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Who else has disobeyed the law "saving game, please do not turn off console"?

J2 Cool

Today I did just that. Was training before my 21st bout. Got 10 points only for power and speed on the heavy bag and the brilliant idea of making sure to get 15 points crossed my mind. Quickly tapped the power button as I realize it was saving that moment. Realized what I'd done the second the screen went black. Hoped for a miracle and turned it on. Went to the load screen. Couldnt load...

20-0, 20 ko record gone. The awards and such. Could have been worse though. Wasnt an rpg. Im sure someone's had to have been owned worse than this though. Share your stories and make me feel better ;)


Not intentionally of course, but yeh, it has happened a few times. Usually on the games that take a long arse time to save.


Tag of Excellence
Soooo do you guys just stare at the screen and think to yourselves how you want to disobey that little warning? Staring at that "DO NOT" phrase, saying to yourself how the man is keeping you down?

Kidding, I'm sure it's happened to the best of us out of pure neglectance or maybe even a power outage.


TekunoRobby said:
Kidding, I'm sure it's happened to the best of us out of pure neglectance or maybe even a power outage.

That happened to me once, I just beat a very hard boss in Saga Frontier, finally after my fourth try I had him. Right at the moment after the fight I want to safe, the power goes out... :( I hadn't lost my data luckily, so that boss was mince meat fifteen minutes later, HA!
Not I. Although, I do remember back in the day when it told you to "hold reset" while powering down. I don't think I ever took that precaution.


So I just arrived at my friends house with my modded PS2 and Korean GGXX #Reload copy and wanted to play, bad, when I hit the reset button just as he was starting to save in VF4:Evo, wich he loves. Hehehe. :p
Never done that, but a few times i pressed the pwr button in on the cube while saving and caught myself and continued to hold it down waiting for it to save.


Had just gotten vice city and had played for 12 straight hours and in a frenzied rush to leave shut off and lost it all
Oooh Oooh I have one... I'm sure most of you know, when it comes to saving with your Dreamcast or GameCube, the memory cards only read in the *first* slot, any other memory cards need to be loaded seperately. It's because Sega and Nintendo hate you.

But I digress. So, I had my amazing game of Soul Calibur on Dreamcast, but I had two DC memory cards. The *other* one was in the first position, so I decided to load my amazing data from the second card, because I was too lazy to swap them. I chose the data and loaded, not bothering to read the screens that followed.... see, because, I did not *load* the data from one memory card... I *saved* it. Saved OVER it, to be exact. So I lost all my amazing data and had to re-beat everything.

For this reason, I have a save copy of SSB Melee on every single GC memory card I own ;-)


Never happened to me personally. But once at a friend's house, he was finishing off a battle of FFT after spending like an hour on it (and many MANY hours long before that on the rest of the game), he was saving so we could leave. Another friend was like "Ok yay! Let's go!" and powered his PSX off as it was saving. I was speechless and horrified but I think the friend playing almost threw his controller at the dumbass. :)


Not that I turned it off while saving, (I'd never break that code, heathens) but I saved once in GTA3 and it caused some error and wiped out all my data. That was the second time that very memory card had it's memory wiped. :/
Back in the PlayStation days, my brother spent countless hours MAX LEVELING every character in FFVII. It must of been near 100 or more hours of *tedious*gameplay he played through and saved.

One day he brings the game to my cousin's house (around the same age). Well, while playing the game and saving; my cousin saw the warning: Please do not remove memory card... So he decided to find out what happens when you do just that. He removed the memory card whilst saving and in doing so managed to corrupt the entire damn thing. After that, when loaded into the PS it showed that the card was EMPTY... but could not be used because it thought it was FULL. It other words the card was Corrupted...FUBAR'D.

My cousin bought my brother a new card...but he could not replace the save files that he had inadvertantly destroyed. My brother held a grudge against my cousin for a long time after that.
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