Agent Dormer
Dirty Drinking Smoker
JackFrost2012 said:That the 17" or 20" model?
God, I wish I were rich.
JackFrost2012 said:That the 17" or 20" model?
God, I wish I were rich.
Laurent said:Is there a Windows 2000 64-Bit Edition? Is there a 64-Bit x86 flavor of Linux?
And I don't hate PC... I just hate Windows! I'm looking for alternatives... like Lindows, or whatever the hell it will be called...
JackFrost2012 said:I think having to program for pre-OS X macs in college has prejudiced me against them forever. Between System 7.1 and X were a lot of dire, dire years.
As I said earlier, I don't even own a Mac. But I have used them and I do appreciate their design and how they don't screw up like Windows constantly does and the way everything just works so nicely. I didn't even like Mac until OSX, and they have made some really nice improvments since it came out. Only more recently have they really fleshed out enough for me to want one. I'm not a fanboy by any means, but I can appreciate Macs and think they might satisfy where my PC does not.A Mac fanboy calling a PC guy elitist? X_X
Actually, I am better than you, so I guess that's OK.![]()
Dice said:As I said earlier, I don't even own a mac. But I have used them and I do appreciate their design and how they don't screw up like Windows constantly does and the way everything just works so nicely. I didn't even like Mac until OSX, and they have made some really nice improvments since it came out. Only more recently have they really fleshed out enough for me to want one. I'm not a fanboy by any means, but I can appreciate macs and think they might satisfy where my PC does not.
You however, I said you were being elitist because this is a MAC THREAD and you have come in bashing them to no end and trying to push PC's. You know what kind of person goes into a thread made to discuss a product, bashes what is being appreicated all to hell and praises something else as vastly superior? An elitist fanboy. Of course you seem to take pride in it, but really you ought not to. I don't really see anyone here interested in comparing them and coming to an objective conclusion as to which is superior, you'll only find people defending Macs because you keep making them out to be flashy junk.
I really don't understand you deal. It's a lot of effort and only ends up irritating people. Why be that guy? You don't want to be that guy.
Dude, haters are lame. Don't be that guy.BTW, I'm GA's resident Mac basher, so I have to do this. It's in my job description. Really!
Dice said:Not the best job, just the biggest one. Other people have made their passing bitter comments, but you are the one who has gone out of their way.
Dude, haters are lame. Don't be that guy.
I'm done, as I said I'm not interested in debating, I just don't understand why someone would bash on Macs so much.
Shogmaster said:Debating? That's been over for while man. I won.![]()
Agent Dormer said:![]()
I'm sorry, you were asking for that one.
dem said:[Mac thread + Shog = A great day
Shogmaster said:Like I said, it's my job here and I take my job seriously! What are you trying to do, get me fired in this economy?
Shogmaster said:Alas, the fun is pretty much over now. I wonder when the next Mac hardware announcment is? Come on~~ G5 Powerbook!
Agent Dormer said:I'm really thinking late 2005, or early 2006. Sorry. :|
Like I said, it's my job here and I take my job seriously! What are you trying to do, get me fired in this economy?
How can you "win" if no one got into a competition with you? No one here has even tried to bring up all the qualities of the Mac and why a person would think it is better.Debating? That's been over for while man. I won.![]()
Hater haters are lame. Don't be THAT guy.
SteveMeister said:It's a really nice design, but they crippled it with a crappy GeForce FX5200. They should have put at least a Radeon 9600 in there, in the 20" model if not the 17". I'd seriously consider getting a 20" model to replace my 1.6GHz G5 PowerMac if not for the damned graphics card.
FortNinety said:Plus anyone who's used Apple's Cinema Displays can attest to how awesome they are (they easily blow away every other LCD monitor on the market and are actually worth the high cost).
And Safari sucks. It's a cheaper version of Konqueror with a brushed-metal look and a Google search toolbar built in, that they stole from somewhere else... iChat sucks; a pale copy of AIM. The new Finder sucks; once again, they just added the brushed-metal look. iTunes sucks; Real's Harmony is much better and cheaper. Apple sucks.Shogmaster said:Apple's displays (including the new ones) are not any more special than the ones sold by the OEMS that make it for them. Just cost more.
Laurent said:And Safari sucks. It's a cheaper version of Konqueror with a brushed-metal look and a Google search toolbar built in, that they stole from somewhere else... iChat sucks; a pale copy of AIM. The new Finder sucks; once again, they just added the brushed-metal look. iTunes sucks; Real's Harmony is much better and cheaper. Apple sucks.
Laurent said:And Safari sucks. It's a cheaper version of Konqueror with a brushed-metal look and a Google search toolbar built in, that they stole from somewhere else... iChat sucks; a pale copy of AIM. The new Finder sucks; once again, they just added the brushed-metal look. iTunes sucks; Real's Harmony is much better and cheaper. Apple sucks.
Hey, I'm not the only guy bashing the new iMac, why pick on me?
aoi tsuki said:Somewhat off-topic, but does the indexing "feature" in XP actually work? i've searched the database for things i know i have on my computer, and i'm pretty sure were indexed, but it doesn't find them. If Jaguar was available for PCs, the search feature alone would be one of the biggest draws for me.
How do you make sure it's unchecked?capslock said:Indexing is a feature of NTFS, not of just the XP OS (which sucks compared to Win 2k btw), it's basically an indexing of the files of a harddrive for faster searching, it affects harddrive performance however, I always keep it unchecked....not that I would install NTFS in the first place unless I had to, because of the massive performance hit.
Right click on a drive and on the General tab, make sure "Index this drive..." is unchecked.demon said:How do you make sure it's unchecked?
Dice said:As I said earlier, I don't even own a Mac. But I have used them and I do appreciate their design and how they don't screw up like Windows constantly does and the way everything just works so nicely.
They're good for a major segment of Apple's market -- those who lean towards lifestyle computers that look good and perform well. i know of a few people who bought the "lamppost" iMac a while back and they're happy with them. They perform well for their needs, and when they need a more updated computer, they'll just sell the old one and buy another, or put the old on in the bedroom.maharg said:Ugh. Integrated computers that aren't portable are the absolute worst idea in the history of computing. Basically just a way to force you to buy new monitors every time you undertake a serious upgrade. Gouge gouge gouge.
I still have my Power Mac Cube G4 and it's 4 years old! Maybe it's time to change, but Panther really boost my computer's performance, thanks to my huge amount of RAM...aoi tsuki said:They're good for a major segment of Apple's market -- those who lean towards lifestyle computers that look good and perform well. i know of a few people who bought the "lamppost" iMac a while back and they're happy with them. They perform well for their needs, and when they need a more updated computer, they'll just sell the old one and buy another, or put the old on in the bedroom.
Shogmaster said:Hey, I never said Apple "sucks", but if you say so.![]()
Indexing is a feature of NTFS, not of just the XP OS (which sucks compared to Win 2k btw),
aoi tsuki said:They're good for a major segment of Apple's market -- those who lean towards lifestyle computers that look good and perform well. i know of a few people who bought the "lamppost" iMac a while back and they're happy with them. They perform well for their needs, and when they need a more updated computer, they'll just sell the old one and buy another, or put the old on in the bedroom.
SickBoy said:Actually, that's one of the good things about Apple machines -- they do seem to retain their value a fair bit better than a PC...
that's what i thought...DarienA said:How customizable is a unit like that?
gunstarhero said:Surprised they didn't go with the "titanium" look - not loving the white.