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What's this P90X workout stuff?


ArachosiA 78 said:
Thanks for the encouragement, Omni. Even if I don't get the results I want, I do not intend to go back to my old eating/exercise habits. I've invested too much time, money, and energy into this weight loss issue over the past several years to just throw it all away. I have made that mistake multiple time before, but this time I plan on making fitness a part of my daily life. After this round of P90X, I'm going to take a few weeks off and just enjoy life...probably just do some light cardio and 30 min lifting sessions so I don't lose any muscle mass. After that I'll very likely do another round of P90X, as I believe one more round should get me to 10% bodyfat (hopefully). Anyway, thanks again...it helps to hear that other people struggle with this too.

Cool, good to hear man :)

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Unconfirmed Member
Dacvak said:
Those hurt my thighs more than anything.
I'm glad someone else said this.... They absolutely don't feel like they are working my abs at all. it's all thigh pain. I have legs today as well followed by ab ripper. :/

After 1 month I'm showing slow but positive gain. I can do a couple totally unassisted chin ups on the bar at the start and get some good pain with the chair now so that chinups have become a viable exercise.

Press ups I feel pretty awesome at and look forward to doing.

One thing I didn't like is the round I've just done, I think it's back/bi/tri (from memory) anyway the really weird chinups like the corn cob ones and the towel are just not possible. my chinup bar has 2 points that stick out for a modified grip which negates the whole side to side thing and the towel chinup thing is just weird and silly.

my goals for the program have gone to just being really great at situps and chinups. I don't cae how I look anymore :lol (although, I've made noticeable gains in the fotos so far).

What to do about my vacation though? 3 weeks in Aussie starting on day 55 of the program. Do I just kick right back into it on return?


catfish said:
I'm still a huge woman on ab ribber x. Fifer scissors owns me less though, but the bicycle kicks at the start, it's like a dream to ever finish a round of those without stopping.
Even one of the guys on the video can barely do Fifer scissors (not the black dude with the alien abs, but the white guy in the back who Tony yells at).

And the exercise is supposed to work your upper legs as well so it hurting your things is normal. For me it hurts my lower abs more than anything else.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
ArachosiA 78 said:
Unfortunately I cant watch the video you linked to right now because I'm at work, but it sounds interesting. I have known for many years now that refined carbs are terrible for you, and they are definitely not anywhere in my diet. I am on a low carb diet, but not super low. My carbs consist of yams, brown rice, oatmeal and green vegetables. No sugar, nothing refined. I eat a ton of lean protein, and a small amount of healthy fat. By following this diet and P90X, I have been losing about 2 lbs a week for 2.5 months now. So it does seem to be working...it's just that it's really hard to tell from where the weight is coming off.

I think what your advocating sounds like the Atkin's Diet. I tried this diet about 6 years ago, and I did lose a ton of weight very rapidly (40lbs in 3 months). I didn't exercise...just limited my carbs to under 20g a day. The problem is that anytime you lose weight that rapidly, you are very likely losing muscle mass as well (anything over 2lbs a week isn considered unsafe).. Currently, I have a decent amount of muscle that I worked pretty hard for, and I would be worried about losing any of it if I can help it.

I would consider following a very low carb diet again if I could be convinced that it wouldn't compromise my muscle mass. I'll check out your link when I get a chance.

Not necessarily Atkins. Personally, I'm doing something between Atkins and Paleo. But any diet that lowers the average level of insulin will work. There's genetic variation in insulin sensitivity, you may be one of the higher sensitive types. Not all vegetables are low insulin response, in fact potatoes are worse than sugar. Seriously.

I don't think it lowers muscle mass because I recall reading about studies conducted in the 1950s and 1960s studying Pennington's diet (similar to Atkins), and there was even a study conducted by Ohlson "Weight Control Through Nutritionally Adequate Diets." The overweight female subjects both lost a lot of weight, but were noted to lose more dress sizes than weight would account for. In other words, they gained muscle and lost fat. This can occur if people are so insulin resistant that their muscles are deprived of energy and are cannibalized because of too much insulin in the past.

