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What's this P90X workout stuff?


I'm just a few days away from ending week 7. I love this workout program, and I plan on doing it again after I am done with this first run. I am pretty sure though that it will take more than just one run of it to get the body that you see in the commercials depending on what shape you were before you started.

Before I was 5 10, and about 160lbs and little muscle mass. I wasn't exactly overweight, but I didn't like how I looked. 7 weeks in and I'm down to 151lbs and my arms are much bigger than they were before. I've lost about 3 inches off of my waist, and I'm building muscle mass. I've even convinced a few of my coworkers, and my boss to start doing this. I've warned them this that it is not easy, but they seem to be up to the challenge.

I will swear by P90X to anyone that asks. This will not be my only run through this program.

(My results will be different as I am not really following the nutrition guide, and I'm not taking any sort of supplements. I'm simply cutting my portions, and watching my calorie intake.)
Man, so I woke up this morning feeling a bit of pain, of all places, in my elbow. As the day's going on, my shoulders and thighs are starting to kill me, as well as the sides of my abdomen. I guess that means I got a good workout, no?


SirButterstick said:
Man, so I woke up this morning feeling a bit of pain, of all places, in my elbow. As the day's going on, my shoulders and thighs are starting to kill me, as well as the sides of my abdomen. I guess that means I got a good workout, no?

Definitely take a recovery drink to help with the soreness. You'll feel much better the next day. You're good though. I believe it was just your first day. Really no escaping the soreness at that point. Have fun with Plyo today! :D
As I mentioned earlier, I think I'm going to skip Plyo today based on other people's recommendations, and replace it with Cardio. Is this smart? Or should I just jump into Plyo?

Also, you say "recovery drink." Is this the same thing as a "suppliment?" Any recommendations as to one I can buy from GNC?


A00man said:
Well since I mentioned I am trying to gain weight with P90X while trying to keep my body fat the same, I am interested in the whole creatine thing. I also use the ON Optimum Whey Protein. I was looking at their creatine powder, and like usual, everything from the ON brand seems to be great quality.

My question is how much creatine do you use and what do you mix it with? I'm reading stuff on beachbody.com right now, and it seems like it is a good idea to mix it with the recovery drink post work-out. Is that what you do?
I do it with a post workout protein shake (seperate from the immediate post workout recovery drink) maybe 30-60 minutes after the workout. 8 ounces of 1% milk, 1 scoop of protein powder and a teaspoon of creatine which works out to be 5 mg. You do it multiple times a day the first week for a loading phase of creatine.

The creatine powder doesn't dissolve well, so it doesn't work well with water and is sometimes hard to get all the dose from drinking in water. If I am not doing a protein shake, I will just put the teaspoon in my mouth and take a drink of water.

There is debate about whether to do it preworkout or post workout. I just do it after with my shake and a smaller meal and don't worry about it.


SirButterstick said:
As I mentioned earlier, I think I'm going to skip Plyo today based on other people's recommendations, and replace it with Cardio. Is this smart? Or should I just jump into Plyo?

Also, you say "recovery drink." Is this the same thing as a "suppliment?" Any recommendations as to one I can buy from GNC?
Definitely try Plyo twice before you give up on it unless you have major joint issues. Just do your best. There are modifications for most of the exercises. I say do it twice because you will be surprised how much better you are the second time around.

And don't worry about your soreness. After you warm up and start trying to keep up with the moves, it isn't as bad as it is throughout the day when you are inactive.


BertramCooper said:
I only just realized that Insanity was a BeachBody program as well.

Insanity is significantly more difficult than P90X, correct?
Insanity is cardio oriented and P90x has more strength training. From what I have heard insanity cardio is on a whole different level of difficulty than P90x. It has some plyometrics that make P90x's look like nothing.
SirButterstick said:
As I mentioned earlier, I think I'm going to skip Plyo today based on other people's recommendations, and replace it with Cardio. Is this smart? Or should I just jump into Plyo?

