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Which Mario Adventure/RPG game did the best job expanding on the Mario-verse?

Seriously, how can there be any answer but Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door? Rogueport showed a seedier side of the Mushroom World, a world of syndicated crime and murder. Glitzville gave us gambling and professional wrestling.

And, Birdo jokes aside, TTYD gave us the series' first transgender character. So I'd say it did a lot to expand the Mario-verse, probably more than any other game.


I only played Partners in Time and this must be one of the worst. I also started Super PM but only for a sitting, never bothered again.
I have special nolstagia for M&L SS as it was the first mario game to catch my attention as a kid. I remember seeing someone using luigi's lightning powers on a beach and it just expanded what I knew about mario. Mario seemed to have this 'feeling' where I knew Id miss out if I didnt get into the franchise. Got a GBA SP with SS and emerald. So M&L is the game from an outsider perspective that gave me the feeling of 'theres more to this'.
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