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When did you stop caring about your birthday?

When did you stop caring about your birthday?

  • Preteen years

    Votes: 3 2.5%
  • Teen years

    Votes: 22 18.2%
  • Twenties

    Votes: 53 43.8%
  • Thirties

    Votes: 26 21.5%
  • Forties

    Votes: 7 5.8%
  • Fifties

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Sixties or more

    Votes: 2 1.7%
  • Never Cared

    Votes: 7 5.8%

  • Total voters


Tomorrow I hit number 45 and, although my family still wants to celebrate, to me it‘s just another day.

I remember loving my birthday when I was in my 20’s, but that was when it stopped for me.

How about you?


After 21 it became pointless. I don't usually celebrate my birthday, I only have on milestones like 30, 40, and recently 50, which is what most of my adult friends & family do.
Since almost as long as I can remember. But I was happy about gifts and stuff like that as a young child so I did care at some point.


Perpetually Offended
In my 20s and VERY early 30s, I didn't care to celebrate my birthday... mostly because NO ONE celebrated it in my teens... so I stopped caring.

now since age 33 til now... I got back to celebrating it... especially now that I have people to celebrate with! I turn 50 this year ... it'll be the best one yet!


Gold Member
Probably in my early teens. Maybe sooner, as I don't remember.
And I have actually forgotten about my birthday a couple of times, until someone reminded me.


At 43, part of me still appreciates when my friends or family try to make something happen to celebrate, but another part of me really doesn't want to make any sort of big deal out of it. It's quite the conundrum.


Haven’t cared since probably late teen to early 20’s.
Though we still celebrate them but just with my wife and son. More for him than anything else.



"Birthdays are like regrets... They just keep coming. Each one a new scar that slows you down and drags you... closer to your grave."​

Around about 27 personally, around the same time I had my son. I just don't really think about it anymore. My wife and kid put on a good show though and for that I'm glad.


There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday. That time is age 11.
Dave Barry


One year in my early 20s when I realised it was my birthday and that I had no one to celebrate it with.

Though that is a small bit of a lie. I celebrate it on my own by cooking myself a nice dinner and having a slice of nice cake or two.


Hold onto your panties
Stopped caring around 33-years old. However, my wife still celebrates hers and we're 1-month apart; so I celebrate for her. Hey, she got me back into gaming. I was on a 4-years hiatus and she bought my Switch in 2022. If it were up to me though, I'd probably stopped celebrating at 30.


When you get older you realize your birthday isn’t about you celebrating, it’s about the people in your life celebrating you.


Gold Member

I was born in August, so my birthday stopped being a very special day the first time it happened to also be a workday.
But I never stopped having small celebrations with my close family and/or friends.


My birthday is the day before my mom's. So it was always a nice time of year for us. As a kid, I would say I was her birthday present. As I got older, we'd almost always go out to eat or do something nice.

But she passed in 2015 and, especially now that I've hit 50, I honestly don't give a shit anymore.

Although 54 will be sweet, because I'll be done with child support and alimony. 🕺
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Late teens or early twenties.
I still like to celebrate it with food, my family usually takes me out for dinner (or we get some nice takeout or something), which I appreciate, but beyond that I mostly treat it like a regular day
I cared when I turned 16 so I could get my drivers license, and again at 19 when I was legal to drink. After that its been a downhill slide towards death. ⚰️


I think it sunk in when I turned 16 that it would be the last time I got any awesome gifts, I got my DC that year 1999.

Since then besides my 18th and 21st it's literally just another day, I forget how old I am these days 🤣


After the 18th or 19th birthday probably. Our whole family generally tends to celebrate only the kid's birthdays and the adults just send their wishes through texts or phonecalls. I'm perfectly okay with that.

Dark Star

13 was like the last real bday "party" i had, like cake and decorations and shit at my house and all my 12 year old friends over. fall birthday means i was always the oldest kid in class.

16 was cool, because I could drive. that was the only exciting part. I didn't get my permit until 17 and license until i was 18 though so that was a wasted year.

18 was cool because adult, but nothing really changed by becoming an "adult" i just went to college lol

21 was probably the last time i truly cared at all. finally could go to the liquor store and buy some vodka and whiskey and beers lol. my drinking phase and interest in trying alcohol didn't last very long. I completely stopped consuming alcohol years ago now.

now im in my late 20's and don't care at all about my birthday. this year i've noticed a lot of gray hair in my beard ... sucks. i don't think i'll ever be happy about my bday again. i don't want to celebrate it. I'm just going to keep going to the gym and lifting weights and getting ripped af. I'm going to be a greek god in my 30's hahaa
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I'm in my 30s and still care. Nothing major, but getting well wishes and going out with the family still makes me happy.


Gold Member
No one has ever really cared about my birthday so I haven’t really cared either. I guess 21 was the last one that seemed important. Now they just make me think wow where did the time go?
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