What is T_D? Tits and Dicks?Liked era at first, gaf reads like t_d at times, neither fully satisfy
Check out the Community version of this thread!A lot of times I can guess whether a thread will take off or not. I definitely didn't predict this would get 16+ pages.
gaf reads like t_d at times
Another hot take from a Neo member.
"I don't always sign up for sleeper acounts on a forum. But when I do I go straight to the Politics section and see that people are not banned for talking about Trump"
What is T_D? Tits and Dicks?![]()
I know. Just making fun of itI think he means The_Donald
well i havent been banned for simply breathing oxygen so theres that!
Neogaf by a mile! Altough I think politicly wise I would fit ERA more but that place is toxic as fuck. Here its much milder and lighter. I like the friendlyness here
Doesn’t that give you cause to rethink your politics even a tiny bit?
I’m going to need a little more time to think about this.
Doesn’t that give you cause to rethink your politics even a tiny bit?
To interject myself, for me, as a pretty far left person, no. The problem isn’t the politics, it’s that the extremists on both sides are worthless garbage. The problem over there is that the extremists are admins and mods and enforce group think and let the lunatics run the asylum.
On average, at least on the gaming side, posters over there are a bit less annoying to me as there’s more discussing of games (especially games outside the latest AAA releases), less console warring nonsense, the political/social issue stuff mostly confined to dedicated threads etc. The problem was those average posters were dropping like flies for “downplaying“ whatever extreme view in some bait thread. Etcetera was always a cesspool skewed heavily toward “SJW” nonsense.
Here there are far more average posters with views I can’t stand as someone who has zero conservative or even right leaning worldviews or policy positions, but I’d still rather be on a site that doesn’t have moderator enforced group think. I can easily chose what topics and which posters to engage with myself to have an enjoyable time.
And I come to game forums to read news and have fun discussing my main hobby. Not to get into debates and arguments about politics and social issue stuff I play games to escape from that nonsense. Having mods and admins make Era increasingly about that led to my exit and requesting my account be deleted.
I just wish there was a traditional forum equivalent to GAF pre GamerGate when it was all about games and rarely any political BS. This place is solid, especially compared to Era, but a bit lacking on people discussing games they are playing and heavy in console war stuff. Though maybe I missed thst since I only lurked back then die to not wanting to use my work or school emails. In any case, the site has improved a lot since my earlier stint as HanBrolo before the mods got serious about console warring. Hopefully it will keep improving.
I just stick to Off topic and Gaming.I mean as a left leaning user on Gaf its rocky and irritating but the nsfw threads are my shit.
Don’t equalise. When you play the both sides card, all you’re doing is giving the Ree types a free pass. One side is demonstrably worse than the other at the moment. Only one side is trying to undermine and subvert culture. Only one side is twisting academia and the media to push their pseudo-religious worldview into the mainstream. Hold them to account without lazily deferring to “both sides”, otherwise you’re partially responsible for creating the beast, or at the very least sustaining it.
Imagine demanding that your video game forum have the same political viewpoints as you.Another hot take from a Neo member.
"I don't always sign up for sleeper acounts on a forum. But when I do I go straight to the Politics section and see that people are not banned for talking about Trump"
Anyone that argue GAF is conservative or pro-conservative is not paying attention at all.
GAF is about freedom of expression, it is about liberty to have your point of view without banning you for that. I am not conservative, nor left wing. I'm a libertarian and I think Gaf is really cool nowadays because you can find people of the left and right and both are against censorship and against suppression of viewpoints. This is what this community is all about. The main theme is gaming, but you can pretty much discuss any subject here without being banned for it. Those who say it is an echo chamber are dead wrong.
A conservative site would never have T&A threads. Or have you forgotten conservative people are just as morally oppressive as SJWs. In the end, conservatives and SJWs are much more alike than Gaf is.
In fact, a good chunk of Gaf is left wing or social democrat.
I have failed to see that in my time as a lurker and now as a user.In fact, a good chunk of Gaf is left wing or social democrat.
