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What's this P90X workout stuff?

ugh...I guess I'm going to go through this again. I told a co-worker about it, and she's really excited to try it (she has no idea what she's in for). So we're going to start at the same time and hold eachother accountable.

This will be my third time through. The first two times I stuck to the program religiously, and I got OK results. Was still fat afterwards though. And then I went right back to my old eating habits when I was finished and gained all the weight back. It's a viscous cycle.

Now I'm back up to 210. At 6' with a decent amount of muscle mass, I'm guessing my ideal weight is between 170-180, so I got a ways to go. But this time I'm not going to make the mistake I've made in the past where I believed 90 days of P90X would result in a supermodel's body. No, this time I realize it might take 3 rounds or more. And of course I can't fall back into my poor eating habits.

eh...easier said than done.


Valkyr Junkie said:
I looked up his personal blog or something else a while back cuz I was interested in how he was outside of the videos, and I think I recall him saying that he does eat dairy in the form of whey protein. I think he also said that vegans are dumb :lol
Yeah, first time I did p90x, I was shocked about the dairy comments since I love milk, skim milk is my go-to drink.

Did some research, here is what found. It is not that Tony is anti-dairy, he is just not a fan of how we treat dairy as a society. He uses milk and cheese as examples of things that are so "over-processed" that they are no longer viable as intended, and thus the science behind dairy should be questioned. Obviously, he is a natural food guy, so the way people treat dairy causes concern for him. Also adds that when it comes to liquids and a diet, water is king.


on my 2nd week for P90x, loving it showing some results so far mostly soreness and a tighter buttox :lol


I miss P90. Starting it back up in a month when I try to gain some muscle weight, after I'm done with Insanity.

The devil himself created the max workouts of Insanity. P90 Plyo seems like it would be a rest day compared to these insane (no pun intended) max workouts of the 2nd month of Insanity! :lol


Started week three yesterday. Plyo is one of the hardest workouts I've ever had. I am just as tired during that as I am during hockey games when I'm forced to double shift because no one else on the team wants to play centre.(lazy bastards)

I am going to replace Kempo X with something, maybe Cardio X(haven't tried it yet), I get nothing out of Kempo unfortunately. I'm not sure I want to replace it with another round of plyo since I have a bad knee, but ultimately a 35 minute plyo session is much better for me then Kempo.
NYR said:
Did some research, here is what found. It is not that Tony is anti-dairy, he is just not a fan of how we treat dairy as a society. He uses milk and cheese as examples of things that are so "over-processed" that they are no longer viable as intended, and thus the science behind dairy should be questioned. Obviously, he is a natural food guy, so the way people treat dairy causes concern for him. Also adds that when it comes to liquids and a diet, water is king.
He's not a raw milk advocate, is he?


D'oh. Thanks, Bertram. This may be a retarded question but is there any brand of chocolate milk you can buy in stores that's helathy? As I understand it aren't most chocomilks packed with sugar?


I did the same thing FOOTE, kenpo is pointless to me, better to replace it with somethign else. I have to say though, maybe if they didn't have that nasty redhead in the video I'd stick with it, should've hit up the ab ripper or plyo chick for that one

MCX said:
D'oh. Thanks, Bertram. This may be a retarded question but is there any brand of chocolate milk you can buy in stores that's helathy? As I understand it aren't most chocomilks packed with sugar?

there is soy chocolate milk, but it tastes terrible


ArachosiA 78 said:
ugh...I guess I'm going to go through this again. I told a co-worker about it, and she's really excited to try it (she has no idea what she's in for). So we're going to start at the same time and hold eachother accountable.

This will be my third time through. The first two times I stuck to the program religiously, and I got OK results. Was still fat afterwards though. And then I went right back to my old eating habits when I was finished and gained all the weight back. It's a viscous cycle.

