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What's this P90X workout stuff?

Prodigal said:
Welp one side of my bands just snapped while doing the In & Out Shoulder Flys...that hurt lol

I bought a band to use for when I can't do anymore pull-ups, but I couldn't stop thinking about the band snapping and how much that would hurt if it hit me in the face. I'm quite terrified to use the bands.


ArachosiA 78 said:
I bought a band to use for when I can't do anymore pull-ups, but I couldn't stop thinking about the band snapping and how much that would hurt if it hit me in the face. I'm quite terrified to use the bands.

It might have had to do with the fact that I tied 3 knots in the middle of the band to increase the tension, but it didn't hurt TOO much. It hit the side of my bare foot...I can't really imagine a scenario where the bands would hit you in the face. Still though, it's still kind of terrifying lol


Low moral character
One of the reviews on Amazon.com for a particular brand of band (forget which one) was from a girl that had the band snap and hit her in the eye. According to her review, she is now blind out of one of her eyes.


Slayer-33 said:

"was able to hit 14 pullups last night, amazed... at first it was 3 lol"

Wat, I do 20-40 depending on how energized I feel, I thought you would have been beasting on that :p

And yes at first I didt like 2 at a time, lmao..

40 pullups??? omg wow nice

im a beast at pushups tho
Question about pull-ups:

Assuming most of you don't have a dedicated pull-up bar that's some 8 feet off the ground like the ones they use in P90X videos, how do you guys do assisted pull-ups? My pull-up bar is hanging on the top of a doorframe, so it's far too low to use a chair. The only thing I can do is put one foot on the ground and push with my leg a bit for assistance after I have maxed out on unassisted pull-ups.

I'm just not sure if doing pull-ups this way is of much benefit.
IGotBillySoSpooked said:
One of the reviews on Amazon.com for a particular brand of band (forget which one) was from a girl that had the band snap and hit her in the eye. According to her review, she is now blind out of one of her eyes.

Way to set my mind at ease.


Low moral character
ArachosiA 78 said:
Question about pull-ups:

Assuming most of you don't have a dedicated pull-up bar that's some 8 feet off the ground like the ones they use in P90X videos, how do you guys do assisted pull-ups? My pull-up bar is hanging on the top of a doorframe, so it's far too low to use a chair. The only thing I can do is put one foot on the ground and push with my leg a bit for assistance after I have maxed out on unassisted pull-ups.

I'm just not sure if doing pull-ups this way is of much benefit.

I used the same setup. Just bend your knee(s) and place it on the part of the chair that you sit on.

I didn't really find that assisted pull-ups helped me in any way. I usually ended up doing 90% of the work with my leg.


duk said:
40 pullups??? omg wow nice

im a beast at pushups tho

40 wide front pull ups or chin ups? If wide front, that is crazy impressive. I can get to about 12-15 before I take a rest for a few seconds and go back up with some assisted pull ups or 2-3 more unassisted pull ups. I can't even imagine pumping out 40 unassisted pull-ups. That's awesome slayer!

ArachosiA 78 said:
Question about pull-ups:

Assuming most of you don't have a dedicated pull-up bar that's some 8 feet off the ground like the ones they use in P90X videos, how do you guys do assisted pull-ups? My pull-up bar is hanging on the top of a doorframe, so it's far too low to use a chair. The only thing I can do is put one foot on the ground and push with my leg a bit for assistance after I have maxed out on unassisted pull-ups.

I'm just not sure if doing pull-ups this way is of much benefit.

How tall are you? I'm right around 6'0 and I have the same problem. I found that instead of a chair, if you have a smaller ottoman lying around, use that. The height of the ottoman is usually lower than the chair, and well that's the best solution I found for assisted pull ups. Using the floor for assistance doesn't work well for me, because it just seems like I'm jumping off the floor for assistance instead of actually having something to lower the weight for pull ups. I think an ottoman helps with this.

