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What's this P90X workout stuff?


fatty said:
I’m about a week behind you. I remember thinking that the recovery week would be much easier compared to the others but Core Synergistics really kicks your butt. (Esp. that first time when I thought it would be similar to Cardio X) I’m also almost back to my weight when I first started college. :)

Good job, uh, fatty. :lol I think you'll have to change your username eventually at this rate. Good Luck and keep it up! See you at the finish line.
^-^ I'm on Day 30, just finished a stint of plyometrics and man that shit doesn't get any easier.

I definitely noticed that my arms and legs are more toned and my pants are getting looser. But man, beyond the looks I feel absolutely great. I can walk up stairs/the hill on my college campus without sweating or loosing breath.

Keep pressing play everyone!!


facepalm007 said:
^-^ I'm on Day 30, just finished a stint of plyometrics and man that shit doesn't get any easier.

I definitely noticed that my arms and legs are more toned and my pants are getting looser. But man, beyond the looks I feel absolutely great. I can walk up stairs/the hill on my college campus without sweating or loosing breath.

Keep pressing play everyone!!

Just did day 37 plyo. I totally get you, it still kills me, but I'm learning to love the burn and love the progress. I managed to pull through the high intensity jumps with decent form for the first time ever today I think, and I nailed both of the hot feet exercises too with proper crosses. I do P90X with bare feet, and I've now got thick enough calluses now to not feel the scrubbing pains in plyo anymore... :lol

I can second the thing about the uphills walks and such as well. When I'm out of the house these days I rarely feel winded and I just generally feel more energetic (well, when my muscles aren't aching that is :D).

Anyway, after the workout today I weighed myself again and it seems I'm now 15 pounds down from my weight before P90X, though I expect to rebound up a bit after hydrating and a meal etc. I'm very pleased with the results so far though, going to keep working at it and hoping to lose another 5-10 at least before the end of the first 90 days.


I just clicked this thread for a quick review of what P90X is all about but found that a little bit disappointing with 40+ pages of info. I just wanted to say good job to Omnigamer and thanks for taking the trouble providing all those pix and information. I got a question for you: come July, will you continue P90X routines or look elsewhere for progression?
Another question for anyone who can answer it: can you link me a page that gives a quick, clear overview of the daily exercise routines comparable to normal fitness/bodybuilding schemes? I don't want to order 14 DVDs just to know what this is about but this thread got me interested. I can't get on a full P90X course since it isn't in line with my other physical goals (will get to exhausted for martial arts training multiple times a week) but the results some guys are getting are phenomenal and I'm looking for inspiration for my own daily workouts on non-training (MA) days.


Dkong said:
I just clicked this thread for a quick review of what P90X is all about but found that a little bit disappointing with 40+ pages of info. I just wanted to say good job to Omnigamer and thanks for taking the trouble providing all those pix and information. I got a question for you: come July, will you continue P90X routines or look elsewhere for progression?
Another question for anyone who can answer it: can you link me a page that gives a quick, clear overview of the daily exercise routines comparable to normal fitness/bodybuilding schemes? I don't want to order 14 DVDs just to know what this is about but this thread got me interested. I can't get on a full P90X course since it isn't in line with my other physical goals (will get to exhausted for martial arts training multiple times a week) but the results some guys are getting are phenomenal and I'm looking for inspiration for my own daily workouts on non-training (MA) days.

If you are already involved in a training program, you probably don't need to do the full P90X. I'd suggest figuring out what you want to work on outside of your martial arts training and maybe customizing a program for yourself from the Body By Fish exercises or something like that. P90X is a great system for people who are out of shape who want to get into better shape, since it's quite simple to follow the videos and get a decent whole body workout, but it doesn't surpass specialized training for specific sports.


Dkong said:
I just clicked this thread for a quick review of what P90X is all about but found that a little bit disappointing with 40+ pages of info. I just wanted to say good job to Omnigamer and thanks for taking the trouble providing all those pix and information. I got a question for you: come July, will you continue P90X routines or look elsewhere for progression?

