I just watched Ghostbusters last night so I'm voting Hemmsworth.... mmm hemmsworth...
If something hasn't happened yet it doesn't make it not an issue, especially given past history. If you want to wait and see, that's your prerogative, but others seemingly arent interested giving hollywood the benefit of the doubt.I'd rather we give a shit about actual issues and actual facts (like say, TV representation, or the Oscars being about positive representation and making jokes about Asians) rather than get all up in arms about something that doesn't exist, and then try to claim it's about the "overriding principle in other films" when we realize we got snookered. This is like complaining to Straight Outta Compton about how other films screw up black representation.
The defensiveness are folks realizing they got snookered. Also, the nationalism and bordering on entitled appropriation the author has about how an Asian-American actor should be used to play a Chinese role in a Chinese myth instead of a Chinese actor is pretty tribal at best. I'm pretty sure the actual goal of the leaker is to get an Asian American cast based on the timing of the leak. As pointed out, others brought this up a while ago minus the casting angle. Now someone tries to go mainstream right as they start casting and then drops the pandering to China accusation? Come on.
Also, enjoying the implication I'm racist from one Asian American to another Asian American.
If something hasn't happened yet it doesn't make it not an issue, especially given past history. If you want to wait and see, that's your prerogative, but others seemingly arent interested giving hollywood the benefit of the doubt.
Even if that was the goal, so what? They went with an Indian American kid for The Jungle Book, why not cast from the U.S.? How is this a bigger deal to you in the blogpost instead of the shitty spec script that you hope won't have any of its shitty parts added to the final script.
I wasn't trying to imply you were racist. You were posting a lot of "But Disney did this, but marvel did that" shit that made you sound like a fanboy.
Actor and stuntman Lewis Tan hoped Marvel would agree with this sentiment, and auditioned for the starring role in Iron Fist. Though Marvel was reportedly considering Asian actors for the role, they ended up picking Finn Jones (Game of Thrones) as their star. Tan landed a major role as the villainous Zhou Cheng, whose job in the comics is to kill every master who holds the power of the Iron Fist.
I am deeply disturbed that a remake of the beloved Disney classic rejects the cultural consciousness of its predecessor by featuring a white male lead, once again perpetuating the myth that cultural stories are not worth telling without a western lens or star. Instead of seizing the opportunity to highlight a tenacious, complex female warrior, this remake diminishes her agency. But what I find equally troubling is the fact that Disney plans to cast a 16-17 year old established Chinese actress as Mulan, and will not be casting an Asian American.
Let's set aside the clear pedophilic implications that arise when you cast a teenage girl alongside a 30-something romantic interest. That one is self-explanatory. I want to address the missed opportunity of tapping into the Asian-American actor populace who grew up watching the animated Mulan, eyes glittering to see themselves finally featured on-screen. The fact that Mulan resonated so strongly with American audiences with its all-Asian character lineup and Asian American voice actors is a testament to what this live-action film could accomplish if it would simply trust the successful 1998 form. Even though this spec script references the original "Ballad of Mulan," its cultural landscape becomes a mere backdrop to its tired Blockbuster-style romantic and fantastical storyline -- as such, Mulan's resonance as an Asian-American retelling is lost.
Let's be real. Casting a Chinese actress as Mulan is a ploy to appeal to a Chinese market, which honestly will not be as enthusiastic as our American audience to see our retelling of a tale they know best. The animated film made $120 million in the U.S. and Canada combined, and completely flopped in Chinese markets because her character was so different from what the Chinese recognized. If this live-action film tries to cater to both the Chinese and American markets without understanding the cultural implications of its creative choices, this film will fall short of both. If the film splits focus from Mulan to a white male lead and is more interested in targeting a Chinese market with its casting, it will estrange its immensely devoted American audience.
There's no better Asian actor in existence than Ken Watanabe for portraying ancient generals and businessman.
On one hand, I can understand this, and since the debate here entirely about the casting in an American production in America, that perspective is accurate and I should be supportive of it.