Either that, or just take a couple seconds breather after you've maxed out, and then try to do even 1-2 more unassisted pull ups instead of the 5-6 assisted pull-ups. It'll work even better. Bring the pain!

In other news, I got the powerblock dumbbells. Wow, P90X seems like a different beast with free weights. I was actually able to choose the weights where I would max out at right around 8, and holy crap did I feel a pump after I finished Chest, Tris, and Shoulders. Felt great! Can't wait to try them with back and biceps tomorrow!


IGotBillySoSpooked said:
I'm on my second round of P90X and I would honestly recommend to anybody that is in your situation. If you are looking to develop a foundation and want a structured, introduction to weightlifting, then P90X is perfect. Your strength, flexibility, and endurance (muscular & cardio) will all improve drastically.

You don't have to know what a Hang High Squat Snatch is or the difference between a compound or isolation exercise. You don't need a ton of equipment. You just put the DVD in and press play. Tony tells you what to do and you do as much as you can.

If you want definition, then P90X will give it to you. I didn't even bother with the diet on my first time through (although I generally always eat moderately healthy) and I ended up more defined everywhere. I didn't get the washboard abs that I might have had I gone through with the diet, though. You'll still get excellent results with or without the diet.

Thanks for the info, I appreciate it.


Welp, just took my end of Phase 1 pics... Wow, I won't post em here because I'm ashamed of my (now diminished) man boobies, but wowzers, I look like I had someone suck out a few layers around everywhere. Even though the scale only shows 5-10 lb difference the pictures really show how different you look.

Take the pictures people!


Gonna reboot today. Had 4 days straight ruined by a power outage. I got through the first 4 workouts before it happened, but that's so long of a break I think I might as well mulligan.


zazrx said:
If one gets sick, is it better to just rest and wait it out or try and push through the exercises and do what you can?

Don't work out while you're sick. Your heart will pump faster, and it can help transport the disease to other parts of the body, worst of all your heart. Rest. When you start feeling better you can ease back into it, but don't push your body when you're sick, there's no point nor benefit. Your body will be preoccupied dealing with the disease on your body to properly do everything else.


Finally completed Yoga X in it's full glory for the first time. It's not as bad as I had imagined before. I should have watched past Warrior Pose 3 cuz it switches to balancing mode afterwards which is pretty relaxing. I'm definitely sticking to it from now on.


Since I'm starting over from day 1 I've got a few days until I have to hit Yoga. I'm extremely inflexible so I know it's going to be a struggle - I should buy some yoga blocks but I have no idea where to start. Heck, I didn't even know they existed until a week or so ago lol. What are you guys using?


turnbuckle said:
Since I'm starting over from day 1 I've got a few days until I have to hit Yoga. I'm extremely inflexible so I know it's going to be a struggle - I should buy some yoga blocks but I have no idea where to start. Heck, I didn't even know they existed until a week or so ago lol. What are you guys using?

I'm using like... a box of dvd-r with casing that was sitting in my garage, lol.


Low moral character
turnbuckle said:
Since I'm starting over from day 1 I've got a few days until I have to hit Yoga. I'm extremely inflexible so I know it's going to be a struggle - I should buy some yoga blocks but I have no idea where to start. Heck, I didn't even know they existed until a week or so ago lol. What are you guys using?

I got a yoga block off of Amazon for like $6 (w/ free prime shipping). I've seen some cheap blocks at Target, too.

You could probably make due with any object, but the yoga block is nice because you can rotate it based on how much block you need to assist your form. Of course, you could always have a couple different objects lying around to achieve the same function.

For the marginal cost, I think the yoga block is very helpful.


Ouch, last day of Yoga during recovery week I was attempting the arm grab behind your back lunge deal. I sorta pulled my right shoulder, it hurt for a few minutes, then felt better. Won't be doing that again.

