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Which is worse: Food or Drug Addiction?

Which is worse?

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Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
Food addiction/dependence/coping sucks complete ass.

At least I have to go put in effort to buy drugs...it takes a while to find them (well anything worse than weed) but the shit that's in any packaged/fast food you can get here in the States is abysmal.
I have fought weight issues my entire life, I have had diabetes type 2, 3 different times, and while it is reversable, it's hard work (currently down to a 5.7 a1c from an 11.8 in January).

Over my life time I have lost around 600 lbs in total, for me it is extremely hard to manage my weight over the long term because it is so easy to relapse with food. I cannot speak to the drug side of things, but from what folks have told me, the drugs feels way better than 3 double doubles and two large deep dish pizzas.
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Food addiction/dependence/coping sucks complete ass.

At least I have to go put in effort to buy drugs...it takes a while to find them (well anything worse than weed) but the shit that's in any packaged/fast food you can get here in the States is abysmal.
I have fought weight issues my entire life, I have had diabetes type 2, 3 different times, and while it is reversable, it's hard work (currently down to a 5.7 a1c from an 11.8 in January).

Over my life time I have lost around 600 lbs in total, for me it is extremely hard to manage my weight over the long term because it is so easy to relapse with food. I cannot speak to the drug side of things, but from what folks have told me, the drugs feels way better than 3 double doubles and two large deep dish pizzas.
Do you exercise? Your calorie requirements go up significantly when you are in good shape and you can eat more without gaining weight. I've gained 80 pounds in total weight (40 pounds twice) in the last several years. The first time was from getting sick for 8 months and being bedridden, so that was beyond my control, and the second time was depression and eating my feelings for comfort. When food turns into a vice, it becomes very difficult to control. But exercise is a great way to help maintain a healthy mindset and lifestyle, and the added bonus of being able to eat more food while not gaining weight is immense. When I was in my best shape, my maintenance calories (the calories you can eat without gaining weight) was around 4,500 calories a day. I could eat anything and be fine. I'm very out of shape right now, but I'm definitely getting back in shape again. I love food. But I'm not going to become overweight ever again. I'm not getting any younger and this is detrimental to my existence.
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Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
Do you exercise? Your calorie requirements go up significantly when you are in good shape and you can eat more without gaining weight. I've gained 80 pounds in total weight (40 pounds twice) in the last several years. The first time was from getting sick for 8 months and being bedridden, so that was beyond my control, and the second time was depression and eating my feelings for comfort. When food turns into a vice, it becomes very difficult to control. But exercise is a great way to help maintain a healthy mindset and lifestyle, and the added bonus of being able to eat more food while not gaining weight is immense. When I was in my best shape, my maintenance calories (the calories you can eat without gaining weight) was around 4,500 calories a day. I could eat anything and be fine. I'm very out of shape right now, but I'm definitely getting back in shape again. I love food. But I'm not going to become overweight ever again. I'm not getting any younger and this is detrimental to my existence.
I am no GymWolf GymWolf by an stretch of the imagination. Finally got back up to "15k steps a day" will work a weight routine back in shortly, just waiting to get a few more pounds off so my knees don't collapse in on them selves like a drying star....
I am no GymWolf GymWolf by an stretch of the imagination. Finally got back up to "15k steps a day" will work a weight routine back in shortly, just waiting to get a few more pounds off so my knees don't collapse in on them selves like a drying star....
I'm waiting to lose a few more pounds as well before I start jogging and hitting the weights again. I'm down 13 pounds, but I probably have another 27 to lose. It's definitely easier on the joints when you weigh less, lol. As for lifting weights, slowly work your way into it. There's no reason to go balls to the wall. It takes about a month for your muscles, bones, soft tissues, nervous system, and other biological processes to adapt to the new change happening with your body anyway. It's good that you're walking. That alone done every day helps immensely compared to being inactive. Sitting all day actually lowers our lifespan.


I am no GymWolf GymWolf by a stretch of the imagination. Finally got back up to "15k steps a day" will work a weight routine back in shortly, just waiting to get a few more pounds off so my knees don't collapse in on them selves like a drying star....
Good for you mate! You should be proud of yourself! You keep it up.

I should do the same. Need to get more active
There is no “worse” addiction, all addiction sucks period.
This on so many levels.
I had a lot of addictions because I came into contact with those things very early on in my life.
Smoking, cannabis, cocaine, booze and most recently gambling which fucked me the hardest.
Every person is different and like with so many things it's all subjective.
Things that might be easy to quit for one person might be hell for another.


Gold Member
lmao ofc drug addiction, how is that even a question
Depend on the drug, weed never killed anyone and you don't even need to smoke and fuck up your lungs to consume ganja, you can eat or vaporize, while trash food or just eating a lot of food kills thousands (millions) of people every year.

So yeah i take my ganja addiction over being a 600 libbre dude every day of the week.

I'm not even sure if cocaine and eroine addiction kill more people than obesity worldwide tbh...
Drug addiction as you can't go cold turkey in a single day. I've been there, done that and beaten it.

It's not easy. Even harder than quitting nicotine.

For example, you'd wake up in the morning and crave your fix. If you don't get it, you are fucked. Absolutely fucked in the ass. You will learn the true meaning of anxiety when you're not on your meds. The world closing in on you. You are trapped in a glass isosceles triangle made out of a fucking magnifying glass and everything in your surrounding is on full blast, blasting your ass with anxiety beams. Fuck me sideways.

On the contrary, you don't wake up in the morning and crave a hamburger. And you don't crave a hamburger every hour. Who does? Motherfucker.

It's a different league.
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Fair enough.

I tend to separate "drugs" with "medicine".

“Medicine” is a big part of the problem. Big Pharm and the doctors that prescribed them like candy caused a massive opioid epidemic that will have generational ramifications.
Hell, that is just the opiates.


Neo Member
I've had both and food is worse because you have to eat.

Alcohol is not required for life. Abstinence is a solution that works (alongside other support of course).

But, food is required so abstinence isn't an option. You have to learn moderation. You have to build new behaviors. You can't simply stop eating.
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