Now I'm back up to 210. At 6' with a decent amount of muscle mass, I'm guessing my ideal weight is between 170-180, so I got a ways to go. But this time I'm not going to make the mistake I've made in the past where I believed 90 days of P90X would result in a supermodel's body. No, this time I realize it might take 3 rounds or more. And of course I can't fall back into my poor eating habits.

eh...easier said than done.
I am 6'2" and started at 205 and finished at 173 by controlling my caloric intake for the most part (definitely cheated a lot with some sweet drinks and more carbs then he recommends) so it is doable for you in even one cycle. One thing i did after a month was to ditch Kenpo because it is worthless and switched it with CardioX, which burns alot more calories and is actually a workout.


X26 said:
I did the same thing FOOTE, kenpo is pointless to me, better to replace it with somethign else. I have to say though, maybe if they didn't have that nasty redhead in the video I'd stick with it, should've hit up the ab ripper or plyo chick for that one

there is soy chocolate milk, but it tastes terrible
I agree about the red-head. Maybe the German would have been better. The funny thing about people saying kenpo does nothing, or close to it, is that it's the only exercise that I've done so far(minus the dude in ab ripper the Tony yells at) that has people who aren't in 'p90x shape' ( red-head and the guy in the back who apparently made the workout himself)
MagicJackBauer said:
is there a bigger pic of this?? :lol :lol

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Thinking about starting back in, I did P90x last May and completed all 90 days. My issue is that I love food too much and went from 230, did P90x dropped to 205, and am now about back to 230. :lol

I am only 6'0 but I have a slightly bigger build and you could not tell I have a belly with a shirt on, damn my grandpa's genetics as he is really overweight.

I need to get myself motivated to go through it again, Plyo and Yoga kill me. :lol

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Question, days that require one routine followed by ab ripper x...can I do the routine and then ab ripper x separately? Or do they have to be back to back like that.


MCX said:
D'oh. Thanks, Bertram. This may be a retarded question but is there any brand of chocolate milk you can buy in stores that's helathy? As I understand it aren't most chocomilks packed with sugar?
Milk + chocolate protein powder


Not a Jellyfish said:
Question, days that require one routine followed by ab ripper x...can I do the routine and then ab ripper x separately? Or do they have to be back to back like that.
The way the program is written out, it seems that they want you do it right after.. Maybe take a 5 minute breather instead of cooling down from the other and jumping immediately into ab ripper x.

The first few moves in that kill my hip flexors, and the V-Up/Roll-Up is really difficult.

Edit-I decided to do this tonight without a huge workout beforehand and it's not any easier. I have come to the conclusion to just do it, and get it overwith as quickly as possible and not wait until later because it's still just as hard.

Something people might want to consider is to take off your shoes during the ab ripper x workout so your feet are carrying less weight.


on the rest days, do u guys really rest? i feel like doing something active at least... like maybe run for 30mins?


duk said:
on the rest days, do u guys really rest? i feel like doing something active at least... like maybe run for 30mins?

You definitely want to take that rest. Your body needs a recovery period, and over training can do more bad than good by not giving your muscles time to develop. It increases more chances of getting an injury during your work outs as well.



Are recovery weeks essential enough to make them up if i am not able to exercise due to surgery?

Basically my week 3 ended on sunday. I took a rest day monday and had lasik surgery tuesday morning. I cannot exercise until Friday.

Should I:

start week 4 recovery on Friday doing a Friday - Thurs schedule (which I hate)


pump out a modified recover week friday-sunday (maybe yoga, core and yoga) and start phase 2 on Monday?
Well, the P90x set had been sitting on my desk for a few weeks now, and I think I'm ready to start. A few questions though . . . keep in mind that I'm mid 30s, an ex-smoker, and haven't worked out in a few years.

a) Do you guys do it before or after work? I'm thinking after work, as I don't want to spend the whole day sore/beat up.

b) Any recommendations for a supplement? Should I adopt a suppliment a few weeks into the routine, or immediately start with one?



duk said:
on the rest days, do u guys really rest? i feel like doing something active at least... like maybe run for 30mins?
Don't run. Stretch.

cubanb said:

Are recovery weeks essential enough to make them up if i am not able to exercise due to surgery?