Today during the new workout in Phase 2, Chest Shoulders Triceps. They have you doing a bunch of various pushups I noticed a lot of popping in my right shoulder, sorta like cracking your knuckles but in my shoulder, any idea whats going on? It isn't really painful or anything, but it wasn't doing that before.


Low moral character
rkn said:
Ouch, last day of Yoga during recovery week I was attempting the arm grab behind your back lunge deal. I sorta pulled my right shoulder, it hurt for a few minutes, then felt better. Won't be doing that again.

Today during the new workout in Phase 2, Chest Shoulders Triceps. They have you doing a bunch of various pushups I noticed a lot of popping in my right shoulder, sorta like cracking your knuckles but in my shoulder, any idea whats going on? It isn't really painful or anything, but it wasn't doing that before.

That move is ridiculous. It's made worse when Tony decides he needs a break and randomly starts to walk around and check everybody's form when they are in Warrior I & II right before you drop down into that first variation. My right leg is literally shaking before we even start that stupid reach behind your back bullshit.

As for your shoulder, I'd probably take it easy this week and monitor your condition. Maybe even put some ice on it just to be safe.


Neo Member
RuGalz said:
Finally completed Yoga X in it's full glory for the first time. It's not as bad as I had imagined before. I should have watched past Warrior Pose 3 cuz it switches to balancing mode afterwards which is pretty relaxing. I'm definitely sticking to it from now on.

I was in the exact same situation today. I was actually walking over to the remote to turn it off when it switched to the balance section so I finished it off. It being my first time ever doing yoga I couldn't believe how much work it was.


A00man said:
40 wide front pull ups or chin ups? If wide front, that is crazy impressive. I can get to about 12-15 before I take a rest for a few seconds and go back up with some assisted pull ups or 2-3 more unassisted pull ups. I can't even imagine pumping out 40 unassisted pull-ups. That's awesome slayer!

How tall are you? I'm right around 6'0 and I have the same problem. I found that instead of a chair, if you have a smaller ottoman lying around, use that. The height of the ottoman is usually lower than the chair, and well that's the best solution I found for assisted pull ups. Using the floor for assistance doesn't work well for me, because it just seems like I'm jumping off the floor for assistance instead of actually having something to lower the weight for pull ups. I think an ottoman helps with this.

Either that, or just take a couple seconds breather after you've maxed out, and then try to do even 1-2 more unassisted pull ups instead of the 5-6 assisted pull-ups. It'll work even better. Bring the pain!

In other news, I got the powerblock dumbbells. Wow, P90X seems like a different beast with free weights. I was actually able to choose the weights where I would max out at right around 8, and holy crap did I feel a pump after I finished Chest, Tris, and Shoulders. Felt great! Can't wait to try them with back and biceps tomorrow!
Well not the super super wide ones at the end of an iron gym xtreme bar, that is crazy

Front wide yea 20-40 shoulder/mid/close grip range, I don't know what it is that allows me to do it between 20-40 I feel really weak certain days, now do I do 40 all the time during a routine? Nah if I get upto 40 then the next set will be 20 then 15, 15 I do them properly too, as for chinups I also get up to 40 but the thing that stops me is the pain on my hands at the 40 mark, I can probably do more than 40 chinups.

Don't know how much you guys weight but yeah idk if it plays a factor, im at around 147 now height 5'8"


shitting in the alley outside your window
its funny how i progress in each workout from 'lets do this' to 'fuck this im quitting' to 'fuck yea im done and that feels good' at the end.


Work is sending me on a trip for like 10 weeks... So I'm trying to figure out what I need to bring to continue the program on the go. I've got bands so most of the strength training can be substituted I guess. What do people do about cardio training like Plyo? I can't imagine myself jumping around in a hotel room or apartment too much.


RuGalz said:
Work is sending me on a trip for like 10 weeks... So I'm trying to figure out what I need to bring to continue the program on the go. I've got bands so most of the strength training can be substituted I guess. What do people do about cardio training like Plyo? I can't imagine myself jumping around in a hotel room or apartment too much.

