Particle Physicist
between a quark and a baryon
?? a friend of mine bought a PC like that 4-5 years ago. i think it was a dell, or HP or one of those bigname brands.
The Faceless Master said:that's what i thought...
shantyman said:What is with the obsession with upgradability? Do people really add more to a PC than RAM or a hard drive usually? For a real upgrade you need to add a new MOB and CPU anyway. What are you saving, the $100 on the case?
This is the most overrated reason to not buy an all in one machine. Don't like it? Buy a Powermac. iMac is a consumer/basic machine. Try to understand the 2 markets apple sells their computers to.
tedtropy said:Well, I can understand his concern in this, because with such a machine, your upgrade options are extremely limited and a siginificant chunk of the money put towards this purchase will be towards the integrated LCD. Now while that LCD will no doubt be very nice for years to come, it's doubtful one could say the same about the processor/hard drive/etc. When the machine becomes limiting, you'll also have to forfeit that nice display as it is essentially fused with the machine. While it's true that most big upgrades involve basically buying a new computer, I've kept the same displays through several computer change-outs, and that's really not an option here. Still, I love Apple's design and it's a great looking machine...
shantyman said:What is with the obsession with upgradability? Do people really add more to a PC than RAM or a hard drive usually? For a real upgrade you need to add a new MOB and CPU anyway. What are you saving, the $100 on the case?
This is the most overrated reason to not buy an all in one machine. Don't like it? Buy a Powermac. iMac is a consumer/basic machine. Try to understand the 2 markets apple sells their computers to.
HalfPastNoon said:why don't you shut the fuck up already, shogmaster? jesus christ. every other reply in this thread is from you bitching about apple. i don't give a shit if you don't like it, or OMG THEY DIDNT INNOVATE, other people would like to read this thread without your incessant fucking trolling.
it's every goddamn apple thread, too. and i'm not even an apple fan. jesus.
um what do you mean? Apple makes all white blutooth keyboards and mice. or did you mean included?FortNinety said:h
Oh, one more thing... I just wish Apple went with Bluetooth keyboard and mice.
Kaijima said:The upgradability fixation IMHO is the result of PCs as game platform and PCs as homebuilt kitbash exercises. "Hardcore" PC people preach a Do It Yourself ethic, and the PC Gamer crowd is sucked into the insane upgrade cycle to play unoptimized software at survivable framerates every six months. (Spending the same amount of money as an entire game console costs, every year, in some cases, twice a year.)
Kaijima said:The upgradability fixation IMHO is the result of PCs as game platform and PCs as homebuilt kitbash exercises. "Hardcore" PC people preach a Do It Yourself ethic, and the PC Gamer crowd is sucked into the insane upgrade cycle to play unoptimized software at survivable framerates every six months. (Spending the same amount of money as an entire game console costs, every year, in some cases, twice a year.) The thing is, there is some rational behind the snubbing of pre-built and Big Company PCs - because they have a bad habit of sucking hard. Mass-market PC makers are often shoddy, create machines with poor performance due to properitary motherboards and stuff that are not very good, etc.
This seems to have lead to Build It Yourself as a religion, and anything you can't take apart and put back together with all new parts in every bit of it is a piece of crap for "old grannies and children". It's kinda like Jock Geeking or something.
The thing is, people don't think this way over stuff like DVD recorders, home theatre recievers, and other expensive and complex pieces of consumer electronics. Apple falls into the category, in my view, of a company that makes products which are high end (high end means more than CLOCK SPEED kids) but not quite for the do-it-yourself super geek. And honestly, in terms of overall industrial engineering and design, they do a far better job than most prebuilt computer makers on the PC side. The same prejudice gets leveled against them however, regardless of the difference in quality and the segment of the market at which their products are aimed.
I don't consider much of Apple's pricing "outrageous" for what their products are - the arguement against their supposedly high prices seems to come from years in the past when they did have extremely high prices for the relative value of the hardware, and from people who want to be able to build a 4000ghz box for $300. If you build something yourself, good god, you're always going to be able to make it cheaper. Crucifying a company for their prebuilt equipment being more expensive than buying components directly and putting something together yourself is stupid.
FortNinety said:Oh, one more thing... I just wish Apple went with Bluetooth keyboard and mice. That and the stand should be all white. But as is, it's a pretty nice design; straight on, it looks just like an eMac, which despite my problems with the monitor, I really like design-wise.
<sarcasm>Why not? That's all it's good for!</sarcasm>Bacon said:
I think it looks pretty sweet. I want one just to mess around and browse the web with.
<sarcasm>Why not? That's all it's good for!</sarcasm>
?? a friend of mine bought a PC like that 4-5 years ago. i think it was a dell, or HP or one of those bigname brands.
Mustang said:[truth]troll[/truth]
Shogmaster said:BTW, this is close as a G5 Powerbook yer gonna get for a while. LOL
scola said:um what do you mean? Apple makes all white blutooth keyboards and mice. or did you mean included?
Shogmaster said:Debating? That's been over for while man. I won.And why bash on Macs so much? Because Mac fans make it so damn fun. I love my job.
BuddyChrist83 said:![]()
Really, I just wanted an excuse to use this.
Alas, I wish. My class is using the Mac lab for graphic design work, specifically with InDesign.FortNinety said:Nice... is that what you're using the Macs at school for to make?
shantyman said:Hey Shog, this is Bryan from Cincinnati, remember me?
Come one, you were one of the biggest Sega fanboys back in the day? Why hate Apple people for being passionate about what they like? 6 years ago I should have told you how PS2 would crush Dural and/or Katana and/or Dreamcast just to get a reaction out of you.
Phoenix said:BTW, how well are those tablet PC sales doing these days
Laurent said:What if that new iMac falls down of your desktop by accident? It's 18.5 pounds is suspended on such a fragile (and probably light) neck IMO...
Freestyler said:To those who are worried about the iMacs falling over, don't you think Apple would've realised that this could be a big problem and worked on it?
I'm sure they're not gonna put a system out there that falls over when you push a CD in too hard..
I am sure that Apple would never do that, but HOW did they stabilzed a 18.5 pounds system on such a thin stand? I can't wait to see it in person so I can check that possible flaw...Freestyler said:To those who are worried about the iMacs falling over, don't you think Apple would've realised that this could be a big problem and worked on it?
I'm sure they're not gonna put a system out there that falls over when you push a CD in too hard..
Laurent said:I am sure that Apple would never do that, but HOW did they stabilzed a 18.5 pounds system on such a thin stand?
Slurpy said:Apple's ideas usually aren't the very first, but they tend to be executed the best. Thus it pretty irrelevant how innovative they are.
Slurpy said:Apple's ideas usually aren't the very first, but they tend to be executed the best. Thus it pretty irrelevant how innovative they are.
Shogmaster said:The new iMac sacrifices everything practical
xsarien said:Like what? It has a burner, a hard drive, a 17"-20" LCD, and a system board expandable to 2GB of memory, all shoved into a box that's slightly less than 2" thick.
The iMac isn't the computer you buy for performance, it's the computer you buy your parents or grandparents or kids just so they can use Word, send e-mail, use their digital cameras, and their iPods.
thom said:I'm ordering a 17" iMac G5 with a Superdrive tomorrow. I have to thank Shogmaster for
helping me make this decision.
Shogmaster said:You know, except of the size of the LCD, you can get all that in a fucking laptop.............. which can run off of a battery......
Shit, at that point, why bother with a new computer at all?
I do enjoy watching folks waste their money.![]()