On the other hand, as an Asian in Asia, I strongly believe that cultural representation is very important, especially since the main industries here can easily support it. So the idea of casting a famous Japanese actor to play a historical Korean person in an Asian film for example, would be a foolish choice. So it's hard not to be stubborn about it from this perspective.
Mulan is about Mulan, not her and some random white guy.
Btw, watched fresh off the boat and it made me think of this thread because....
Randall Park who is Korean plays a Taiwanese dad, Charlie Lee who is Korean plays his Taiwanese brother in law, and Ken Jeong who is Korean plays his Taiwanese brother.
why not both:
Serious nostalgia
That effect is actually quite good.
I pretty certain it's going to happen more often in America.
Hollywood really hates minorities....My God
And Mulan is an American production just like Fresh off the Boat.
aint nobody mad at FotB and that's technically based on a real person/story
Thank you. It seemed like so many people were ignoring/accepting the issue with the script existing at all.Does a spec script get a pass for writing in a white savior male to an asian legend just for being a spec script? This has been glossed over ad nauseum with 'it's being changed, stop bitching' and not actually addressing the point.
The answer is no, it doesn't get a pass just because it's a spec script. It's shit tier writing and a horrible starting point. It raises questions about what this adaptation will be like. Aside from Vulture trying to reassure people that Mulan is still the star, do we have any way to know she is? The spec script says otherwise from the get go. Disney could have any number of reasons for having bought this so I'm not going to question their purchasing motive, however I will scrutinize their decision to use this of all possible scripts as the base for their live action movie, as it now brings the possibility their changes won't entirely erase the problematic premise.
EDIT: no, saying 'just have faith in Disney' does not do anything to alleviate that, and you are an idiot for suggesting so if you do.
Agreed, but I think Disney is going to play it safe and only use Chinese actors.
I think a large chunk of the cast will be Chinese actors, but the leads will be Asian Americans. They aren't going to want the leads with broken accents and such.
I think a large chunk of the cast will be Chinese actors, but the leads will be Asian Americans. They aren't going to want the leads with broken accents and such.
Aladdin gonna be whitewashed too.
I hope you're right, but i'm very doubtful; plus it's going to look and sound off having two leads speaking American accented English and everybody else speaking Chinese accented English.
See: Spec Script, and B) they brought in people to rewrite it completely. Alternatively, see last quoted post.
Why can't they just look for a good asian actor? Why does it need to be a white person specificly. i'm one myself but i'm getting sick of forcing specific races in movies games etc just to cater to something.
Do they think the movie wil fail if there is no white actor or something?
They've already confirmed they're looking for an Asian love interest so the title of this topic is no longer relevant. It was a part of the spec script that Disney apparently are not going to keep for the final product.
Does a spec script get a pass for writing in a white savior male to an asian legend just for being a spec script? This has been glossed over ad nauseum with 'it's being changed, stop bitching' and not actually addressing the point.
The answer is no, it doesn't get a pass just because it's a spec script. It's shit tier writing and a horrible starting point. It raises questions about what this adaptation will be like. Aside from Vulture trying to reassure people that Mulan is still the star, do we have any way to know she is? The spec script says otherwise from the get go. Disney could have any number of reasons for having bought this so I'm not going to question their purchasing motive, however I will scrutinize their decision to use this of all possible scripts as the base for their live action movie, as it now brings the possibility their changes won't entirely erase the problematic premise.
EDIT: no, saying 'just have faith in Disney' does not do anything to alleviate that, and you are an idiot for suggesting so if you do.
I don't think anyone's saying the spec script deserves a pass, but a) what two people who don't work for Disney wrote shouldn't reflect badly on Disney and b) you're describing something you haven't read as "shit tier writing". That's a remarkable degree of confidence.
The premise is shit tier, so from the get go it's screwed. I see it being glossed over, as I said in the first line of my post, so I put it out there. No one is addressing that this POS not only exists but is being used as the starting point for the script rewrite, so I decided to. The authors don't represent Disney, but Disney using this as a base point does reflect on Disney, and I will say it.