10 weeks is practically the whole program! I'm doing this in an upstairs apartment setting, luckily my downstairs neighbor works pretty early and is OTD by 7:30 am, if you are in a hotel I honestly wouldn't give a damn and just do it.

My floors are pretty creaky and I don't want to make them any weaker so I put the Plyo workout on my iPad and head over to a park near my place, find a nice secluded spot and start hopping around like a mad man. Every now and then a car passes by and well, I'm sure I look crazy, but I'm bringin' it!
Alright, 2nd week of Yoga was a lot easier.

Well, not easier, it was still hard as fuck in some spots but I was able to make it through the whole thing. I didn't realize the upward/downward dog stuff stopped after around 45 minutes. Thats what killed me the first time around. Anyway, the 2nd half is much more manageable and less repetitive. Some stances were hard as hell (couldnt do the crane) while others were super easy for me to hold like the spinal twist stretch.

Not sure if I feel any differently yet though, I'll see when I wake up tomorrow.


Man Phase 2 is brutal, the videos are pairing up muscles that are used in all the exercises and you get so burnt out so quickly. Chest shoulder and triceps? Really? And back and biceps? Really? Damn these are tough!


Slayer-33 said:
Well not the super super wide ones at the end of an iron gym xtreme bar, that is crazy

Front wide yea 20-40 shoulder/mid/close grip range, I don't know what it is that allows me to do it between 20-40 I feel really weak certain days, now do I do 40 all the time during a routine? Nah if I get upto 40 then the next set will be 20 then 15, 15 I do them properly too, as for chinups I also get up to 40 but the thing that stops me is the pain on my hands at the 40 mark, I can probably do more than 40 chinups.

Don't know how much you guys weight but yeah idk if it plays a factor, im at around 147 now height 5'8"

Wide or not, that is crazy impressive! I don't think I could ever get up to 40 pull ups without taking a break. Even chin ups for that matter. My forearm starts getting so tight that it feels like my veins are going to pop out or something if I try to do more pull ups than what I do now.

rkn said:
10 weeks is practically the whole program! I'm doing this in an upstairs apartment setting, luckily my downstairs neighbor works pretty early and is OTD by 7:30 am, if you are in a hotel I honestly wouldn't give a damn and just do it.

My floors are pretty creaky and I don't want to make them any weaker so I put the Plyo workout on my iPad and head over to a park near my place, find a nice secluded spot and start hopping around like a mad man. Every now and then a car passes by and well, I'm sure I look crazy, but I'm bringin' it!

Haha, that's some dedication right there!


This is my second week of starting week 1. Although I'm frustrated I had to basically mulligan, it's nice to have a few workouts from last week to compare anyways. Did the chest/shoulder workout again yesterday and saw improvements on just about everything. I did opt to just do regular pushup sets instead of the decline pushups. I was hurting my lower back trying to get my form right, and by the second time around I was so beat that my form would've been terrible anyways. I can't do diamond pushups with a strictly close grip though so I gotta separate the hands a bit and I'm using the chair like crazy on the pullups. It's going to be awesome when I can do both without assistance.

I've cut a couple pounds from since last Wednesday and have managed to climb a couple walls I couldn't even pass half-way. Since I only had a truncated week of p90x I probably should credit it more to the change in the diet, but I'm certain all the pull-ups from week 1 helped. I'm actually looking forward to plyo tonight!

I bought a cork yoga block off amazon but noticed some items came in pairs (mine was just a single block). Should I buy an additional one for the yoga included in p90x or is it unnecessary?