Also, you say "recovery drink." Is this the same thing as a "suppliment?" Any recommendations as to one I can buy from GNC?
Are you doing the regular routine or the P90X lean routine? I started with the lean one, which I think pretty much cuts out plyometrics altogether. As someone who's planning on doing a 2nd run through the program, I think doing the Lean program was a better one to start with first.


I'm going to start this soon, just waiting on my packages. Atlanta is covered in snow and ice right now, so my stuff has been delayed.


Just started another round yesterday.....Fucking sore today! Im trying to add some mass so I added weight to the push ups and pulls (40 on the pushes and 25 on the pulls) Plyo tonight...


SirButterstick said:
As I mentioned earlier, I think I'm going to skip Plyo today based on other people's recommendations, and replace it with Cardio. Is this smart? Or should I just jump into Plyo?

Also, you say "recovery drink." Is this the same thing as a "suppliment?" Any recommendations as to one I can buy from GNC?

Hmm, Plyo or Cardio X the first time. I'm not sure what to recommend. If you're up for the challenge, try out Plyo. Like cubanb said, you can try Plyo for the first two weeks (as you definitely feel more confident the second time through), and if it still seems too much, switch over to Cardio X until you're ready to try Plyo again.

By recovery drink, I mean a post workout drink that helps with the soreness, and helps your muscles recover. I personally take the P90X Brand Recovery Drink. It says to take two scoops with each serving after a workout. I usually do one scoop, so it gives me around 45-50 days worth of the drink. It's a little expensive, but not so bad if you do the one scoop thing. You can go on Amazon and just type in recovery drink, and you'll see plenty of results that way.

cubanb said:
I do it with a post workout protein shake (seperate from the immediate post workout recovery drink) maybe 30-60 minutes after the workout. 8 ounces of 1% milk, 1 scoop of protein powder and a teaspoon of creatine which works out to be 5 mg. You do it multiple times a day the first week for a loading phase of creatine.

The creatine powder doesn't dissolve well, so it doesn't work well with water and is sometimes hard to get all the dose from drinking in water. If I am not doing a protein shake, I will just put the teaspoon in my mouth and take a drink of water.

There is debate about whether to do it preworkout or post workout. I just do it after with my shake and a smaller meal and don't worry about it.

Thanks for the tips! I usually take my protein shake around 2 hrs before working out. I think I will get the creatine and mix in 5 mg with my Results and Recovery Drink post workout. As for the "loading phase," I've read various opinions on that. Seems like Steve Edwards, a nutritional advisor and expert on P90X from beachbody.com says it can be beneficial if you're interested in mainly size, but for most people, it isn't necessary. I'm definitely interested in putting on some weight, but I would like to do it slowly instead of trying to do it asap. I think I'll try out the 5 mg per day for now.

I'm still curious as to when to stop taking it? I've heard to take it for 6 weeks, and then stop for 4 weeks. Is there a specific cycle you would recommend?

BertramCooper said:
I only just realized that Insanity was a BeachBody program as well.

Insanity is significantly more difficult than P90X, correct?

I did P90X two times, and thought I'd try out Insanity. P90X helped me drop weight and tone up. I did Insanity for a month and a half (2 weeks shy of completing the whole thing), and it definitely helped with my endurance, but I felt like I was getting way too skinny with Insanity. I just stopped 2 days ago as I didn't want to lose any more weight, and I'm starting back up on P90X today.

With that said, the second phase of Insanity workouts are quite literally the most INSANE things you will do on a DVD workout. In fact I'm excited to start back on P90X and do Plyo to see how much easier it will be to get through. The cardio in P90X and Insanity are not even comparable once you've done both. I like P90X as a program better though, as it had 3 days of resistance training as well. Just seems like P90X is a program that targets everything, where Insanity targets mostly on weight/fat loss.
OK cool, I'll give it a shot with the Plyo at first, and stop in GNC and see if they have the P90 recovery drink.

Also, I just want to give a big thanks to everyone in this thread. This is my first time working out in a long time and really having a goal to get in shape, and reading a lot of people's success stories and advice really adds some motivation.

So, thanks all!


