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Which big developer and/or publisher that’s still around has had the biggest decline since their peak?


Reverse groomer.
They also have a Suikoden 1 and 2 remaster coming, and if they don't screw that up, it absolves them of any other sins.
This is an exact example of the sheer decline. The thing people look forward to from them most are remasters of 25+ y/o games. They could never come up with anything like suikoden today with their modern studios

By 99 they were a juggernaut who ruled the industry as much as Sega, Capcom, and Square did. By 09 they were just the metal gear guys. By 2019 they're one of the most reviled studios in gaming history.

Ubisoft, Microsoft, Sega, etc... none of them will ever surpass this fall off


Gold Member
I would say Blizzard, Bioware, and Square Enix are the three biggest examples of this. Blizzard is still a money printing machine because they know how to prey on weak willed gamers, but Bioware and Square feel like they should've closed the doors a long time ago, but are still hanging on for dear life.
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I am gonna say DICE.

Peak was BC2, BF3 and BF4. One of the best developers in the world.

Since then they been shit. I dont think they can recover.
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