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What's this P90X workout stuff?


Finally started (though only doing p90 not p90x), started yesterday but the cardio today kicked my ass, especially with abs afterwards, enjoyed it though, which is always a good sign.


I've got a newbie question if I may. I'm playing. An hour of indoor football tonight, should I do my daily p90 and then footy and then protein shake or should I double load with p90 protein footy protein (btw I mean "soccer" by footy). I will be exercising about 6 or 7 and then footy 9 til 10.
What's a good set of adjustable dumbbells? I see these bowflex ones at a lot of people's homes. I may be moving somewhere where a good gym is a good 20 minute drive away so p90x may be a good alternative to what I have been doing.


shitting in the alley outside your window
really hitting my first wall here at the end of week 9. my diet has fallen off a bit and i think that's leading to some motivation issues and my #'s are looking weak. gotta get back on track next week

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
andycapps said:
I should have really taken pictures. I'm going into my third week now and still haven't done so. My wife noticed I've lost a lot of size in my back, but that it's "rock solid" in her words now. Music to my ears since I haven't noticed a huge loss on the scales, only 4 pounds. My love handles are shrinking, and my biceps are a little smaller as well but I believe that's also due to some fat going away. Anyway, week 3 starts tonight!

I barely looked different after the first 30 days. I'm on day 45 now and while I'm mixing in vacation time and weekends away to do other outdoorsy stuff, I'm just continuing until this program has finished. After the 30 days, I somehow just dropped 5 kilos right off. This was sort of, after the end of the 30 days, during a 2 week vacation. I guess I wasn't keeping a close eye on the scales during the 30, but you should find that the whole fat burning thing kind of picks up pace. Girlfriends notice quicker as well :D

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
cuevas said:
What's a good set of adjustable dumbbells? I see these bowflex ones at a lot of people's homes. I may be moving somewhere where a good gym is a good 20 minute drive away so p90x may be a good alternative to what I have been doing.
Powerblocks. The Bowflex ones are huge, so if you have say, 10 pounds of weight on them, you still have dumbells the size of 75 pounders. Powerblocks look kinda dorky, but they have a much smaller footprint.


Neo Member
qwerty2k said:
I've got a newbie question if I may. I'm playing. An hour of indoor football tonight, should I do my daily p90 and then footy and then protein shake or should I double load with p90 protein footy protein (btw I mean "soccer" by footy). I will be exercising about 6 or 7 and then footy 9 til 10.

Always drink a protein shake within an hour of finishing your workout. That's when your muscles will absorb the protein the best.

My 10 month P90X Transformation Video


Neo Member
sefskillz said:
really hitting my first wall here at the end of week 9. my diet has fallen off a bit and i think that's leading to some motivation issues and my #'s are looking weak. gotta get back on track next week

Try increasing your protein. It's difficult to get enough protein so that's usually the first thing that goes... and then it gets replaced by a bunch of carbs. If you can reach 40% of your daily calories coming from protein, you'll see the fat coming off... assuming you aren't severely under-eating or over-eating.



Neo Member
Chuck said:
So I just finished week 1, wasn't so bad except for Ab Ripper. I'm sore as mess in my pelvic region more so than my abdominals - normal?

I had that, too.
I figured that under the layer of fat, my abs weren't as non-existent as I thought they were, and that the pelvic pain was due to me being horribly inflexible. It goes away.

I find that the more I do it, the more I want to work out & exercise.


Chuck said:
So I just finished week 1, wasn't so bad except for Ab Ripper. I'm sore as mess in my pelvic region more so than my abdominals - normal?

Normal to some degree. A lot of the movements work your hip flexors more than your abs, and the situation becomes more pronounced if you aren't doing the movements carefully.


Low moral character
cuevas said:
What's a good set of adjustable dumbbells? I see these bowflex ones at a lot of people's homes. I may be moving somewhere where a good gym is a good 20 minute drive away so p90x may be a good alternative to what I have been doing.