Every Friday my dad and I meet up at Qdoba for lunch. It's been a long-time tradition...one of the few things we get to do together. Last week I opted to go without the tortilla or rice or cheese or sour cream and it was still good so I'll just keep that as a part of my diet. It's basically just a bowl of pulled pork, beans, corn salsa, and hot sauce lol. Probably a little heavier than what I should have but it's not too bad and is still filling.


rkn said:
My floors are pretty creaky and I don't want to make them any weaker so I put the Plyo workout on my iPad and head over to a park near my place, find a nice secluded spot and start hopping around like a mad man. Every now and then a car passes by and well, I'm sure I look crazy, but I'm bringin' it!

That's pretty awesome! I might be a bit too self conscious to do that. Although now you have me thinking, I wonder if I would be able to follow the program by just using the audio track. I guess I'll give it a shot.

turnbuckle said:
I bought a cork yoga block off amazon but noticed some items came in pairs (mine was just a single block). Should I buy an additional one for the yoga included in p90x or is it unnecessary?

No you just need one if you are using it to assist the postures; only time I can think of that you could use multiples is if you are super flexible and can reach two blocks over your toes for stretches...


zazrx said:
Man Phase 2 is brutal, the videos are pairing up muscles that are used in all the exercises and you get so burnt out so quickly. Chest shoulder and triceps? Really? And back and biceps? Really? Damn these are tough!

legs and back is super brutal!



Hurt my knee pretty bad. Knee is all swollen, spongy and jelly-like and just hurts when I bend it. It's a pretty bad knee sprain. Must have happened during ploy last Tuesday, only got worst on Thursday. Not feeling and better today.

I've been out of commission the last 2 days, brutal. First time I've actually hurt myself - never even broke a bone before. Wearing an Icyhot knee wrap, makes me at least forget it is hurting, not sure if it is actually helping, though.

Hope I'll be okay by tomorrow so I can do legs and back and kenpo on Sunday.


End of Week 8 update (had a bad week and a half due to work/life, pretty much dogging it week 8):



Taken a few mins ago. This week was tough for me with little sleep and eating was off. I am ready to hit it again hard next week. Def still have lower tummy fat to get rid of.


duk said:
End of Week 8 update (had a bad week and a half due to work/life, pretty much dogging it week 8):

What the hell man. I thought you were dogging it! I I too had a pretty shitty last couple weeks. I hope to get back to business. Are you thinking of redoing week 8 or just gonna move forward?


ocadman said:
What the hell man. I thought you were dogging it! I I too had a pretty shitty last couple weeks. I hope to get back to business. Are you thinking of redoing week 8 or just gonna move forward?

Yeah man, I feel pretty crappy about week 8. Also in the middle of moving to a new house as well, so much shit to take care of. ARGH.

Anyways, I am going to push forward but add an additional workout on the 'rest day'. Do your best and forget the rest! Not gonna stop til I get those washboard abs!
duk said:
End of Week 8 update (had a bad week and a half due to work/life, pretty much dogging it week 8):

Taken a few mins ago. This week was tough for me with little sleep and eating was off. I am ready to hit it again hard next week. Def still have lower tummy fat to get rid of.

Lookin good man. Just a request, would you be able to post your day 1 pics(if you have one)? Just want to see how much you've progressed.

At what what week did you start to notice some physical progress?


Lionheart1827 said:
Lookin good man. Just a request, would you be able to post your day 1 pics(if you have one)? Just want to see how much you've progressed.

At what what week did you start to notice some physical progress?

sure, it's somewhere, someone else also asked so thanks for the reminder. :)


Neo Member
this is hands down one of the best p90x inspirational/transformation video ive seen yet!!
makes me want to workout now lol

Someone told me that my video was shared here. Yep.. that's me in the video. If you guys have any questions - I'm here to help.