Thanks man, and thanks everybody, this thread has definitely been a secondary "Tony Horton" motivation-wise. As for July, i'm not sure...i will probably do P90X yet again and just maintain for the summer...around sept. though, i'd like to purchase some heavier dumbbells and do a more bulk-oriented program to try to add some muscle mass over the fall/winter, and then cut down for next spring/summer.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I really want to get better dumbell sets

I have 2 bars with screw on screw off weights. it's cumbersome and shit to keep adjusting these.

What's everybody using for their dumbells? I looked at those adjustable ones, but jesus christ at the price....


catfish said:
I really want to get better dumbell sets

I have 2 bars with screw on screw off weights. it's cumbersome and shit to keep adjusting these.

What's everybody using for their dumbells? I looked at those adjustable ones, but jesus christ at the price....

I just bought numerous standalone weights. no need to adjust during a workout.

5, 10, 15, 20, 30.

the downside is they take up a whole corner of my living room and block access to my Rock Band instruments :)


catfish said:
I really want to get better dumbell sets

I have 2 bars with screw on screw off weights. it's cumbersome and shit to keep adjusting these.

What's everybody using for their dumbells? I looked at those adjustable ones, but jesus christ at the price....
I use standalones like LCfiner mentioned, 10 to 35 pounds. At a dollar per pound the cost still adds up ($270), but I tend to buy only a pair at a time when I feel I need to move up.

I really prefer standalones for their size and balance, but I haven't tried those fancy adjustable ones.


So I did the Yoga workout for the first time last night. I realized that a) I need a mat bad. b) some of the stuff is going to take a long time to be able to do. I had a few surgeries on my hip when I was young and have never been able to sit proper indian style (cris-cross) so a lot of the stuff in Yoga just does not feel right.

Other than that it was pretty relaxing...I had a wicked headache when I started and by the end it was gone.
I'm trying to start this program but just had a few concerns. First, I dont really have a place to put the pullup bar since my bedroom door is right against the wall and I imagine I need plenty of space for that thing to fit on a door frame. Are the bands a good alternative or should I just stick to the pull up bar? Second, I only have a pair of 20lb dumbells, how many more sets will I really need for the program? And last, I really don't plan on following the diet program that comes with this, although I will try to. How drastic can I expect my progress or results to be by not following the diet?


MindCollizion said:
I'm trying to start this program but just had a few concerns. First, I dont really have a place to put the pullup bar since my bedroom door is right against the wall and I imagine I need plenty of space for that thing to fit on a door frame. Are the bands a good alternative or should I just stick to the pull up bar?

You'll be fine with the bands.

Second, I only have a pair of 20lb dumbells, how many more sets will I really need for the program?

I started out with 10lbs for the arms and had to work my way up to 20-25 lbs. In the case of back and leg exercises, you'll probably need heavier weights. I'd say a good starting range is anywhere from 10-25, maybe 30 lbs and as you get stronger you can go higher.

And last, I really don't plan on following the diet program that comes with this, although I will try to. How drastic can I expect my progress or results to be by not following the diet?

I don't really follow the diet and I've progressed fine. My diet is pretty much eat healthy. Mostly complex carbs, lean meats, veggies and fruits, and not too much sugar. At the most, I sort of follow the fat to protein to carb ratio for each phase.



MindCollizion said:
I'm trying to start this program but just had a few concerns. First, I dont really have a place to put the pullup bar since my bedroom door is right against the wall and I imagine I need plenty of space for that thing to fit on a door frame. Are the bands a good alternative or should I just stick to the pull up bar? Second, I only have a pair of 20lb dumbells, how many more sets will I really need for the program? And last, I really don't plan on following the diet program that comes with this, although I will try to. How drastic can I expect my progress or results to be by not following the diet?

I'd use the pullup bar if I could. Even using a different door frame is a possibility. The bands work in an emergency, but personally I think they're significantly worse.

As for the dumbbells, to 20 lb dummbells won't cut it. You'll probably need 15-50, ideally, maybe skipping 30 or 35. That's what I found, at least.

The diet is important. It depends on what your normal eating habits are, but it makes a difference. You'll need protein to feed muscles, you'll need to regulate your calories so you can recover but not so get fat, and you have to do that pretty much every day. If you can do that without the P90X diet, that's great. If you can't, don't expect the best results.
MindCollizion said:
Thanks grumble and ocadman. Which pullup bar do you guys use or which would you recommend I get?

I have an Everlast bar I bought from Big 5 during my first round.

