after that, I'm willing to try this working out thing one more time. Just once. And I hear great things about P90x.

My problem is, I've always been a sort of "sickling". Since the beginning of high school when I had strong allergies, fatigue problems, scoliosis, etc. and I tire quickly. Obviously it's discouraged me from doing cardio in a few years, so I doubt I can even run a quarter-of-a-mile at this point. I'm not even sure if I can do over 15 push-ups.

I suppose, what can I do to prepare myself for P90x? Is there a beginner's video or something I can do until I'm at the level where I can stand the strenuous activity?

Sorry for intruding.
There's actually a test on their site that you can take to see if you will be able to endure the program


catfish said:
Day 1

I gave it my best

and threw up in my mouth a little during ab ripper x

there's obviously something to this program, and it involves NO SHORTCUTS.
You will feel like dying tomorrow. Or the day after. I forget, but it is really hard.

Anyway, I really have to get back to this. I did this from late December to March last year but I got sick and haven't done it since. I just do random pullups/pushups/ab ripper x once in a while.


Dogenzaka said:
At one point, I had a personal trainer, went to the gym 3x a week, had like 6 full-course-meals a day with protein shakes. My trainer would work me out so hard that I would be dizzy afterwards and have to be carried to the car from my legs simply no longer working.

That was the most unpleasant time of my life, I don't see how anyone could enjoy working out. It just fucking sucks. And I was sore to the point where I couldn't even outstretch my arms for over a week. Working out just renders my body totally useless until it's recovered.


My problem is, I've always been a sort of "sickling". Since the beginning of high school when I had strong allergies, fatigue problems, scoliosis, etc. and I tire quickly. Obviously it's discouraged me from doing cardio in a few years, so I doubt I can even run a quarter-of-a-mile at this point. I'm not even sure if I can do over 15 push-ups.

I suppose, what can I do to prepare myself for P90x? Is there a beginner's video or something I can do until I'm at the level where I can stand the strenuous activity?

If you are lean, and can walk up some stairs without sweating, jump into P90X. You can pace yourself at the start until you get used to it, like Tony says, "Do your best and forget the rest."

Don't worry about can't do this, can't do that, I can only do 10 pushups, whatever. Just show up every day, and do your best. Push play every day, and bring it. I couldn't do 5 pushups when I started P90X, and that was 2 weeks ago, now I can do over 15. Imagine what I'm going to be able to do on day 90!

You should find that eating properly and being in great shape will help out with some of your health problems.
Dogenzaka said:
Well guys, I've tried "working out" and it just never "works out".

I have an extremely fast metabolism, I suppose. I never gain weight no matter how much I eat.

At one point, I had a personal trainer, went to the gym 3x a week, had like 6 full-course-meals a day with protein shakes. My trainer would work me out so hard that I would be dizzy afterwards and have to be carried to the car from my legs simply no longer working.

That was the most unpleasant time of my life, I don't see how anyone could enjoy working out. It just fucking sucks. And I was sore to the point where I couldn't even outstretch my arms for over a week. Working out just renders my body totally useless until it's recovered.

And I never really got any results. From the various times I've tried working out, by myself, or under instruction, it just never seems to yield any results. I grow discouraged and quit. There was no point to put myself under so much pressure, pain, and an incredibly expensive diet just for nothing.

Recently, my doctors think I might have hyperthyroidism, and it might be the cause of my incredibly vigorous metabolism. If it's confirmed, I'll take meds to slow down my thyroid activity, which would in turn slow down my metabolism. Maybe my body just wasn't absorbing anything I was giving it?

Anyway, after that, I'm willing to try this working out thing one more time. Just once. And I hear great things about P90x.

My problem is, I've always been a sort of "sickling". Since the beginning of high school when I had strong allergies, fatigue problems, scoliosis, etc. and I tire quickly. Obviously it's discouraged me from doing cardio in a few years, so I doubt I can even run a quarter-of-a-mile at this point. I'm not even sure if I can do over 15 push-ups.

