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What's this P90X workout stuff?

I had to give up on yoga x today because I didn't know the moves and there's no way you can look at the TV whilst doing those movements. I'll try it again on Sunday (or maybe tomorrow morning).
yeah, I was two weeks out from "finishing" the program...week 12 and then the last recovery week. I got a bitch of a chest cold...I'm still coughing as I type this. I have missed 7 consecutive days of exercise. I'm actually starting to see some small tone/mass degradation. Overall though, I'm extremely pleased with my results. My weight is at an all time low, my body fat % is good (and still going down). My abs are as defined as ever (as is basically all of my body). I did the lean set this time around, thinking I would restart back up with the size option on my next pass after taking a week or so off.

So, my question is, should I get back on the horse and cross the finish line, doing the two weeks or should I just start over on my next pass? I really can't see two weeks (one of them being recovery) doing much good. I'm leaning to just staring over since I've been away for so long.

Anyone ever have a similar situation or suggestion?
I might try p90x lean instead as that seems to incorporate more yoga poses as increasing flexibility and stamina is a big goal for me as well as weight loss (but that's less of an issue as long as I eat better and remain more active). Cardio X seems to involve some Plyometric movements so it might be a good lead in to the Classic routine. What do you guys think?
Great Poster said:
So, my question is, should I get back on the horse and cross the finish line, doing the two weeks or should I just start over on my next pass? I really can't see two weeks (one of them being recovery) doing much good. I'm leaning to just staring over since I've been away for so long.

Let's face it: if you've been through the program multiple times, it really doesn't matter what you do when you start back up. Either way, you're working out like a demon, so don't sweat it. Just get your rest, get better, and then go kick it in the butt again. Some people try to work through their illness, but that's just insane, imho...


Napoleonthechimp said:
I had to give up on yoga x today because I didn't know the moves and there's no way you can look at the TV whilst doing those movements. I'll try it again on Sunday (or maybe tomorrow morning).

I missed a few days and just added it on after week 12, so instead of going to a recovery week after week 12, I'd just maybe do a week 13, then go into recovery if you would like to try to keep to the p90x schedule. Sparky is right, you'll be fine. As long as you didn't eat really shitty while you were sick, you should be ok for the most part.
ocadman said:
I missed a few days and just added it on after week 12, so instead of going to a recovery week after week 12, I'd just maybe do a week 13, then go into recovery if you would like to try to keep to the p90x schedule. Sparky is right, you'll be fine. As long as you didn't eat really shitty while you were sick, you should be ok for the most part.

Yeah, eating was actually difficult...I was WAY under my calorie totals...my protein/carb ratios were hosed, and I ended up dropping 4 lbs in one night, from not eating...i was asleep at least 13 hours that day...that was my first shitty day....I've been trying to keep the balance since I started eating with the overall calorie counts down. Clearly, the body is burning some extra calories doing its fighting the cold. My biggest disappointment is the fact that I've been idle for so long -- not really much i can do about that. I think I'll start over with phase 1, size option (8-10 reps).


shim said:
I've been in that position before where I could see my top 2 abs, but not see the rest. More protein is NOT the answer. Bodyfat is evenly distributed through your body, it varies from person to person, but this is generally the rule. You just need to drop another percent or two. If you can see the top two abs, you're almost there.
Regarding your diet, throw in a multivitamin dude! Make sure you're consistent with you're workouts. Are you taking progress pictures? If you noticed a plataeu in your weight loss, try increasing your calories to get your metabolism started up again. I'm assuming you're doing ab ripper 3x week too?
I took multivitamins for a month but after I ran out I never got around to ordering them again for whatever reason. I'll pick some more up.

I am very consistent with my workouts. I haven't missed a single day in fact. I've shuffled some stuff around (doing Cardio X instead of Kenpo lately) but I've done something every day. I've done Ab Ripper all of my scheduled times and I've even thrown in a couple extras on the occasional Sunday when I get bored which I recently learned probably wasn't a good idea.

