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What's this P90X workout stuff?

NH Apache

Kraftwerk said:
Today is day 4;Yoga X...
I'm scared :"(

Hah, I have to make up legs and back today and ab ripper, plus kenpo. I'M scared.

Jibber Hack said:
Started this program this last week, though I'm not counting this as my first week due to not being able to complete a lot of the exercises. I figure that I'll start on Monday and have a better idea of what my pace is.

I have to say though that there is just something empowering about doing this workout and feeling all of those muscles that I never use being worked out. I feel great day to day. So much better than I've been feeling recently.

This is what I did. It is amazing how everything seems to start to harden up too. Muscles I didn't even know about are starting to harden up.
screw yoga, it kills my wrists and some of my joints to maintain those positions :(

Abripperx is a pain in the ass too...does every exercise have to have my body in a V with my tailbone as a fulcrum? That destroys my back :(

NH Apache

elrechazao said:
screw yoga, it kills my wrists and some of my joints to maintain those positions :(

Abripperx is a pain in the ass too...does every exercise have to have my body in a V with my tailbone as a fulcrum? That destroys my back :(

I double or triple up my girlfriend's yoga pad and put it under my ass bone. I'm on a wood floor and it is always really uncomfortable on that unnecessary body part.

Also, I'm starting to survive the phifers now.
I'm in the midst of a binge weekend. I'm mad at myself, but it's happened before and I know I'll get through it.

I had Columbus Day off from work, which ended up being a very bad thing. My fitness routine is perfectly integrated into my work schedule, so when I'm not working, it's so easy to not stick to it.

First thing tomorrow morning, I'm back on.
elrechazao said:
screw yoga, it kills my wrists and some of my joints to maintain those positions :(

Abripperx is a pain in the ass too...does every exercise have to have my body in a V with my tailbone as a fulcrum? That destroys my back :(

I'm glad I'm not the only one having a problem balancing on my tailbone. I can't do the V-leg sit ups (the one where you lie down with your legs spread, reach for the sky with one hand, sit up and then touch the opposite leg.)

I'm about 10 days through now and my only concern with this program is that I don't think the stretching is adequate. Of course I suppose I could just pause and stretch but I've only got a finite amount of time during the weekday I can dedicate to this program.


Couple of questions: How important is it to get the right amount of protein for the diet? I can't seem to fit 7 portions of protein daily but at the same time from my physiology classes and other various sources, I've read that you'll most likely pee most of it out anyways.

Also, any good quick meal recipes? I've been eating salad + 2 pieces of grilled chicken (which takes about 10 min to do). Any alternatives that take about that long to prepare?

NH Apache

Gully State said:
I'm glad I'm not the only one having a problem balancing on my tailbone. I can't do the V-leg sit ups (the one where you lie down with your legs spread, reach for the sky with one hand, sit up and then touch the opposite leg.)

I'm about 10 days through now and my only concern with this program is that I don't think the stretching is adequate. Of course I suppose I could just pause and stretch but I've only got a finite amount of time during the weekday I can dedicate to this program.


Couple of questions: How important is it to get the right amount of protein for the diet? I can't seem to fit 7 portions of protein daily but at the same time from my physiology classes and other various sources, I've read that you'll most likely pee most of it out anyways.

Also, any good quick meal recipes? I've been eating salad + 2 pieces of grilled chicken (which takes about 10 min to do). Any alternatives that take about that long to prepare?

Can of tuna with a handful of baby spinach salad nets about 30 grams of protein. I usually add an egg for good measure too. Bumps it up another 6 grams.


I just finished week 4, and I follow the portion approach for my diet.
I am starting to see some results but I still have unwanted fat on my stomach.
Am I supposed to still lose fat on my stomach even if I switch to phase II of the diet or should I stick to phase I if I hope to see the "six-pack"??
I'm 6'2 and 158 lbs by the way
otmane said:
I just finished week 4, and I follow the portion approach for my diet.
I am starting to see some results but I still have unwanted fat on my stomach.
Am I supposed to still lose fat on my stomach even if I switch to phase II of the diet or should I stick to phase I if I hope to see the "six-pack"??
I'm 6'2 and 158 lbs by the way

In the first month you'll barely notice much in the way of change. I really didn't see anything significant till about the end of the second month. Trust me, when you review your old pics you'll notice the changes.

Ive started the program again as ive been eating like a savage the last couple of months. FUCK AB RIPPER X. I'm sore all over and it's yoga day and I know they have ab exercises at the end and I hate tony. Well, i hate him but I love him :lol

NH Apache

otmane said:
I just finished week 4, and I follow the portion approach for my diet.
I am starting to see some results but I still have unwanted fat on my stomach.
Am I supposed to still lose fat on my stomach even if I switch to phase II of the diet or should I stick to phase I if I hope to see the "six-pack"??
I'm 6'2 and 158 lbs by the way

You are 6'2" and 158? And you have unwanted fat on your stomach? Joke post?


