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What's this P90X workout stuff?


zazrx said:
I did my first day of phase 2 yesterday and it kicked my ass, I finished it but it was so damn intense I couldn't lift my arms.

Can't wait to start Phase 2! Just another day of YogaX in recovery week, then time to get busy! I feel like while the Phase 1 workouts still challenged me, I was sorta getting used to them. Can't wait to see what Day 1 - Day 30 photos look like, but probably won't see significant change, but feeling much better and the pants show it.


Slayer-33 said:
God dammit bro, you will make me do it now...

Did you guys buy yoga blocks?

Not necessary. I just used whatever was around me at the time, usually my water bottle. Good luck. My flexibility was shit at first but I'm amazed how far I got by the end. Being able to do some of the poses in Yoga was far more satisfying than finishing Plyo or anything else in P90X.


ocadman said:
Not necessary. I just used whatever was around me at the time, usually my water bottle. Good luck. My flexibility was shit at first but I'm amazed how far I got by the end. Being able to do some of the poses in Yoga was far more satisfying than finishing Plyo or anything else in P90X.
Yeah, if you have a phone book, that works good. I bought a block though.


Anyone actually doing this to gain weight? I guess you'd have to alter it a bit so you're doing more resistance training and less cardio.

The Lamp

Drakken said:
Anyone actually doing this to gain weight? I guess you'd have to alter it a bit so you're doing more resistance training and less cardio.

I already got my response in this thread, but yeah, I'd be interested in doing it if I could gain weight. More like, if I could change the routine to focus more on muscle building than a lot of cardio and weight loss.


not licensed in your state
Drakken said:
Anyone actually doing this to gain weight? I guess you'd have to alter it a bit so you're doing more resistance training and less cardio.

Yo. I've gained 10 lbs. myself. All muscle


To you bastards thinking of doing this.. Fucking DO IT best decision of my life.

HELL I can't imagine how ripped I'm going to look after spring / summer since I will be doing interval training (mad dash running)

Duk and funk do you guys totally skip certain exercise sets and replace them with another exercise for ODD exercises that seem that can injure you due to the odd motions?

I will review routines and post what i skip / replace

Example I don't do rockstar hops and I replace them with more jump knee tucks.
Just finished Plyo week 2. I can already definitely see a strength difference from a week ago. Still had to pause a lot, but I was able to do a lot of the excercises without falling over from exhaustion.

One major difference I noted was the Hot Foot sets. Last week I was barely able to do it due to sheer exhaustion. This time I was able to do it for most of the time for each foot.

Also, when you're doing the last set during the sport drills(I think its like a football one, you do the monster truck steps and then run backwards) and at one point Tony is like "YOU'RE A FOOTBAL STAHHH!" I cant help from chuckling at that. What a silly guy.

Also, the jump knee tucks was the other part of the workout I definitely improved and it was for the same reason as hot foot last week, just exhaustion. Seems like I have more energy from a week ago. Great feeling.

To Slayer: Definitely noticing the changes from your pics. Most evident is in the chest and around your waist. Very big difference. Cant wait to get to day 30 and 60. Hopefully I can bestow my disgusting half naked hairy body to GAF as well. :D

Dr. Malik

Just did pylo for my third week. I feel P90x focuses to much on your legs. I just know that I'm going to have good legs and an ass after all of this is done


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
im only doing the abs routine twice a week and i already have a little pack


Slayer-33 said:
To you bastards thinking of doing this.. Fucking DO IT best decision of my life.

HELL I can't imagine how ripped I'm going to look after spring / summer since I will be doing interval training (mad dash running)

Duk and funk do you guys totally skip certain exercise sets and replace them with another exercise for ODD exercises that seem that can injure you due to the odd motions?

I will review routines and post what i skip / replace

Example I don't do rockstar hops and I replace them with more jump knee tucks.

I rarely replace the sets with others, but I also replace rockstar hops with jump knee tucks as well.

Yes, one of the best decisions of my life. In 2 months, I can't believe how far I've gotten which still isn't far but I feel great! I will likely do 3 rounds of P90x this year :D


MariusElijah said:
Just did pylo for my third week. I feel P90x focuses to much on your legs. I just know that I'm going to have good legs and an ass after all of this is done

That's why I replace one of the days with an independent workout of my own, like 140 total push ups and 60ish shrugs instead of a kenpo day (have been doing 2 kenpo x's one over the yoga x day and the Saturday kenpo) i do all the leg routines though. But now I do that supplementary personal day to boost the chest since it needs more work from me.


I'm sure you didn't even remotely look as fucked up as I did on day 1 right?

You were already well structured correct?