I have taken progress pictures and I am making good progress. I might even get to my goal following my current routine. I just see other "after" pictures and get a little discouraged because my abs aren't quite there. My back and chest look phenomenal but honestly those are the parts I didn't really care about in the first place. My weight has stayed really consistent since I started so thin. I've only dropped 4 pounds since the start of my routine but I've gained a ton of muscle.

Thanks for the help.


Neo Member
Wrekt said:
I took multivitamins for a month but after I ran out I never got around to ordering them again for whatever reason. I'll pick some more up.

I am very consistent with my workouts. I haven't missed a single day in fact. I've shuffled some stuff around (doing Cardio X instead of Kenpo lately) but I've done something every day. I've done Ab Ripper all of my scheduled times and I've even thrown in a couple extras on the occasional Sunday when I get bored which I recently learned probably wasn't a good idea.

I have taken progress pictures and I am making good progress. I might even get to my goal following my current routine. I just see other "after" pictures and get a little discouraged because my abs aren't quite there. My back and chest look phenomenal but honestly those are the parts I didn't really care about in the first place. My weight has stayed really consistent since I started so thin. I've only dropped 4 pounds since the start of my routine but I've gained a ton of muscle.

Thanks for the help.

As long as you are making progress, I don't see a problem. You WILL get there. Trust me. There was a period of time where I was getting discouraged too, thinking I'd never see my abs. But believe me, keep it up and they'll show up within a few weeks. Don't let my progress picture fool you either, I did 2 cycles of P90x, and the before pic was when I was at my heaviest (circa 2004). Same thing happened with me - only lost about 10-15 pounds during the 4-5 months I was doing the program, gained muscle, lost fat - you can't trust scales..use a mirror or pictures. Your experience sounds exactly like mine. You're on the final stretch dude. Keep up the diet/workouts/motivation (sound like you're doing fine) and you won't be disappointed.


shim said:
As long as you are making progress, I don't see a problem. You WILL get there. Trust me. There was a period of time where I was getting discouraged too, thinking I'd never see my abs. But believe me, keep it up and they'll show up within a few weeks. Don't let my progress picture fool you either, I did 2 cycles of P90x, and the before pic was when I was at my heaviest (circa 2004). Same thing happened with me - only lost about 10-15 pounds during the 4-5 months I was doing the program, gained muscle, lost fat - you can't trust scales..use a mirror or pictures. Your experience sounds exactly like mine. You're on the final stretch dude. Keep up the diet/workouts/motivation (sound like you're doing fine) and you won't be disappointed.
So the time between your before and after pics was two cycles? Well that makes me feel a hell of a lot better. I thought you made that big of a change in just 90 days. I was like 'wtf am I doing wrong' :lol .


Neo Member
Wrekt said:
So the time between your before and after pics was two cycles? Well that makes me feel a hell of a lot better. I thought you made that big of a change in just 90 days. I was like 'wtf am I doing wrong' :lol .

Haha, no no, even older than 2 cycles. It wasn't intended as a before/after P90X comparision. More of a fat/fit comparison.
pic 1 was around 2004-2005. 200 lbs.
pic 2 was only a few months ago. 165 lbs.

I only lost 10 lbs during my 2 cycles of p90x.


Wrekt said:
So the time between your before and after pics was two cycles? Well that makes me feel a hell of a lot better. I thought you made that big of a change in just 90 days. I was like 'wtf am I doing wrong' :lol .

IIRC, shim also lifted before starting p90x so he had the muscle to show after he finished p90x.

BTW shim, what are you doing for maintenance right now? I'm assuming you're not trying to gain or lose anything now right? I've always wondered whether it was difficult to maintain. I've always been either losing or gaining haha..
Yeah, Shim was pushing near 300lbs for all the major lifts. I'm assuming he's using p90x for cutting purposes, so no one should be discouraged they're not achieving his results.

He's a testament to hard work and dedication though.


Neo Member
Sarye said:
BTW shim, what are you doing for maintenance right now? I'm assuming you're not trying to gain or lose anything now right? I've always wondered whether it was difficult to maintain. I've always been either losing or gaining haha..

