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What's this P90X workout stuff?


finished day three now on yoga x today after day 3 i was so fucking tired but the shit was so worth it

and fucking failed i didnt get the yoga x dvds in my package i got a duplicate of chest shoulders and triceps-_- what do i sub yoga x with?


Finally made it past day 3. I did about 10 mins of Yoga this morning and I agree with some others it goes by extremely slow, but I can't believe how good this helped me feel. My body was still super sore from the previous days workouts and Yoga essentially stretched away the pains I was feeling. About to jump back into it now and finish up day 4.


this sucks.. i've missed like almost a week of workout due to moving. oh well.. once im settled in my new place, i'm gonna repeat week 4. at the mean time, im just doing kenpox and plyometrics back to back just so i can shed the calories. my diet is so shit this whole week... tony please forgive me!! my p90x is officially changed to p100x


Moonstone said:
Try Core synergetics instead, Yoga is core workout and stretching.

shit i did cardio x instead didnt wait for the reply since i had work in the upcoming hours.Hopefully my yoga comes before thursday next week.


D23 said:
this sucks.. i've missed like almost a week of workout due to moving. oh well.. once im settled in my new place, i'm gonna repeat week 4. at the mean time, im just doing kenpox and plyometrics back to back just so i can shed the calories. my diet is so shit this whole week... tony please forgive me!! my p90x is officially changed to p100x

The programm doesn't say anything about how to cope with days you miss. But I have the impression that this workout isn't a 90 day workout, it's 90 days long because of marketing reasons and to force you to develop the mindset that you should work out every day. But in real life that's not possible.

If you do it properly and work out hard, your muscles will be sore and you need more recovery days. Ignoring that, can be counter productive. Recovery is essential! Don't be afraid to skip a few days, but always make up for them.

I'm on week 2 and a half and already 5 days behind. After one day of recovery I could do 5 more pull ups! Make up for the missing days and there's no problem. I think it's actually more effective if you don't do p90x in 90 days, listen to your body and don't be afraid to shift your training to another day.

shit i did cardio x instead didnt wait for the reply since i had work in the upcoming hours.Hopefully my yoga comes before thursday next week.

Tony uses a lot of yoga excercises in other workouts, you can do them on your own, if you don't want to miss yoga. First 45 minutes is just this downard dog thingy and the 3 warrior stances, the last 25 minutes is stretching andin between there is the balance stuff (and the fucking crane!).

What's great about the yoga is, that there are very good core excercises. I think they are a lot better than abripper X. If you have Mark Verstegens Core Performance, or Michael Boyles Functional Training for Sports, you can take the yoga exercises from there, they just name them otherwise.


f-castrillo said:
Some good moves in there. I've done the bicycle with elbows to the knees before, and that works you fast.

I made it all the way to the 3rd week of phase 3 when I had to stop due to family vacation. I've been doing some freeweights and mini-P90X workouts to maintain, but I'm starting all over again tomorrow. This time I'll shoot for tone and definition over size, which I feel I've reached pretty well.


I've got a question, and I apologise if something similar to this has been answered at some point throughout the thread

I'm a very skinny (60kg/132pounds, 29" waist), tall (6foot) guy, and have never really paid much attention to what I eat (all sorts of junk, and plenty of food - i've always figured i just have an excellent metabolism) or exercising in general..

Anywho, I was told about this training set (and that I should probably check out P90 rather than P90X, given that might kill me).. Now, I don't need to lose weight, I would love to gain weight.. but obviously the ideal thing I'd like to achieve is muscle/abs (add inches around my chest/arms/waist)

does anyone have any tips for someone who is my height and weight and desire for muscles? Is the P90 something that I could potentially do, or should I start with something easier/something else?
tabsina said:
I've got a question, and I apologise if something similar to this has been answered at some point throughout the thread

I'm a very skinny (60kg/132pounds, 29" waist), tall (6foot) guy, and have never really paid much attention to what I eat (all sorts of junk, and plenty of food - i've always figured i just have an excellent metabolism) or exercising in general..

Anywho, I was told about this training set (and that I should probably check out P90 rather than P90X, given that might kill me).. Now, I don't need to lose weight, I would love to gain weight.. but obviously the ideal thing I'd like to achieve is muscle/abs (add inches around my chest/arms/waist)

does anyone have any tips for someone who is my height and weight and desire for muscles? Is the P90 something that I could potentially do, or should I start with something easier/something else?

Good question. I'm in a similar situation. Any help guys?


tabsina said:
I've got a question, and I apologise if something similar to this has been answered at some point throughout the thread

I'm a very skinny (60kg/132pounds, 29" waist), tall (6foot) guy, and have never really paid much attention to what I eat (all sorts of junk, and plenty of food - i've always figured i just have an excellent metabolism) or exercising in general..