I suppose, what can I do to prepare myself for P90x? Is there a beginner's video or something I can do until I'm at the level where I can stand the strenuous activity?

Sorry for intruding.

P90X is an amazing program and it will get you in the best shape of your life, but if your goal is to put on some muscle, I think you'd be far better off just eating an absolute ton of food and lifting the heaviest weights you can manage. Sounds like you are an ectomorph, meaning it will be very difficult to gain muscle. You might actually lose muscle if you did P90X because of how many calories it burns. You would improve your overall health, but I doubt you would gain any size doing it.

You should consider yourself lucky. You get to eat whatever you want and never gain a pound. I eat junkfood once a month...the rest of the time it's boiled chicken breasts, broccoli, oatmeal, brown rice etc. Imagine having to turn down pizza when your work buys for all the staff. That's something I have to do all the time. Or imagine not being able to eat popcorn at the movie theater. Or not being able to have ice cream in the summer. Trust me, having a slow metabolism is far worse than having a fast one.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
hey when does everyone eat/workout here?

we started last night and did this

dinner - 1 hour 20 mins rest
chest/back/ab ripper X

large glass of chocolate milk.

Am I doing it wrong?


Neo Member
catfish said:
hey when does everyone eat/workout here?

we started last night and did this

dinner - 1 hour 20 mins rest
chest/back/ab ripper X

large glass of chocolate milk.

Am I doing it wrong?
Looks good IMO. However, be sure to adjust when you workout according to the meals you eat. You can exercise a little sooner after meals full of simple carbs (white rice, bananas, sugary stuff, etc.) versus meals with lots of complex carbs and proteins (whole wheat bread, fibrous foods, meats, brown rice, etc.), reason being that more blood flow is diverted to your GI tract in order to aid digestion, which means less blood flow to your muscles as you work out. Simple carbs are digested faster than complex carbs, so the recommended wait time after eating to exercise is less.


I've seen this thread a few times on here and never came in. Just wanted to say I'm about to finish up my 7th week. Down at least 15 lbs. (won't know for sure till tomorrow's weigh in.) This things really works if you put the effort into it.

Doing the lean route and hated Core the first few weeks, but now can just blaze through it. Switched up Cardio for Plyo last week. Do my routine every morning before work and now have started walking 4 miles every other night. Feeling great. Weigh less now then I did my Senior year in high school. Also have at least 4 people converted. Just a fun, very non-intrusive way to work out for me.

Keep it up everybody.
catfish said:
hey when does everyone eat/workout here?

we started last night and did this

dinner - 1 hour 20 mins rest
chest/back/ab ripper X

large glass of chocolate milk.

Am I doing it wrong?

I'm going to restart P90X in April. I'm probably going to do traditional bench and dumbbell exercise in the morning before work and P90X video of the day after work. I usually wait an hour and half after eating before exercising. Lets me get a few games of Catan in before I kill myself.


catfish said:
hey when does everyone eat/workout here?

we started last night and did this

dinner - 1 hour 20 mins rest
chest/back/ab ripper X

large glass of chocolate milk.

Am I doing it wrong?

I think you might struggle with some of the cardio stuff like Plyo with eating a full meal an hour earlier than your workout. I would recommend working out an hour before eating instead.


Neo Member
Burger said:
I think you might struggle with some of the cardio stuff like Plyo with eating a full meal an hour earlier than your workout. I would recommend working out an hour before eating instead.
It's a give and take issue I think. On one hand, doing the workout before eating means you don't run a high risk of barfing anything up, but there's a good chance you could bonk if you haven't eaten anything at all prior. On the other hand, you're more prone to throwing up if you work out post-meal (especially Plyo), but you'll have some energy incoming from the carbohydrates you (hopefully) ate


Burger said:
I think you might struggle with some of the cardio stuff like Plyo with eating a full meal an hour earlier than your workout. I would recommend working out an hour before eating instead.

