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When will we get the following DS info?


Price Point
Launch Date
Launch Games
Battery Life
Battery Charge Time
Online Game Functionality
Online Games
Touch Screen Durability

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Someone said early September. I don't remember who or why I believed them...but I did!

As for touch screen durability, give it a couple of months. Those of you with anger issues ought to find out first (I'm looking at you zombiewhateveryournameis).
Nintendo has said that they are making sure the screen is durable as possible through testing. It was in some interview... Considering that I'm assuming mostly kids will be using this, I'd have to say it's a major concern of theirs.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Nintendo are generally good at making things that last, certainly better than the other big names anyway.

I mean, even though we saw a GBA redesign for the DS, that wasn't a durability issue. So I'm hopeful. You just know some idiots going to play it with something sharp or their grubby fingers and then try and wash it with water and bitch about it not working anymore.


delay delay delay.

DS won't make it out this year in any territory. No piece of hardware launches on such short notice with so many unknowns. I simply can't believe Nintendo will be able to pull off a simultaneous Japan/US launch within the next 3 months.
There are no games, price, or hard facts about the system itself.

All signs point to 2005.


Haha keep telling yourself that dude... but when the DS sells a few million units by the end of the year in the US, I'm sure Nintendo will be laughing it up all the way to the bank.


Nintendo has also said that they won't have any online games for DS, but the technology is there for 3rd party developers to use if they want.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
That's not true, the GBA launched with almost as little info about this long before launch.

Besides, retailers are being told they're going to get DS promotional things soon, and when you factor in the GBA SP pricedrop, it looks like everything's go for a 2004 launch. How many games we get and possible system shortages are a different matter entirely...

Nintendo has also said that they won't have any online games for DS, but the technology is there for 3rd party developers to use if they want.

Actually, I believe Nintendo said you won't be able to go on the internet on the DS. People jumped on that (fairly enough) and thought that meant no online games, until it was pointed out they might just mean surfing the net.

So we still don't know.
Mama Smurf said:
Nintendo are generally good at making things that last, certainly better than the other big names anyway.

I mean, even though we saw a GBA redesign for the DS, that wasn't a durability issue. So I'm hopeful. You just know some idiots going to play it with something sharp or their grubby fingers and then try and wash it with water and bitch about it not working anymore.

I dropped a GBA in the toilet. waited a day to dry. it was fine.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
I just hope the that Miyamoto's Submarine Commander and Nintendogz make it as launch titles. If Miyamoto wants to do handheld games, ease off the ports. Well i still want the ports.. :( but at least make some original games!!


Mama Smurf said:
That's not true, the GBA launched with almost as little info about this long before launch.

No, that's not true. Nintendo gave GBA's price and confirmed launch date 8 months before its Japan launch. Many games were announced months before it was released in Japan. There were new GBA games popping up every week. GBA was released in the US four months after the Japan launch.

I find it very difficult to believe Nintendo will be able to pull this off with DS in the span of 3 months. If they don't unveil all within the first three weeks of September then there is no chance it'll be released this year.


Insertia said:
delay delay delay.

DS won't make it out this year in any territory. No piece of hardware launches on such short notice with so many unknowns. I simply can't believe Nintendo will be able to pull off a simultaneous Japan/US launch within the next 3 months.
There are no games, price, or hard facts about the system itself.

All signs point to 2005.

I think you're right Sir. :(
Insertia said:
The lineup was announced months before it was released in Japan.
Uh, it's still months before release in Japan.

Nothing points to a delay. Nintendo is adamant about November. There have been no rumblings of a delay at all.


Kobun Heat said:
Uh, it's still months before release in Japan.

Nothing points to a delay. Nintendo is adamant about November. There have been no rumblings of a delay at all.
Stop using logic and open your eyes - TEH CLUES ARE EVERYWHERE!




should be very soon. apparently the noa test team is chomping at the bit, waiting for the stuff to arrive from japan so they can get crackin'.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
jedimike said:
We do know



Reggie - "We’re not at a point where multiple players can battle over realistic distances wirelessly."

No, we don't. The first link is what I was talking about, we don't know if that means surfing the net or playing games online too. As for the second link, you're quoting it out of context. Here's a more full point:

"but what if you could do it with no wires at all? in the current vision of gamers…that ‘wow’ would be the holy grail.
/right now, some of the most popular names in massive multiplayer online games are available for wireless devices—but as yet, only as single player adventures. we’re not at a point where multiple players can battle over realistic distances wirelessly.
as an industry, we’ll see small steps toward full wireless competition. and as i’ll discuss in a minute, we think nintendo d-s represents one of those important first steps."