Anywho, I was told about this training set (and that I should probably check out P90 rather than P90X, given that might kill me).. Now, I don't need to lose weight, I would love to gain weight.. but obviously the ideal thing I'd like to achieve is muscle/abs (add inches around my chest/arms/waist)

does anyone have any tips for someone who is my height and weight and desire for muscles? Is the P90 something that I could potentially do, or should I start with something easier/something else?

Well, the first thing you'll have to consider is your diet. You might not want to follow the P90X diet, as that's really meant more to have you lose fat than gain a lot of weight. Instead, try your own thing. I'd be surprised if you actually eat as many calories as you think you do, but even if you eat a ton of food, you'll have to eat more to gain weight. Lots of protein, and enough calories for you to gain some pounds.

Then just run P90X (or P90, sure) and make it happen.


grumble said:
Well, the first thing you'll have to consider is your diet. You might not want to follow the P90X diet, as that's really meant more to have you lose fat than gain a lot of weight. Instead, try your own thing. I'd be surprised if you actually eat as many calories as you think you do, but even if you eat a ton of food, you'll have to eat more to gain weight. Lots of protein, and enough calories for you to gain some pounds.

Then just run P90X (or P90, sure) and make it happen.

Thanks, I think I'm going to do this


Neo Member
Dkong said:
What's that from? Some kind of P90X follow-up?
Kinda sorta.

P90X One on One was formerly known as Tony Horton One on One, and was originally meant to provide people with new workout routines that Tony would pump out each month. It was renamed to P90X One on One starting with Volume 3.

Tony Horton is also working on a follow up to P90X called P90X: MC2 (muscle confusion 2), due out sometime in 2011. It will be a set of all new workouts (not like P90X+, which borrowed some routines from P90X). The workouts are getting tested/created during P90X 1 on 1 vol. 3.

So yes, Ab Ripper X 2 is from P90X: MC2, but will be available in it's infancy via P90X One on One vol. 3. Who knows what Tony will change once ARX2 for P90X: MC2 is done :D
So I started Day 1 and I made it through but I was only doing like half or less of what the people in the videos numbers were, afterwards I felt sick and puked. Seriously. I couldn't lift my arms above my head and my muscles were like shaking. Its 2 days after and I'm still a bit sore (chest muscles and back) so I haven't done the next videos. Is this normal? I stretched and stuff before doing it too.


xxjuicesxx said:
So I started Day 1 and I made it through but I was only doing like half or less of what the people in the videos numbers were, afterwards I felt sick and puked. Seriously. I couldn't lift my arms above my head and my muscles were like shaking. Its 2 days after and I'm still a bit sore (chest muscles and back) so I haven't done the next videos. Is this normal? I stretched and stuff before doing it too.
I was sore the first few weeks and could barely walk after plyo so yes that is perfectly normal.

The good news is that the more you put into it the better your results will be.

tabsina said:
I've got a question, and I apologise if something similar to this has been answered at some point throughout the thread

I'm a very skinny (60kg/132pounds, 29" waist), tall (6foot) guy, and have never really paid much attention to what I eat (all sorts of junk, and plenty of food - i've always figured i just have an excellent metabolism) or exercising in general..

Anywho, I was told about this training set (and that I should probably check out P90 rather than P90X, given that might kill me).. Now, I don't need to lose weight, I would love to gain weight.. but obviously the ideal thing I'd like to achieve is muscle/abs (add inches around my chest/arms/waist)

does anyone have any tips for someone who is my height and weight and desire for muscles? Is the P90 something that I could potentially do, or should I start with something easier/something else?
Are you really 6' and 132 pounds? Even with a 29" waist that seems really low.

In ninth grade I grew nine inches and by the start of 10th grade I was a stick, 6 feet tall and I still weighed about 150.

I don't think you will lose any weight (it doesn't seem like you have any to lose) by following P90x. It seems to me just by looking at your weight and height and you will just gain a lot of muscle by the end of it. If you are that skinny you should have ridiculous abs by the end of the program (the hardest part about showing your abs is losing the weight so people can see them). I don't know how much bigger you will get by the end of the program (there is only so much you can do in 90 days), but if you are skinny as I think you are you should be absolutely ripped.


Moonstone said:
I nearly puked the first day, too. But Chest & Back is the hardest of all workouts - it will get easier.
I think Shoulders and Arms is much harder since you should be increasing the weights every few weeks, I've found many people don't realise this because they still feel like they're getting a workout from lifting the same weight every week.