I'm going to second PowerBlocks. Bowflex SelectTech are HUGE (even at 5 lbs) and more expensive than PowerBlocks.

The size of the Bowflex actually makes some of the movements difficult to perform, since you'll be hitting yourself in the face/ribs/leg every time. Even at max weight, the PowerBlocks are smaller than the Bowflex weights.
IGotBillySoSpooked said:
I'm going to second PowerBlocks. Bowflex SelectTech are HUGE (even at 5 lbs) and more expensive than PowerBlocks.

The size of the Bowflex actually makes some of the movements difficult to perform, since you'll be hitting yourself in the face/ribs/leg every time. Even at max weight, the PowerBlocks are smaller than the Bowflex weights.

Is the quality pretty good? I don't want these expensive things falling apart on me.


Low moral character
cuevas said:
Is the quality pretty good? I don't want these expensive things falling apart on me.

PowerBlocks are made very well. The design is actually really simple, so there isn't a lot that can go wrong. They are basically metal blocks that fit together in a nesting doll type fashion. You just remove a little magnetic bar and move it up and down to change the weight.

I've had mine for about 3 months and haven't had any problems.

I've only used the SelectTechs at the store to test out, but it seems like they would be much more susceptible to breaking. They are much more complex than the PowerBlocks and have a lot of cheap looking plastic parts. There are plastic dials and stuff that I could see breaking down with extensive use.
Thanks for the responses, -Babyteks- and grumble.

?: How much protein is enough after the daily workout? I drink GNC Weight Gainer 2200 which has about 50g per serving. Is this sufficient, or should I drink whey protein instead?

Slayer-33 said:
You're all sweaty dude.(lisp)!
He totally wants to bang Dreya.
im at the end of my fourth week and i'm a little disappointed by the fact that i'm still struggling with the push-ups...are there any other exercises to give my puny pecs some strenght? other than this, i hate it...but i love it.


I'm on the end of week 10 and I'm struggling. Don't want to do it most days. Don't see any progress, ate like a pig on monday. Had no energy Tuesday. Ate pizza and dessert yesterday(my birthday). I just don't see muscles getting bigger or me getting stronger. I hope I can get over this slump.


Chuck said:
He totally wants to bang Dreya.
Oh I know lol but.. Give me Sofia by far.

DAT ASS and sexy feminine fit body.

Ale you just have to keep doing your shit, cheat meal day once a week!

You will see progress as time goes by.


99% sure Tony banged Sofia.

Tony mentions in one of the sessions he is making Lobster Bisk soup, but "it's not for him".

In Legs and Back, Sofia names out her soup...

"Lobster Bisk...ALWAYS".


NYR said:
99% sure Tony banged Sofia.

Tony mentions in one of the sessions he is making Lobster Bisk soup, but "it's not for him".

In Legs and Back, Sofia names out her soup...

"Lobster Bisk...ALWAYS".
That son of a bitch! F U Tony :(
DavidRSM said:
Hey Everyone... I've now finished P90X a 2nd time, bringing my total transformation to 10 months (started at the gym before finding P90X).

Here is the new video... crank up the music. It's Linkin park :)

My P90X results video

My first round was all about losing body fat and I lost quite a bit.
Starting weight was 205 lbs / 25% body fat on day 1 (before gym and p90x).
After gym and P90X, my weight was 177 lbs and 9.4% body fat.

My second round was all about adding mass. I went up to 188.5 lbs and 10.3% body fat, where I am now.

My next goal will be to lose more body fat.

I logged everything I ate and all the supplements I took. I'd be happy to share or answer any questions.

My transformation totally shocked my family and friends and there are dozens of them doing P90X now... I'm paying it forward to anyone who wants to change their life.

Tony Horton even featured my first video on his facebook wall about a month ago.