Another reason why I don't believe that a low carb, high protein, and high fat diet decreases muscle mass is because you're lowering insulin. This causes the body to either get calories from dietary fat and protein, or body fat.

In the reverse, a high carb, low fat diet, the body has too much insulin. It prevents the use of body fat for energy for muscles and organs. So if this individual, who will gain fat regardless, decides not to overeat to feed muscles and organs, the body either cannibalizes muscle for energy or reduces your metabolic rate (fatigue).

The reason why you lose weight so quickly is just biology. Insulin is THE hormone that controls fat regulation. It is secreted in response to carbohydrates...the faster it gets into the blood stream, the greater the response.

Your body has body fat triglycerides continuously going out of fat cells in the form of free fatty acids. If your insulin is high, your muscles and organs will not use these free fatty acids.

If your insulin is low, your muscles and organs will feast on them. Because you have a lot of body fat, and there's no more insulin, the body consumes them at very quick rate. The reason why there's no hunger on this diet is because muscles and organs energy intake dictates hunger, and they don't care if it's calories from recently eaten food or from body fat.

You can think of insulin as a vertical upward force. The greater the insulin, the greater body fat weight it supports. So if you lower insulin such that it supports 80lbs of body fat to 30 lbs of body fat, the body quickly goes towards that body fat level.


on the 15th floor
catfish said:
What to do about my vacation though? 3 weeks in Aussie starting on day 55 of the program. Do I just kick right back into it on return?

This happened to me two during my first P90X, twice. Just extend the program by at least as much time as you took off, maybe even double.

When I had to take a week off during Phase 2, I added in two extra weeks when I returned before moving on to Phase 3.


Neo Member
catfish said:
anyway the really weird chinups like the corn cob ones and the towel are just not possible. my chinup bar has 2 points that stick out for a modified grip which negates the whole side to side thing and the towel chinup thing is just weird and silly.
My pull up bar is similar with the extra modified grip points (Iron Gym Extreme), but I manage to have space to do the left-right motion. And I thought the towel thing was silly too, but I feel that it focuses on one side of back muscles that way. The towel hand is lower than the other hand, so you're working the back muscles more on one side as a result.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
I don't know why I expected to walk back into this as the hulk after 3 months.


On my 2nd phase recovery week and the Core Synergistics have gotten a lot easier. In terms of toughness on a scale of 1-10, 1st recovery phase was easily a 12 and now I'm at 9 or 10. Excited to start my 3rd phase. I'm almost back to my summer before starting college weight!


I had an Al Sharpton friend...Once! Well not a friend really, but we talked a few times. Well one time. Well I yelled out my window "GET OFF MY LAWN!"
i yelled at tony for the first time today (in phase 3!) when doing yoga belly 7. you can call it whatever you want, but don't think i won't notice you're making me do fifer scissors again, you bastard. come to think of it, doesn't he pull the same crap in core synergistics?


Neo Member
Last resistance workout of the whole 90 days. I finished up Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X earlier today. From here on til the end of next week, it's just Core Synergistics, Yoga, and the X+ cardio that I swapped in for my recovery week (Kenpo Cardio and Interval X) :D

Then after next Saturday, it's round two.


f-castrillo said:
Last resistance workout of the whole 90 days. I finished up Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X earlier today. From here on til the end of next week, it's just Core Synergistics, Yoga, and the X+ cardio that I swapped in for my recovery week (Kenpo Cardio and Interval X) :D

Then after next Saturday, it's round two.

Congrats dude!

I was saying to catfish the other day, it's funny how the workouts don't actually get any easier as you go along. I thought I would get better at Plyometrics as I went along, and it would become easier.


I'm just able to do more, push harder, and not cave in so fast. You can also tell that it's killing the people in the video too.


Neo Member
Burger said:
Congrats dude!

