Women insulted if you ask them out?
Is this a personal experience thing?
Guys taking the lead will never go out of fashion if she's into you. And some where she's not that interested either
This comes across as an incel rant type post
I have watched guys, who were not awful looking, get angrily berated at the bar for talking to girls that consider these men beneath them.
If that’s shocking to you I don’t know what to say, I’m sure you’ve seen it.
It’s the old “don’t be ugly” line. Obviously women want attractive, confident men hitting on them, that’s not in doubt, and they always will.
But I feel like there’s a shift in the winds where in my highschool days they’d brush off advances from “lesser men” and maybe laugh or at least take it as a compliment, and now when it happens they’re openly hostile.
My assumption is that it lowers their self worth and that pisses them off.
So I’m drawing a line between these two points and taking what I’ve seen from the confidence inflation these girls get from Tinder and I’m drawing the conclusion that their perception of the situation has changed.
I’m then extrapolating out to how I perceive male behavior and thought process shift with that result.
I could be wrong of course, but I’m not making any moral assessments, it’s just my personal observations. ( *Edit, this is not true I am explicitly making a moral assessment that Tinder is trash and it’s made women into self righteous hoes

As to me? I’m seeing someone. I haven’t had to actually approach a women romantically in years. So this is observational speculation on my part.