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What's this P90X workout stuff?


As far as equipment goes, all I have is a pull up bar, 2x 5lb weight, 2x 3lb weight, and one 25lb weight, if I wanted to try the program would I be fine with just that?


X26 said:
As far as equipment goes, all I have is a pull up bar, 2x 5lb weight, 2x 3lb weight, and one 25lb weight, if I wanted to try the program would I be fine with just that?

No, you'll need more weights. Get 20, 30, 40 and 50 lb weights.


any advice on figuring out what weight to start at for each exercise? I am going to start tomorrow and will be doing the chest and back and I wasn't sure what weight to set up on the dumbbells.

Also, for those who can't do a pull up, what should I be doing during the pull up sections? Should I try using a resistance band instead ? Or should I be using my pull up bar anyways and use a chair?


cubanb said:
any advice on figuring out what weight to start at for each exercise? I am going to start tomorrow and will be doing the chest and back and I wasn't sure what weight to set up on the dumbbells.

Also, for those who can't do a pull up, what should I be doing during the pull up sections? Should I try using a resistance band instead ? Or should I be using my pull up bar anyways and use a chair?

The weights really depend on what you can do and feel comfortable with. Pick a weight and just see if the exercise is too easy or too hard. You should be able to get down to the right weight within a few reps.

As for the pull ups. When I first started, I couldn't do a pull up either. I had bands with a door hook, and so did pull downs (they show you how to do these in the videos). If you don't have bands, a chair and a pull up bar will work just fine as well.
Considering doing this with my wife. It would be nice to be able to do it together, but with one set of dumbbells and one pullup bar will this be impossible?
I really want to try this but I just don't have room to have a barbell set and chin-up bar in my place. Is it really possible to do the program with just resistance bands?


Damn, I expected to suck, but not that much :) I know he said pace yourself and I thought I was, but I had to resort to a lot of knee pushups the 2nd round. I also couldn't do a good portion of the ab ripper stuff and I tried to do what I could that was close to that move.


gregor7777 said:
Considering doing this with my wife. It would be nice to be able to do it together, but with one set of dumbbells and one pullup bar will this be impossible?

Have one person start the exercise one movement back.


Simon Belmont said:
I really want to try this but I just don't have room to have a barbell set and chin-up bar in my place. Is it really possible to do the program with just resistance bands?

Absolutely. The resistance bands can attach to a door hook and you can do pull downs, but if you have a door close by, you should be able to set up a chin-up bar as well. You don't need a dumbbell set to do the workouts. The resistance bands will work fine.

cubanb said:
Damn, I expected to suck, but not that much :) I know he said pace yourself and I thought I was, but I had to resort to a lot of knee pushups the 2nd round. I also couldn't do a good portion of the ab ripper stuff and I tried to do what I could that was close to that move.

It's always like that the first couple times. It'll get better as you keep doing it. In the beginning, I had a hell of a tough time through the second round and virtually couldn't do the diamond push ups at all when I got that far in the second round. Now, I can probably crank out a good 15-20 diamond push ups in the second round, with even more in the first round.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Stuff is slowly starting to come in the mail, got my pull up bar (just finished assembling it), my mat, yoga blocks should come in tomorrow but my resistance bands shipped from elsewhere and might take a little bit to get here. I have some dumbbells, 10s, 15s, and 20s so I might start my warm up week using those when I have to, the bands should come in time for the actual start. :D


A00man said:
It's always like that the first couple times. It'll get better as you keep doing it. In the beginning, I had a hell of a tough time through the second round and virtually couldn't do the diamond push ups at all when I got that far in the second round. Now, I can probably crank out a good 15-20 diamond push ups in the second round, with even more in the first round.
Cool. I did plyometrics and it was better than I expected. Got a good workout! I took a couple extra breaks, but I did all the moves. Some of them I didn't have the form down exactly (trouble keeping the leg straight on military march), but I imagine yoga may help that :)


I'm going to buy this. Im becoming very bored with my workout, so im looking for something new. Going to wait and see if I accumulate any amazon gift cards and use those toward the purchase.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Wow....so I new I was not in the best shape of my life but man I did not think I was that out of shape. :lol

Started day 1 of my warmup week and Chest and Back about killed me, felt like I was going to pass out and couldn't finish the whole thing. Is this a bad thing? I couldn't finish it, lasted about a half hour before I felt like I was going to pass out but I couldn't help but look forward till the next time I meet that son of a bitch again so I can kick its ass.
Not a Jellyfish said:
Wow....so I new I was not in the best shape of my life but man I did not think I was that out of shape. :lol

Started day 1 of my warmup week and Chest and Back about killed me, felt like I was going to pass out and couldn't finish the whole thing. Is this a bad thing? I couldn't finish it, lasted about a half hour before I felt like I was going to pass out but I couldn't help but look forward till the next time I meet that son of a bitch again so I can kick its ass.