I bow down to you sir. You are a beast in that video.


alejob said:
I'm on the end of week 10 and I'm struggling. Don't want to do it most days. Don't see any progress, ate like a pig on monday. Had no energy Tuesday. Ate pizza and dessert yesterday(my birthday). I just don't see muscles getting bigger or me getting stronger. I hope I can get over this slump.
Same here, I'm one week away from finished though, so I will tough it out and do my best as always. For me, it's the lack of day-to-day visible progress, but really I do feel stronger and I know the fat / weight is dropping, I went from 195 at the start to a solid 177 now. Hope to drop a few more by the end. Not sure what my target weight is, but I've still got a small belly and love handles that seemingly just won't get off!

I'm pretty much set on continuing the program though after day 90, probably modify and supplement like everyone else seems to do as doing another 90 days of straight p90x will probably make me go nuts.
alejob said:
I'm on the end of week 10 and I'm struggling. Don't want to do it most days. Don't see any progress, ate like a pig on monday. Had no energy Tuesday. Ate pizza and dessert yesterday(my birthday). I just don't see muscles getting bigger or me getting stronger. I hope I can get over this slump.

I'm kinda in the same boat. I'm in week 10 and although I did cheat a LITTLE, I kept pretty strict to the diet. I have lost about 14 pounds, and I'm down a few pant sizes as well, but I look at my day 1-30-60 photos and I just cant see any changes. I'm embarrassed to even show them or post them here. The visual changes I just dont see unfortunately.

However, I do know I am way stronger and have more endurance and flexibility since I started. Just kinda discouraging since I was hoping to see some more visual changes. But I'm gonna finish strong and continue to bring it until the final day. The biggest problem for me is my damn belly and love handles. I know theres no true way to lose weight in a specific area but its so frustrating when I look at the photos and I cant really see much of any change. :/ I might end up doing the lean program or replacing some work outs with two plyos a week on my 2nd round(if I decide to keep on with P90x). The other major change was my posture from day 1 to day 30. I was kinda standing slumped over in Day 1 but Day 30 I was much straighter.

rkn said:
Same here, I'm one week away from finished though, so I will tough it out and do my best as always. For me, it's the lack of day-to-day visible progress, but really I do feel stronger and I know the fat / weight is dropping, I went from 195 at the start to a solid 177 now. Hope to drop a few more by the end. Not sure what my target weight is, but I've still got a small belly and love handles that seemingly just won't get off!

I'm pretty much set on continuing the program though after day 90, probably modify and supplement like everyone else seems to do as doing another 90 days of straight p90x will probably make me go nuts.

Yup, I was thinking the same thing. I know a lot of cardio will mess up muscle building, but I was more concerned about getting into general good shape and losing weight/trimming down then the muscle progress aspect.
Since I have the dvd's anyways I decided to try out plyo instead of my regular cardio workout, damn this shit is for real. I liked how it ramped up all the way to the ~25 minute mark then slowed down, I don't know if I would have been able to keep going.


like a board, board, don't get bored!

Worst joke ever.

Anyway, I'm on day 70 plyo X.

Pretty sure I will not reach my goal of a six pack by day 90. I'm hoping to get bigger the last 20 days at least.


I started this last night. Really pissed at myself that I couldn't quite make it all the way through. I had about 10 minutes left and couldn't keep going. I'm borrowing this from a friend and its missing the ab x workout, can somebody tell me what I'm missing out on by skipping it?

Also, I'm doing the program late night when I get off of work. Will most likely be consistently midnight. Should I still drink a protein shake afterwards because I'm trying to lean out first?


Shick Brithouse said:
I started this last night. Really pissed at myself that I couldn't quite make it all the way through. I had about 10 minutes left and couldn't keep going. I'm borrowing this from a friend and its missing the ab x workout, can somebody tell me what I'm missing out on by skipping it?

Also, I'm doing the program late night when I get off of work. Will most likely be consistently midnight. Should I still drink a protein shake afterwards because I'm trying to lean out first?
Ab ripper X is in the same DVD as the day 1, 3 and 5 workouts.

I'm not an expert but I would say yes drink the protein shake. Helps your muscles recover and bigger muscles burn more calories and help you lean out faster.


alejob said:
Ab ripper X is in the same DVD as the day 1, 3 and 5 workouts.

