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What's this P90X workout stuff?


Neo Member
koam said:
How on earth do people do cardio X in the morning? I have to do it before I eat cause I don't have time to wait an hour to digest but i run out of energy. I'm also too light headed in the morning to do the rolls and superman/banana
I've been drinking half a bottle of water (I drink 16oz bottles, so I essentially drink 1 cup of water) prior to Cardio X, nothing more. The Fitness Guide says to do Cardio X first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. However, I may try out doing a morning protein shake prior to Cardio X and see how that works out for me. With four Cardio X sessions a week now, I kinda need a boost of energy to keep me going.

Today I can safely say I burned a shitload of calories. I did the first 10 mins of Cardio X this morning (had to take the gf to school, so I skipped straight to Steam Engine for a decent morning burn). I had to wait for her at the campus for two hours, but I was wearing something that was barely passable as workout clothes, so I jogged for 45+ mins (close to 3 miles) around the area. There was a marina, and the weather was nice, so it was a pretty good jog. I didn't have my heartrate monitor on, but I checked my own pulse and it was probably over 130 most of the time :D

I had a funbag of confusion later in the evening. The gf wanted to do plyo with me, so we did the whole warmup sequence. Afterwards, she decided she wanted to try out Cardio X, so we switched to that instead. After two Sun Salutations, she called it quits, so then I switched back to Plyometrics and started right where I had left off. My jog from earlier in the day left my calves really sore, so Hot Foot was pretty bad. I knew it was coming, so I made it my goal to not take any breaks during Hot Foot, which I managed. Oh man, why did they put Cardio X on the same day as Plyo :lol
Terrible workout today. Joined LA Fitness today and decided to try to do chest/tri/shoulders at the gym. Spent the first 15 minutes looking for some 30 lbs dumbbells. Started my workout and forgot that I needed lighter weights for some of the moves. Spent another 10-15 minutes looking for some 15 lbs, which there were none. Ended up getting some 10 lbs, which seemed to do the job. Then I had to find a corner area since all of the free weight section was full. Finally started working out and everything was great. Then I ended up pushing too hard with the push-ups and burned out way too fast. I only ended up getting up to the twitch push-ups(4 fast, 3 slow) before completely burning out. I tried to keep going but my form was shot. Decided to just finish up the night by running for 10 minutes.

The plus side is that I felt the aftereffect. I also saw a bunch of guys doing p90x(they were doing ab ripper x), so I wasn't completely insane for doing some odd looking moves in front of everyone.

Gonna have to get used to the gym though. I want to do round 2 at the gym, since I can start increasing the weight. Guess I'll just need to get used to it. Hopefully the next workouts fair better then today.


Neo Member
Masta_Killah said:
Terrible workout today. Joined LA Fitness today and decided to try to do chest/tri/shoulders at the gym. Spent the first 15 minutes looking for some 30 lbs dumbbells. Started my workout and forgot that I needed lighter weights for some of the moves. Spent another 10-15 minutes looking for some 15 lbs, which there were none. Ended up getting some 10 lbs, which seemed to do the job. Then I had to find a corner area since all of the free weight section was full. Finally started working out and everything was great. Then I ended up pushing too hard with the push-ups and burned out way too fast. I only ended up getting up to the twitch push-ups(4 fast, 3 slow) before completely burning out. I tried to keep going but my form was shot. Decided to just finish up the night by running for 10 minutes.

The plus side is that I felt the aftereffect. I also saw a bunch of guys doing p90x(they were doing ab ripper x), so I wasn't completely insane for doing some odd looking moves in front of everyone.

Gonna have to get used to the gym though. I want to do round 2 at the gym, since I can start increasing the weight. Guess I'll just need to get used to it. Hopefully the next workouts fair better then today.
Are you watching the video at the gym? Or do you have the workouts memorized?

Holy shit, I could barely walk this morning, my calves were destroyed :lol, I almost lost my balance trying to walk out of my own room. I'm okay now, it's just getting up was initially difficult

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
Finished plyometrics for the first time. It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. Lets see how I feel in the morning.
The wife and I are about to get into this tonight after work. We just finished a month of Insanity with that Shaun T dude and the wife wanted to switch to this since her knees were getting the best of her with the high impact training of Insanity.