Since Saturday my left kee, or rather a tendon running in the back of my knee is hurting. Currently in my first recovery week and taking a complete break until this is better. I hope I can restart the recovery week on Thursday...


grumble said:
It would be tough to burn 800-900 calories in an hour. That's something like 12+ km in an hour (7.5 miles).

You want me to post a picture from my treadmill? I realize they aren't the most accurate, but it's the best thing I have to go on. And according to that, I do that quite frequently.


LM4sure said:
You want me to post a picture from my treadmill? I realize they aren't the most accurate, but it's the best thing I have to go on. And according to that, I do that quite frequently.

Hey, I believe that that's what the treadmill says. I am very wary of treadmills, as many of them exaggerate the calories burned, but if you ran that distance then you ran that distance. You must be in pretty good cardio shape.


f-castrillo said:
Kinda sorta.

P90X One on One was formerly known as Tony Horton One on One, and was originally meant to provide people with new workout routines that Tony would pump out each month. It was renamed to P90X One on One starting with Volume 3.

Tony Horton is also working on a follow up to P90X called P90X: MC2 (muscle confusion 2), due out sometime in 2011. It will be a set of all new workouts (not like P90X+, which borrowed some routines from P90X). The workouts are getting tested/created during P90X 1 on 1 vol. 3.

So yes, Ab Ripper X 2 is from P90X: MC2, but will be available in it's infancy via P90X One on One vol. 3. Who knows what Tony will change once ARX2 for P90X: MC2 is done :D

Thank you for the detailed reply. I don't follow P90X but I just took the ab ripper program to do 2 or 3 times a week. It's the most intense ab workout I've ever put myself through; today was the second time and it went a lot better than the first, I only had to skip 5 reps on the roll-up/v-up combo and 15 on each of the oblique v-up sets (that shit is impossible by the way!). The thing that stands out to me the most is that my legs get tired before my abs.
Is it worth getting the one with the nutrition guide? It's like £18 with the book and calendar. I could certainly do with a nutrition guide of somesort, but not if it's not worth it.


yikes, i lost my resistance bands and pull up bar. so i bought INSANITY. i did the fit test today, holy fucking shit.. i thought plyometrics was hard, this is insanely hard.. and im only doing the fit test :lol i can't wait to try the real workout tomorrow.


D23 said:
yikes, i lost my resistance bands and pull up bar. so i bought INSANITY. i did the fit test today, holy fucking shit.. i thought plyometrics was hard, this is insanely hard.. and im only doing the fit test :lol i can't wait to try the real workout tomorrow.
:lol That's how I felt when I first tried it. You're in for real good times tomorrow. Good luck!


bionic77 said:
Are you really 6' and 132 pounds? Even with a 29" waist that seems really low.

In ninth grade I grew nine inches and by the start of 10th grade I was a stick, 6 feet tall and I still weighed about 150.

I don't think you will lose any weight (it doesn't seem like you have any to lose) by following P90x. It seems to me just by looking at your weight and height and you will just gain a lot of muscle by the end of it. If you are that skinny you should have ridiculous abs by the end of the program (the hardest part about showing your abs is losing the weight so people can see them). I don't know how much bigger you will get by the end of the program (there is only so much you can do in 90 days), but if you are skinny as I think you are you should be absolutely ripped.

Yep, as I said, I'm very skinny - not to anorexic extents, but i don't really have much fat to pinch, if at all - everything you said sounds like exactly what i'm hoping for :p, going to see if I can order this stuff to australia some time this week


ocadman said:
:lol That's how I felt when I first tried it. You're in for real good times tomorrow. Good luck!

i can't wait! i heard so many good stories about it.. especially starting month 2


tabsina said:
Yep, as I said, I'm very skinny - not to anorexic extents, but i don't really have much fat to pinch, if at all - everything you said sounds like exactly what i'm hoping for :p, going to see if I can order this stuff to australia some time this week
I wasn't as skinny as you in high school, but I was pretty close. After working out my freshman year I got a six pack but I was so skinny my teammates on the bball team dubbed it an "Ethiopian sixpack". Hopefully you fare better with P90x. :D
effingvic said:
Greatest thing in the world. Seriously.

I got more results on this in two months than 2 years of working out by myself.

I'm 40 days in and I can already see my abs! I lost 10+ pounds so far. I had a beer gut (small one) when I started and was out shape.


tribal24 said:
!?!?!?! gaf i lost 9 pounds the first week is that normal?
It is likely mostly all water weight...that is a lot though, normally water retention is only a couple of pounds.

Keep it up, and keep it off, dude.