I think that reads as saying right now, right NOW (ie. pre-DS launch) this isn't happening, but with DS we're taking steps towards it being so. Who knows how big those steps will be, and what they'll include?

No, that's not true. Nintendo gave GBA's price and confirmed launch date 8 months before its Japan launch. Many games were announced months before it was released in Japan. There were new GBA games popping up every week. GBA was released in the US four months after the Japan launch.

I said almost as little. Things were very quiet on the GBA front for a long time after the initial unveiling. Games were announced, but not necessarily screens. We didn't even see Super Mario Advance until a couple of months before the Japanese release. More games were announced to be in development with the DS than with the GBA too. The US GBA price and launch games weren't unveiled until 3 months before its release.

So you see, the situations are not the same, but similar in the sudden rush of info before launch.


Price Point: Will be high like PSP
Launch Date: 2004
Launch Games: games will launch with console
Battery Life: will be playable for over 3 hours
Battery Charge Time: dont know
Online Game Functionality: dont know:
Online Games: as above
Touch Screen Durability: ever used a pda?


Unconfirmed Member
Mama Smurf said:
Someone said early September. I don't remember who or why I believed them...but I did!

As for touch screen durability, give it a couple of months. Those of you with anger issues ought to find out first (I'm looking at you zombiewhateveryournameis).
I said early september. My manager got that information both from conference calls and from the Nintendo rep. We have already started recieving information on it for retail which says its coming this year, but all the information on these pamphlets was already known.

Add that the GBA price drop is likely coming as early as this week (early september) and you have a nice string of PR releases ;)

EDIT: though this is obviously at ninteno's whim. They could change their mind and push back releasing info. I don't claim this is 100% but we got this info through two sources and the timing makes sense.


What I heard is that it actually may not come out this year, but mainly because of GBA Sp performance. Nintendo thinks it isnt absolutelly necessary to launch it that much ahead of PSP, they think it can tackle it one on one.

I dont know tough, some signs point to yes.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Don't get me wrong here though, I'm always willing to accept the idea that Nintendo will delay something, always. I just think at the moment that signs are pointing towards them not doing with the DS.


Considering that Camp Hyrule (Only signed up for the free DS contest, and ended up being ineligible) was baased primarily around the DS, and that like 1/2 of the handpicked questions in the Reggie Q&A were centered around it, one has to think Nintendo is pushing for a Fall Release. I REALLY think that the SP price drop is the biggest sign we've seen.


Price Point: $179.99
Launch Date: 11/20
Launch Games: Announced already.
Battery Life: 10 hours.
Battery Charge Time: 5 hours.
Online Game Functionality: Yes.
Online Games: Yes.
Touch Screen Durability: Variable, but there will be protector sheets.

...I'm mostly guessing on these, mind you, but the protector sheets are confirmed. :p

'course, watch it launch at $199.99, and PSP launch at the same price.


Sucks at viral marketing
I've heard September 1 (which is tomorrow) is the date when Nintendo will release all of that information about the DS. I've heard it from a couple places, but can't confirm anything... for all I know, they could have all just have been repeating the same rumor.


Matlock said:
Online Games: Yes.
Touch Screen Durability: Variable, but there will be protector sheets.

...I'm mostly guessing on these, mind you, but the protector sheets are confirmed. :p

'course, watch it launch at $199.99, and PSP launch at the same price.

I wouldnt be so confident about any of that. ;) except the prices maybe.


Protector sheets were confirmed by the damn instruction sheet, so don't tell me that I shouldn't be sure of it. :p


Matlock said:
Price Point: $179.99
Launch Date: 11/20
Launch Games: Announced already.
Battery Life: 10 hours.
Battery Charge Time: 5 hours.
Online Game Functionality: Yes.
Online Games: Yes.
Touch Screen Durability: Variable, but there will be protector sheets.

...I'm mostly guessing on these, mind you, but the protector sheets are confirmed. :p

'course, watch it launch at $199.99, and PSP launch at the same price.

You seriously think that Nintendo will launch the DS at $100 more than the GBASP? With it's price drop, I'm thinking $150 is looking more and more likely.


Grubdog said:
I think it will be $99.

With such wireless capabilities I doubt it's going to be that low. But Nintendo could make a KILLING if it was. And if it was that price point, Pictochat wouldn't come packaged.


I'm thinking we'll find out this week, next at the latest. They'll bring it out November in the US, no delay. Nintendo's clearly on top of this one.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I can't belive that even after the reported SP drop there's still people out there that don't think it's going to be $150...


(more a nerd than a geek)
$150 seems the most plausible... although I could see a $129.98 price being tossed out there.
$150 for the launch pricepoint sounds the most reasonable. And whoever said 5-10 days until some solid info better be right.
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