Basically my week 3 ended on sunday. I took a rest day monday and had lasik surgery tuesday morning. I cannot exercise until Friday.

Should I:

start week 4 recovery on Friday doing a Friday - Thurs schedule (which I hate)


pump out a modified recover week friday-sunday (maybe yoga, core and yoga) and start phase 2 on Monday?
I like this idea for you, seems solid.

SirButterstick said:
Well, the P90x set had been sitting on my desk for a few weeks now, and I think I'm ready to start. A few questions though . . . keep in mind that I'm mid 30s, an ex-smoker, and haven't worked out in a few years.

a) Do you guys do it before or after work? I'm thinking after work, as I don't want to spend the whole day sore/beat up.

b) Any recommendations for a supplement? Should I adopt a suppliment a few weeks into the routine, or immediately start with one?


I do it before work in the morning at 5:30 am. I definitely do not feel exhausted during work either, I actually feel the exact opposite. You might want to test both strategies.

Supplements: Since they are part of the nutrition plan I started using them right away.


SirButterstick said:
Well, the P90x set had been sitting on my desk for a few weeks now, and I think I'm ready to start. A few questions though . . . keep in mind that I'm mid 30s, an ex-smoker, and haven't worked out in a few years.

a) Do you guys do it before or after work? I'm thinking after work, as I don't want to spend the whole day sore/beat up.

b) Any recommendations for a supplement? Should I adopt a suppliment a few weeks into the routine, or immediately start with one?


I do the workouts after work. I've done them early in the morning at 6:00 a.m. plenty of times as well, but the workouts seem harder to me in the mornings. Maybe because the last meal I ate was 3-4 hrs before sleeping, and so I don't have enough carbs in my body to help me through the workouts in the mornings. I do much better in the evenings. Try both out to see which you would prefer.

I see you mentioned that you haven't worked out in a few years. Don't get discouraged in the first week. It is going to feel impossibly tough at the beginning. It definitely gets easier each time you do the workouts. I'd suggest to do Cardio X for the first two weeks before jumping into Plyo from the beginning. As for Yoga... All I can say is stick to it and just do the best that you can. The others should be hard, but doable.

As for supplements. I take the Optimum Whey Protein as one of the 6 meals in a day. I also got the P90X recovery shake for a post workout drink. There are definitely cheaper drinks out there than the P90X one, but damn, that one tastes so good after a hard workout!


I started my 3rd week today, noticing some results already! just badass, i can def do a few more reps now than when i first started. :D

day 90 can't come soon enough!


today is the start of week 4 for me, and if I go by the schedule it seems I'll need to be really careful concenring my diet due to such a lack of activity

As for results, none visually sofar but physically there's some noticable differences, can do more pullups now, plyo gets "easier" every tie I do it, generally feel like I have more energy, little things like that


Alright, I had to quit Insanity after being a month and a half into it, and with only 2 weeks left. It's definitely tough, but doable. My reason for quitting is that it is making me way too damn skinny! I looked at some pictures from this weekend, and I'm borderline Christian Bale from "The Fighter!" Now, before I get all Machinist, I had to let go of Insanity, and now starting back up on P90X to build muscle, while slowly adding more calories.

Anyone have experience gaining weight with P90X? The two times I did it helped me get toned, and I know I had sort of leveled out with my personal meal plan and workouts at 145 lbs. I figured that if I added an extra meal weekly, I would slowly gain weight without gaining too much body fat in the process. This week, adding a salad with grilled chicken to what my original meal plan was. Should up the calories by around 300 per day. Next week, something else if I don't see any gains. Hopefully I can add a 1/2 lb to 1 lb per week. Any advice would be appreciated!


I tried my bro's p90x and it was harder then I thought, this is coming from someone who lifts 6 times a day and diets pretty well. I guess my cardio isn't as good as it was a couple years back.


