...they're fan-activists trying to start an argument?
It's no worse than listening to the opposing "women should be women" medley.
There's tons of different types of strong female characters in movies.
Like any particular type of character the good ones are few and far between. Fans and activists, like many groups, they want the good ones for their precious.
I'm sure the Native Americans would like some of the good ones too. "They'll never let a Native American be Captain America!"
So much media being made and vying for attention. Regional global social, educational, economic development at different places. Some still very primitive, like 19th century Orthodox primitive.
A lot doesn't land like it used too. Doesn't have the time to. When America was 20th century it made sense. Now America is 21st century. Some places it would just be nonsense to them. lol Not that these characters shouldn't be made. More regional consideration maybe can be made. Lost in translation. oops.
Stuff that can land but doesn't stick. No one mentions Hanna anymore. Good story, both protag and antagonist were great, celebrated at the time now long forgotten.
There aren't that many Cara Dune characters, so yeah, there are some archetypal qualities that need manifestation in big media. However, where is some of that repression coming from?
Could have had her deny a space vaccine and die. But nooo...