SirButterstick said:
Man, so I woke up this morning feeling a bit of pain, of all places, in my elbow. As the day's going on, my shoulders and thighs are starting to kill me, as well as the sides of my abdomen. I guess that means I got a good workout, no?
During the first few days I had the same pains(minus the elbow- watch that man you don't want joint pains) When I needed to get up at work, I could barley walk... But it still felt amazing.:D

I'm on my first recovery week and I am extremely anxious to start phase two.
Wow, you guys weren't kidding with the Plyo. I made the mistake of trying to keep up with the trainers, since the exercises weren't that difficult, but in volume they kick your ass. I did about 20 mins on top of the warm-up and had to stop. Still, I'm feeling the pain and soreness already. Feels good, and I'm sure it's going to be he'll tomorrow :)

The elbow pain went away about an hour after i woke up, and changed into all types of other pains :) Like you said, feels good!


A good trick with creatine is to dissolve it in warm water. Just heat it up, stir in the creatine until the water is clear, and squirt in some lemon juice. Relaxing drink with no creatine taste or grit.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
So...have a bit of problems with Plyo.

The room that I exercise in is carpeted, of course not great fro your joints as your shoes can catch traction on the carpet. Well I lay my mat down and it does not want to stay in place, constant wrinkles throughout in it that I can easily trip on and potentially hurt myself. Any suggestions would be nice?

I did a warm up week, then had the holidays and am now starting again and this really has become a thorn in my side. Maybe I am looking for excuses, I don't know but this absolutely pisses me off and causes me to stop. :/


Not a Jellyfish said:
So...have a bit of problems with Plyo.

The room that I exercise in is carpeted, of course not great fro your joints as your shoes can catch traction on the carpet. Well I lay my mat down and it does not want to stay in place, constant wrinkles throughout in it that I can easily trip on and potentially hurt myself. Any suggestions would be nice?

I did a warm up week, then had the holidays and am now starting again and this really has become a thorn in my side. Maybe I am looking for excuses, I don't know but this absolutely pisses me off and causes me to stop. :/

Why do you need a mat to do Plyo? I never used one. Only times I use a mat is with Yoga and I have used it before with Core Synergistics.

The room I work out in is carpeted as well. Shoes definitely pick up more traction as you mentioned. It makes the workouts harder and sloppier. I found that doing Plyo barefoot works really well for me. Since the room is carpeted anyways, I don't feel any extra pain from doing it barefoot, and it helps me stay in form more during each exercise. Try it out and see if you like it.


note to self: mute back and biceps next time

that woman is so annoying, don't know why she's even there since she doesn't look like she's in great shape and uses the lightest weights possible
I'm really LTTP with this P90x stuff, but I started it today. Such a great workout, but I feel great afterwards.

I was having problems getting through Ab Ripper X because I was really exhausted from the Chest and Back workout. Did anybody else have problems? The Ab Ripper exercises were really tough!


Neo Member
X26 said:
note to self: mute back and biceps next time

that woman is so annoying, don't know why she's even there since she doesn't look like she's in great shape and uses the lightest weights possible
"I did tennn!!"


DaveTheSnake said:
I'm really LTTP with this P90x stuff, but I started it today. Such a great workout, but I feel great afterwards.

I was having problems getting through Ab Ripper X because I was really exhausted from the Chest and Back workout. Did anybody else have problems? The Ab Ripper exercises were really tough!

You will get better/stronger as time goes on. I had trouble with ARX in beginning as well. Into my 4th week now but can do most of the ARX excercises all the way through. Hurts like hell but good for you like hell.
f-castrillo said:
"I did tennn!!"
"Bring it! Bring the pain!"

But honestly, the strangest person is that Belgian dude on Legs & Back who makes this weird "arf, arf" sound after one of the exercises. He sounds like a seal.
duk said:
You will get better/stronger as time goes on. I had trouble with ARX in beginning as well. Into my 4th week now but can do most of the ARX excercises all the way through. Hurts like hell but good for you like hell.