I was saying to catfish the other day, it's funny how the workouts don't actually get any easier as you go along. I thought I would get better at Plyometrics as I went along, and it would become easier.


I'm just able to do more, push harder, and not cave in so fast. You can also tell that it's killing the people in the video too.
Yeah it never really got easier. I was just able to do more of everything, and with better form. With Ab Ripper X, I started doing the arm raise for bicycles and in and outs.

There's such a fine line between workouts getting easier and being able to do more in a workout. In the beginning, I couldn't do a whole set of Hot Foot (where you hop on one foot for 30 secs before switching feet) without taking a 5 second break. Now I don't take breaks at all. It still hurts immensely, but my threshold for that pain has gone up enough so that I don't have to take a break anymore.:D


last day of week 3 for me! i opted to rest instead of do x-stretch :D

starting recovery week tomorrow. I see noticeable, but incremental results at this point. Let's hope the next 60 days brings out the best in me.


I still can't do the 90 degree angle Fifer Scissors that Tony does, and I've finished P90x :lol

And yes, some of the moves in Ab Ripper does give you some burn in your thighs. But if you do the workout properly (flex you abs as hard as possible pretty much), you'll feel it in your lower abs as well.


Anyone follow the P90X diet plan? I'm about to enter Phase 3 and it's saying I need to eat 60% carbs. For some reason, I feel uncomfortable having so much carbs.


Neo Member
ocadman said:
Anyone follow the P90X diet plan? I'm about to enter Phase 3 and it's saying I need to eat 60% carbs. For some reason, I feel uncomfortable having so much carbs.
Even though it's called the "phase 3 diet", the Nutrition Guide says to stick with phase 2 diet, but that you should try the phase 3 diet at some point for a little bit to see if it does anything for you. I stuck with the phase 2 diet, but would add a little more carbs on random days that I thought I needed it.


P90X Yoga is crazy. After the halfway mark I just simply did not have the endurance to keep up with the crazy positions they did. Definitely going to try to make it the full duration next week though. In part my body is just too sore from the first week so far.

4 days down, 86 to go!


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Someone give me some advice... After a few days, I just simply don't have it in me to do another scheduled day of P90X. Shit's tough for someone who mostly does nothing. :lol This usually discourages me, and I end up missing a few days.

A: What should I do?
B: Is it ok to skip a day and then resume? Has anyone done that?


Dacvak said:
Someone give me some advice... After a few days, I just simply don't have it in me to do another scheduled day of P90X. Shit's tough for someone who mostly does nothing. :lol This usually discourages me, and I end up missing a few days.

A: What should I do?
B: Is it ok to skip a day and then resume? Has anyone done that?

A few tips that have been given before in this thread: if a workout is too taxing on your stamina, try eating a banana or a few raisins around 30 minutes before the workout, it should give you an energy boost.

As they mention in the videos, pause if you can't keep up, or extend the existing breaks for another 30 seconds or so to catch your breath. Keep moving a bit while recovering though, so you don't cool down completely. I assume you do this already, but keeping a water bottle handy is also crucial, though you shouldn't overdrink (especially for the high impact stuff like plyo), and slipping a bit of the recovery drink or just a bit of sugar in the water can help mid-workout as well.

Finally, skipping days isn't a big deal as long as you discipline yourself and come back as soon as you can, same goes for lapses in the diet. Don't get discouraged and give up completely after a break. Keep in mind that this a lifestyle change for you, and don't forget the big picture. As long as you keep at it you will make progress over time, finding you can do more reps and do stuff with better form and that will give you the motivation to keep going.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Micius said:
A few tips that have been given before in this thread: if a workout is too taxing on your stamina, try eating a banana or a few raisins around 30 minutes before the workout, it should give you an energy boost.

As they mention in the videos, pause if you can't keep up, or extend the existing breaks for another 30 seconds or so to catch your breath. Keep moving a bit while recovering though, so you don't cool down completely. I assume you do this already, but keeping a water bottle handy is also crucial, though you shouldn't overdrink (especially for the high impact stuff like plyo), and slipping a bit of the recovery drink or just a bit of sugar in the water can help mid-workout as well.