Any tips before we jump in tonight? We're definitely looking forward to it.


Valkyr Junkie said:
Sitting on the toilet to take a dump will hurt.
:lol I can confirm that. That only happened after my first plyo session though. Now I recover from it pretty quickly, with little to no soreness.


donkey show said:
The wife and I are about to get into this tonight after work. We just finished a month of Insanity with that Shaun T dude and the wife wanted to switch to this since her knees were getting the best of her with the high impact training of Insanity.

Any tips before we jump in tonight? We're definitely looking forward to it.

You will feel lots of pain but good pain. Try to pace yourself throughout the whole workout and you will be fine.


koam said:
How on earth do people do cardio X in the morning?

I've done my last three PLYOMETRICS workouts, today being the third one, on an empty stomach...the first time was out of necessity due to time constraints, and i said, i'll just do as much as i can and if i feel bonked, be it at 15mins in, 20, 30, etc, so be it, i'll stop and it'll at least be better than if i did nothing...but i ended up doing the whole workout and it felt no easier or harder than if i had a light breakfast and waited an hour after finishing.

So for now, until I get lean enough to really need the pre-workout calories, i plan to continue doing so to maximize tapping into the bodyfat reserves.


Valkyr Junkie said:
Sitting on the toilet to take a dump will hurt.
That is very true. I am just a few days further than him and thankfully it is getting more bearable as it goes on. Not easy, but I am not rolling around in agony after a workout ends, you really have to pace yourself a little bit or you will lose a lot of steam in the second half of the workouts. At least that is what I doing for the first few weeks.
f-castrillo said:
Are you watching the video at the gym? Or do you have the workouts memorized?

Holy shit, I could barely walk this morning, my calves were destroyed :lol, I almost lost my balance trying to walk out of my own room. I'm okay now, it's just getting up was initially difficult

I have it ripped and converted to mp4 so I can play it on my Zune.

I thought my workout last night was a disaster, but I was pleasantly surprised at how sore my chest was today.

Just got done at the gym. Ended up running on a treadmill for 20 minutes, followed by 20 minutes on a stair climber. That thing felt good, though nothing like plyo. Overall it was a pretty good cardio day. I was soaking wet after leaving the gym, something that hasn't happened to me with plyo since month 2.

I'm starting to get my rhythm in the gym. I think it maybe time for me to move forward and start doing a custom program. I gotta thank p90x though. If it wasn't for that program, I don't think I would have the commitment to fitness like I do know.

Anyway, hope you guys continue on and keep pushing yourselves. As for anyone wondering if the program works, it does. You just have to put the time and dedication to completing it.


Yesterday was my last chest / back day. :( For some reason, I think I'm going to miss this work out... still on my knees to keep up the reps - but I can now do at least 30 push ups (regular), and that's even pacing myself so that I can keep up to the end. It was like 10 when I first started, even with the knee. Perhaps for round 2 in the future, I'll be doing regular push-ups, not knee assisted and see how it goes.

Ah.. my plyo session is coming up in less than 30 min.. (had dinner about 1 and half hour ago, and I try to not to do it at least 2 hours after). I'm kinda feeling under the weather today, but reading this thread always motivates me. :)


Started my first workout today. Wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I feel a little stiff, but I'm not in any kinda pain (though that may set in when I wake up in the morning). The only thing that really surprised me was that I can't do pullups for shit. After 5, I was done. :| Something tells me it's gonna be a long 90 days. :lol


OmniGamer said:
I've done my last three PLYOMETRICS workouts, today being the third one, on an empty stomach...the first time was out of necessity due to time constraints, and i said, i'll just do as much as i can and if i feel bonked, be it at 15mins in, 20, 30, etc, so be it, i'll stop and it'll at least be better than if i did nothing...but i ended up doing the whole workout and it felt no easier or harder than if i had a light breakfast and waited an hour after finishing.

So for now, until I get lean enough to really need the pre-workout calories, i plan to continue doing so to maximize tapping into the bodyfat reserves.

This logic doesn't really make much sense. I now that P90X says to do it, but it's broscience.

