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Where to find PCI-E 6800 gt's

I finally ordered a new rig for college, and now I'm looking for a 6800 gt to go with it. Only problem is....it has to be PCI-E, as the computer appears to have no agp slots. So far i've been unable to track one down. I'd like to pay msrp (400), and not more.

For the time being, incase I can't track one down very soon, how are the ati x300 se. It's what comes standard in my comp (dell 8400). I'll be having a 3ghz processor with the 800mhz fsb, and a gig of ram.

How badly will the x300 choke the system. I'm not even really sure what an x300 is, how does it compare to say...a geforce 4 ti4200(which is the last card I had).

Anyway, thanks a ton in advance.

man i hate spending this much money.
ravingloon said:
The ATI X300SE.

I hope your parents bought this for you. If you spent your own money and still went to Dell...

The x300se was the only option i had with the computer. And I bought it myself, i dont think the 'rents would have let me go anywhere else, quite honestly. Where would have been a better place to go?

I got everything for about 1100 before i added other things i'd need for school.
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