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What's this P90X workout stuff?


Kenpo tonight right after work, then Yoga tomorrow because I missed it the other day(its k though, I do Cardio X every morning which has like 15 minutes of yoga to star out with)

Kenpo on a Friday is perfect, IMO. I'm pretty worn out by this time every week, so Kenpo actually feels like a workout by the time I get to it.

About Plyo, it's gets easier as time goes on guys. Just keep at it.

Anyone wanting to substitute Yoga X with something else should to look into buying a separate Yoga DVD. There's no doubt that Yoga X is long and intense. I would say that all yoga workouts are pretty intense(but it DOES get easier as you get stronger) As stated before, Yoga is a pretty important part of the program (It wouldn't be a weekly workout if it weren't). Your Cardio X DVD has some Yoga in it, for those of you who are having wrist issues, and need to ease your way into it, or need to figure out if you are physically able to do it.


Decided to join the crew and get leaner this year. I started 3 weeks ago. Man this thing is rough. But I see myself improving a bit each week so that's good. This week I seem to be performing about 10% better than the first two weeks; definitely feeling the pain but my body is recovering faster than when I first started.

Yesterday was my 3rd Plyo and I still can only go at about 50% and my heart rate is already at the 80% range. I'm hoping I'll be able to finish the whole thing properly by the end of the program. :lol

I'm only able to do about half of the reps in Ab Ripper X, do you guys just pause a lot to finish the entire 25 reps or do you just do what you can?


RuGalz said:
Decided to join the crew and get leaner this year. I started 3 weeks ago. Man this thing is rough. But I see myself improving a bit each week so that's good. This week I seem to be performing about 10% better than the first two weeks; definitely feeling the pain but my body is recovering faster than when I first started.

Yesterday was my 3rd Plyo and I still can only go at about 50% and my heart rate is already at the 80% range. I'm hoping I'll be able to finish the whole thing properly by the end of the program. :lol

I'm only able to do about half of the reps in Ab Ripper X, do you guys just pause a lot to finish the entire 25 reps or do you just do what you can?

For Ab Ripper X I keep going, even if I can't do all the reps. Because they move so quickly you also get a fairly good cardio workout.


end of week 7 update! results city is starting to begin! At this rate, I don't think I ever want to stop P90x. =D





RuGalz said:
Decided to join the crew and get leaner this year. I started 3 weeks ago. Man this thing is rough. But I see myself improving a bit each week so that's good. This week I seem to be performing about 10% better than the first two weeks; definitely feeling the pain but my body is recovering faster than when I first started.

Yesterday was my 3rd Plyo and I still can only go at about 50% and my heart rate is already at the 80% range. I'm hoping I'll be able to finish the whole thing properly by the end of the program. :lol

I'm only able to do about half of the reps in Ab Ripper X, do you guys just pause a lot to finish the entire 25 reps or do you just do what you can?

I always do what I can, haven't had to pause yet. In something like Plyo or Kenpo, I end up a few reps behind, in ab ripper I just try to increase my reps each time, up to 15 now for each excercise. There's no way I can bust out 30 pull ups or push ups yet, so I just do what I can in the given span of time.

Been down and out the past 2 days with flu, luckily it's recovery week, but I still plan to make it up. Feel bad for missing out.
Just took my photos for finishing day 30 of Power 90. Getting some results so far, nothing too earth shattering. Can't wait to finish so I can start P90X.

The front photo of me flexing showed the greatest improvement, so I'm showing that one.

Day 1:


Day 30:



I woke up this morning and I barely walk. My calves are so sore from friday nights legs and yesterdays kempo X. I have a hard time stretching my legs. I have to walk with my knees bent. Todays is my first rest day.


shitting in the alley outside your window
started p90x today. chest and back+ab ripper x kicked my ass pretty good. i eat pretty well already, just gotta cut out the booze. looking forward to plyo tomorrow after all the hype :)


Hi sefskillz,
Looks like I got me a pace partner. :)

Started on Saturday. Chest and Back hurts me bad. All them pushups! The masachist comes out in me on PlyoX tho - I love it. Kept up in 35 degree celcius heat. Good and sweaty.


sefskillz said:
started p90x today. chest and back+ab ripper x kicked my ass pretty good. i eat pretty well already, just gotta cut out the booze. looking forward to plyo tomorrow after all the hype :)
Good luck on your journey to getting ripped man. I think there are three of us from hockey GAF in this thread now.


Starting today. I have tried this many times but always gave up after a few weeks :(. I am determined to see if through this time!
Alrighty week 2 starting for me tonight.

I'm glad I was able to make it through the first week(for the most part). Most of my terrible soreness during 1st week is mostly gone, so I feel great and ready to bring it!