Yup, first time in my life i've been happy with my body. For maintenance, I've been trying to pick healthy choices on weekdays, but usually CHEAT ALL WEEKEND (in smaller portions). Surprisingly haven't gained that much weight. I still work out around 3-4 times a week, but definitely not as intense as when I was doing p90x/insanity.
Gaining weight takes JUST AS LONG as losing weight, so don't worry. I feel like a douche now because everytime I go to the bathroom, I take quick peeks at my abs to make sure they're still there.
I just workout hard enough (no real strength gains), to just eat what I want on weekends. I think I've found a good balance.

It really is a lifestyle change. No more sitting around eating a huge bag of salt/vinegar kettle chips or a 1/2 gallon of ice cream. If I don't get some exercise in, I feel shitty.
Excuse my ramblings, but to answer your question...maintenance is not hard at all unless you do a complete 180, stuff your face and stop working out. I did lose a bit of definition, but I know I can get back to it relatively quickly.
Ugh...just "finished" my first P90X workout. I say "finished" as in I went through the whole first shoulders and chest but I couldn't manage to do even a quarter of the reps (I suck at pull up...never been able to do more than just one and these guys are blowing through like 20) they were going for and there were some exercises that I couldn't even do properly (like most of ab ripper X). I have a feeling I won't even be able to touch the amount of reps they do in the video.

All in all, I'm feeling sore and ashamed...

And goddamn dive bombs are ridiculous...

NH Apache

Gully State said:
Ugh...just "finished" my first P90X workout. I say "finished" as in I went through the whole first shoulders and chest but I couldn't manage to do even a quarter of the reps (I suck at pull up...never been able to do more than just one and these guys are blowing through like 20) they were going for and there were some exercises that I couldn't even do properly (like most of ab ripper X). I have a feeling I won't even be able to touch the amount of reps they do in the video.

All in all, I'm feeling sore and ashamed...

And goddamn dive bombs are ridiculous...

Well, thanks to DOMS, I'm sure you will be much more sore tomorrow. Ive already tripled my pushups in like 3 weeks. It works.


Gully State said:
Ugh...just "finished" my first P90X workout. I say "finished" as in I went through the whole first shoulders and chest but I couldn't manage to do even a quarter of the reps (I suck at pull up...never been able to do more than just one and these guys are blowing through like 20) they were going for and there were some exercises that I couldn't even do properly (like most of ab ripper X). I have a feeling I won't even be able to touch the amount of reps they do in the video.

All in all, I'm feeling sore and ashamed...

And goddamn dive bombs are ridiculous...
Definitely don't get discouraged man.

When I started I could barely do a single pull-up. I finish my first run on Sunday and now I actually exceed some of the pull-up stuff they do in the video. In fact the other day was my Back + Bicep day and the first pull-up exercise is reverse grip chin-ups which have always been the easiest for me. I didn't realize how good I had gotten at them and pulled myself up so hard that my shoulders hit the corners of my pull-up bar and knocked it off the door frame. I stumbled backwards and almost fell through a wall because I did a pull-up too hard. 84 days ago I was in your shoes and my post history can prove it.

You will suck for about a month and then you'll start taunting the guy in the back of the Kenpo class because he dogs it during the "water" breaks. Keep going. I've never felt better in my life.


I'm in week 11 and just finished my last chest/back exercise. I did the best numbers this last one so I feel pretty good.

Cranked out 12 wide grip pull ups without the chair and that's the most i've ever done.


Wrekt said:
Definitely don't get discouraged man.

When I started I could barely do a single pull-up. I finish my first run on Sunday and now I actually exceed some of the pull-up stuff they do in the video. In fact the other day was my Back + Bicep day and the first pull-up exercise is reverse grip chin-ups which have always been the easiest for me. I didn't realize how good I had gotten at them and pulled myself up so hard that my shoulders hit the corners of my pull-up bar and knocked it off the door frame. I stumbled backwards and almost fell through a wall because I did a pull-up too hard. 84 days ago I was in your shoes and my post history can prove it.