Not at all! I was much bigger a few years ago. I lost more than 50 lbs so I'm pretty thin in all my body except the stomach! And I'm struggling to get rid of that...
otmane said:
Not at all! I was much bigger a few years ago. I lost more than 50 lbs so I'm pretty thin in all my body except the stomach! And I'm struggling to get rid of that...

That's me too...well I'm not 6''2 but similar body type. I've got no fat in my upperbody but I'm packing a stomach...I'm really hoping at some point my gut starts disappearing..I hate having to suck it in...

Freedom = $1.05 said:
Well, i hate him but I love him :lol

:lol....totally read that like how Tony would say it...


If anyone can help me out here that'd be nice.

When I was 13 I was overweight and then lost weight doing the bad viking diet. I held this up until around 17 or 18 where naturally, I couldn't keep eating one large meal a day and cocoa so I gained the weight. At that point, any time I ate beyond one meal, my weight gain was kind of ridiculous since these were regular meals, no junk or anything it's just that anything extra my weight would not be happy with. After that, I finally adjusted so I could eat 2 meals a day and my weight would remain the same.

I'm on week 3 now and I've gained 5lb. Again, I never eat junk nor do I drink beer. The only thing I've changed is eat smaller more frequently...so maybe it's just me going up to 6 meals is adding it or can lifting this much in such a short time add 5lb? I don't stick to a diet, I just don't eat crap. The worst thing I have is a small diet soda every other day and an italian ice every 2 days. The main thing I do is just turkey, protein drink, turkey, protein drink, tuna and rinse and repeat. I know how some people say "oh, I'm not eating bad at all" and they are scarfing down potato chips and mcdonalds but I'm being honest when I say that's not the case.


Don't worry about gaining weight at this point in time. If you're gaining FAT, change your diet. If you're just gaining weight, it's probably muscle.
Anyone have a recommendation for an inexpensive dummbell set? I've been using the bands but I think I'd like to start using dumbbells instead.

I might go with these ones, though I'll probably need a couple extra plates to go with them.


If the DVDs weren't so expensive this might be fun to do even though I'm not trying to lose weight.


adamsappel said:
Right now at midnightbox.com, Deal 1 is P90X for $59.95 and $3.99 shipping. It's about half-way sold out.

Missed it! =/

I picked one up on amazon marketplace for $88 so Ill be starting it out soon though.

Any recommendations for resistance bands? I have a pair of 20lb dumbbells so Ill be using the bands and the dumbbells.

Unfortunately I do not have any room for a chin up bar in my house (most of my doors are weird dimensions lol)

Right now Im 6'3 250. Looking to get down to about 230.
BertramCooper said:
Anyone have a recommendation for an inexpensive dummbell set? I've been using the bands but I think I'd like to start using dumbbells instead.

I might go with these ones, though I'll probably need a couple extra plates to go with them.

A recommendation would be super helpful.


Neo Member
Hey Gaf 90 X, good to see there's still a good amount of people on this. I've been doing it as much as my work schedule can handle, which is about 3-4 times a week. I've been doing stuff from P90X+ though, due to it's shorter time duration. I also gave Ab Ripper X 2 a shot, and it's tough...let me tell you. :lol

I'm thinking of picking up those Bowflex SelectTech dumbbells, it's much more convenient than my current setup of weighted plates.


I am nearing the end of my first month of the P90X+ program. I don't really like it so I'm trying to decide whether or not to do another round of p90x or move over to Insanity. I'm thinking Insanity as the videos tend to be a bit shorter and it would be a nice change of pace. Wish me luck.


Just started round 2 on Monday...feeling good. This time I am doing it with my wife (her first time)...when we did Plyo I told her how hard it was for me...she barely broke a sweat -_-

Guess all those marathons and triathalons she does gives her an advantage in that aspect of the workout. :lol


Not Wario
Looking for a fitness plan that prescribes day to day workouts and doesn't require a gym and I think I've settled on the P90x. That said, the more I hear about this Insanity workout, the more I feel it might be right for me. I'm looking to get in good shape starting from what I would call average shape (certainly not anywhere near good, but I wouldn't say bad either) and I care more about all around fitness (with an emphasis on cardio) than I do bulking up. I don't have any equipment nor access to a gym, but the small amount of equipment required for the P90x is hardly a bother. So, what would you guys recommend? The P90x or Insanity? (Or should I set my sights lower and start with the P90 to get in better shape first?) Also, for each workout, what would be the necessary things to purchase, assuming I own nothing relevant?