Fuckin work screwed up this week for me since I am oncall, going on a few days with 3-4 hours of sleep! ARGHHH!!!

Week 8 redo!!! Fuck it, nothing stands in the way! :D

Dr. Malik

I started this 2 weeks but one thing I'm concern is the diet aspect. I cannot follow the booklet since I don't have time to make a meal and I always feel hungry even after i eat a good meal.

Is there some replacement for the recovery drink? Should I be eating more?


MariusElijah said:
I started this 2 weeks but one thing I'm concern is the diet aspect. I cannot follow the booklet since I don't have time to make a meal and I always feel hungry even after i eat a good meal.

Is there some replacement for the recovery drink? Should I be eating more?

I always just hit a double scoop protein shake in milk (~400 cals, ~55g protein) instead of whatever that formula they're selling is.

I haven't read the diet booklet, but from what I've experienced (I dropped 40 pounds in 10 months a couple of years back) losing weight is as complicated as you want it to be. Stop eating refined sugars of any kind and drink more water. If you're hungry, eat. But learn the difference between hungry and I'm bored and chocolate bars are awesome. Easy test—if you don't want to eat an apple, a rice cake, something healthy, you're not hungry.
So started my 2nd week tonight. Definitely improved since last week.

Overall last Mondays various pushups came to a total of: 43
Overall tonights various pushups came to a total of: 123

Started week 7 last night. And then I cheated on my diet for the first time since starting. Didn't go too overboard...had a little fast food and some candy. The scale says I gained 2 lbs since then. I'm assuming it's mostly water retention from all the sodium that was in the fast food though...

Damn, I was .08 lbs from hitting 200, too. My ultimate goal is probably somewhere between 170-190 (depends how much muscle I have), but getting below 200 would be a good milestone. Maybe by next week I can get there.

Dr. Malik

ismaboof said:
I always just hit a double scoop protein shake in milk (~400 cals, ~55g protein) instead of whatever that formula they're selling is.

I haven't read the diet booklet, but from what I've experienced (I dropped 40 pounds in 10 months a couple of years back) losing weight is as complicated as you want it to be. Stop eating refined sugars of any kind and drink more water. If you're hungry, eat. But learn the difference between hungry and I'm bored and chocolate bars are awesome. Easy test—if you don't want to eat an apple, a rice cake, something healthy, you're not hungry.

Well I'm trying to gain meat not loose it, but I think I will follow your test.
Lionheart1827 said:
So started my 2nd week tonight. Definitely improved since last week.

Overall last Mondays various pushups came to a total of: 43
Overall tonights various pushups came to a total of: 123


Wow, that's impressive.


So I just started P90x (I've done it on and off a bit before, starting full 90 days now), do you guys think it'd be okay to sub in cardio (stationary bike/running) for stuff like plyometrics? I need to lose about 15 pounds anyway, and I really only care about working my upper body.
Prodigal said:
So I just started P90x (I've done it on and off a bit before, starting full 90 days now), do you guys think it'd be okay to sub in cardio (stationary bike/running) for stuff like plyometrics? I need to lose about 15 pounds anyway, and I really only care about working my upper body.

Not sure what excercises are in it, but have you tried the Lean program instead of classic?


I'm in week 4. I can get all the way through Plyo's now without wanting to die, and I can actually go hard in the last few seconds. So, about 4 weeks = body getting used to it? That would make sense since they change workout schedule ever 3 for the other parts of the body.

I actually skip Kenpo X and instead run 3 miles and play bball. Am I missing much?

To the dude two posts up, don't sub out Plyos. Its really what helps with lateral movement and just general athletics. As he says, it really is jump training. I would do Kenpo and sub it out, I did it once and kind was like "meh" about it.


Started week 2 tonight. I definitely did better than week one, and at the end I didn't feel like I was dieing which was a good thing.

So far I've lost 9lbs in one week.

The Lamp

Is this something someone who hasn't worked out in years can get into?
I have an extremely rapid metabolism and even my doctors told me that it might be beneficial to wait until my mid-20's to try to expect results from my work outs because it's too hard for me to get results with how slender my body type is.

But if this works for slimmies trying to bulk up and not just fatties trying to trim down, then I'd be willing to give it a shot over the summer (I don't have time right now to worry about working out regularly and eating a ton with being a busy freshman engineering student getting used to college life :<)
The Lamp said:
Is this something someone who hasn't worked out in years can get into?
I have an extremely rapid metabolism and even my doctors told me that it might be beneficial to wait until my mid-20's to try to expect results from my work outs because it's too hard for me to get results with how slender my body type is.

