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Who Has A Job That Forces You To Have A Meeting During Lunch?

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I work for a company that once a month or every two months to stay in for our lunch hour and sit in a department meeting...

Yeah I know it is only once a month or every other month... but this fucking sucks...

I am on phone support for 8 hours a day and love to get out for fresh air and my own personal lunch...

They buy food, which is all good, but I would rather get my own lunch elsewhere!

I hate being forced to use my lunch for work bullshit... it is wrong... IMO! AHHHHH!

Fuck this place... half the meeting are fucking idiots asking questions that were answered already 2-3 times...

"So we login to the network how?" "So we should enter notes how?" "I am an idiot because?"


What is fresh air? I couldn't tell you the last time I went outside for lunch. I just eat at my desk and work through...

I'm asking for a nice raise today. I'm so pissed off...for so many reasons.


But are you forced to waste your own lunchtime in it?

You basically don't get a lunch when they do it... you are still working during your lunchtime...


It's called a brown bad meeting, and yes we have them occasionally. I don't particularily care because I'm salary. I can take a 2 hour lunch every day if I want to so long as I get my work done. The flip side is that sometimes means I work 60-70 hours a week with no overtime.


I had a lunch meeting last week. I had to take minutes (= hell) so I didnt even get to eat, and the afternoon I was busy so I couldn't run out and get anything. I nabbed a few cookies though, they were pretty good. I didn't regret not getting any of the sandwiches catering had brought in, but I hate taking minutes while half the ppl are chewing and talking or making vague noises while they swallow to indicate approval to the subject.

Still better than the "Lunch and Learn!" bullshit they tried to pull over on us at a previous office. They dressed it up like it was a special educational gathering so everyone brought their own lunch and then after 20 minutes they tried to turn it into a regular staff meeting "while we're all here". It worked and most of us ended up trapped for a half hour but the next "Lunch and Learn" was pretty sparsely attented as a result. ;P Making ppl bring their own lunch to a lunch hour meeting is just wrong.
Tazznum1 said:
What is fresh air? I couldn't tell you the last time I went outside for lunch. I just eat at my desk and work through...

I'm asking for a nice raise today. I'm so pissed off...for so many reasons.


Hope you enjoy your job search.


keep your strippers out of my American football
You are bitchin about 12 lunch meetings out of the year? Lunch meetings that are catered? Man, at HP I never even got to take lunch, it was the routine of going down to the cafeteria downstairs, getting something and working while trying to eat what I could. The meetings we had at work that happened to fall under lunchtime were mandatory and they were not catered. I can see things to complain about at a job, but that is definitely not one of them.


I am to the point where I am going to snap at him...


I have been trying to ask for over a week now. Every damn time he is on the phone, then directly in a meeting, then out to court. IT'S A CONSPIRACY! Another reason I'm going to snap.

Then I get hit with a 80+ pages to type from handwritten notes. I'm not kidding. Then I get faxes and emails from his nephew to do his personal work (nursing home legal crap that is completely separate from the work that I was hired for and get no extra $$ for doing it). And my boss intercepts it and asks me what case is this for. So I told him it is not our case...it was his nephew's case independant from here. He tells me "I dont mind you doing it, but tell him your backed up." etc.

WTF????? LIKE I WANT TO DO IT??? Then he emails me back asking if it was done. I wrote him a firm note....

"This is impossible to do, I am working on 80+ pages/memo of law among many other things. Maybe Friday."

I'm not doing it Friday either.

Now I am wondering if my boss thinks I'm getting paid from his nephew on the side, because the other secretary did.

F*ck you and the horse you road in on.

I'm going to snap...I know it.


Yes I have them from time to time and its not a big deal for me because we don't have them often enough for it to matter. If its bothering you that much, you might want to talk to a manager about it.


bishoptl said:
Tazz has been bitching about her job for years. Put up or shut up, I say!

I know. I will ask for a raise. If I do not get it, I will do $hitty work and get fired. Then I will work off the books and collect unemployment and get more money for less work and no traveling.

I just have to cool down a bit before I go in there. Oh did I mention, he is in a meeting again. WTF? ARRGG :(

At least the bonus was nice for Christmas.
BojTrek said:
I work for a company that once a month or every two months to stay in for our lunch hour and sit in a department meeting...

Yeah I know it is only once a month or every other month... but this fucking sucks...

I am on phone support for 8 hours a day and love to get out for fresh air and my own personal lunch...

They buy food, which is all good, but I would rather get my own lunch elsewhere!

I hate being forced to use my lunch for work bullshit... it is wrong... IMO! AHHHHH!

Fuck this place... half the meeting are fucking idiots asking questions that were answered already 2-3 times...

"So we login to the network how?" "So we should enter notes how?" "I am an idiot because?"

I emphatize with you. I know EXACTLY what you're going through. The meetings are redundant, and filled with people asking the same fuckin questions over and over. And it is wrong for them to take your lunch, 8 hours of phone support is pure hell. My advice, start looking for a new job NOW, the clones will eventually sense your true feelings, and fire you for no reason.


Banstick Emeritus
Tazznum1 said:
At least the bonus was nice for Christmas.

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