So I did Plyo today and goddamn... my legs hurt like crazy. I only got about half way through it before having to stop between my head spinning and almost puking and hardly being able to walk.

I did fine on the chest/back workout yesterday but plyo was just nuts. Do people finish plyo with ease on the first shot or is this normal?


Today did my first day and what a fail >_< I'm not really in shape, I couldnt do more than 10/11 push ups per exercise :( and once finished, then ab ripper was too much for me.

Is it worh it to keep trying or should I switch to something easier to start? It's not that I wanna give up at all, but I dont know if it's worth to do it if you're not in shape, at least a little...


DotComa said:
Today did my first day and what a fail >_< I'm not really in shape, I couldnt do more than 10/11 push ups per exercise :( and once finished, then ab ripper was too much for me.

Is it worh it to keep trying or should I switch to something easier to start? It's not that I wanna give up at all, but I dont know if it's worth to do it if you're not in shape, at least a little...

just keep pushing play. dont worry about your number, it will keep improving!
the first two weeks of p90x is insanely hard


asdad123 said:
So I did Plyo today and goddamn... my legs hurt like crazy. I only got about half way through it before having to stop between my head spinning and almost puking and hardly being able to walk.

I did fine on the chest/back workout yesterday but plyo was just nuts. Do people finish plyo with ease on the first shot or is this normal?

It's normal.
Quick question about door frame mounted pull up bars... I'm sure this has been asked before...

any risk of damage to the door frame etc? I'm in rented accomodation and my landlord is pretty cool about small mods, as long as I'm willing to fix what I break / undo what I do etc...


radioheadrule83 said:
Quick question about door frame mounted pull up bars... I'm sure this has been asked before...

any risk of damage to the door frame etc? I'm in rented accomodation and my landlord is pretty cool about small mods, as long as I'm willing to fix what I break / undo what I do etc...

Small risk of minor wear and tear, depending on the doorframe bar used and the door itself. If you have thick molding, then there can be a small depression where the bar rests on your side (not the wide flat part at the back, the bar in front). It's not that noticeable.


D23 said:
just keep pushing play. dont worry about your number, it will keep improving!
the first two weeks of p90x is insanely hard

All right then, I'll try plyometrics tomorrow. For what I can read here, looks like it'll be tough...


Has anyone bought this from some of the cheap ebay sellers? I see a few buy it now options for $60 but I'm always worried about things that seem to good to be true. Alot of them are from outside the US but sometimes there are a few saying they are from the US. Its a paypal transaction so I'm not sure if I should be worried at all.
I've started to do a combo of Insanity and Chalean extreme. I think it works for me because Chalean offers two rest days a week versus P90X's workouts. Also, since Chalean's workouts are much shorter than P90X's, I can do them in the morning before work and Insanity at night without having to wake up too early.

I do wish both programs had more targeted ab work outs, so I might add one round of ab ripper ex somewhere along the way. Anyone else doing something like this?


Neo Member
traveler said:
Looking for a fitness plan that prescribes day to day workouts and doesn't require a gym and I think I've settled on the P90x. That said, the more I hear about this Insanity workout, the more I feel it might be right for me. I'm looking to get in good shape starting from what I would call average shape (certainly not anywhere near good, but I wouldn't say bad either) and I care more about all around fitness (with an emphasis on cardio) than I do bulking up. I don't have any equipment nor access to a gym, but the small amount of equipment required for the P90x is hardly a bother. So, what would you guys recommend? The P90x or Insanity? (Or should I set my sights lower and start with the P90 to get in better shape first?) Also, for each workout, what would be the necessary things to purchase, assuming I own nothing relevant?

I am in the same position as you. I am looking to get started on a work out, but am looking for a little more information before I choose which one. I would prefer to work at home. I have no equipment. I would also be interested in some equipment recommendations. Preferably resistance bands because I am guessing they are cheaper. I am in decent shape. I will be running in the Seattle Marathon next week (my first one), so I have less of an emphasis on cardio. I am a more interested in muscle strength, but definitely don't want to get huge, just stronger.
Anth0ny said:
I got sick of Insanity so fast. It's NOT easy (much harder than P90x I'd say), but it's MUCH more boring. I mean, you repeat stuff a fair amount in P90, but Insanity is just...insanity :lol
I need to do more cardio, so I'm trying Insanity with my friend, but I have this problem, too. It's just so boring. I think workouts should always be challenging, but why can't they be fun as well? I usually have a blast doing P90X (outside of the odd bad day here and there) and going to Insanity is just a drag.

Is there anything like Insanity (high level of intensity, cardio focused) but less repetitive and with a more natural/fun "coach?"