But if this works for slimmies trying to bulk up and not just fatties trying to trim down, then I'd be willing to give it a shot over the summer (I don't have time right now to worry about working out regularly and eating a ton with being a busy freshman engineering student getting used to college life :<)

Nah, you won't get much muscle mass from P90X. It's more about getting you in really good shape. If you want to bulk up, you're gonna have to eat a LOT and lift heavy weights at low reps.


The Lamp said:
Is this something someone who hasn't worked out in years can get into?
I have an extremely rapid metabolism and even my doctors told me that it might be beneficial to wait until my mid-20's to try to expect results from my work outs because it's too hard for me to get results with how slender my body type is.

But if this works for slimmies trying to bulk up and not just fatties trying to trim down, then I'd be willing to give it a shot over the summer (I don't have time right now to worry about working out regularly and eating a ton with being a busy freshman engineering student getting used to college life :<)
If you haven't worked out in years, you can expect a brief period of rapid muscle growth by doing pretty much anything slightly resembling resistance training. So there's that.

Pushups and pullups, up until you get to the point where you can do more than 12 of the fuckers, will work just like a bench press/lat pull-down, and help build muscle. Once you get past that 12-15 reps point (but unless you're severely weak, that should take less than two weeks to achieve for the pushups, probably longer for the pullups), you're just doing stamina training, really.


Low moral character
I'm on my second round of P90X right now. I start my second rest week tomorrow.

I'm working in P90X+ for Phase II, instead of alternating Phase I & II workouts...anybody have any experience doing something similar?

I figure I'll do P90X+ for the first week, then work in the Phase I workouts, then do another week of P90X+ and finish up with the Phase II workouts before my final rest week. Sounds like a good way to keep the muscles guessing over the last month.


exarkun said:
I'm in week 4. I can get all the way through Plyo's now without wanting to die, and I can actually go hard in the last few seconds. So, about 4 weeks = body getting used to it? That would make sense since they change workout schedule ever 3 for the other parts of the body.

I actually skip Kenpo X and instead run 3 miles and play bball. Am I missing much?

To the dude two posts up, don't sub out Plyos. Its really what helps with lateral movement and just general athletics. As he says, it really is jump training. I would do Kenpo and sub it out, I did it once and kind was like "meh" about it.
You are selling yourself short, I think it's more your cardio is just improving.

You're not alone. Lots of people in this thread see kenpo as too easy and substitute something else, myself included. Cardio X is actually a lot tougher.


Because a promise is a promise

As fucked up and embarrassing as this is for me I will show you that you can change your physique in a short period of time.

AGE 27 for reference

Start day - Base shitty, no structure etc etc 162 pounds

30 Days

60 Days

3 WEEK program break

90th day not shown no pic

120th day not shown no pic

5th month (Day 150, taken a day ago) 147 pounds

Tell me you see a fucking improvement gaf. Make me feel better lol I think all that chest hair degrades the results a little but whatever. Mind you I fucking eat like 5 papa john large pizza slices every week *sunday* cheat day, I DO not drink regular soda anymore and drink diet coke semi often, and follow a semi strict diet, also my protein intake needs to be increased by 50% as I'm told by a body building friend.

So there is more work to be done.

Forgot to add that I haven't done a single day of YOGA X yet... Maybe that is limiting my progress a lil...

Duk you son of a bitch! I all catch up to you some day! LOL Awesome shit dude


Impressive results slayer-33, congrats!

I'm looking to start into another round of P90X but my uni workload is really high right now. Any of you guys students and if so how do you fit it in?
I love in Ab Ripper when Tony goes up to Adam during in and outs and says "Adam's a hot shot, had to put his hands in the air." Adam looks very disturbed and almost frightened when Tony gets close. I watch this too much lol


abunai said:
Impressive results slayer-33, congrats!

I'm looking to start into another round of P90X but my uni workload is really high right now. Any of you guys students and if so how do you fit it in?

Get that hour and xx mins in son!

I personally skip cool down periods also I have been doing lift days by themselves and cardio/ab ripper days together.


Slayer-33 said:

Good job Slayer! You're really missing out on the Yoga though. I think that's the most important one.

abunai said:
Impressive results slayer-33, congrats!

I'm looking to start into another round of P90X but my uni workload is really high right now. Any of you guys students and if so how do you fit it in?

I have full time work and go to school on the side. It's only an hour. I've worked out as early as 5am and as late as 1am sometimes. Just gotta press play is all that needs to be said.


ocadman said:
Good job Slayer! You're really missing out on the Yoga though. I think that's the most important one.

God dammit bro, you will make me do it now...

Did you guys buy yoga blocks?
ocadman said:
I have full time work and go to school on the side. It's only an hour. I've worked out as early as 5am and as late as 1am sometimes. Just gotta press play is all that needs to be said.
I'm in the same boat. I find lately I've got absolutely no energy after my workout, so I do it around midnight.