I disagree, I think that this is just right. Eating shortly before Plyo (which is basically jumping up and down) is not the greatest idea.


f-castrillo said:
It's a give and take issue I think. On one hand, doing the workout before eating means you don't run a high risk of barfing anything up, but there's a good chance you could bonk if you haven't eaten anything at all prior. On the other hand, you're more prone to throwing up if you work out post-meal (especially Plyo), but you'll have some energy incoming from the carbohydrates you (hopefully) ate

Sure, I agree. I'm no expert, it's just I've tried intensive exercise after eating and I just couldn't do it, whether I ate too much I'm not sure, but I felt pretty ill afterwards. It's likely I didn't wait a full hour though.

My routine is come home from work (I would have had a decent lunch, plus an afternoon snack maybe an energy bar, water etc), do my workout, recovery drink, shower, cook dinner, done. Seems to work quite well.

My routine used to be come home from work, smoke a cig, crash out for an hour, eat an unhealthy dinner, and then eat junk food later on in the evening. So big changes for me (yes, P90X helped me quit smoking).


Console Market Analyst
I'm with Burger.

Breakfast -- Snack -- Lunch -- Snack -- Exercise/Recovery Drink -- Dinner

The above works for me, eating every three hours. No bonking here.


so I've always wanted to get off my ass and back into shape, the past 2 years have not been kind to me. I miss being in good shape, fitting into my clothes, having tons of erergy, plus all the other good things that come with it.

Thinking about starting up P90x, or Insanity, anyone have any strong thoughts on a particular one over the other? The main thing I like about Insanity is the fact that you don't need any equipment, but I actually have most of the stuff needed for P90x lying around.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
good to know, what I'm doing seems to work ok for me after 2 days, haven't spewed, felt like it a bit, but honestly I found the plyo slightly easier than the chest/back for some reason.

I think because I can't do 1 of the heart to heart push ups. at all. I can however do 30+ regular pushups. I must be doing it wrong, but those things just make me collapse.
catfish said:
good to know, what I'm doing seems to work ok for me after 2 days, haven't spewed, felt like it a bit, but honestly I found the plyo slightly easier than the chest/back for some reason.

I think because I can't do 1 of the heart to heart push ups. at all. I can however do 30+ regular pushups. I must be doing it wrong, but those things just make me collapse.

Maybe you're muscles are just spent by the time you get to those push ups.


I'm almost able to do a full session of Ab ripper x now.
I can have my legs straight during the scissors and mason twist doesn't really strain me unless I do more of them than Tony and the gang.

My only downfall is the V-ups. But they should be a cake during phase 3. :D

Feels good.


catfish said:
good to know, what I'm doing seems to work ok for me after 2 days, haven't spewed, felt like it a bit, but honestly I found the plyo slightly easier than the chest/back for some reason.

I think because I can't do 1 of the heart to heart push ups. at all. I can however do 30+ regular pushups. I must be doing it wrong, but those things just make me collapse.

I still can't do the diamond push ups either. Put a little bit of distance between your hands, and do it on your knees (keep your feet off the ground though). That way you are still able to do the exercise, work those muscles, and get some reps in.

Modify modify modify!


Burger said:
I still can't do the diamond push ups either. Put a little bit of distance between your hands, and do it on your knees (keep your feet off the ground though). That way you are still able to do the exercise, work those muscles, and get some reps in.

Modify modify modify!

If you widen your feet, you can often do them, as the wider stance causes more of the weight to shift to your feet.
Don't worry about those diamonds. You should be able to do them by the 3rd phase, if not by the 2nd. Just keep pushing yourself and it'll come to you.