You are younger too right?
Drakken said:
Anyone actually doing this to gain weight? I guess you'd have to alter it a bit so you're doing more resistance training and less cardio.
That's the plan. I'm only on week 2 (though I've done up to day 60 before, before I quit) but if anybody who's gaining weight on this regimen can give me any pointers I'd appreciate it. At the moment I'm drinking a Weight Gain 2000 shake from GNC in place of a protein shake. Also, eating healthy every day I feel as though I'm not taking in enough food to bulk up. Anyway, this topic's a great support group for us.


gaining the right weight is hard for me too, but im eating up as much protein as i can, nuts, fruits and some carbs
It's always been hard for me too. People complain about how hard it is to lose weight, well I'm the complete opposite. 6'0 155 lbs. here. I'm not following the nutrition plan Tony lays out but instead I'm eating tilapia, salmon, grilled chicken, rice, pasta, and the occasional burger on rotation with a side of salad. It feels great not eating junk food anymore and completely cutting soda out of my diet but on the flip side I feel hungrier than before. I'll buy more fruits and veggies next time I hit up the grocery store. Stir fry is next on my list to learn to cook.


I finally did Yoga X on the first day of first recovery week on phase 1. I've been replacing it with a personal work out day the past three weeks. It wasn't as bad as I remembered. Now I regret not doing it up until now. If you are not doing Yoga X you are missing out.


Dammit I'm gonna have to do a mulligan. Power has been out since sunday. Been going to the gym and rock climbing, but it's not the same. Had to throw out a ton of chicken breasts and eggs and turkey too. Going back to day 1, week 1 once power is back. So frustrating :( I hate winter.


Chuck said:
It's always been hard for me too. People complain about how hard it is to lose weight, well I'm the complete opposite. 6'0 155 lbs. here. I'm not following the nutrition plan Tony lays out but instead I'm eating tilapia, salmon, grilled chicken, rice, pasta, and the occasional burger on rotation with a side of salad. It feels great not eating junk food anymore and completely cutting soda out of my diet but on the flip side I feel hungrier than before. I'll buy more fruits and veggies next time I hit up the grocery store. Stir fry is next on my list to learn to cook.

I dunno about you, but whenever i got hungry (which was very often) i just had a peanut butter + banana sandwich. Protein and deliciousness, all in one.

My First day went well, not as unfit as I thought I was. Looking forward to seeing results later on :D
abunai said:
I dunno about you, but whenever i got hungry (which was very often) i just had a peanut butter + banana sandwich. Protein and deliciousness, all in one.

My First day went well, not as unfit as I thought I was. Looking forward to seeing results later on :D
That's not a bad idea! Thanks for the tip. Trust me, you'll definitely see results by the 60th day, heck you might even see a noticeable difference by day 30. Even if you don't, you'll definitely feel a difference.


Drakken said:
Anyone actually doing this to gain weight? I guess you'd have to alter it a bit so you're doing more resistance training and less cardio.

The Lamp said:
I already got my response in this thread, but yeah, I'd be interested in doing it if I could gain weight. More like, if I could change the routine to focus more on muscle building than a lot of cardio and weight loss.

I'm on my 3rd round of P90X, and trying to gain weight this time. So far, I'm in the third week of the second phase (overall 7th week), and yea... I've been adding more and more calories, added creatine, and I think I finally gained a lb this week from when I started... Well, that may have been because I weighed myself before using the bathroom! So, I'm pretty much where I started with the whole weight gain thing. I am getting more cut than even the first two times through the program though.

I think the problem is adding enough calories and working out so you max out at around 8 reps. That is hard for me to do with the resistance bands. I made the decision that I'm buying the Powerblock adjustable dumbbells. In fact I'm going to get them tonight. Expensive, but hell, I've been on P90X/Insanity for about a year, and I feel like this is a long term commitment for me, so it's worth the investment on the dumbbells. Those will definitely help in maxing out at 8 reps on lifting days.

I also found an article by Steve Edwards, who is one of the guys that helped develop P90X, and the article was about gaining weight with P90X. After this third time through, when I get on my fourth cycle, I'm thinking of following the routine laid out in the article. It cuts cardio to one day, adds a stretching day, and pretty much eliminates the recovery week.


Slayer-33 said:

I'm sure you didn't even remotely look as fucked up as I did on day 1 right?

You where already well structured correct?

You are younger too right?

I don't know about duk, but I was certainly in the same boat as you when I started off. I'm 28, around 5'11-6'0, and started off at 185. Got down to 145. My pictures are on post 3099.


I think you got some pretty awesome results, but you need to get that yoga in once a week to tone your body up even more. Add it in!


Slayer-33 said:

I'm sure you didn't even remotely look as fucked up as I did on day 1 right?