Right on, that is good news to hear. That helps to keep me motivated at least! I need to invest in a set of push up bars.

Even though Tony talks a lot, he can be motivating. Favorite quote so far, "If you want to push pause, go ahead, we'll be here when you get back."

Have you felt any results in your 4th week?


DaveTheSnake said:
Right on, that is good news to hear. That helps to keep me motivated at least! I need to invest in a set of push up bars.

Even though Tony talks a lot, he can be motivating. Favorite quote so far, "If you want to push pause, go ahead, we'll be here when you get back."

Have you felt any results in your 4th week?

Yes, I started to see results already in the end of the 2nd week... firmer everwhere, esp my legs. I lost an inch on my waist by mid 3rd week, down to size 31 or 30 depending on brand. I am not an overweight guy by any means, actually pretty slim. 5'9" and 155lbs. Now down to 152ish.

After my 4th week, I will eat/drink much more protein to gain mass and start on 2nd set of 4 weeks.

Keep it up, this ish really does work as long as you press play each day and bring it!


I began the week 5 on Sunday. I am really starting to notice changes in my belly. I wasn't big before, but I did have a little fat bulge (I guess it's a mini spare tire) that I have never been able to get rid of. And it's slowly disappearing.


FOOTE said:
I began the week 5 on Sunday. I am really starting to notice changes in my belly. I wasn't big before, but I did have a little fat bulge (I guess it's a mini spare tire) that I have never been able to get rid of. And it's slowly disappearing.

that's the hardest part to remove, i have it as well which is severely covering my 6 pack! :(
duk said:
Yes, I started to see results already in the end of the 2nd week... firmer everwhere, esp my legs. I lost an inch on my waist by mid 3rd week, down to size 31 or 30 depending on brand. I am not an overweight guy by any means, actually pretty slim. 5'9" and 155lbs. Now down to 152ish.

After my 4th week, I will eat/drink much more protein to gain mass and start on 2nd set of 4 weeks.

Keep it up, this ish really does work as long as you press play each day and bring it!

How close do you follow their specific nutrition plan? I'm not sure how well it works, but I am following a normal healthy diet - proteins, carbs, fruits, veggies, and maybe one light cheat day.

I did Plyo today and was able to keep up for the majority of it. But then again, my legs are really sore right now, but sore in a good way!


DaveTheSnake said:
How close do you follow their specific nutrition plan? I'm not sure how well it works, but I am following a normal healthy diet - proteins, carbs, fruits, veggies, and maybe one light cheat day.

I did Plyo today and was able to keep up for the majority of it. But then again, my legs are really sore right now, but sore in a good way!

I am not following the diet plan that closely either. I just don't have time to go out and buy stuff and stick to a strict regiment BUT I have cut all bad snacks, soda, unhealthy foods from my diet.

I am eating much more chicken/turkey/fish/fruits/cheese now as well. I bought some protein shake and bars and eating them in between meals.

Today is my rest day of my 4th week, can't wait to start the next phase which will really build muscle says many!


Good to see a lot of new people in the thread. Just started up again. Now in week 2 of the Lean routine. Once you get over the initial soreness, it's all good.


DrFunk said:
I did Yoga X for the first time yesterday, and I already feel like Dhalsim

yoga X is the ish... im always soaked in sweat by halfway through... strenght + flexibility ftw
duk said:
yoga X is the ish... im always soaked in sweat by halfway through... strenght + flexibility ftw

Yoga X is the only workout that I am kinda nervous about. I have never done Yoga...ever. It's a lot of stretching right?


I'm just a bit shy of completing my 180th day. Despite never cheating on my diet and never skipping workouts, I'm not really happy with where I'm at. I wasn't expecting to get a 6 pack that looks like it was carved out of stone but I was hoping to at least have some visible muscle in my core. Of course my abs are now the weakest looking part of me. I've only had two visible ab muscles just under my rib cage for the past 3 months with no real improvement since then.

I'm not sure which direction to go in now. I'm as skinny as humanly possible so there is no beer belly to finish burning off. I probably need to mix up my core exercises but I've done the P90X+ and 1-on-1 ab exercises and didn't really like either of them.