Finally, skipping days isn't a big deal as long as you discipline yourself and come back as soon as you can, same goes for lapses in the diet. Don't get discouraged and give up completely after a break. Keep in mind that this a lifestyle change for you, and don't forget the big picture. As long as you keep at it you will make progress over time, finding you can do more reps and do stuff with better form and that will give you the motivation to keep going.
Thanks for the advice and encouragement. I'm 20 minutes into Plyo right now. And... my break is up. =)

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Dacvak said:
A: What should I do?
B: Is it ok to skip a day and then resume? Has anyone done that?

A. Turn up and push play
b. No it's not ok

follow the goofy catch phrases to the letter. turn up, push play, do your best forget the rest etc etc.

It will hurt and be freaky terrible in the first weeks. that's normal. If you want results you have to do the program.

also, don't post/check gaf during the workout :lol


I heard about this for the first time today, so I have a couple questions to ask. I only read the first and last pages of this thread, sorry.

1) My living room is carpeted. Am I going to destroy it with sweat and all the jumping around?

2) What range of dumbbells are required? Should I just get one of those magical adjustable ones?

3) Does the pull-up bar need to be in front of the tv? I can't really pull that off, but I'd be able to hear everything. Do they recommend a certain one, or can I just pick one up off amazon?

4) It obviously sounds like this thing kills you. Is it better to do in the morning before work or wait until after? I'm 100% not a morning person, but I can fit in time for a workout anytime in the day.

5) I'm not overweight and just have one of those completely bleh/average bodies (6'0" 175). What realistic results could I expect if I don't do any of the powerbar/supplement stuff?


Baker said:
I heard about this for the first time today, so I have a couple questions to ask. I only read the first and last pages of this thread, sorry.

1) My living room is carpeted. Am I going to destroy it with sweat and all the jumping around?

You sweat a lot during the workouts, and some of them have you lying down. I recommend buying a mat.

2) What range of dumbbells are required? Should I just get one of those magical adjustable ones?

You'll need a fair range, as the exercises often have different weight used and you'll progress in weight over the 90 days. I'd get two of the adjustable ones, personally.

3) Does the pull-up bar need to be in front of the tv? I can't really pull that off, but I'd be able to hear everything. Do they recommend a certain one, or can I just pick one up off amazon?

Doesn't need to be.

4) It obviously sounds like this thing kills you. Is it better to do in the morning before work or wait until after? I'm 100% not a morning person, but I can fit in time for a workout anytime in the day.

That depends on you. Some people find it harder to workout consistently after work as other things can get in the way, and some people find it harder to wake up and do it in the morning. Just make sure that you try to do it every single day.

5) I'm not overweight and just have one of those completely bleh/average bodies (6'0" 175). What realistic results could I expect if I don't do any of the powerbar/supplement stuff?

P90X is first and foremost a weight loss program, and you don't really need to lose weight, so make sure to eat enough to maintain your weight level. Expect an increase in the ability to move your bodyweight around, an increase in your cardio and some muscle growth (but not as much as if you were on a strength training program). It's a good 'all-around' program. Yes, it can give you a 6-pack.



catfish said:
follow the goofy catch phrases to the letter. turn up, push play, do your best forget the rest etc etc.l

This. This. This. It is cheesy, but it's the best advice anyone can give.

Anyways, just completed Phase 2! I've been using different scales, so I don't really know how much weight I've lost. According to one scale, I've lost 12 pounds, according to another scale, I've lost more than that. What I do know is that I do some see some development of the muscles and my pants are a lot looser, although, I still got a bunch of fat in the midsection. I probably could have lost more but I eat at least one bad thing every week or so to keep myself sain. Red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting is my kryptonite.

To those just starting, I also had trouble in the beginning but I just pushed through it and what do you know, it worked. I went from being able to do 3 reverse grip pullups in the beginning to 9 or 10 now.