Think about it. Your exercise burns say 500 calories.

If you exercise on an empty stomach, then say you burn 500 calories of fat. You then proceed to eat 2500 calories that day., for a net consumption of 2000 calories.

If you exercise after having eaten 500 calories of food, then it burns that 500 calories instead of fat. You then proceed to eat 2000 more calories that day, for a net total of 2000 calories consumed. Of course the actual percentages are different, but the point is the same. Net fat loss in that period is identical.

Working out while fasted does nothing to burn more fat over a 24 hour period. Personally, I'd never train on an empty stomach simply because I wouldn't be able to bring any intensity to the workout. If you operate better like that, then perfect, but don't do it because you think it'll make you lose more fat. Just make sure that your daily calories are the same.

It's a fantastic program and I did it, but a few of their recommendations are strange.


lachesis said:
Yesterday was my last chest / back day. :( For some reason, I think I'm going to miss this work out... still on my knees to keep up the reps - but I can now do at least 30 push ups (regular), and that's even pacing myself so that I can keep up to the end. It was like 10 when I first started, even with the knee. Perhaps for round 2 in the future, I'll be doing regular push-ups, not knee assisted and see how it goes.

Ah.. my plyo session is coming up in less than 30 min.. (had dinner about 1 and half hour ago, and I try to not to do it at least 2 hours after). I'm kinda feeling under the weather today, but reading this thread always motivates me. :)

Lachesis, are you going to do a round 2? I personally kind of think that P90X's benefits muscle-endurance-wise peak out in later rounds, since you'll be able to complete the movements and more or less keep up while in the first one you have to stop halfway, take breaks, etc which reduce the training effect.


BobLoblaw said:
Started my first workout today. Wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I feel a little stiff, but I'm not in any kinda pain (though that may set in when I wake up in the morning). The only thing that really surprised me was that I can't do pullups for shit. After 5, I was done. :| Something tells me it's gonna be a long 90 days. :lol

Some people can't do 1, so you're on your way.

Since it was your first day, you really shouldn't expect out of the world results. You will get better in time


grumble said:
Lachesis, are you going to do a round 2? I personally kind of think that P90X's benefits muscle-endurance-wise peak out in later rounds, since you'll be able to complete the movements and more or less keep up while in the first one you have to stop halfway, take breaks, etc which reduce the training effect.

Yeah. I think I'll go for a round 2 - I agree with what you say, and a lot of people are saying the most result comes in 3rd phase. Probably due to the fact that the participant can do more reps by then... but after round 1, I probably will take a week or 2 off from it but doing some elliptical machine for an hour, 3 times a week, and perhaps throw in some core synergicstics and ab ripper x thrown in 2-3 times on off days - so that I won't gain too much weight, while living up the life a bit.

My first priority was to lose some weight, which I'm at 173. (from 187) My original goal was to get to 160-165 range. Bulking up is nice, but I actually want some more lean body tone - as I'm known as "tofu" man among my friends. When I looked at myself, I wasn't too fat per se, but had very very little muscle. My ultimate goal, however is to see some six packs for the first time in my life - but I'm not sure whether it's achievable goal at this point. My belly is certainly flatter, and love handle is almost gone now - but still no sign of any muscle developement above the skin level. ;) (man boobs are much flatter and with some muscle definition, so I'm very happy with it so far.. but still much to go.)

But I also feel like that I need to mix things up a bit. I'm thinking of trying out other workout dvds, that aren't 1 and half hour long. Perhaps I'd do a set of 30 min workout for a month or so, then jump back on p90x 2nd round... or I might just go into "lean" version of P90X to develop my basic fitness level before I eventually start my round 2 with full force. Right now, alls up in the air, as I'm more or less concentrating on P90X classic that I'll finish in 4 weeks - and my home computer environment upgrade, which is taking me a lot of time as well.

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
Nevermind, my ass hurts from doing plyometrics. :lol

Anyways, currently I have this in my house.


Is this okay for protein shakes? Also could someone recommend me some good (cheap) protein bars and recovery shake/drink.