You will suck for about a month and then you'll start taunting the guy in the back of the Kenpo class because he dogs it during the "water" breaks. Keep going. I've never felt better in my life.
One of the best things about P90X for me was being able to knock out a ton of pull ups after I was done when before I started I sucked at doing them.
Wrekt said:
You will suck for about a month and then you'll start taunting the guy in the back of the Kenpo class because he dogs it during the "water" breaks. Keep going. I've never felt better in my life.

Yeah the video actually makes it easy to keep going through the paces (or at least trying)despite me sucking (did plyometrics last night and the dude with the prosthetic leg was running circles around me) as a large part of my problem with conditioning the traditional way was not having a plan of attack.


I got sick of Insanity so fast. It's NOT easy (much harder than P90x I'd say), but it's MUCH more boring. I mean, you repeat stuff a fair amount in P90, but Insanity is just...insanity :lol

If you're done P90 and looking for something new, this is what I did. Pick this bible up:


And head to the gym. I've been getting fantastic results since July, and if you start to miss good old P90x, my ab workout is still Ab Ripper X (which I've memorized and do without the video now) and the burn is still there every day.


Im about ot start this ( buying it tomorrow) just had some quick questions...

1-Do you HAVE to take supplements and whatnot?

2-I have some 10-20 pound dumbbells at home-will that be enough?
So I did the majority of the Yoga work out today and I'm impressed with my balance and flexibility. Its A LOT better than when I started. I'm on my 3rd week and missed the Yoga work out during week 2. I'm finding it difficult not to eat junk. When I say junk, I don't mean living on fast food and chocolate but rather having a few chips or a cookie once in a while. For you folks on the program right now, do you just NEVER indulge yourself or do you allow yourself a treat every few days.


Kraftwerk said:
Im about ot start this ( buying it tomorrow) just had some quick questions...

1-Do you HAVE to take supplements and whatnot?

2-I have some 10-20 pound dumbbells at home-will that be enough?

1. No, but if you are going to get something, it should be whey protein.

2. That all depends on if those are heavy enough for you. If you feel the burn on the final three reps on any of the exercises, then those should be good enough.
LovingSteam said:
So I did the majority of the Yoga work out today and I'm impressed with my balance and flexibility. Its A LOT better than when I started. I'm on my 3rd week and missed the Yoga work out during week 2. I'm finding it difficult not to eat junk. When I say junk, I don't mean living on fast food and chocolate but rather having a few chips or a cookie once in a while. For you folks on the program right now, do you just NEVER indulge yourself or do you allow yourself a treat every few days.

Tony Horton has said that he has a bowl of ice cream every so often. I've been experimenting with different foods that are tasty and still healthy. You're not going to find something to "replace" chips, but how about a nice cup of fruit salad? Or a healthy sandwich (whole wheat, chicken, maybe some tomatoe, avocado spread)
LovingSteam said:
So I did the majority of the Yoga work out today and I'm impressed with my balance and flexibility. Its A LOT better than when I started. I'm on my 3rd week and missed the Yoga work out during week 2. I'm finding it difficult not to eat junk. When I say junk, I don't mean living on fast food and chocolate but rather having a few chips or a cookie once in a while. For you folks on the program right now, do you just NEVER indulge yourself or do you allow yourself a treat every few days.
I am EXTREMELY strict about my diet during my six workout days.

My rest day is the one day where I eat whatever the hell I want. It's a really great reward for pushing yourself during the week.
BertramCooper said:
I am EXTREMELY strict about my diet during my six workout days.

My rest day is the one day where I eat whatever the hell I want. It's a really great reward for pushing yourself during the week.

I gotta do that. Even on the 7th day I'm very careful so throughout the week I really don't have any day to look forward to.
LovingSteam said:
I gotta do that. Even on the 7th day I'm very careful so throughout the week I really don't have any day to look forward to.
In a perfect world, I would eat perfectly healthy every single day of every single week.