Thats actually normal. The first week is just survival, its so fucking brutal :lol

I recently restarted the program only to smash both of my wrists into the pavement last weekend. All the progress i had made is gone, seeing as the only thing i can do with both of my wrists injured is pylometrics. Going to buy some sweatpants tomorrow so i can at least jog for a hour or so every other day, along with some carefully done ab ripper x : /

BTW, anyone know how long it takes one to get over a wrist injury? I can almost bend it all the way around without all that much pain now, i just cant put any pressure on it or else suffer pain.


FOOTE said:
I'm going to buy this. Im becoming very bored with my workout, so im looking for something new. Going to wait and see if I accumulate any amazon gift cards and use those toward the purchase.
Check craigslist. There were at least 10 of these on there starting at $30 for the videos and books. You'd have to buy the chin up bar and resistance bands or dumbbells, but it is much cheaper.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Freedom = $1.05 said:
Thats actually normal. The first week is just survival, its so fucking brutal :lol

I recently restarted the program only to smash both of my wrists into the pavement last weekend. All the progress i had made is gone, seeing as the only thing i can do with both of my wrists injured is pylometrics. Going to buy some sweatpants tomorrow so i can at least jog for a hour or so every other day, along with some carefully done ab ripper x : /

BTW, anyone know how long it takes one to get over a wrist injury? I can almost bend it all the way around without all that much pain now, i just cant put any pressure on it or else suffer pain.

On that note...fuck plyometrics....seriously it can die in a fire. I did not last very long at all today (first go around). :lol
Anyone else have a crush on that kind of goofy but really cute chick in Back and Biceps?

The one who says, "Bring the pain?"

I forget her name, but she's freaking adorable.
I got about half way through plyometrics last night and had to stop. My chest got all tight and I felt like it was time to back off.

Going to have another go of it later.

Man this shit is tougher than it appears. :lol
gregor7777 said:
I got about half way through plyometrics last night and had to stop. My chest got all tight and I felt like it was time to back off.

Going to have another go of it later.

Man this shit is tougher than it appears. :lol
Plyo is an absolute bitch.

It gets easier, but it never gets easy.


Finished the first 2 days

Day 1 - this was a bit of a bitch due to lack of equipment. I do this in a basement and used a support beam for the pull ups which was a bitch since I barely had enough room for the tips of my fingers. Sore as fuck from all the pushups. Ab ripper I didn't do too hot at, kept tipping over for a lot of the exercises and some of them I couldn't figure out the proper process :lol

Day 2 - I didn't find this too bad. I couldn't go full tilt like tony and co. but I kept up, due to running quite a bit over the summer

The 3 videos I've gone through sofar have been great, good instruction especially how you are given plenty of room for adjustments if needed. I don't go out to run much now due to the colder weather so I need this kind of motivational tool. Shitty equipment is going to mess up the next strength related workouts so I'm just going to go ahead and order a set of resistance bands off of amazon.
X26 said:
Day 1 - this was a bit of a bitch due to lack of equipment. I do this in a basement and used a support beam for the pull ups which was a bitch since I barely had enough room for the tips of my fingers. Sore as fuck from all the pushups. Ab ripper I didn't do too hot at, kept tipping over for a lot of the exercises and some of them I couldn't figure out the proper process :lol
Do you do Ab Ripper immediately after the first exercise? I did that at first and was just too wiped out to do Ab Ripper properly.

If so, I'd suggest splitting them up. On days with Ab Ripper, I typically do it in the morning and then do the daily exercise after I get back from work. It allows me to give 100% for both routines.
BertramCooper said:

I do get tired of Tony's non-dairy shtick, but that's because my family has a dairy farm.

Newsflash, Tony: milk is good for you.

I looked up his personal blog or something else a while back cuz I was interested in how he was outside of the videos, and I think I recall him saying that he does eat dairy in the form of whey protein. I think he also said that vegans are dumb :lol


BertramCooper said:
Do you do Ab Ripper immediately after the first exercise? I did that at first and was just too wiped out to do Ab Ripper properly.