I had an Al Sharpton friend...Once! Well not a friend really, but we talked a few times. Well one time. Well I yelled out my window "GET OFF MY LAWN!"
hey gaf, i'm injured and i can't do any leg work for the time being. i'm on phase 2, and last week i started replacing legs&back with chest&back. i figured since the program has you work your back twice a week anyway, it wouldn't hurt to hit the chest twice as well. seems kosher, no?
soultron said:
I have it. I'm too busy between school and closing shifts at a restaurant to actually try it though.

You need either:

a set of dumbbells and a chin up bar


a set of resistance bands to do mimic the dumbbells and chin up bar.

And a yoga mat.

The thing comes with a pretty awesome nutrition guide, but don't expect to be eating anything that appetizing to you if you live off of junk and fast food. If you already eat healthy, you're going to have to cut out a few more things to get the desired results.

Also, the program's introduction wastes no time recommending BeachBody.com's line of P90X creatine blends and protein bars. Pretty sad shill that I didn't see when I watched the informercials.

Basically, it's standard crossfit/muscle confusion stuff. 12 DVDs over 3 months. You rotate through a couple DVDs every week then switch to another rotation.

It's hard as fuck if you're out of shape. There's a regular P90 that's suggested as a starting point. There's a physical fitness test somewhere on the BeachBody.com website that you can take to see if you're going to be able to do P90X.

All of that said, my sister had a baby a year ago, and whipped the fuck out of P90X and now she looks better than before she had the baby.

You already work out, right, bish? You shouldn't have major difficulties with it otherwise. It's just a matter of getting 1-1.5 hours every day aside for your P90X routine. Be ready to do 100+ pushup variations on chest + back days.

EDIT: Thought you were Wellington. Hopefully you're already working out, bish.

Thanks for the summary.

1-1.5 hours is just wayyy too much time in my schedule for every day. I'm doing good to get in 30 min four days per week.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
man since beginning this my life goes

get up -> eat
go to work
come home from work
feel weak
eat dinner
watch maybe 1 tv show

weird thing is, I don't hate it. Eating food feels good, sleeping feels great.

I don't look any better after 16 days, in fact I think I look worse, because my fat got a little... baggy. Think it's working, I'm by no means really fat 1.80m + 81 kilos, but there was a little gut growing there. It's still there, but it feels... looser is the best I can describe it.


Tater Tot said:
Nevermind, my ass hurts from doing plyometrics. :lol

Anyways, currently I have this in my house.


Is this okay for protein shakes? Also could someone recommend me some good (cheap) protein bars and recovery shake/drink.

The whey is fine.

There aren't any 'cheap' protein bars, if you buy them in stores. They're kind of a ripoff. If you buy them from bodybuilding.com, you can usually get some relatively great prices. Browse around and see what you like.

The best recovery drink is chocolate milk. Outside of that, maxing up anything with whey and sugar is fine. I like whey, frozen berries and a little ice cream in milk or water.


I have been able to add 1-2,5kg of weight (depending on the exercise) to my workouts after every phase.
6 more months and I will be a fucking monster :p
Resistance bands don't offer enough resistance to act as replacements for dumbbells (for me anyway). I really need to get something like those bowflex weights but they cost £180 (with shipping) which I can't afford right now. I suppose I'll have to shorten the bands in the meantime.

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
grumble said:
The whey is fine.

There aren't any 'cheap' protein bars, if you buy them in stores. They're kind of a ripoff. If you buy them from bodybuilding.com, you can usually get some relatively great prices. Browse around and see what you like.

The best recovery drink is chocolate milk. Outside of that, maxing up anything with whey and sugar is fine. I like whey, frozen berries and a little ice cream in milk or water.

Thanks grumble, you always give great advice.

I couldn't finish Chest+back yesterday, because my sister had to use the room. Today I did Chest+back, yoga and ab ripper. Suffice to say, I am beat.


Day 60 today!

I can already say that I'm in the best shape of my life, but that's not saying much since I've never really been in shape. :lol But damn if I don't feel and look a lot better than I did 60 days ago. Looking at my pics I can see a much bigger difference than I can in the mirror, which is very encouraging (I might upload them at day 90 if I can gather the courage). Compared to the progress between my day 0 and 30 pics I've made a much bigger leap this time which makes me very excited to see my final results. Overall I seem to have lost a good deal of fat (belly has shrunk quite a bit) and my muscles are starting to show themselves. This was just the push I needed to give it my all during the last 30 days.