I read through some of the discussion and have a few comments:

In RE: Supplements

Some have said you don't need supplements or to just buy cheap ones. To use an analogy, that's like trying to build a racecar with hyundai parts. I didn't use a lot of extreme supplements during my transformation but there's several that are key:

1) Whey Protein from Optimum Nutrition or Cytosport - essential for raising your protein intake to 40-50% of daily calories.
2) Oxy Elite pro (for 30 days) and Cellucor D4 (for 30 days) - these help to raise your metabolism.
3) Recovery Drink - I used Endurox R4 for 60 days then upgraded to P90X R&R (better now w/ fructose and artificial sweeteners removed). These rock for reducing soreness and replenishing the glycogen (energy) in your muscles.
4) Creatine from Optimum Nutrition - volumizes muscle, helps in recovery (I used this for last 30 days)
5) Shakeology meal replacement - super healthy shake that improves just about everything. Yeah it's expensive but it's worth it. Sometimes you have to pay for quality.

Anyway - I'm on round 2 now focusing purely on increasing muscle. I'm up 7 lbs (to 183) in 7 weeks , 5 of them muscle. I'm doing this for another 7 weeks (trying to reach 192) then starting Insanity Asylum to cut back up.

I'm targetting 3600 calories a day, which is about a 600 calorie surplus during the bulk phase. This comes out to 1 lb gain a week.

To all of you who are doing P90X, Hat's off to you. It's very tough but it's worth it.

Just remember, nutrition and supplements are 70% of the game.



FOOTE said:
Good work duk. I'm definitely seeing some improvement since the last time you posted pics.

Thanks Foote :)

Today was start of Week 9 (recovery week)... with Yoga X. I was able to notice a good amount of flexibility now, I can knee to forehead on both legs in downward dog and even do ~15sec of crane. Pretty awesome, Yoga X def does work to give you flexibility, stability and some strength.

Soaked with DNA removal afterwards!


First time doing kenpo X. Man that was a lot of fun and not nearly as grueling as everything else thus far. I still haven't managed to fit in ab ripper X though. I really gotta get better at fitting that into my schedule as my abs are easily the weakest region on me.

I'll probably do Kenpo X on rest days too as it's a pretty nice cardio workout. I felt like I was in a dojo again lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
turnbuckle said:
First time doing kenpo X. Man that was a lot of fun and not nearly as grueling as everything else thus far. I still haven't managed to fit in ab ripper X though. I really gotta get better at fitting that into my schedule as my abs are easily the weakest region on me.

I'll probably do Kenpo X on rest days too as it's a pretty nice cardio workout. I felt like I was in a dojo again lol
I managed to hurt my shoulder on that one yesterday. He's not kidding when he says not to let your joints fly out of whack on that one. If you are actually putting in 100% effort, you can get a pretty decent workout out of Kenpo X.
DavidRSM said:
Someone told me that my video was shared here. Yep.. that's me in the video. If you guys have any questions - I'm here to help.

To all of you who are doing P90X, Hat's off to you. It's very tough but it's worth it.

Just remember, nutrition and supplements are 70% of the game.


Hey, nice to have you on here, I think your video and somebody elses video was what really got me to give p90x a shot. Thanks for the comments


Angry Grimace said:
I managed to hurt my shoulder on that one yesterday. He's not kidding when he says not to let your joints fly out of whack on that one. If you are actually putting in 100% effort, you can get a pretty decent workout out of Kenpo X.
Damn sorry to hear man. The one exercise I took it a little easy on was the three kick combo. My hamstrings, especially the left are very right in general and I had a hard time keeping balance and good form switching to the back kick. I could see the elbow combo or the block, punch,cross, cut (or however that went) causing shoulder problems too if one isn't careful. I definitely kicked my butt in the workout, but it was the least "painful" of the ones I've done thus far.


Lionheart1827 said:
Hey, nice to have you on here, I think your video and somebody elses video was what really got me to give p90x a shot. Thanks for the comments

link again pls?


zazrx said:
If one gets sick, is it better to just rest and wait it out or try and push through the exercises and do what you can?

god no, don't workout at all

I got sick over the weekend and spent most of it puking, feeling better today but won't start p90x up again until tomorrow at the earliest and will just restart the week I was on
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