You where already well structured correct?

You are younger too right?

Hey Slayer...

I was slimmer than you on day one yeah, but no definition at all. I was okay structured I guess. I am actually early 30s... i just look young as heck :)

I'll try to get day 1 pic soon, it's somewhere i can't find right now lol


shitting in the alley outside your window
just finished yoga.. well i say finished but i had to break quite a bit. im actually excited to be able to pull off some of these moves down the road. i enjoyed it, tough but a nice break


Low moral character
sefskillz said:
just finished yoga.. well i say finished but i had to break quite a bit. im actually excited to be able to pull off some of these moves down the road. i enjoyed it, tough but a nice break

Yoga X is my favorite video now - it is satisfying when you can finally do all the moves and stay down in your stances without straightening your legs.

I'm still using a Yoga block on my second time through P90X, so my flexibility can improve yet. Strength wise, though, I'm good. I feel like I can hold Crescent pose all day now.

Finishing Plyo X is nice, too, but it still kicks me in the balls every time I do it. In four weeks, I hope to be able to keep up with Dom.

Dr. Malik

So I am skipping Shoulders and Arms today due to having a midterm tomorrow morning and need to study, but I'm thinking of making it up tomorrow and skip Yoga X. Is this a good idea?


Low moral character
MariusElijah said:
So I am skipping Shoulders and Arms today due to having a midterm tomorrow morning and need to study, but I'm thinking of making it up tomorrow and skip Yoga X. Is this a good idea?

When I need to skip something (and it will happen over the course of 90 days), I generally just skip my rest day and move the whole progression back a day.

I would do S&A tomorrow, Yoga on Friday, Legs & Back Saturday, then finish up with Kenpo on Sunday. Then, start up fresh with Chest & Back on Monday.

Dr. Malik

IGotBillySoSpooked said:
When I need to skip something (and it will happen over the course of 90 days), I generally just skip my rest day and move the whole progression back a day.

I would do S&A tomorrow, Yoga on Friday, Legs & Back Saturday, then finish up with Kenpo on Sunday. Then, start up fresh with Chest & Back on Monday.

yeah that sounds like a good idea, will do.
For the first time ever, I stopped in the middle of the workout.

Today was yoga day and I just wasn't feeling up to it. Saturday is usually my rest day, but I think I might stick it there instead.

I don't feel too bad. I started doing Cardio X every morning, so I still got a good amount of exercise today. I'm just kind of in a funk this week. I've been pushing myself really hard and I think I'm a bit drained from it.

Still, it's kind of a bummer. I am super committed to this program, so I feel like I've let myself down a bit. That said, I need to know my limits.


Low moral character
BertramCooper said:
For the first time ever, I stopped in the middle of the workout.

Today was yoga day and I just wasn't feeling up to it. Saturday is usually my rest day, but I think I might stick it there instead.

I don't feel too bad. I started doing Cardio X every morning, so I still got a good amount of exercise today. I'm just kind of in a funk this week. I've been pushing myself really hard and I think I'm a bit drained from it.

Still, it's kind of a bummer. I am super committed to this program, so I feel like I've let myself down a bit. That said, I need to know my limits.

I'd just make it up on the back end.

If you are doing Cardio X every morning, then you are bound to get wiped out sooner or later.

Yoga X is tough, but the stretching during the last 45 minutes or so makes it doable as a rest day workout. I don't know what it is like for anybody else, but I find that the Yoga rejuvenates me more than anything else. I never really feel sore the next day from Yoga.


A00 excellent work man! I am on my way there, will get started witn Yoga X tomorrow!

Duk thanks for the info, and yes you look young as hell you sob :lol
IGotBillySoSpooked said:
I'd just make it up on the back end.

If you are doing Cardio X every morning, then you are bound to get wiped out sooner or later.

Yoga X is tough, but the stretching during the last 45 minutes or so makes it doable as a rest day workout. I don't know what it is like for anybody else, but I find that the Yoga rejuvenates me more than anything else. I never really feel sore the next day from Yoga.
Good plan. I'll probably still do my splurge meal on Saturday, though.

I haven't missed a beat since January 1. I've been as dedicated to a diet and a workout regimen as I've ever been my entire life. I was overdue for a misstep.

And it's not like it's a huge deal. I'm just over-analyzing.


Just finished shoulders and arms in week 3 on 2nd go around of p90x. 1st time around I lost 30 pounds, loved it.

So ready for phase 2. It gets pretty repetitive after awhile, ready to bring it!!


I've been looking into p90x for a while now; contemplatiing whether or not I could uphold the lifestyle change necessary inorder to be successful with the program.