Protip on the mason twist: do them with a dumbbell for some added intensity. Feels good! :D


Neo Member
Masta_Killah said:
Protip on the mason twist: do them with a dumbbell for some added intensity. Feels good! :D
How far along do you get into Mason Twist with added weights? I have 2lb wrist weights, and I can currently do the 40 + 10 bonus twists without weights. I'm curious and afraid to try this at the same time :lol
f-castrillo said:
How far along do you get into Mason Twist with added weights? I have 2lb wrist weights, and I can currently do the 40 + 10 bonus twists without weights. I'm curious and afraid to try this at the same time :lol

I use a 6lb dumbbell. When I first started, it was pretty tough to do, only being able to do 30(at a much slower speed then Tony) before I dropped the weights and went freehand. Now I can do the 50 at the same speed as the videos. I'm thinking of jumping the weight up to my 15 lb dumbbells.

The key to the twist with weights is to keep your core tight. Use what you learned with core synergistics and apply it to the twist. If you relax that core while doing the twist, you may pull a muscle, so start off slow and work yourself up to speed.

Also, I believe gym rats use a similar technique using grip plates. They basically rest it on their chest and twist left to right, while keeping their core tight.


I've never thrown up while working out, but I came close on my first Chest and Back workout. Note to self: ease up on the first set next time. I was basically worthless for half of the video and couldn't even get through 5 minutes of the Abs without feeling like I was going to be sick to my stomach.

EDIT: I feel retarded right now too. Like I want to lie down and stare at a wall for hours.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I need to figure out breakfasts. did plyo last night, had some chocolate milk after and felt DIZZY this morning when waking up. I take it that means my bodys freaking out.


Neo Member
Masta_Killah said:
I use a 6lb dumbbell. When I first started, it was pretty tough to do, only being able to do 30(at a much slower speed then Tony) before I dropped the weights and went freehand. Now I can do the 50 at the same speed as the videos. I'm thinking of jumping the weight up to my 15 lb dumbbells.

The key to the twist with weights is to keep your core tight. Use what you learned with core synergistics and apply it to the twist. If you relax that core while doing the twist, you may pull a muscle, so start off slow and work yourself up to speed.

Also, I believe gym rats use a similar technique using grip plates. They basically rest it on their chest and twist left to right, while keeping their core tight.
I may try my 5lb plate in tomorrow's Ab Ripper X. It's my last one before the recovery week and Phase 3, so I might as well finish up phase 2 with a bang.

Are you really gonna go for 15lbs? That's insane, I would move up to 10lbs first at least :lol but if you can bring it, then do it!
koam said:
These are awesome

Misc. Tony Horton quotes


Jumping in this thread, although I'm already in my third week! Didn't manage to do Plyo yesterday due to a minor leg injury, but opted for the Cardio X option. Just finished Shoulders/Arms/AbRipperX, which is now noticeably easier than when I started the first time.

Tomorrow, Yoga X. The first half of that is probably my second worst aspect now, after Plyometrics.
I3rand0 said:
Can someone recommend me a great tasting whey protein powder that isn't too expensive? (And purchasable on Amazon)

I've been using this one for a while, but it's just getting too expensive.



I've used nectar(crystal sky flavor), which taste great when mixed with dextrose. They usually sell for $32, but I've seen the crystal sky one go for around the mid $20 online.

I'm currently using the Elite whey protein, which was $20 retail at vitaminshoppe. You could probably find it cheaper online.


Neo Member
I did my Yoga X last night at midnight. Some of my balance posture poses are still shit (half moon pose, Warrior 3, Royal Dancer), but they are getting better, along with the rest of the routines in the workout. The Warrior-vinyasa sequences are much less strenuous now than ever (I don't get as much of a burn in any Warrior pose, but my thigh is on fire during the Right Angle Poses and the one where you reach behind your back and under the thigh).

I wonder if my balance-postures are shitty because of the fact that I work out on carpet. Maybe if I had some nice solid ground, I would balance better. And I do use a yoga mat, but it doesn't help the fact that the carpet gradually conforms to my hand/foot shape.:lol


Man. I am having major issues with nausea doing these videos. I stopped about halfway through Plyometrics today for the same reason. Not that I had the strength to finish anyhow.


I3rand0 said:
Can someone recommend me a great tasting whey protein powder that isn't too expensive? (And purchasable on Amazon)

I've been using this one for a while, but it's just getting too expensive.