Slayer-33 said:
Get that hour and xx mins in son!

I personally skip cool down periods also I have been doing lift days by themselves and cardio/ab ripper days together.

I will try this, I did everything in the order specified the last couple of times so I can basically sing along with Tony. I don't know if this is a good thing or not.

ocadman said:
I have full time work and go to school on the side. It's only an hour. I've worked out as early as 5am and as late as 1am sometimes. Just gotta press play is all that needs to be said.

Cool cool, thanks. I'm a bit hesitant to start but I'm always so tired after studying. No more excuses from now on!
So I heard about this from a friend who knew someone who said it worked phenomenally well, and considering I hate going to the gym/its been too cold/snowy to run outside I thought I would try it.

Well after researching a bit I decided I probably would give up if I did the P90X so I am currently doing the P90 (aiming low so I dont just give up haha).

(can someone respond who isnt going to be a dick about it hahah I have no knowledge on this stuff) My questions follow:

As someone who travels/isn't home much on the weekends, how detrimental is it to miss 2 days a week?

I'm not taking the supplements or following the nutrition guide, nor doing any of the calculations or anything, I'm basically just following the videos for a workout routine since I had no clue what to do.

I'm eating healthier (drinking TONS more water, cutting alot of pop out (not all though), eating more salads, doing my best not to overindulge,) but I refuse to cut out all the things I love to eat. Im a super picky eater and the foods I DO like are all like cafeteria foods like hotdogs, hamburgers, chicken stripes ect.

I'm not trying to lose a ton of weight or anything, I'm actually rather thin, but since my metabolism slowed down and I dont run cross country/track anymore, combined with drinking heavily/eating crap all thru college, I've got what you would call a beer gut on a skinny frame haha, so I really just want to slim that down/add a bit of muscle elsewhere

So knowing these things how beneficial is it going to be for me? I mean doing it as much as I can has got to be better than not at all correct?


Lavpa Jasai said:
As someone who travels/isn't home much on the weekends, how detrimental is it to miss 2 days a week?

It's not detrimental, it's just not as productive. I wouldn't skip workouts though. If today was Plyo and you missed it, do Plyo tomorrow. So it wouldn't be a 90 day routine, more a ~110 day routine?

Lavpa Jasai said:
I'm not taking the supplements or following the nutrition guide, nor doing any of the calculations or anything, I'm basically just following the videos for a workout routine since I had no clue what to do.

I'm eating healthier (drinking TONS more water, cutting alot of pop out (not all though), eating more salads, doing my best not to overindulge,) but I refuse to cut out all the things I love to eat. Im a super picky eater and the foods I DO like are all like cafeteria foods like hotdogs, hamburgers, chicken stripes ect.

Liking bad food isn't a fault. It's made to taste good. And having it once in awhile really isn't that detrimental to anything. What I've found is that after about a week of eating healthy, I don't really want sugary/bad food anyway. If there's pizza around I'll down a couple of slices and be done with it. Just don't make that an everyday or every couple of days kind of thing, because then you're just eating like you always did.

Lavpa Jasai said:
I'm not trying to lose a ton of weight or anything, I'm actually rather thin, but since my metabolism slowed down and I dont run cross country/track anymore, combined with drinking heavily/eating crap all thru college, I've got what you would call a beer gut on a skinny frame haha, so I really just want to slim that down/add a bit of muscle elsewhere

So knowing these things how beneficial is it going to be for me? I mean doing it as much as I can has got to be better than not at all correct?

Fitness is as complicated as you want it to be. A bunch of people act all hardcore and try to min/max calories and macro nutrient ratios and all over kinds of bullshit. I used to too. And while the principles are fine—eating less and watching what you eat—after a while it wears you down. Eat better. Move better. Feel better. It's not hard.


duk said:
Fuckin work screwed up this week for me since I am oncall, going on a few days with 3-4 hours of sleep! ARGHHH!!!

Week 8 redo!!! Fuck it, nothing stands in the way! :D

lol exactly the same here.


Well done Slayer. Good results. Real men have hair btw. (Not meant as a diss to the hairless tho). :)

I will post piccies at day 90.
Can't stand YogaX. Easily my least favorite. :(

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Did Plyo X for the first time, and just gassed out like halfway through. Like I physically couldn't squat or jump anymore, it was intense and this was with tons of pausing and wheezing :lol

I can build up to better cardio levels, but if I've been laid up for a long time I get gassed in minutes (When I first joined a gym it was pretty embarassing how quick I'd be on the ground dying). Questioning whether to try to finish the rest of it later today after school or just try to get through all of it next week.
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