As of last friday, I started a variation of the "doubles" routine...Cardio-X in the mornings, then my current weight training routine in the afternoons, for the next 2 weeks, then the official P90X doubles.


Baker said:
3) Does the pull-up bar need to be in front of the tv? I can't really pull that off, but I'd be able to hear everything. Do they recommend a certain one, or can I just pick one up off amazon?

I rip the audio from the days that need to use the pull-up bar. Watch the program once or twice to familiarize yourself with each exercise and the form, then just follow along with the audio. Doublecheck your door dimensions to make sure the bar will fit.
OmniGamer said:

As of last friday, I started a variation of the "doubles" routine...Cardio-X in the mornings, then my current weight training routine in the afternoons, for the next 2 weeks, then the official P90X doubles.

Omnigamer - Holy crap!!! I remember you posting months ago, and being down on yourself for lack of weight lost. Amazing results man, good job.

You should post comparison pics, i'm sure it'll inspire some people.


Luscious LeftFoot said:
Omnigamer - Holy crap!!! I remember you posting months ago, and being down on yourself for lack of weight lost. Amazing results man, good job.

You should most comparison pics, i'm sure it'll inspire some people.

Thanks man...yeah these past few months things have started to fall into place. I was a bit bummed out after my first 90 days, and then the next 90 days was holiday hell, but now i'm feeling the momentum.

A few "Day 90" comparison pics. (July '09-Oct' 09)

A few "March 2010-present" pics.

This Morning

It'll be interesting to see where I am on July 1st 2010, as it will have been one full year since starting P90X. Looking forward to taking those comparison shots!


Neo Member
Whoa omnigamer, that's some crazy progress right there! Nice job!

I'm in my recovery week now, this Saturday is gonna be the end of my first 90 days. I've already got my next 90 days all mapped out. P90X+ with Insanity replacing the X+ cardio, and the 40 min Fountain of Youth (Tony Horton One on One) yoga replacing the old 90 min Yoga X. I tried out Fountain of Youth last night to replace Yoga X in the recovery week... most of it is familiar stuff, but there are a few new variations here and there. The best part is that it takes up half the time that Yoga X did :D

The next 90 days is not going to be a doubles routine like I did in this first 3 months. That took up a lot of my day (changing, showering, meal planning, exercising, etc.). Most of my workouts are going to be between 40-60 minutes long, and only once a day. Combine that with the fact that Yoga doesn't take up a huge chunk of time anymore, and I have a workout which is more time manageable, but more intense :D


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Started last week and I pulled something doing one of the lessons, then doing something around the house. It was Friday when I realized I couldn't do much with my leg, so I had to call it for the week.

All things are back in gear, though. Back I gooo.


Awesome results omni! :O

I'm also in my final recovery week right now, which I only realised today. :lol Working out every day has become such a natural part of my routine that I don't think much about it anymore – I just do it. I'll post a longer thing about my thoughts on the program and my 90 days sometime this weekend.

And welcome to the new guys! I'm always glad to see this thread alive :)
Quick tip request: I usually prepare all my meals before starting my day, but today I was in a rush and didn't get to make 2. I'll probably grab a protein bar for one of them, but wanted some advice on the other.

Any fast food/chains that you find suitable? How is a 6-inch Subway turkey sandwich with double meat and lots of veggies?


Neo Member
Battersea Power Station said:
Quick tip request: I usually prepare all my meals before starting my day, but today I was in a rush and didn't get to make 2. I'll probably grab a protein bar for one of them, but wanted some advice on the other.

Any fast food/chains that you find suitable? How is a 6-inch Subway turkey sandwich with double meat and lots of veggies?
Sounds like a good plan. Personally for me, I'm fine with just the regular servings of meat and veggies, but I hold off on the mayo and get my sandwich made with the 9-grain wheat bread

EDIT: Here's some fuel for the fire. I wasn't even looking for this, but I found it lol


Just finished my first day with chest & back and ab ripper. I'm not in the best of shape so that was pretty brutal, but I enjoyed every minute of it. :D


Anyone here got shin splints from P90X ?