I just hit my day 30 yesterday. I was a little disappointed actually. I compared pictures from yesterday to my pictures from day 0 and there wasn't much of a difference. Then again I started out at 6'1 and 154 pounds so I didn't have much fat to shed in the first place. I was just hoping for more muscle definition, especially in my midsection which looks mostly unchanged.

I'm still committed though. Rome wasn't built in a day and I won't be either. Today was my first day with back/biceps and by the end I couldn't even curl 12 lb with my left arm. As long as I can string together some more days like today, I should reach my goal.

That reminds me, how do you guys manage weights between your dominant and non-dominant hand? I bowl a lot so my right arm is far more developed than my left arm (insert masturbation joke here.) On exercised where I work both arms, I either gas out quickly on my left or my right arm never reaches a burn. Should I chose two different weights or should I try and even them out by using the same weight for each?


Wrekt said:
I just hit my day 30 yesterday. I was a little disappointed actually. I compared pictures from yesterday to my pictures from day 0 and there wasn't much of a difference. Then again I started out at 6'1 and 154 pounds so I didn't have much fat to shed in the first place. I was just hoping for more muscle definition, especially in my midsection which looks mostly unchanged.

I'm still committed though. Rome wasn't built in a day and I won't be either. Today was my first day with back/biceps and by the end I couldn't even curl 12 lb with my left arm. As long as I can string together some more days like today, I should reach my goal.

This is normal. It's common that a majority of the people see the most results in the 3rd phase so keep at it. Here's a link posted earlier in this thread about it.


That reminds me, how do you guys manage weights between your dominant and non-dominant hand? I bowl a lot so my right arm is far more developed than my left arm (insert masturbation joke here.) On exercised where I work both arms, I either gas out quickly on my left or my right arm never reaches a burn. Should I chose two different weights or should I try and even them out by using the same weight for each?

I just used a heavier weight and/or more reps for my non-dominant hand.


I'm on my 2nd phase guys, noticed good results so far, holy shit at chest shoulders and triceps :lol

Jesus at one handed push ups wtf Tony.


Just stick with it.
The difference between the first day and day 60 was pretty awesome for me.
My legs and arms were transformed from sloppy meat to muscles and it keeps getting better.


nubbe said:
Just stick with it.
The difference between the first day and day 60 was pretty awesome for me.
My legs and arms were transformed from sloppy meat to muscles and it keeps getting better.

oh ya I know dude I'm doing good, I just found this new workout a bit difficult for some specific exercises.


Finally got back on schedule, week 1 day 3 here. I was really feeling lethargic today, not sure if I haven't been eating enough or if I'm just that much weaker from my less intense vacation workouts. Feels good to be back on track, man.


im on week 2 day 3 , im getting much better at everything especially pylo but ab ripper kills me. i ordered the protein bars the variety pack lets see how these effect the process.


Does anyone lower back hurt when they do ab ripper x? Especially on bicycles, in and outs, crunchy frogs, and mason twist?


I don't and pain is never a signal from your body your supposed to have while working out.
I did ab ripper X for the 3rd time yesterday and I only had to skip 20 oblique v-ups this time, so I'm getting there. I can also see the progress on my abs daily, this shit is amazing :D (yes, I'm an ectomorph, sue me for easily visible progress).


I know that feeling in the lower back. Abripper X is not just a ab workout, it's a core workout.
You just don't have enough core muscles. Your abs are probalby stronger than you muscles in the lower back.


Moonstone said:
I know that feeling in the lower back. Abripper X is not just a ab workout, it's a core workout.
You just don't have enough core muscles. Your abs are probalby stronger than you muscles in the lower back.

That actually a weakness of Ab Ripper X in my opinion. It has lots of the abdominus rectus (six pack), a fair amount for the obliques, a ton of stuff for the hip flexors and shit all for the lower back. The lower back isn't really worked that hard during P90X's resistance training, and imbalances can develop.

Also, the situps can aggravate lower back issues because they involve a lot of hip flexor action, and the hip flexors attach at the front of the lumbar area of the spine (lower spine). They can pull at that area, and can cause pain. That's why it's so important to keep your lower back rounded during situps.


I don't get all the hate on Yoga. Yeah it's pretty long, but you feel great afterwards. I will admit I don't do it every week anymore, but once every other week it's good.


depths20XX said:
I don't get all the hate on Yoga. Yeah it's pretty long, but you feel great afterwards. I will admit I don't do it every week anymore, but once every other week it's good.
I'm the same way...
Man, Plyo sucks. Not only is it exhausting, but I live on the second floor of an apartment building so every move requires to piss my neighbors off. I have to take it to the gym next time, but I'll look like a like such a tool doing these moves in front of my laptop. :lol
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