I am REALLY struggling to get up the motivation to do another 90 days. Original plan was to start again last Wednesday with Chest and Back; I managed to get through it, but I skipped Ab Ripper X. Skipped the next two days, did Yoga X on Saturday. I psyche myself up at night to get up and workout first thing in the morning, but then when 4:00 rolls around I keep convincing myself to just stay in bed and sleep in. Sucks because I didn't have that problem the first time through the program. It's really true what he says, if I just force myself out of bed and keep pushing play I'll be fine, but now I've gotten into a lazy habit that's hard to break.

Thankfully I'm still sticking to the diet (minus 1-2 cheat meals a week), so that's helping not gain much weight back.


lljride said:
I am REALLY struggling to get up the motivation to do another 90 days. Original plan was to start again last Wednesday with Chest and Back; I managed to get through it, but I skipped Ab Ripper X. Skipped the next two days, did Yoga X on Saturday. I psyche myself up at night to get up and workout first thing in the morning, but then when 4:00 rolls around I keep convincing myself to just stay in bed and sleep in. Sucks because I didn't have that problem the first time through the program. It's really true what he says, if I just force myself out of bed and keep pushing play I'll be fine, but now I've gotten into a lazy habit that's hard to break.

Thankfully I'm still sticking to the diet (minus 1-2 cheat meals a week), so that's helping not gain much weight back.
Do it after work instead. You will have more energy. I tried it before work and hated it.
Well, I finally did my first workout. I just finished about 10 minutes ago, and I feel like throwing up. I just realized how out of shape I am. I was only able to do 10 pushups (regular style) per rep. Forget the diamond push ups . . . I could only do 2 on the first cycle, and none on the second. I fast forwarded to the cool down with about 10 minutes to go, and only made it through 5 minutes of Ab Ripper.

But, it felt really good to use my body like that. I feel worn out and nauseus, but I can't wait to do more tomorrow!!!

Thanks guys for the recommendation. Hopefully I'll have some photos to post in 90 days!


SirButterstick said:
Well, I finally did my first workout. I just finished about 10 minutes ago, and I feel like throwing up. I just realized how out of shape I am. I was only able to do 10 pushups (regular style) per rep. Forget the diamond push ups . . . I could only do 2 on the first cycle, and none on the second. I fast forwarded to the cool down with about 10 minutes to go, and only made it through 5 minutes of Ab Ripper.

But, it felt really good to use my body like that. I feel worn out and nauseus, but I can't wait to do more tomorrow!!!

Thanks guys for the recommendation. Hopefully I'll have some photos to post in 90 days!

looking forward to your post-plyo post :D


SirButterstick said:
Well, I finally did my first workout. I just finished about 10 minutes ago, and I feel like throwing up. I just realized how out of shape I am. I was only able to do 10 pushups (regular style) per rep. Forget the diamond push ups . . . I could only do 2 on the first cycle, and none on the second. I fast forwarded to the cool down with about 10 minutes to go, and only made it through 5 minutes of Ab Ripper.

But, it felt really good to use my body like that. I feel worn out and nauseus, but I can't wait to do more tomorrow!!!

Thanks guys for the recommendation. Hopefully I'll have some photos to post in 90 days!
Stick with it man.
Yeah man, I'd definitely going to . . . although after what I've read on the last few pages, I think I'm going to take Crakatak187's suggestion and skip the Plyo and do the Cardio this first run through. Even though my workout was pretty feeble by most standards, I feel great!

It's funny though. Not to drag video games into this thread, but the thing that motivated me to bust open the package and start doing the routine was . . . . Kinect :)

I got it as a gift for Xmas. Me and my girl set it up, and while we were playing with it, I thought "Damn, it really feels good to move around like this!" So I'm really excited to do more P90 tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have time to buy a supplement on my way home from work.


Ugh, started week 5. Chest shoulders and triceps. I have two sets of adjustable dumbells and still spent a ton of time changing weights. Im tempted to pick up some 10 pound dumbbells at walmart for the ones that they always suggest low weight (straight arm in and out shoulder one,etc) to reduce the time spent changing weights.

Otherwise it went well.
cubanb said:
Ugh, started week 5. Chest shoulders and triceps. I have two sets of adjustable dumbells and still spent a ton of time changing weights. Im tempted to pick up some 10 pound dumbbells at walmart for the ones that they always suggest low weight (straight arm in and out shoulder one,etc) to reduce the time spent changing weights.