I'm not an expert but I would say yes drink the protein shake. Helps your muscles recover and bigger muscles burn more calories and help you lean out faster.
Cool man, thanks!


Low moral character
Got Insanity and did Plyo Cardio Circuit last night. I skipped the fit test because I really didn't feel like doing anything on Monday. Also, I'm not going to be able to knock out all 60 days right now, so I don't really care.

Anyways, holy hell. Words cannot describe how difficult that workout is. Definitely tops P90X plyo and P90X+ Intervals.

It is a little disconcerting when the people in the video can't even keep up. I was down doing my Side to Side Ab thing and I look up and see 90% of the people laying on the floor. I actually stopped momentarily because I thought we were on a break or something.

That one black woman is hilarious, too. She's flopping all around trying to keep up before she just finally lays there on the ground for a few seconds. Her exhaustion was so exaggerated that I couldn't help but laugh.

Speaking of the women, holy hell are they hot! Lots of nice cinematography when they are bending over, too. I kind of wish this was on Blu ray instead of DVD.

I like Shaun T, too. He's really calm the entire time, but he still keeps you motivated. He's no Tony Horton, but he does a good job.


Damn, it's tough. I figured I'd try it since the dude is close to my age, but I wouldn't recommend this for beginners or the older crowd. AbRipperX is insanely difficult. Even after a life of playing various sports and thinking I'm still in decent shape, P90X is a butt buster. I'm getting old.
IGotBillySoSpooked said:
Got Insanity and did Plyo Cardio Circuit last night. I skipped the fit test because I really didn't feel like doing anything on Monday. Also, I'm not going to be able to knock out all 60 days right now, so I don't really care.

Anyways, holy hell. Words cannot describe how difficult that workout is. Definitely tops P90X plyo and P90X+ Intervals.

It is a little disconcerting when the people in the video can't even keep up. I was down doing my Side to Side Ab thing and I look up and see 90% of the people laying on the floor. I actually stopped momentarily because I thought we were on a break or something.

That one black woman is hilarious, too. She's flopping all around trying to keep up before she just finally lays there on the ground for a few seconds. Her exhaustion was so exaggerated that I couldn't help but laugh.

Speaking of the women, holy hell are they hot! Lots of nice cinematography when they are bending over, too. I kind of wish this was on Blu ray instead of DVD.

I like Shaun T, too. He's really calm the entire time, but he still keeps you motivated. He's no Tony Horton, but he does a good job.

Keep in mind that everyone in the video has already passed insanity at least once. I'm on my sixth week of insanity right now and it never gets any easier.


Low moral character
NYR said:
Yep, no doubt.

Worst statement he makes is "Diamonds of Gold"....WTF does that even mean???

Diamonds of gold is my absolute favorite phrase from Tony.

I have no idea what the hell it means, but I say "diamonds of gold" to myself every time I flex my tricep muscles.


IGotBillySoSpooked said:
Diamonds of gold is my absolute favorite phrase from Tony.

I have no idea what the hell it means, but I say "diamonds of gold" to myself every time I flex my tricep muscles.

Diamonds of gold is good, but I also like "Actual DNA removal." I also like it in Ab Ripper X when he says something like "This is Ab ripper X, not Ab Ripper 100 or 200, pick it up!" Gets me every time.


Seeking for advices.

I'm skinny as fuck all my life, never having fat problems. I don't become much fatter or skinnier no matter how much I eat. I want to build up more and I would like to ask what are some good things to eat to gain weight or mass wo much intake of white fat? Cereals, veggies, chicken meat, fish, eggs, rice and pasta, milk and yoghurt are what I'm trying to maintain to eat. Tho I'm not sure if I should keep on drinking milk or if there is another alternative as I'm almost guarantee to have bowel movement after them.


Low moral character
Astery said:
Seeking for advices.

