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What's your favorite strategy game?


Thread title pretty much explains it. What's your favorite strategy game? (not including SRPGs because those are different from RTS' and turn-based strat games I'm talking about)

Mine would have to be...


Musashi Wins!

Civ II has taken countless hours of my life. I love it. Good choice.

I also really loved AW on the Gameboy. I still think it's the best game on the system.


Age of Mythology, Kohan and Sacrifice for RTS's. Probably Disciples 2 as far as TBS goes.


Although I've been playing strategy games foreer, recently I have been playing:

Advance Wars 2 (Fuck YOU, Risky Vale)
Civilization 3 (although Civ 2 rocks as well - it's all about Minister Elvis)
Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne (I hate Blademasters)

And I'll be putting some time into Front Mission 4 very soon.

I haven't played a Romance game in eons - I might pick one up if Rot3K IX drops under $20.


AW1+2 - (About as close to a perfect videogame as you can get)
Starcraft - (I don't know why but I always seem to come back to this game for a about a week or so every couple of months. I just love decimating enemy bases with those big siege tank blasts, nukes, and capital ships)
Civilization 3. It takes some time to get used to the new stuff, but when you do it's better than Civ 2. The only things I really miss are the wonder movies.


I agree that Civilization 3 is better than 2, but unlike 2, 3 wasn't enough of an advancement over the rest.

So this is one of those "for their time..." kind of things.

Otherwise, replace Civ2 with Civ3 and RotTK4 with 7 or 9. Starcraft stays in there as is.
I love strategy games. But my taste is clearly on the side of real-time strategy games.

The Warcraft and Command & Conquer (Prior to Generals) series have been my all time favorites. Lately though I'm playing more Age of Mythology than anything else.


Probably Total Annihilation. I was horribly addicted to this game all through year 8, so much so that my parents confiscated my PC for like 5 months.
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