Optimum Nutrition or Dymatize or a custom blend from True Protein. PVL makes some decent "cooler" flavours as well. "Great tasting" is really something that shouldn't be the main concern when looking for protein powder. It's a supplement, you chug it down and get on with your life.
I3rand0 said:
Can someone recommend me a great tasting whey protein powder that isn't too expensive? (And purchasable on Amazon)

I've been using this one for a while, but it's just getting too expensive.


Optimum Nutrition is my whey of choice. Their pricing is great IMO, and their products are sold on Amazon as well (although sometimes by non-Amazon stores). They even carry a non-artificial sweetener version of their Gold Standard whey if you're concerned about that kind of thing. ON just released a Platinum version of their whey that is pure whey isolate, but it's a bit more pricey then their Gold stuff, and not available with natural sweetener yet.


nyong said:
Man. I am having major issues with nausea doing these videos. I stopped about halfway through Plyometrics today for the same reason. Not that I had the strength to finish anyhow.

What are your eating habits like prior to starting the workout ?


Burger said:
What are your eating habits like prior to starting the workout ?

Not great up until the last few days. Not horrendous either, though. This morning I had a 6 eggwhite omelot, banana, and a glass of milk. Probably 1.5 hours prior to the workout. Last night, I had Cafe Yumm (vegan, rice and beans) a couple of hours prior. I woke up with a nasty headache. It should be noted that I have some sort of underlying medical problem. My blood pressure has been 150+/90+ for the past year or so, at random, and my resting heart rate jumped from 60+ to 100+. My heartrate has since stabilized and BP is beginning to drop a bit having run recently. Not really sure what caused it, but I suspect it has something to do with chemical/virus/bacteria I was exposed to in Iraq. I won't get treated for it, though, as I don't want it documented. Yet. And it seems to be getting better on its own.

My eating habits have never been great, but I'm used to running 5+ miles at a time and have gone through weight-lifting phases. I've never felt sick exercising like this before.

EDIT: A friend picked me up Cipro in Thailand and I ran through a 10-day sequence. This could have killed off whatever was plaguing me. I was running at the same time, though, so who knows? My heartrate is basically back to normal. BP is high, but dropping.


nyong said:
Not great up until the last few days. Not horrendous either, though. This morning I had a 6 eggwhite omelot, banana, and a glass of milk. Probably 1.5 hours prior to the workout. Last night, I had Cafe Yumm (vegan, rice and beans) a couple of hours prior. I woke up with a nasty headache. It should be noted that I have some sort of underlying medical problem. My blood pressure has been 150+/90+ for the past year or so, at random, and my resting heart rate jumped from 60+ to 100+. My heartrate has since stabilized and BP is beginning to drop a bit having run recently. Not really sure what caused it, but I suspect it has something to do with chemical/virus/bacteria I was exposed to in Iraq. I won't get treated for it, though, as I don't want it documented. Yet. And it seems to be getting better on its own.

My eating habits have never been great, but I'm used to running 5+ miles at a time and have gone through weight-lifting phases. I've never felt sick exercising like this before.

EDIT: A friend picked me up Cipro in Thailand and I ran through a 10-day sequence. This could have killed off whatever was plaguing me. I was running at the same time, though, so who knows? My heartrate is basically back to normal. BP is high, but dropping.

Then I suspect you are not getting enough carbs before your workout, which is why you feel so wasted, headachy etc.

However, I really think you should see a doctor before you start P90X. That would be the best advice I could give you.


Jamesfrom818 said:
I think that fitness test is a joke. It's way too easy to meet the criteria.

I don't know - I don't think I could have done that myself. I think I can barely pass that now. LOL


f-castrillo said:
I did my Yoga X last night at midnight. Some of my balance posture poses are still shit (half moon pose, Warrior 3, Royal Dancer), but they are getting better, along with the rest of the routines in the workout. The Warrior-vinyasa sequences are much less strenuous now than ever (I don't get as much of a burn in any Warrior pose, but my thigh is on fire during the Right Angle Poses and the one where you reach behind your back and under the thigh).