To be honest, I don't think I am ready yet physically and mentally but I am still curious.

If I were to describe my body type as someone who could be either toned and cut or someone who could bulk up, I would place myself in the middle, which is kind of where I want to be.

Anyway, to cut things short, im 6 feet, 200 pounds. I eat what I want, when I want and I do little to no excersie. I want more muscle strength and definition pretty much everywhere(especially chest). I don't want to weigh less then 180 pounds; 185-190 would be ideal. Is p90x for me or would I benefit from a different program? If so, any recommendations?


Low moral character
carlo6529 said:
I've been looking into p90x for a while now; contemplatiing whether or not I could uphold the lifestyle change necessary inorder to be successful with the program.

To be honest, I don't think I am ready yet physically and mentally but I am still curious.

If I were to describe my body type as someone who could be either toned and cut or someone who could bulk up, I would place myself in the middle, which is kind of where I want to be.

Anyway, to cut things short, im 6 feet, 200 pounds. I eat what I want, when I want and I do little to no excersie. I want more muscle strength and definition pretty much everywhere(especially chest). I don't want to weigh less then 180 pounds; 185-190 would be ideal. Is p90x for me or would I benefit from a different program? If so, any recommendations?

I'm on my second round of P90X and I would honestly recommend to anybody that is in your situation. If you are looking to develop a foundation and want a structured, introduction to weightlifting, then P90X is perfect. Your strength, flexibility, and endurance (muscular & cardio) will all improve drastically.

You don't have to know what a Hang High Squat Snatch is or the difference between a compound or isolation exercise. You don't need a ton of equipment. You just put the DVD in and press play. Tony tells you what to do and you do as much as you can.

If you want definition, then P90X will give it to you. I didn't even bother with the diet on my first time through (although I generally always eat moderately healthy) and I ended up more defined everywhere. I didn't get the washboard abs that I might have had I gone through with the diet, though. You'll still get excellent results with or without the diet.


I did legs and back last night and was wiped out because the last 2 weeks 'life' has been kicking my ass. Little rest, eating at random times, and high stress.

I will not give up however and get back on things. I have Kenpo X tonight. My rest day this week, I will do cardio X or something

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Biceps and Back in phase 2 is nuts! Literally could not lift or full extend my arms up until today (day before I have to go ahead and do the same routine tomorrow!).
Sweet Lord...Kempo X is plain FUN. The music w/ the mixture of moves is awesome. Especially at the end w/ the vertical punches. The counter flashes 100 and im like FUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!



Low moral character
duk said:
was able to hit 14 pullups last night, amazed... at first it was 3 lol

During my first round, I could do 5 on Day 1 and I could do 8 on Day 82 or whatever (last pullup day).

I think it was because I would go to failure everytime on pull-ups and then just kind of walk around or stretch for the rest of the 30-45 seconds that they give you for pull-ups.

On this second round, I again started at 5 on Day 1. Rather than just loaf about after going to failure, I started to take like 10 seconds of rest and go back and pull-up to failure again. At the end of Phase II, I'm already up to 10-12 pull-ups on my first go, then do another 3-5 after my short rest.

I was such a stooge to just stop during my first round of P90X. Taking a mini break and then going again makes Legs & Back HARD now, though. Going back and forth between squats/lunges and pull-ups is rough. It is easily the hardest video for me right now.


IGotBillySoSpooked said:
During my first round, I could do 5 on Day 1 and I could do 8 on Day 82 or whatever (last pullup day).

I think it was because I would go to failure everytime on pull-ups and then just kind of walk around or stretch for the rest of the 30-45 seconds that they give you for pull-ups.

On this second round, I again started at 5 on Day 1. Rather than just loaf about after going to failure, I started to take like 10 seconds of rest and go back and pull-up to failure again. At the end of Phase II, I'm already up to 10-12 pull-ups on my first go, then do another 3-5 after my short rest.

I was such a stooge to just stop during my first round of P90X. Taking a mini break and then going again makes Legs & Back HARD now, though. Going back and forth between squats/lunges and pull-ups is rough. It is easily the hardest video for me right now.

awesome! that's how i do it as well, max out then rest and go back or use chair to pull another 2-3 out. every bit helps.

ima be so happy if i can do 20 nonstop without chair one day



"was able to hit 14 pullups last night, amazed... at first it was 3 lol"

Wat, I do 20-40 depending on how energized I feel, I thought you would have been beasting on that :p

And yes at first I did like 2 at a time, lmao..


Harry Potter said:
I love in Ab Ripper when Tony goes up to Adam during in and outs and says "Adam's a hot shot, had to put his hands in the air." Adam looks very disturbed and almost frightened when Tony gets close. I watch this too much lol

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