I'm thinking of getting a new one though.


MindCollizion said:
Thanks grumble and ocadman. Which pullup bar do you guys use or which would you recommend I get?

I got the Iron Gym. Works like a charm, easily slips over a doorframe, and is removed in one second flat without a problem or any marking.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
just completed day 40

I was biking 24km per day as well, but I gave it a rest yesterday due to a leg workout being that day.

I gave it a rest today as well due to walking down my stairs like a 90 year old man after said workout. :lol

funny thing is, I've lost a lot of fat, but I have not lost a single kilo I don't think. I seem to sit on 80 kilo despite noticing some improvements (gf has also commented)


MindCollizion said:
Thanks grumble and ocadman. Which pullup bar do you guys use or which would you recommend I get?

No problem, whatever grumble says is probably right as he definitely knows more than me. Co-sign on the Iron Gym. I'm also lacking in space and it works fine for me. If you're in the USA and have a Bed, Bath, and Beyond near you, you can get it from there with their 20% off coupon. Unless some other place is having a sale, it's the cheapest price I could find.


Today is day 90! :D

Overall I'm very pleased with my results: I went from 187lb to 170 in the fist two months, and today the scale was showing the exact same number as a month ago, but I did gain some muscle during this last month. Considering I had almost no muscle to speak of when starting I'm incredibly happy with the fact that I've managed to build a significant amount of it while simultaneously losing fat. I still have a good deal of fat to work on though; the gut and love handles still persist, but compared to what I had before I'm very happy.

Maybe the biggest change has been in my general well-being. I've been sleeping a lot better than before, I feel more focused and have a lot more energy (even despite the tiredness from working out). My metabolism and blood circulation have also been boosted a great deal. I used to have cold hands and feet all the time, but that problem has almost gone away completely. One thing that I didn't expect was for veins to suddenly appear on my hands, arms, legs and feet. For someone who's been covered with fat for most of my life I was a bit freaked out by this, but I guess it's a good thing. :lol I'm also a hell of a lot more flexible which I'm very pleased with. Before P90X I could hardly reach my ankles, but now I can almost put the palm of my hand on the floor.

All in all this has been an awesome change for me and I seriously can't wait to do it all over again. In fact, I can't ever see myself reverting back to my old lifestyle. I guess the best thing I can say about P90X is that it made me love working out and eating right. Putting your mind to something, working hard and seeing results is one of the most satisfying things I have ever experienced. Every night I can look back at the day and feel like I've done something useful with my time, and that always puts a smile on my face and makes me want to do the same thing the following day. Hopefully this post will help other people to do the same.

Thanks to everyone in the thread for posting; it's been a good source of motivation for me, especially when I was starting out.


Yonn said:
Today is day 90! :D

Overall I'm very pleased with my results: I went from 187lb to 170 in the fist two months, and today the scale was showing the exact same number as a month ago, but I did gain some muscle during this last month. Considering I had almost no muscle to speak of when starting I'm incredibly happy with the fact that I've managed to build a significant amount of it while simultaneously losing fat. I still have a good deal of fat to work on though; the gut and love handles still persist, but compared to what I had before I'm very happy.

Maybe the biggest change has been in my general well-being. I've been sleeping a lot better than before, I feel more focused and have a lot more energy (even despite the tiredness from working out). My metabolism and blood circulation have also been boosted a great deal. I used to have cold hands and feet all the time, but that problem has almost gone away completely. One thing that I didn't expect was for veins to suddenly appear on my hands, arms, legs and feet. For someone who's been covered with fat for most of my life I was a bit freaked out by this, but I guess it's a good thing. :lol I'm also a hell of a lot more flexible which I'm very pleased with. Before P90X I could hardly reach my ankles, but now I can almost put the palm of my hand on the floor.

All in all this has been an awesome change for me and I seriously can't wait to do it all over again. In fact, I can't ever see myself reverting back to my old lifestyle. I guess the best thing I can say about P90X is that it made me love working out and eating right. Putting your mind to something, working hard and seeing results is one of the most satisfying things I have ever experienced. Every night I can look back at the day and feel like I've done something useful with my time, and that always puts a smile on my face and makes me want to do the same thing the following day. Hopefully this post will help other people to do the same.