Keep pushing play people, it's worth it! :D


catfish said:
man since beginning this my life goes

get up -> eat
go to work
come home from work
feel weak
eat dinner
watch maybe 1 tv show

Add a demanding baby girl, and you are doing exactly same thing that I'm doing.. except during weekdays, I can't watch any TV show. ;)


pic 1

pic 2

the photos are kinda lame..........sorry

Just wanted to show my progress somewhat :lol . I already did P90x and now I am on P90x+.
I was pretty lean before but didn't really have any muscle. My biceps are definitely bigger then a few months ago and so are my pecs but you can't really tell by the pic with the pecs. My legs were already strong, so not a big deal there.

I would of taken pics of my back but that would of been tough :lol


mYm|17| said:
pic 1

pic 2

the photos are kinda lame..........sorry

Just wanted to show my progress somewhat :lol . I already did P90x and now I am on P90x+.
I was pretty lean before but didn't really have any muscle. My biceps are definitely bigger then a few months ago and so are my pecs but you can't really tell by the pic with the pecs. My legs were already strong, so not a big deal there.

I would of taken pics of my back but that would of been tough :lol

There's a definite improvement. You might gain from putting on a few pounds, you're pretty thin.


mYm|17| said:
pic 1

pic 2

the photos are kinda lame..........sorry

Just wanted to show my progress somewhat :lol . I already did P90x and now I am on P90x+.
I was pretty lean before but didn't really have any muscle. My biceps are definitely bigger then a few months ago and so are my pecs but you can't really tell by the pic with the pecs. My legs were already strong, so not a big deal there.

I would of taken pics of my back but that would of been tough :lol

Cool, keep it up :)


mYm|17| said:
I can't really gain weight, I guess it's the genetics :lol
I used to be like that before I turned 30. It really is a blessing and a curse. It took months of lifting the heaviest weights I could handle before I started to put on any appreciable mass. Just focus on continuing to get in better shape and the rest will take care of itself. My goal with P90X was to lose about 10 pounds, get in better shape, and an added one is to be able to crank out more pushups and pulls ups than the girls in the videos.

Enjoy it while you can. I certainly did (by eating ridiculous amounts of food).
OK GAF, you sold me on this. I'm looking to make a severe lifestyle change, and it looks like this would help immensely. I would rather work out in my own home in the morning instead of going to the gym, so this sounds perfect.

I'm in my early thirties, haven't been extremely physically active for the last few years or so. On the plus side, I cut back on my nights out drinking to once a month if that, and I'm also day 6 into my quitting smoking detox. Since I hear this work-out routine is pretty intensive, should I "ease-into" it? Should I follow the routines the best I can, until I can do them to completion? I shouldn't feel bad if I can't do them 100% at first, should I?


SirButterstick said:
OK GAF, you sold me on this. I'm looking to make a severe lifestyle change, and it looks like this would help immensely. I would rather work out in my own home in the morning instead of going to the gym, so this sounds perfect.

I'm in my early thirties, haven't been extremely physically active for the last few years or so. On the plus side, I cut back on my nights out drinking to once a month if that, and I'm also day 6 into my quitting smoking detox. Since I hear this work-out routine is pretty intensive, should I "ease-into" it? Should I follow the routines the best I can, until I can do them to completion? I shouldn't feel bad if I can't do them 100% at first, should I?

almost no one is gonna do them 100% at first. or even for the first 3 months.

Laguna X

Nintendogs Member
SirButterstick said:
OK GAF, you sold me on this. I'm looking to make a severe lifestyle change, and it looks like this would help immensely. I would rather work out in my own home in the morning instead of going to the gym, so this sounds perfect.