The premise is shit tier, so from the get go it's screwed. I see it being glossed over, as I said in the first line of my post, so I put it out there. No one is addressing that this POS not only exists but is being used as the starting point for the script rewrite, so I decided to. The authors don't represent Disney, but Disney using this as a base point does reflect on Disney, and I will say it.
You're going on about nothing at all. Buy be my guest, hate this movie all you want until the day finally comes some years from now when you'll know for sure whether or not that was a waste of time.
You don't actually know that though, do you? Unless I've missed something, which is possible.
The Disney team saw the spec, by Lauren Hynek and Elizabeth Martin, as a jumping-off point for a more nuanced and elaborate adaptation, combining the legendary Chinese ballad and the 1998 animated film.
The premise for Jurassic Park 4 was for a very long time pretty shit tier as well. It had dino-human hybrids in it. Guess what, Jurassic World had no humanoid dinosaurs.
Disney already said the cast will be asian, an earlier poster already said a script can be bought for just a few lines of dialogue.
You're going on about nothing at all. Buy be my guest, hate this movie all you want until the day finally comes some years from now when you'll know for sure whether or not that was a waste of time.
That it is being used as the base for the movie? Has it not been confirmed in this thread? EDIT:
People are upset that yet another mighty whitey script was written. People are upset that a script replaced a heroine with a hero. If those grievances are never aired, then the script writers will never know that they wrote something that people would question.
Is that really a waste of time?
If they were never planning on using that aspect of the script, then yes it was. Disney can't stop people from writing spec scripts. And Disney can't control whether or not said spec scripts are any good.
You have no reason to think it's being used as "the base for the movie." In fact, it's certainly not, as the base for the movie is the actual tale of Mulan, and the animated film.The common theme among comments like yours is using 'nothing', despite there clearly being something to scrutinize, the spec script itself and its use by Disney. There's no wrong in stating that it, as it exists, is a piece of shit and that its premise is terrible.
You make a convenient strawman argument by presuming I automatically hate the movie from this thread, which I have never made mention of. This info has become public, I can say what I think regarding it as the base for this movie. I've said what questions it brings up. Your post strikes me as a glorified example of 'they're changing it, stop bitching'.
That it is being used as the base for the movie? Has it not been confirmed in this thread? EDIT:
The common theme among comments like yours is using 'nothing', despite there clearly being something to scrutinize, the spec script itself and its use by Disney. There's no wrong in stating that it, as it exists, is a piece of shit and that its premise is terrible.
You make a convenient strawman argument by presuming I automatically hate the movie from this thread, which I have never made mention of. This info has become public, I can say what I think regarding it as the base for this movie. I've said what questions it brings up. Your post strikes me as a glorified example of 'they're changing it, stop bitching'.
Make a (white) man out of you
There's no harm in voicing dissent upon a shit premise regardless of your faith in a company's writers. Especially as a declaration that this kind of writing shouldn't be considered at all.The legendary Chinese tale doesn't feature a white dude. The 1998 movie doesn't feature a white dude. So if they say they're going for a mix of those two things, I think it's a fairly reasonable assumption to make that they're not planning on featuring a white dude, even if there was one in the original spec script. And shit premises can still lead to good, or even great, writing.
Base as in the starting point for which the script proper will be written and re-written.You have no reason to think it's being used as "the base for the movie." In fact, it's certainly not, as the base for the movie is the actual tale of Mulan, and the animated film.
Disregarding the numerous other posts saying why it's problematic, I can spell out for you the particular problems with this spec script if you think it will help you understand anything.Tell me how you feel about it then. You keep calling it a piece of shit without even having read it or knowing why it was bought, so call it a strawman if you will, but assuming you hate it isn't really that much of a leap.
Does a spec script get a pass for writing in a white savior male to an asian legend just for being a spec script?
Once again, you don't really know that.Base as in the starting point for which the script proper will be written and re-written.
There's no harm in voicing dissent upon a shit premise regardless of your faith in a company's writers. Especially as a declaration that this kind of writing shouldn't be considered at all.
Wouldn't the "base" for this film be their own 90's version?