I'm skinny as fuck all my life, never having fat problems. I don't become much fatter or skinnier no matter how much I eat. I want to build up more and I would like to ask what are some good things to eat to gain weight or mass wo much intake of white fat? Cereals, veggies, chicken meat, fish, eggs, rice and pasta, milk and yoghurt are what I'm trying to maintain to eat. Tho I'm not sure if I should keep on drinking milk or if there is another alternative as I'm almost guarantee to have bowel movement after them.

I'd check over in the "Official Fitness Thread". P90X isn't a great program for adding size.

They'd probably be able to recommend a god diet, too.


I'm on week 11. I missed my Yoga day yesterday. I will do it Sunday instead.

Also today after legs and back I did some bench presses. Getting close to the end, I'm in much better shape but I cannot say I'm ripped yet.

Edit: I forgot to add I'm starting to feel some awesome ab muscles under this layer of fat, ha ha.


DavidRSM said:
Hey Everyone... I've now finished P90X a 2nd time, bringing my total transformation to 10 months (started at the gym before finding P90X).

Here is the new video... crank up the music. It's Linkin park :)

My P90X results video

My first round was all about losing body fat and I lost quite a bit.
Starting weight was 205 lbs / 25% body fat on day 1 (before gym and p90x).
After gym and P90X, my weight was 177 lbs and 9.4% body fat.

My second round was all about adding mass. I went up to 188.5 lbs and 10.3% body fat, where I am now.

My next goal will be to lose more body fat.

I logged everything I ate and all the supplements I took. I'd be happy to share or answer any questions.

My transformation totally shocked my family and friends and there are dozens of them doing P90X now... I'm paying it forward to anyone who wants to change their life.

Tony Horton even featured my first video on his facebook wall about a month ago.


Fucking awesome video, dude.

Best 'p90x transformation' video I've ever seen. You look like a stud now, congrats.


Week 9 Legs and Back for me today.

I think there's been a couple theories posted already about who Tony was banging when they created this program. I'm pretty sure Shauna and him hooked up from the way they interact with each other on the Yoga and Stretch X videos, but after this week I'm thinking him and Sophia may also have had something going on.

If you watch the cool down for Shoulders and Arms, during the Karen Pot Stirrer stretch, Tony mentions he's making a lobster bisque, but says "it's not for him". If you then watch the same stretch during Legs and Back cool down, when Tony asks Sophia what she's stirring she says "lobster bisque...always". Maybe it's just me, but I think there's a connection between the two.


Started week 11, and despite the excellent results, it's definitely becoming a chore now. Just gotta tough out these last 3 weeks, but even though I work myself to exhaustion during every workout, I still don't feel like I'm bringing it enough (ie. Not quite keeping up with the folks on the videos enough). Maybe I'm too hard on myself. I dunno. (shrug).

I have a 42k full marathon in 9 weeks, and my mind is starting to worry and focus on that rather than finishing P90X. Just gotta get through these last few weeks.


Low moral character
I3rand0 said:
Week 9 Legs and Back for me today.

I think there's been a couple theories posted already about who Tony was banging when they created this program. I'm pretty sure Shauna and him hooked up from the way they interact with each other on the Yoga and Stretch X videos, but after this week I'm thinking him and Sophia may also have had something going on.

If you watch the cool down for Shoulders and Arms, during the Karen Pot Stirrer stretch, Tony mentions he's making a lobster bisque, but says "it's not for him". If you then watch the same stretch during Legs and Back cool down, when Tony asks Sophia what she's stirring she says "lobster bisque...always". Maybe it's just me, but I think there's a connection between the two.

I always thought he said "it isn't for me" because it is high in calories. He gives Sophia crap about it being a poor choice, too.

In fact, he seems to give Sophia shit through out most of the Legs & Back workout. He is on her about her form, he gives her shit for picking a light band, and he makes her do 15 reps instead of 11 on the last exercise.

Further, he seems to not have any idea what Sophia is doing. If you notice the editing when he is introducing Sophia, her arms change positions in each shot. They are in front, then he says something about being a dentist, then they are magically in the back before switching back to the front. It is like they had to cut because Tony forgot Sophia's occupation.
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