Thanks to everyone in the thread for posting; it's been a good source of motivation for me, especially when I was starting out.

Awesome! Congrats man :D


Today is I finish my recovery week for phase 2. Looks good man! I've been getting major compliments at work and from friends and I'm only 15 pounds lighter (i wasn't fat when I started).

To be fair though, I'm doing P120X (been repeating some weeks)


Neo Member
Yonn said:
Today is day 90! :D

Overall I'm very pleased with my results: I went from 187lb to 170 in the fist two months, and today the scale was showing the exact same number as a month ago, but I did gain some muscle during this last month. Considering I had almost no muscle to speak of when starting I'm incredibly happy with the fact that I've managed to build a significant amount of it while simultaneously losing fat. I still have a good deal of fat to work on though; the gut and love handles still persist, but compared to what I had before I'm very happy.

Maybe the biggest change has been in my general well-being. I've been sleeping a lot better than before, I feel more focused and have a lot more energy (even despite the tiredness from working out). My metabolism and blood circulation have also been boosted a great deal. I used to have cold hands and feet all the time, but that problem has almost gone away completely. One thing that I didn't expect was for veins to suddenly appear on my hands, arms, legs and feet. For someone who's been covered with fat for most of my life I was a bit freaked out by this, but I guess it's a good thing. :lol I'm also a hell of a lot more flexible which I'm very pleased with. Before P90X I could hardly reach my ankles, but now I can almost put the palm of my hand on the floor.

All in all this has been an awesome change for me and I seriously can't wait to do it all over again. In fact, I can't ever see myself reverting back to my old lifestyle. I guess the best thing I can say about P90X is that it made me love working out and eating right. Putting your mind to something, working hard and seeing results is one of the most satisfying things I have ever experienced. Every night I can look back at the day and feel like I've done something useful with my time, and that always puts a smile on my face and makes me want to do the same thing the following day. Hopefully this post will help other people to do the same.

Thanks to everyone in the thread for posting; it's been a good source of motivation for me, especially when I was starting out.
Today was my day 90 too, X-GAF brother! :D

It was supposed to be my rest day, but I played tennis with some friends this morning (not intense, made for some nice easy cardio) and helped the gf paint some of her house. Yonn's post pretty much sums up how I feel about P90X. I started at 192lbs and am at 182lbs now, but have definitely lost a few inches off the waist, and gained some muscle here and there (which was probably what held my weight loss back).

I realized about halfway through, thanks to the geniuses here on this thread, that my goal was not weight loss, but FAT LOSS. So that's what I'm targeting in my next 90 days... starting tomorrow :D

This is going to be my new schedule. Emphasis this time is on cardio/fat loss, but still some resistance and ab workouts thrown in there. I know the muscles are there, I can feel it when I flex the arms/abs, but they're hidden under that remaining layer of fat, so that's what my next 90 days is gonna focus on.

Week 1-3
- Day 1: Upper Plus & Abs/Core Plus
- Day 2: Plyo Cardio Circuit
- Day 3: Total Body Plus
- Day 4: Fountain of Youth (yoga)
- Day 5: Pure Cardio
- Day 6: Kenpo Cardio Plus, Ab Ripper X
- Day 7: Rest/X-Stretch

Week 4 (recovery week)
- Day 1: Yoga X
- Day 2: Core Synergistics
- Day 3: Legs & Back
- Day 4: Easy jog, X-stretch
- Day 5: Cardio X
- Day 6: Core Cardio and Balance
- Day 7: Rest/X-Stretch

Week 5-7
- Day 1: Upper Plus & Abs/Core Plus
- Day 2: MAX Interval Plyo
- Day 3: Total Body Plus
- Day 4: Patience Hummingbird (yoga)
- Day 5: MAX Interval Circuit
- Day 6: Interval X Plus, Ab Ripper X
- Day 7: Rest/X-Stretch

Week 8 (recovery week)
- Day 1: Yoga X
- Day 2: Core Synergistics
- Day 3: Legs & Back
- Day 4: Easy jog, X-stretch
- Day 5: Cardio X
- Day 6: Core Cardio and Balance
- Day 7: Rest/X-Stretch