I wonder if my balance-postures are shitty because of the fact that I work out on carpet. Maybe if I had some nice solid ground, I would balance better. And I do use a yoga mat, but it doesn't help the fact that the carpet gradually conforms to my hand/foot shape.:lol
Same here, my yoga continues to improve slowly but steadily each time which almost makes it my favourite workout. I used to dread the vinyasa section, but now I'm quite comfortable doing it, though I'm still working hard and sweating like hell. I can't wait to see how far I've come by the end of the program, and I'll probably go on to do yoga every week after I'm finished.

Today was day 45, btw, meaning I'm (and you too, right?) are half way! :D


What exactly do I need to get started with P90X? How much should it cost? What should I be eating and can someone give me some simple steps on how to prepare some of it? I AM IN YOUR HANDS GAF

I want to start this and supplemental working out to get in better shape for the Summer :3


Neo Member
Yonn said:
Same here, my yoga continues to improve slowly but steadily each time which almost makes it my favourite workout. I used to dread the vinyasa section, but now I'm quite comfortable doing it, though I'm still working hard and sweating like hell. I can't wait to see how far I've come by the end of the program, and I'll probably go on to do yoga every week after I'm finished.

Today was day 45, btw, meaning I'm (and you too, right?) are half way! :D
Yes :D our recovery weeks start in a few days. Just in time too. I'm going on a mini-vacation this weekend, and I'll do my best to keep my eating habits healthy. I may jog and X Stretch a few hours before we leave, so that I can potentially make up for any eating problems I run into later in the day :lol.

mooooose said:
What exactly do I need to get started with P90X? How much should it cost? What should I be eating and can someone give me some simple steps on how to prepare some of it? I AM IN YOUR HANDS GAF

I want to start this and supplemental working out to get in better shape for the Summer :3
Well if you purchase P90X through most fitness/online sites (beachbody.com, amazon.com, extremebodyworkout.com), it comes with a fitness guide (explaining the program and the workouts) and a nutrition guide (outlining your dietary needs for the program). I can't really break down the cost of things, as I found myself constantly buying stuff (more weights, more supplementation, etc.) but here's what you need:

- P90X (12 DVDs, fitness guide, nutrition guide)
- Pull-up bar
- yoga mat (optional, but useful IMO)
- weights (I have a combination of plates that allow for 5 to 30 lb weights)
- resistance bands w/ door attachment (if you choose to opt out of the pull-up bar and weights)
- protein powders (whey and/or casein. Used for your protein shakes if you choose to have them)
Recovery Drinks (Endurox, P90X Recovery, Choco milk, etc.)

I can't think right now, my mind is turning off. If I'm missing anything, someone chime in please :)


I wanted to finish up the last Ab Ripper X of Phase 2 with a bang, so I tried using a 5lb plate in today's Mason Twist. I was still able to get the full 40+10 reps done, but I had to work extra hard to keep pace with Tony and the kids. Suddenly I felt a burn similar to a few weeks into Phase 1. While I got a bigger burn with the 5lb plate, I could still do better. My fingertips/knuckles were barely grazing the floor. When Phase 3 rolls around, I want to be able to get some firm contact with the ground. Thanks for the tip, Masta_Killah :D


I forgot to ask. Whenever I do squats, even when I was monitored and told I was doing it right, when I pick myself back up off from the squat position, my knees hurt. They feel like they're getting the brunt of the weight. Is that normal?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
day four, we finished 10 minutes before the end of yoga.

they should rename yoga to 'fucking balls out difficult'

I sort of like it though.

these whey powder things, should they be used after a workout? Like if I make a shake with a bunch of that stuff in and a banana is that good? How does chocolate milk fit in that equation?


Thanks. I googled earlier but didn't want to end up baking something I'd choke on. I'll give one of those a shot on the weekend.
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