I have failed to see that in my time as a lurker and now as a user.
I have failed to see that in my time as a lurker and now as a user.
I can see it somewhat on the gaming side. There’s a fair amount of push back against some of the “anti-SJW” or whatever stuff for TLOU2 and some other topics.
As I said above, I think it’s just a lot of us folks on the left don’t care to engage as we fled Era and other places as we were tired of the political BS—even in sites where we agreed with most of the dominant views outside of the extremes and just hated the hive mind moderation and how the extremists dominated discourse.
I've said it before, I have no problem with left-leaning people.Staunch Dem/Left-leaning person here. Fuck SJWs and their overly sensitive regressive attitudes and actions.
Just wanted to say that I have mad respect for people like you, you’re the reason Neogaf is so much more approachable and fun than Resetera.Meh, I don't like to get into politics online. So I'll try to brief and relatively non-controversial in responding here.
If you mean "both sides" in terms of Era vs. Gaf or the online/forum nerd left v.s the online/forum nerd right I'd agree. The progressive left online, or whatever you want to call them, has been far more harmful to online discourse etc. than the right. The worst of the online right is still marginalized on hate group sites, so the far left group is what has had me quitting forums in recent years. That said, I don't think they have a big influence on culture or media (games "journalism" aside). For every thing like Ellie/TLOU2 that gets many on the right up in arms, there's a big budget game like FF7R with Tifa and her ridiculous (but hot as hell!) tits or Ivy in Soul Calibur 6 etc. Bullshit talks and money walks and developers are going to put out the products the masses want.
Point being, end of the day the forum crowd has little to no sway on things that matter in the real word. No one spending any significant amount of time talking to strangers online, myself included 100%, is making any real impact in the real world. People that matter on wasting time on shit like hobbyist forums--hell, most people in power have little time for hobbies in general. If I wanted to have more impact in my career, on the world, or whatever I'd quit gaming and quit forums as there aren't enough hours in the day for work, life, hobbies and trying to make a difference.
However, in terms of "both sides" when referring to those with actual power, I feel the right with people like Trump and his allies and equivalents in other countries that have taken far right turns are far worse and doing far more harm than the left in the real world today. You and others will probably disagree as your views may align more with those people/parties. And that's fine. I stopped arguing politics online ages ago as no one changes their mind based on what other random strangers are saying on outlets like game forums. Nor should they as it's not like there's a bunch of brilliant political minds on things like game forums (again, including myself in that group of people who should shut the fuck up about politics as it's not my area of expertise).
Moogle11 merged your old account into this one and bumped you up to Member.
Thanks man! Hope it wasn’t a hassle as I think I was only a few days away from member on this one.
Sorry for bailing early on the HanBrolo account due to the fanboy nonsense on the gaming side. Should have stuck it out at you and the more are doing a great job here.
T_D doesn't exist anymore. It got nuked a couple of months back, it's substitute, The_Donald.win is terrible.Liked era at first, gaf reads like t_d at times, neither fully satisfy
T_D doesn't exist anymore. It got nuked a couple of months back, it's substitute, The_Donald.win is terrible.
I dunno, but the amount of xenophobia, racism and just general bad mannerism is staggering on .win. I just can't stand it. I used to go to T_D all the time and it was, for the most part, a very relaxed environment with funny memes and insightful commentary. There were plenty of idiots there too for sure, but were drowned out by the other, more rational, folk.Why
I would’ve assumed it was the exact same people
Same, but the Clown World and politics section here makes up for it a bit.I miss td so damn much
I think the activity complaints were valid like 18 months ago but GAF has been growing loads lately this is the first page of both just a few mins ago (from gaming). Today's truth will be tomorrow's lie.
Why do people prefer the dark version of a message board? It's so depressing
Easier on the eyes.
Why do people prefer the dark version of a message board? It's so depressing
I miss td so damn much
It's generally easier for my eyes, but i've been changing it up on both sites.Why do people prefer the dark version of a message board? It's so depressing