Week 9 and 11 (phase 1 workouts)
- Day 1: Upper Plus & Abs/Core Plus
- Day 2: Plyo Cardio Circuit
- Day 3: Total Body Plus
- Day 4: Fountain of Youth (yoga)
- Day 5: Pure Cardio
- Day 6: Kenpo Cardio Plus, Ab Ripper X
- Day 7: Rest/X-Stretch

Week 10 and 12 (phase 2 workouts)
- Day 1: Upper Plus & Abs/Core Plus
- Day 2: MAX Interval Plyo
- Day 3: Total Body Plus
- Day 4: Patience Hummingbird (yoga)
- Day 5: MAX Interval Circuit
- Day 6: Interval X Plus, Ab Ripper X
- Day 7: Rest/X-Stretch

Week 8 (recovery week)
- Day 1: Yoga X
- Day 2: Core Synergistics
- Day 3: Legs & Back
- Day 4: Easy jog, X-stretch
- Day 5: Cardio X
- Day 6: Core Cardio and Balance
- Day 7: Rest/X-Stretch

So a little P90X+, Insanity, and One on One yoga thrown into the mix now :D . I'll try to post my progressive round 1 pics eventually, they're on the gf's camera. So I'll be around, and I'll keep you posted on whether or not throwing Insanity into the mix is insane or not :lol

Keep pushing play everyone!


Thanks everyone! :D

f-castrillo said:
Today was my day 90 too, X-GAF brother! :D

It was supposed to be my rest day, but I played tennis with some friends this morning (not intense, made for some nice easy cardio) and helped the gf paint some of her house. Yonn's post pretty much sums up how I feel about P90X. I started at 192lbs and am at 182lbs now, but have definitely lost a few inches off the waist, and gained some muscle here and there (which was probably what held my weight loss back).

I realized about halfway through, thanks to the geniuses here on this thread, that my goal was not weight loss, but FAT LOSS. So that's what I'm targeting in my next 90 days... starting tomorrow :D

This is going to be my new schedule. Emphasis this time is on cardio/fat loss, but still some resistance and ab workouts thrown in there. I know the muscles are there, I can feel it when I flex the arms/abs, but they're hidden under that remaining layer of fat, so that's what my next 90 days is gonna focus on.

So a little P90X+, Insanity, and One on One yoga thrown into the mix now :D . I'll try to post my progressive round 1 pics eventually, they're on the gf's camera. So I'll be around, and I'll keep you posted on whether or not throwing Insanity into the mix is insane or not :lol

Keep pushing play everyone!
It's been great having someone on GAF with the same schedule; I'm going to miss that, but it sounds like your new one will be awesome. Best of luck with it and congrats for completing round 1! :D I'm just going to keep on with regular ol P90X for a month till summer starts, then I'll be too busy with work to keep the full program going, so I'll do some maintenance work when I can and hopefully start Insanity this autumn.

I also realised that what I wanted was fat loss and not just weight loss. I thought I was pretty well informed when it came to nutrition, but learnt a whole lot (the biggest thing was probably that carbs have more to do with gaining body fat than fat itself) in the last three months from reading around online with GAF as a jumping off point.
Congrats, Yonn and Castrillo. Any chance you guys could post some before and after pics? I'm entering my last week tomorrow, and I will be posting some pics when I'm done.


Okay, I guess I kinda owe it to this thread to post some pics. If they help get someone motivated it's worth it, so here goes... I wish I had done a better job with taking the pics btw, more angles etc, but this is what I got:

Day 1


Day 30


Day 60


Day 90


Day 1


Day 30


Day 60


Day 90



Neo Member
Finished off day one of round two. Oh man... :lol

Upper Body Plus is BRUTAL. I have the feeling it's the most intense of the new Plus workouts. I'm a little weirded out by it though, because instead of shooting for rep goals, we now shoot for timed goals ("this workout is one minute, you should pick a weight that makes you feel the burn in the last 10 seconds"). But this workout kicked my ass because of the speed and intensity you're going at. One workout called "pump curls" (or something along those lines, can't remember exactly), has you take a weight and pump it rapidly four times, followed by two slow and controlled curls. You do this for one minute, I think. I normally curl 25 (based on the old X workouts), but I found myself burning out with 15lbs over the course of the minute. Warmup and stretch routines are very brief, and the whole workout goes at a much faster pace than the old X workouts. Less breaks in-between moves, less Tony demoing, etc.