If so, I'd suggest splitting them up. On days with Ab Ripper, I typically do it in the morning and then do the daily exercise after I get back from work. It allows me to give 100% for both routines.

Yea that's a good idea, will start doing that tomorrow as the chest soreness wasn't doing me any favors yesterday.
Valkyr Junkie said:
I looked up his personal blog or something else a while back cuz I was interested in how he was outside of the videos, and I think I recall him saying that he does eat dairy in the form of whey protein. I think he also said that vegans are dumb :lol
Props to him for that, then. :lol

X26 said:
Yea that's a good idea, will start doing that tomorrow as the chest soreness wasn't doing me any favors yesterday.
Good. Splitting them up has made a huge difference for me. Hope it helps you as well!


BertramCooper said:
Do you do Ab Ripper immediately after the first exercise? I did that at first and was just too wiped out to do Ab Ripper properly.

If so, I'd suggest splitting them up. On days with Ab Ripper, I typically do it in the morning and then do the daily exercise after I get back from work. It allows me to give 100% for both routines.
Great idea. Thanks! Why didn't I think of this? I can give full effort and shorten the post work workout :)
Though I hate how long it takes, I've really come to love Yoga X. It is one incredibly intense workout. I think I sweat more during it than I do in Plyo.

I did my best plow ever last night. Three months ago, I couldn't even come close to doing one. That makes me smile.

Crane, on the other hand, might still be a while. :lol


On my 2nd week. Today was Yoga. Maybe it was because I did it in the morning instead of after work (dont have time after work today for Yoga), but I hated Yoga.:lol

Everything else is going fine. I feel like I can tell some differences already, but who knows. My actual strength didn't really increase for chest and back day, but I attribute that to still feeling last weeks workouts (legs were still sore). Plyo went smoothly and I did all the moves this time, no modified moves. Shoulders and arms went great as I did higher weights as I noted to on my tracking sheet and surprised myself. I am nervous about tomorrows leg and back because the last one left me sore for 3 -4 days lol.

I have a question too: How important is Kenpo? Last week I played an hour of racquetball in place of it and didn't have time for it. I think I won't be able to play racquetball this week, so Kenpo will do, but going forward, would racquetball be a substitute for kenpo? Or would I have to do both on Saturdays? Racquetball burns a lot of calories in an hour.


I just finished up my first 90 days this week. Wish I felt a little better about it though. I really half assed a lot of the last, rest week. Quit about halfway through the last Core day, couldn't get up the motivation to do Yoga X the next day, and will probably just skip X Stretch altogether. I guess better to blow off a rest week than any other, but still...

I had been doing really good about staying motivated, but getting up every morning at 4 to workout is catching up to me. I'll probably take off the rest of the year and start round 2 just after New Year's. Wish my schedule allowed me to workout in the evenings, but I can never be sure when I'll make it home from work. I like the ab ripper suggestion Bertram, might save that for evenings next time, at least that way I'll only need an hour each morning, except yoga days.

Still really proud of my results. Weight's down from 225 to about 195-200, bought a bunch of newer, slimmer fitting clothes. Haven't had a soda since I started, and the diet should be a permanent lifestyle change for me. Love this program.
BertramCooper said:
Anyone else have a crush on that kind of goofy but really cute chick in Back and Biceps?

The one who says, "Bring the pain?"

I forget her name, but she's freaking adorable.

She is adorable but I love Sophia (the Brazillian dental student) in Legs and Back.
BertramCooper said:
Plyo is an absolute bitch.

It gets easier, but it never gets easy.

Yeah it was no joke. Frankly my legs weren't the problem (at least to that point). It was my cardio. I got to a point where breathing was difficult and stopped.


I just finished kenpo for the first time and I think I'm just going to replace that from now on with some other cardio routine, rather do a more rigorous 30min cardio workout than 1hr of tae-bo lite


gregor7777 said:
Yeah it was no joke. Frankly my legs weren't the problem (at least to that point). It was my cardio. I got to a point where breathing was difficult and stopped.
Luckily I had been doing a coach to 5k program the few months before p90x, so plyo isn't very tough for me. I just wish my strength wasn't complete crap when it came to push ups and pull ups. I thought I was ok at push ups, but that was before I had to do 7 different types 2 times each. I knew I sucked at pull ups. I still don't see how I will be able to do them. I am working with the chair, but sometimes I think I might be pushing off of it unintentionally.
cubanb said:
Luckily I had been doing a coach to 5k program the few months before p90x, so plyo isn't very tough for me. I just wish my strength wasn't complete crap when it came to push ups and pull ups. I thought I was ok at push ups, but that was before I had to do 7 different types 2 times each. I knew I sucked at pull ups. I still don't see how I will be able to do them. I am working with the chair, but sometimes I think I might be pushing off of it unintentionally.