Otherwise it went well.

I ended up purchasing pairs of 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 because I was tired of adjusting my dumbbells (I owned the cork screw variety that allowed you to add on more plates). When I hit failure on a heavy weight, I like to quickly switch out to lighter dumbbells without any fuss. I also ended up purchasing them from WalMart because they sold the Cap Barbell dumbbells for 30-40% less than suggested retail and they were much cheaper than even Amazon at the time. PLUS, and this was a HUGE plus, they offer a free shipping option called "Site to Store" where they'll ship the items to a nearby WalMart for you to pick up, completely free of charge! Otherwise, could you imagine how expensive the shipping cost for dumbbells might come out to be at certain places?


almost done with my 3rd week! hardest part is eating better and eating well... sometimes don't have time to pack even a small meal ugh


PartlyCloudlike said:
I ended up purchasing pairs of 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 because I was tired of adjusting my dumbbells (I owned the cork screw variety that allowed you to add on more plates). When I hit failure on a heavy weight, I like to quickly switch out to lighter dumbbells without any fuss. I also ended up purchasing them from WalMart because they sold the Cap Barbell dumbbells for 30-40% less than suggested retail and they were much cheaper than even Amazon at the time. PLUS, and this was a HUGE plus, they offer a free shipping option called "Site to Store" where they'll ship the items to a nearby WalMart for you to pick up, completely free of charge! Otherwise, could you imagine how expensive the shipping cost for dumbbells might come out to be at certain places?
Thanks. I might break down and do this. I am checking those out. There is also some guy on craigslist selling a bunch for 60 cents a pound.


Two weeks of p90x and it's going great but I feel I don't get much out of the push ups and I want to gain muscle so would subtracting standard push ups and adding weighted benchpress be ok?

Also week one of plyos I made it 1/4 of the way through week 2 it felt goddamn easy never got sore but legs and back oh boy my legs are jello for 3 days.

My go to after workout drink is milk with sugar free chocolate mix and is very filling, love it.


It has probably been brought up previously in this thread, but I guess it doesn't hurt to ask. I originally posted my question in the fitness thread.

Wark said:
So I am finally finding time to do P90X and I want to get all of the supplements before starting it. I've noticed there is a P90X branded supplement, but I was wondering if there was anything I could take in place of that. Is that product overpriced for what it is or are perks with buying that particular brand? Also, does anyone have any suggestions on substitutes or any other type of protein/energy supplement(s) I should be taking?


mr.beers said:
Two weeks of p90x and it's going great but I feel I don't get much out of the push ups and I want to gain muscle so would subtracting standard push ups and adding weighted benchpress be ok?

Also week one of plyos I made it 1/4 of the way through week 2 it felt goddamn easy never got sore but legs and back oh boy my legs are jello for 3 days.

My go to after workout drink is milk with sugar free chocolate mix and is very filling, love it.
What are your max reps at for pushups? I didn't necessarily get a sore chest from them, but I sure had trouble doing a pushup the following day. This early in I imagine it might be a bit premature to ditch that part of the program.


Wark said:
It has probably been brought up previously in this thread, but I guess it doesn't hurt to ask. I originally posted my question in the fitness thread.
I use optimum whey gold standard protein from amazon. I also use their creatine (part of the p90x supplement list). For recovery drink, I use 1% chocolate milk.


cubanb said:
I use optimum whey gold standard protein from amazon. I also use their creatine (part of the p90x supplement list). For recovery drink, I use 1% chocolate milk.

Well since I mentioned I am trying to gain weight with P90X while trying to keep my body fat the same, I am interested in the whole creatine thing. I also use the ON Optimum Whey Protein. I was looking at their creatine powder, and like usual, everything from the ON brand seems to be great quality.

My question is how much creatine do you use and what do you mix it with? I'm reading stuff on beachbody.com right now, and it seems like it is a good idea to mix it with the recovery drink post work-out. Is that what you do?
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