On the plus side, my chest, arms, legs and back look fantastic.


ok so a while back I did the ab ripper x for a short while and that was pretty much that. well im starting to work out again and my plan is to run every monday, wednesday, and friday. on tuesday thursday I would like to do the ab ripper x. I just want to know if this is a decent plan for what I want to achieve. I am by no means over weight. 6' 1" and I weight around 140 depending on the day. my goal is not to become extremely muscular but just to be fit and in shape. I do have some stomach fat but not really that much. When I bend over or something I get a slight dinner roll over my shorts and I want to eliminate that and have a solid stomach. other than that im pretty happy with how my body is. I do eat pretty healthy most of the time and really only drink water. I started running and doing the ab ripper x this week. any good tips on how I can maximize my time spent working out. I only plan on working out 30 minutes a day
BobDylan said:
ok so a while back I did the ab ripper x for a short while and that was pretty much that. well im starting to work out again and my plan is to run every monday, wednesday, and friday. on tuesday thursday I would like to do the ab ripper x. I just want to know if this is a decent plan for what I want to achieve. I am by no means over weight. 6' 1" and I weight around 140 depending on the day. my goal is not to become extremely muscular but just to be fit and in shape. I do have some stomach fat but not really that much. When I bend over or something I get a slight dinner roll over my shorts and I want to eliminate that and have a solid stomach. other than that im pretty happy with how my body is. I do eat pretty healthy most of the time and really only drink water. I started running and doing the ab ripper x this week. any good tips on how I can maximize my time spent working out. I only plan on working out 30 minutes a day

At 6'1, 140, I would think you are in pretty good shape. For comparison, I am 6'4, 235, and I'm trying to drop 15-20, maybe even 25 if I could.

IMHO, I'm think that if you do Ab Ripper X twice a week, run the other three days, and eat healthy, that is a decent plan. Remember that eating healthy is the most important part of that plan!

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Alright, so on the second day of week 2 right now.

Here is how I am tackling the upper body stuff: First day of each I could do a quarter, maybe half of a workout. Now in week two I can do half the workout of everything, I figure this is good progress so that by the end of 90 days I can come close to if not do the whole thing. Does that sound good?

Ab ripper x is my problem right now though, I really can not do much of it, the first 3 or 4 exercises and then I am just done, feel like I am going to throw up.

I bitched about plyo earlier in the week but I can tell everyone it is getting better. Warm up week could do pretty much nothing, first week only a little bit like 5 minutes but this week I saw a lot of improvements.

Any suggestions for how to tackle ab ripper? Doing it right after other workouts is brutal!

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Theandrin said:
Before I was 5 10, and about 160lbs and little muscle mass. I wasn't exactly overweight, but I didn't like how I looked. 7 weeks in and I'm down to 151lbs and my arms are much bigger than they were before. I've lost about 3 inches off of my waist, and I'm building muscle mass. I've even convinced a few of my coworkers, and my boss to start doing this. I've warned them this that it is not easy, but they seem to be up to the challenge.

This is where I am at right now. Seriously considering this program... finally. So what exactly do I need to get (other than the videos)?


DaveTheSnake said:
Yoga X is the only workout that I am kinda nervous about. I have never done Yoga...ever. It's a lot of stretching right?

don't worry too much, you'll soon learn to enjoy it much. after some time ull become pretty flexible if you're not already like me.

you'll sweat gallons as well, cuz it WORKS you hard.


So I'm about to jump into the P90X thing. I've got the discs but I'm kind of confused as to what to do since I'm not about mass. My whole thing is that I'm pretty into the cycling scene and would like to improve my stomach and legs, maybe just become more fit in the arms but not add mass.

Mass is the last thing I want.

I figure the Yoga is good for stretching out but what do you guys recommend? I know it's pretty well broken down into what does what but I still want to get some good rides in during the day. Assuming that this is something I'll want to do after. P90X pro's, guide me to a better body!
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