My left shin is sore as shit when I jump on it, Plyo is mental at the moment. There is no way I could do that hot foot exercise for instance.


I am getting decent at Ab Ripper. I can do like 85% of the exercises now and my leg is almost straight for half of Fifer Scissors!

Also, I loved that last exercise at the end of Chest, Triceps and Shoulders. Sucked ass at one handed pushups (had to do on my knees), but Tony really helped with the technique. I never knew you were supposed to twist that much when doing them.


Neo Member
Burger said:
Anyone here got shin splints from P90X ?

My left shin is sore as shit when I jump on it, Plyo is mental at the moment. There is no way I could do that hot foot exercise for instance.
I used to get them all the time. But as each non-plyo/cardio day went by, along with each successive plyo day, I found that the shin splints healed faster and faster. I don't experience it for more than a day now.

Hot foot used to be really difficult, I used to start 5 seconds later than the video and take a few second break in the middle of it, but now the burn is manageable :D You'll get there if you eat right and keep at it!
dumb question but-i'm looking into trying p90x and was just wondering if I can get by with just a set of free weights or will I need additional stuff like resistance bands and other equipment?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
PandaPandaPanda said:
dumb question but-i'm looking into trying p90x and was just wondering if I can get by with just a set of free weights or will I need additional stuff like resistance bands and other equipment?

get the chinup bar and free weights.

chinup bar is almost mandatory, but I really hate the bands. Just finished a round of back and biceps. man thats a killer. biceps feel so tight. however, I still stuck at chinups. Not progressing on them as fast as I'd like, still using the chair for all but 3 at the start. :lol.

day 38 complete. from 1 month comparison shots, I have small but noticeable differences. I feel better and I can see some... I guess firming up of my body generally. It's not wow, but it's encouraging enough to make me think this program is the real deal (plus I hurt like shit all the time, that's great).

I've added 24km of biking everyday to work and back into my workout as well, hoping to drop a fair few kilos that way.


Thought I would post impressions so far...

Day 1 Chest and Back - Pretty solid workout was pretty winded at the end.

Day 2 Plyo - have not sweat so much in a long time. Did this after: playing iron man football for an hour and cutting the grass...did not expect it to kick my ass so hard :lol

Day 3 Shoulders/Arms - Halfway through I realized that the 25lbs weights were probably too much...only problem was the next lowest I had was 8lbs which was far too little.

Day 4 Today...not sure what is in store, but so far I am liking the routine...my thighs are still feeling it from day 2.
ShinAmano said:
Day 4 Today...not sure what is in store, but so far I am liking the routine...my thighs are still feeling it from day 2.
Today is yoga, which for 45 minutes will punish your already sore legs. Then, on day 5, you'll be working the legs again.

I don't really get the logic behind this ordering, but I do feel great when I get through it all.


Battersea Power Station said:
Today is yoga, which for 45 minutes will punish your already sore legs. Then, on day 5, you'll be working the legs again.

I don't really get the logic behind this ordering, but I do feel great when I get through it all.
Awesome...wont be able to walk by day 6 ;)


ocadman said:
On my 2nd phase recovery week and the Core Synergistics have gotten a lot easier. In terms of toughness on a scale of 1-10, 1st recovery phase was easily a 12 and now I'm at 9 or 10. Excited to start my 3rd phase. I'm almost back to my summer before starting college weight!

I’m about a week behind you. I remember thinking that the recovery week would be much easier compared to the others but Core Synergistics really kicks your butt. (Esp. that first time when I thought it would be similar to Cardio X) I’m also almost back to my weight when I first started college. :)

f-castrillo said:
Last resistance workout of the whole 90 days. I finished up Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X earlier today. From here on til the end of next week, it's just Core Synergistics, Yoga, and the X+ cardio that I swapped in for my recovery week (Kenpo Cardio and Interval X) :D

Then after next Saturday, it's round two.