Abs/Core plus was actually easier than Ab Ripper X IMO. While Ab Ripper X focused solely on the abs and hip flexors, Abs/Core Plus is reminiscent of Core Synergistics. A lot of the exercises have the potential to be as brutal as Ab Ripper X, but most of them are timed to 30 seconds. This isn't to say it's not a good workout, because it is. Again, it's very synergistic in nature; one exercise has you doing variants of the bicycle (knees up/down, forward bike, backward bike) while hanging on a pullup bar. Your hip flexion is challenged, your core is challenged, and eventually your arms and grip are challenged :D .

It's a good thing I kept Ab Ripper X in my weekly routine though. I need something grueling like that in my lineup. Abs/Core Plus may be the "weakest" workout of the whole Plus collection, but it still makes for a decent workout. Abs/Core Plus + Ab Ripper X + Insanity Cardio will definitely do some good for me :D

And I'm off. I feel gross. I played basketball with some friends prior to my workout, so I don't feel so hot right now lol.


Reading thru this is very motivating and I'm leaning towards trying this mainly to lose weight...I need to buy dumbbells,bands and a mat,but my main question is do I have to look into buying supplements? Do they really work as far as for recovery? Long story short is that I have to get dialysis every other day and there's a part of me that's worried about possible cramping while being hooked up...Whenever I do cramp up from dialysis it's from taking out too much fluid and becoming dried out...I then have to receive more saline or drink something to counter it...From the posts I've read on here,I realize that there will be a lot of pain after doing a workout and I think I can deal with that,but if I'm hooked up to a dialysis machine and 2 hours into my treatment I start to cramp up,do you think that would be in part because of the exercising? Another thing is that I'm limited to the amount of fluid I can drink each day...I try to drink no more than 6 cups in a day and sometimes I do drink more than that...Thanks for any help


dvdjamm said:
Reading thru this is very motivating and I'm leaning towards trying this mainly to lose weight...I need to buy dumbbells,bands and a mat,but my main question is do I have to look into buying supplements? Do they really work as far as for recovery? Long story short is that I have to get dialysis every other day and there's a part of me that's worried about possible cramping while being hooked up...Whenever I do cramp up from dialysis it's from taking out too much fluid and becoming dried out...I then have to receive more saline or drink something to counter it...From the posts I've read on here,I realize that there will be a lot of pain after doing a workout and I think I can deal with that,but if I'm hooked up to a dialysis machine and 2 hours into my treatment I start to cramp up,do you think that would be in part because of the exercising? Another thing is that I'm limited to the amount of fluid I can drink each day...I try to drink no more than 6 cups in a day and sometimes I do drink more than that...Thanks for any help
If you are receiving medical treatment I would consult your doctor about the workout and see if he recommends the supplements or the workout in general.

I didn't buy the recovery drinks, but for the first two weeks (when I was in the most pain), I had soup after my workouts and I found that really helped me to recover. Again though, since you are getting dialysis you should really run this by your doctor first.


bionic77 said:
If you are receiving medical treatment I would consult your doctor about the workout and see if he recommends the supplements or the workout in general.

I didn't buy the recovery drinks, but for the first two weeks (when I was in the most pain), I had soup after my workouts and I found that really helped me to recover. Again though, since you are getting dialysis you should really run this by your doctor first.

I'm going to talk to my doctor this week about doing it...

By drinking soup to help recover,is because of the salt in it? What kind of soup?


dvdjamm said:
I'm going to talk to my doctor this week about doing it...

By drinking soup to help recover,is because of the salt in it? What kind of soup?
Tony is always talking about the soup they are going to drink after their workout. I didn't drink one in the first few days, but I was so sore after the first few workouts I thought I would try it. I was usually having some veggie soup or something with some chicken broth in it (and some more veggies).

I have no idea why it makes you feel better, but it definitely helps, and it also works as an appetite suppressant. I was always less hungry during dinner after drinking some soup.


Starting my second week today. :D Yesterday was supposed to be my rest day, but I ended up playing some basketball with my friends. I noticed that I had more energy and played harder than I usually do,
though my jumpshots were hitting the front of the rim because my arms were still sore =P
. Looking forward to working out tonight.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Jesus yonn, those results are both realistic and impressive :O you really slayed that belly good work!