Heh, yeah, I'm the exact opposite. I've been weight training in the gym 3-4 times p/week for the last five years or so. My strength is great, but my cardio is shit.
I've got Legs and Back tonight and I keep stalling. I hate it so much.

And when I say hate, I don't mean, "I hate it - but I love it."

I mean that I fucking hate it. :lol


he's Virgin Tight™
I must admit I am an absolute pussy for push ups. A friend also told me I didn't have the exact correct form... as soon as I did... holy shit :lol Pain all over my chest. =P!
BertramCooper said:
I've got Legs and Back tonight and I keep stalling. I hate it so much.

And when I say hate, I don't mean, "I hate it - but I love it."

I mean that I fucking hate it. :lol

Yeah, I've been through the program twice and Legs and Back is the one workout I always dreaded. Such torture...and it feels like it goes on forever.


Damnit, I ran into some issues with the holidays and I'm only on week 2. The last scheduled thing I did was Yoga last Thursday. Didn't do legs back or kenpo.

Should I do legs and back today, kenpo tomorrow, chest and back on tuesday, etc
or start this week as a reset of week 2?

Also January 4th I am getting Lasik done, so I won't be able to do anything for a couple days.

Guess I am just looking for input on how to proceed when scheduling doesnt work out as planned.


ArachosiA 78 said:
Yeah, I've been through the program twice and Legs and Back is the one workout I always dreaded. Such torture...and it feels like it goes on forever.

no one minds the fuckin 90 minutes of yoga? D:


cubanb said:
Damnit, I ran into some issues with the holidays and I'm only on week 2. The last scheduled thing I did was Yoga last Thursday. Didn't do legs back or kenpo.

Should I do legs and back today, kenpo tomorrow, chest and back on tuesday, etc
or start this week as a reset of week 2?

Also January 4th I am getting Lasik done, so I won't be able to do anything for a couple days.

Guess I am just looking for input on how to proceed when scheduling doesnt work out as planned.
I ended up resuming where I left off (did legs and back yesterday, kenpo today, will skip the rest day and go straight into chest and back tomorrow). Hope that works out ok! I'd like to get my days back to normal eventually, but I just wanted to make sure I do all the work.

I guess it doesn't matter as I will probably have to do this program a couple times.


Well, I've been off the program for almost half an year. I think it's about time I need to begin this routine again, as I see my body change slowly back to my old self.

Still keeping my weight rather well at 165 (used to be 187) even after 6 months of inactivity, it's pretty good... but I just feel rather flabby these days.

However not really motivated enough to do whole 90days workout with strict diet, so I decided to go with few workout routines that would help me every day life.... such as core synergistics and fun kenpo, and maybe cardio-X and ab routine few times a week.

So I did my first core synergistics today. Man. Used to be able to at least 80-90% of the workout with breeze, except chaturanga running (LOL). Now I can barely do 50%.

Perhaps I should really go for whole 90days again...


Nearing the end of week 2, and for week 3 I think I'm going to do the following: replace kenpo with another round of plyo, cut yoga in half
Embarked on p90x in early November so I wont gain the traditional holiday weight. I only do Ab Ripper, Plyo, and Chest & Back.

Im eating a lot more sensibly. More veggies and fish in my diet. I've cut out a TON of rice and potatoes in my diet and i've substituted for more green veggies. Also i drink at least 64oz of water daily. I think that's been the most effective regarding my diet. i've lost about a pound per week since I started the program. I love how i have the videos on my HD and i stream the videos to my PS3 and I also run my PC in dual monitor to my bedroom's 32" Bravia. So awesome! BRING IT!!

The German chick in the Chest & Back video is cute :)


Just purchased the program and it will be here on Friday. I already have a pull up bar installed on my door frame. What other things do I need? Looking at what other people have already said, I think I need a yoga mat and dumbbells. Anything else I'm missing or need? Thanks.
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