Congrats f-castrillo. Just finishing the program is a big accomplishment and something to be really proud of, I can’t wait til I make it there. I’m hoping by the time I finish I will be able to complete Ab Ripper X completely.


Since some here were commenting I’ll also add my 2 cents about Ab Ripper. When I first started, I was able to complete every workout completely from the first week except Ab Ripper, and I was lucky if I even did half of the exercises in it. Now I’m about to 85% and it’s nice to see, bit by bit, that progression in your endurance. On a good day (forget legs day, ha ha) I can finally get through the first in-and-outs and both sets of bicycles before needing that break. Of course I still need to use my hands for support though.

Fifer Scissors, oh my…those were so hard at first. Even just trying to keep the leg straight. Now I have a straight leg but at about a 75 degree angle. Just keep with it and you will keep improving.

Hero said:
P90X Yoga is crazy. After the halfway mark I just simply did not have the endurance to keep up with the crazy positions they did. Definitely going to try to make it the full duration next week though. In part my body is just too sore from the first week so far.

4 days down, 86 to go!

Good news is at the halfway mark (about 45 minutes left) you will switch from movement to balance type exercises which I found a lot easier (until the Yoga belly 7 at the end of that group :) )

After the first week though, your body will adjust from the soreness.

Baker said:
I heard about this for the first time today, so I have a couple questions to ask. I only read the first and last pages of this thread, sorry.

1) My living room is carpeted. Am I going to destroy it with sweat and all the jumping around?

I’d definitely recommend a mat, even if you don’t sweat “a lot”. I sweat like a pig so I have to use a bigger industrial size mat for when I do Plyometrics and Kenpo

2) What range of dumbbells are required? Should I just get one of those magical adjustable ones?

There’s those magical adjustable ones which are a bit expenisive but don’t forget about the ones like this that have plates where you can add on yourself that are much cheaper. Buy another set of handles so you can easily switch out to a different dumbbell weight without have to pause the video and lose time. If price is a factor just start off with the resistance bands.

3) Does the pull-up bar need to be in front of the tv? I can't really pull that off, but I'd be able to hear everything. Do they recommend a certain one, or can I just pick one up off amazon?

Nope, as long as you’re familiar with what set you’d be doing you don’t have to be directly in front of the TV. You’ll want to refer to the video for tips on form but once you get going you’ll be fine. I’d recommend this pull up bar. Target should still be selling it for $30.

4) It obviously sounds like this thing kills you. Is it better to do in the morning before work or wait until after? I'm 100% not a morning person, but I can fit in time for a workout anytime in the day.

Whatever time works best for you. I’d love to do it in the morning and get it over with but the evening is much more realistic for me so I do that and keep to a schedule so it just becomes routine.

5) I'm not overweight and just have one of those completely bleh/average bodies (6'0" 175). What realistic results could I expect if I don't do any of the powerbar/supplement stuff?
For starting off I would still recommend a couple of supplements (I’m getting ready to take off so I can go into more detail if needed later). But take a basic men’s multivitamin daily and a scoop of whey protein w/ a cup of skim milk after your dumbbells workouts. Both of these supplements are inexpensive and the whey helps rebuild your muscles after working out and tearing that muscle tissue.


f-castrillo said:
I used to get them all the time. But as each non-plyo/cardio day went by, along with each successive plyo day, I found that the shin splints healed faster and faster. I don't experience it for more than a day now.

Hot foot used to be really difficult, I used to start 5 seconds later than the video and take a few second break in the middle of it, but now the burn is manageable :D You'll get there if you eat right and keep at it!

Thanks dude, I'll keep pushing play! I'm going to have to take a week off as I'm moving house, then a week on, then 2 weeks off for an overseas holiday (same trip as Catfish).

So when I get back I'll probably repeat the last 2 weeks of Phase 2, and then move to Phase 3. I'm probably going to repeat the program anyway, so it doesn't matter too much I guess.
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