But in reality, we all have to indulge ourselves every once in a while. If you don't, you'll eventually snap, and fall off your diet completely.
mYm|17| said:
yea, that's what i got and it's all you really need
I wish I could get a chin-up bar.

The problem is I have a very unusual apartment. It's in an old brownstone and the frames are really bizarre. I'm pretty sure that a chin-up bar wouldn't fit them properly.

The bands are working fine for now.


OK.I have the dumbbells,will buy the resistant bands tomorrow.I guess i need a mat since i live in an apartment.Guess that's it.Someone help me out here and tell me if im missing anything.

NH Apache

Kraftwerk said:
OK.I have the dumbbells,will buy the resistant bands tomorrow.I guess i need a mat since i live in an apartment.Guess that's it.Someone help me out here and tell me if im missing anything.

I also have bands, but I use the pullup bar as well. Protein mix?


BertramCooper said:
I wish I could get a chin-up bar.

The problem is I have a very unusual apartment. It's in an old brownstone and the frames are really bizarre. I'm pretty sure that a chin-up bar wouldn't fit them properly.

The bands are working fine for now.
I bought mine and I wasn't sure if it would fit but it did...............whewww.

Bands aren't bad but the pull-up bar will definitely help much more


NH Apache said:
I also have bands, but I use the pullup bar as well. Protein mix?
Yeah i think i will get the P90X Results and Recovery Formula.

EDIT: if i cant get my hands on one of the p90x sponsored stuff what would you guys recommend? this store is next to me and seems to have TOONS of shit. http://www.gnc.com


I used resistance band when I was travelling... a word of caution though, be careful how you mount the thing. I mounted it on the top part of a door, closed the door, and began pulling hard... and it snapped through the door, hitting my chest! Now I have this large scar on my chest :l

As for supplements, I only take whey and creatine. Creatine really works! I can lift heavier weights and gain more muscle mass once I started taking it. I buy my whey from Costco, I find GNC products too expensive.


silvon said:
I used resistance band when I was travelling... a word of caution though, be careful how you mount the thing. I mounted it on the top part of a door, closed the door, and began pulling hard... and it snapped through the door, hitting my chest! Now I have this large scar on my chest :l


So I've been doing Ab Ripper X for a while now. It took me three or four times to be able to do all of the repetitions. I am now working on perfecting my form throughout all of those repetitions, which is an effort on a whole different level. I'm managing though because I'm not cheating myself. Once I got it down, I'll be looking for an extra challenge, so when is Ab Ripper X 2 being released? Or does anybody have a different idea for destroying my abs about three times a week? I really want to focus on them and achieve a monstrous sixpack this time. I'd post a pic of the current status but my camera is broken.


Dkong said:
So I've been doing Ab Ripper X for a while now. It took me three or four times to be able to do all of the repetitions. I am now working on perfecting my form throughout all of those repetitions, which is an effort on a whole different level. I'm managing though because I'm not cheating myself. Once I got it down, I'll be looking for an extra challenge, so when is Ab Ripper X 2 being released? Or does anybody have a different idea for destroying my abs about three times a week? I really want to focus on them and achieve a monstrous sixpack this time. I'd post a pic of the current status but my camera is broken.

I know Tony released an ARX2 video as part of his One on One series. The One on One series volume 3 is supposed to be a precursor to the P90X sequel.



Kraftwerk said:
Yeah i think i will get the P90X Results and Recovery Formula.

EDIT: if i cant get my hands on one of the p90x sponsored stuff what would you guys recommend? this store is next to me and seems to have TOONS of shit. http://www.gnc.com

Well, skim milk and whey is a fantastic post-workout combination, almost definitely better than the P90X stuff. This is if you can handle dairy though.
Started this program this last week, though I'm not counting this as my first week due to not being able to complete a lot of the exercises. I figure that I'll start on Monday and have a better idea of what my pace is.

I have to say though that there is just something empowering about doing this workout and feeling all of those muscles that I never use being worked out. I feel great day to day. So much better than I've been feeling recently.
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