I'm in my early thirties, haven't been extremely physically active for the last few years or so. On the plus side, I cut back on my nights out drinking to once a month if that, and I'm also day 6 into my quitting smoking detox. Since I hear this work-out routine is pretty intensive, should I "ease-into" it? Should I follow the routines the best I can, until I can do them to completion? I shouldn't feel bad if I can't do them 100% at first, should I?
There is also a Power 90 (P90) and Masters (P90M) series available. If you think the Xtreme series (P90X) will be too much for you to handle, you can always try those two before "graduating" to P90X.
Cool, thanks for the advice! I think I'll stick with the P90x, since I have no problem pushing myself to do this. I don't have a problem with the discipline side, I just feel like I got myself into a bad rut the last couple of years that I want to break out of. It's bad when work and going out partying starts taking presidence over your personal health.


I had to go on a business trips so I had to stop for a week and a half. It was right after the first recovery week.

I decided to start over from scratch and I can do everything much better. Because I can do most of the excercises 100% now I'm still sore.

I'm not dieting nor taking any suplements although I think I'll start taking the suplements on phase 2.

I visited my family recently and they noticed the change. A lot of them asked me if I was hitting the gym. It was pretty motivating.

I'm not fat but still I'm exchanging fat for muscle, which is good.

Keep up the good work guys!
mYm|17| said:
You will feel lots of pain but good pain. Try to pace yourself throughout the whole workout and you will be fine.
Heh after a couple days of this so far, I'm really enjoying the pace of P90x. I've been able to keep up with the pace of the vids, probably thanks to the previous Insanity workouts, but just barely. It really reminds me of basic training at times, which I would love to get back into that shape, granted that was 9 years ago... >__<

Regardless, the wife and I love it. :D


Just started this week. I'm on Day 2 and just finished Plyometrics :lol

The workouts for yesterday (Chest & Back) and today all started out the same:

- this isn't so bad
- i can keep up
- oh god
- where's the water break!?!?
- ffffuuuuu

but by the end you're sweating and you feel good for finishing the routine, even if you couldn't keep up with most of it. :D


Had a tough time with this when I first started. On Day 61 now. Down 18+ lbs. so far.

I've added Kenpo Cardio and Cardio Interval on some days as doubles and have really taken off. Can't believe how much I'm enjoying it. I've been on the lean program and just this week I had to do Shoulders & Arms again for the first time since week 3 and was able to double my chair lifts and side-tri rises each time from my previous best.


OmniGamer said:
Thanks man :)

Good job man and thanks for the pics. Seeing people's results always gets me pumped to exercise. Just did Kenpo and it was painful. My arms were still reeling from Back and Bis.

My favorite Tony quotation has gotta be, "Ooh, I feel that in so many fantastic places" from Kenpo.


mYm|17| said:
pic 1

pic 2

the photos are kinda lame..........sorry

Just wanted to show my progress somewhat :lol . I already did P90x and now I am on P90x+.
I was pretty lean before but didn't really have any muscle. My biceps are definitely bigger then a few months ago and so are my pecs but you can't really tell by the pic with the pecs. My legs were already strong, so not a big deal there.

I would of taken pics of my back but that would of been tough :lol

Great motivation for me, man. Thanks for sharing!


omni and mYm: thanks for sharing the pics, it really gives me some motivation :) You both seem to be doing great; and omni, I definitely see some big improvements from the old pics you posted earlier in the thread. Nice job! And welcome to the new guys! Stick to it and you won't be disappointed.

I weighed myself for the first time since day 1 today and found out that I've gone from 85kg/187lb (day 1) to 75kg/170lb (day 62). Not bad considering I've also put on a significant amount of muscle (more than I've ever had, really).


Yonn said:
omni and mYm: thanks for sharing the pics, it really gives me some motivation :) You both seem to be doing great; and omni, I definitely see some big improvements from the old pics you posted earlier in the thread. Nice job! And welcome to the new guys! Stick to it and you won't be disappointed.

I weighed myself for the first time since day 1 today and found out that I've gone from 85kg/187lb (day 1) to 75kg/170lb (day 62). Not bad considering I've also put on a significant amount of muscle (more than I've ever had, really).

Thanks man, and congrats on the weight loss...17lbs is great, especially taking into account the added muscle
So I decided to buy some resistance bands so I could some more reps with pullups... and, um, these things are terrifying. I am scared to death that they'll just snap and hit me in the face at 1,000 miles per second. Well, guess it's back to using the chair for the assisted pullups.
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