If you do another round, I'd say you'd probably build a lot of definition as well (not that i know, I'm day 42 myself)


Nice job Yonn.

I'm just finishing Phase 2. Had to repeat a week because of lots family camping out in my workout room. Down 19 pounds from day 1. Really can't say enough about this program, I feel great.
For those of you that are doing a second round of p90x, how fast after the first round did you wait to start the second round? I'm a week and a half away from completion, and since the semester is going to end as soon as I'm done with the first round, I'm contemplating doing doubles for a second round. Would you recommend a week or or so or just jump right into it?


Neo Member
Do your recovery week after the end of phase 3, and that should be enough time to move onto Round two. That's what I just did (I'm going into day 3 round two now). You could almost call this phase 4, since I only gave it a recovery week from phase 3 :lol


Awesome results, Yonn! That definitely got my motivation up.

Now to steal a set of weights from someone... any Gaffers want to donate their $2,000 free weight set to me? I'm kinda cool.


Neo Member
Day 3 - Total Body Plus impressions

Take this with a grain of salt, as this is my first week of round two, so I'm still getting used to all of the routines, as well as dealing with all of the soreness associated with the workouts (P90X+ and INSANITY).

The exercises are diverse enough so that you're always doing squats, pushups, pullups, tricep kickbacks, bicep curls, etc. A little bit of everything, but not any one thing for too long so that you don't burn out in one set. This is in part because you're given a timed goal most of the time (instead of a rep goal). The other reason you I didn't burn out in the first few sets is because several of the exercises are "combo" moves, where one rep = multiple movements, i.e. 3 squats + 3 pushups + 3 pullups = 1 rep.

Exercises target muscle groups in an even manner. You'll be doing a bunch of pushups and pullups for one minute, then you move onto curls, kickbacks, etc. Because it focuses on so many groups at a time, you don't really burn out in any one set. But because you eventually return to working the same muscle groups at least 3 times in different exercises, you do get a really good pump.

That's not to say that the workout isn't hard. I think it may be just as hard or harder than Upper Body Plus, which is harder than Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps (the hardest X workout for me).

There's a lot of core stuff involved (including some Half-moon from Yoga), a fair amount of leg workouts, and a big emphasis on the upper body. Thank God there was no Abs/Core Plus today :D

To sum it up: Total Body Plus is an excellent workout that beats down on your entire body

my body hurts right now. My hands are trembling as I use my phone :lol


I finally got around to doing the Kenpo disc. I had missed it on other weeks because I went out did other forms of cardio, hiking and swimming. It is a good workout, but they lack intensity in some of the motions. This was especially noticeable during the blocking exercises. I ended up doing them the way I was taught during my shotokon classes I took when I was a kid. They involve more body rotation, and end up being much stronger. I was surprised that I could still do a front snap kick high enough to hit someone 6' in the face.


Neo Member
Saerk said:
I finally got around to doing the Kenpo disc. I had missed it on other weeks because I went out did other forms of cardio, hiking and swimming. It is a good workout, but they lack intensity in some of the motions. This was especially noticeable during the blocking exercises. I ended up doing them the way I was taught during my shotokon classes I took when I was a kid. They involve more body rotation, and end up being much stronger. I was surprised that I could still do a front snap kick high enough to hit someone 6' in the face.
You may like Kenpo Cardio Plus from P90X+ then. The old Kenpo X is all about form, whereas the Plus version puts emphasis on intensity (because you've already gotten a good grip on basic form from Kenpo X)


Fuck. I pulled my calf on the weekend when I tried to add a second Plyometrics to the week (Kenpo is getting too easy and I like the challenge of plyo). Obviously a big mistake, but I am pissed this week because I had to modify every exercise in Plyo to get through it and you just don't get the same caloric burn.

I might repeat a week in phase two to make up for this set back.


Neo Member
My round 1 results. You see I still have a belly to lose :lol

note: my day 1 pics are the two pics where I'm wearing black windbreakers. I didn't know how to take "proper" pictures around day 1. From there, you should be able to distinguish day 1 from day 30 (yellow shorts), from day 60 (light gray shorts) to day 90 (darker shorts). Just make sure to hit the "Sort by Oldest" checkbox :D

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