Hmmm....started out on AOL way back when, like most people.
Hung out in the Antagonist Online chatrooms and regularly engaged in their trivia games (those were awesome). I did all the usual AOL kid stuff, played with proggies and all that. They were actually pretty fun to mess with and I didn't use them for malice very often.
Eventually, I got booted from AOL for pissing off CATWatch (I was too young to know what it was at the time, to be honest, so I just told em to screw off repeatedly and got banned for it).
After that, moved to Earthlink. While on Earthlink I started getting my REAL taste of the internet. Didn't browse too many forums, really. Mostly just read websites and hung out in The Palace chat at I also started a website based around South Park (this is literally when the show first started) called South Park Secrets. It didn't last long, unfortunately. I gave all the usual information, but specialized in pointing out all the references/silly stuff in the background that people usually didn't notice a la all the Simpsons fansites out there. I got a fair amount of traffic, but one of the bigger sites pretty much ripped the idea from a few weeks in and it pretty much shut me out. Its not that they were doing a better job, but they had more resources to do it, compared to a singular teenage webmaster such as myself.
I can't remember too much else after that until I started getting into Cable/DSL internet access what with Napster and all the other junk that started appearing. A few months before the Dreamcast launch in America, I joined Blast City. I was there for a year or two until it pretty much imploded. Somewhere along the line I got introduced to GA and started posting here. After awhile I felt I wanted to try my hand at gaming journalism, did a few articles for GA which got a positive response, but I just didn't have the time/patience for it, I guess. :\