I've been doing P90x for the last six weeks and I'm seeing awesome results. I purposefully leave my clothes in the dryer now so when my roommates have company over, I go to the dryer shirtless to grab whatever clothes I need to put on while making it all look like it wasn't on purpose. :lol
What do you recommend me to do in this case: I got a terrible ear infection since Sunday, the pain is really annoying when I'm doing exercise; especially Ab Ripper X, however I've only skipped Plyometrics (Today), I got this as a gift from my uncle, who doesn't use it anymore, and I am just starting. What do you recommend me to do?
grumble said:
Small risk of minor wear and tear, depending on the doorframe bar used and the door itself. If you have thick molding, then there can be a small depression where the bar rests on your side (not the wide flat part at the back, the bar in front). It's not that noticeable.

Cheers for this, my powerbar 2 got dispatched today --

I'm gonna start on the P90 first, but I'll graduate to P90X hopefully.

Have you guys been tracking your progress with photos?


Sgt.Pepper said:
What do you recommend me to do in this case: I got a terrible ear infection since Sunday, the pain is really annoying when I'm doing exercise; especially Ab Ripper X, however I've only skipped Plyometrics (Today), I got this as a gift from my uncle, who doesn't use it anymore, and I am just starting. What do you recommend me to do?
Never work out when you are sick. You don't need to get dizzy while doing a press and dropping a weight on your head. But at the same time you don't want to get into the habit of skipping workouts. If it hurts enough to affect your form or causes you abnormal pain, I'd skip it. If you are just looking for an excuse to not push play, suck it up :D .


It's been said in the thread but i've been doing Insanity instead of P90X and im on my second go around of it and I love the program. After this go around I may do a mix of P90 and Insanity. Anyone else here done Insanity exclusively?
Wrekt said:
Never work out when you are sick. You don't need to get dizzy while doing a press and dropping a weight on your head. But at the same time you don't want to get into the habit of skipping workouts. If it hurts enough to affect your form or causes you abnormal pain, I'd skip it. If you are just looking for an excuse to not push play, suck it up :D .
Nah. :lol

I got a really big earache when I did ab ripper. I managed to finished but I woke up with more pain today than any other day. I think I will just restart next week; I was barely starting anyway. Thanks for the advice though.

Edit: And Ab Ripper has some really great exercises, fast and effective.


holy shit, after two months of p90x I realised I wasn't doing enough cardio. So I did the first day of Insanity today. I almost vomited after 25 minutes.

P90x does not get you in cardio shape at all :(
burnfout said:
holy shit, after two months of p90x I realised I wasn't doing enough cardio. So I did the first day of Insanity today. I almost vomited after 25 minutes.

P90x does not get you in cardio shape at all :(

Try P90X Doubles if you have the time daily.

It adds more cardio to your regimen but it also doubles your daily workout.

Insanity is for extremely physically fit people and even then...


burnfout said:
holy shit, after two months of p90x I realised I wasn't doing enough cardio. So I did the first day of Insanity today. I almost vomited after 25 minutes.

P90x does not get you in cardio shape at all :(
My friend has been doing muai thai/kick boxing for a few years now and he gave insanity a try.
He cried.


Did anyone ever get to the point by doing ab ripper X or any other exercise where they have a permanent 6 pack?

Near the end of P90X whenever I was done a round of Ab Ripper X you could see my abs for a good 30 minutes after the workout, but after that you couldn't see that kind of definition without "flexing" them.

I am guessing you probably just need to have massive abdominal muscles and very little body fat to get that permanent six pack, but then if that is the case I don't think I will ever have ab muscles that big. I could do the entire ab workout without missing any reps by the end of the program and my stomach would be rock hard, but I still didn't have that permanent six pack.


So I finished P90X for the second time in a row a week back. Started at 185 and around 22% body fat. Now I am 145 and around 12% body fat.

Now I'm doing Insanity and I am 4 days into that. I don't know what to think of it. On one hand, I like that it pushes you harder through shorter work outs, but on the other hand, it's impossible not to rest a little when they are going all psycho in the videos. I felt that P90X rewards you by letting you go at your own pace and giving you great results. So far I feel that I need to go at their pace in Insanity to get results. I want to do Insanity to trim the body fat even further, but I also feel that without any resistance bands or free weights, I will lose the little amount of muscle I managed to gain in my arms. Like I said, I'm not sure what to think of it. I'll keep going with Insanity for at least a week more to see if my body fat stays the same or if I see any results. If not, then back to P90X.

Anyways, I loaded some comparison pics through my P90X phases along with some miscellaneous pics at the end of the second time through if anyone needs some motivation!




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