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who's life sux thread ???

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I think we all need a thread to vent about our lives and how it can suck. My life lately has sucked ever since my dad lost his job that he had for 22 years at at&t last year my house has been a war zone. he cant get a job and life has sucked, my mom is always on his ass and is completely stressed dealing with it. On top of all of this my ex girl friend borke up with me for an internet relationship. Soo how has your life sucked?


I'm still in school...and I haven't made a definte career path!

It's even more difficult when your parents keep asking what are you going to do.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
My life has been sucking for 9 years straight now...too much shit to list.


Fifty said:
You can't really complain about your life if you can't spell "sucks" correctly.

will this board get over spelling all that really matters is that u understand what is being said. god im soo tired of people using grammer to invalidate someones point.


The projet I've been working for two weeks is finally somewhat in beta stage and will be shown tomorrow to the president of the multi hundreds of millions $$ energy company where i work for since its a big part of their plans to counter their competitor.

I am scared shitless

But then again, everything is perfect, I got tons of praises from random people who saw screenshots of the program or a small demo, and they are all crazy about it

this is pretty much the biggest thing that ever happened to me, career-wize.
arter_2 said:
I think we all need a thread to vent about our lives and how it can suck. My life lately has sucked ever since my dad lost his job that he had for 22 years at at&t last year my house has been a war zone. he cant get a job and life has sucked, my mom is always on his ass and is completely stressed dealing with it. On top of all of this my ex girl friend borke up with me for an internet relationship. Soo how has your life sucked?

sorry to hear that buddy. are ya tryna help your fam out? do you have a job or whatever?


JeffDowns said:
sorry to hear that buddy. are ya tryna help your fam out? do you have a job or whatever?

i had a job working at best buy this entire year but i gave it up to work for a summer camp for the summer teaching kids how to draw. My familly is just getting worse i sense divorce in the futre too.


shuri said:
The projet I've been working for two weeks is finally somewhat in beta stage and will be shown tomorrow to the president of the multi hundreds of millions $$ energy company where i work for since its a big part of their plans to counter their competitor.

I am scared shitless

But then again, everything is perfect, I got tons of praises from random people who saw screenshots of the program or a small demo, and they are all crazy about it

this is pretty much the biggest thing that ever happened to me, career-wize.

Uh, then I think this thread isn't for you :p


Yeah he was diagnosed with leukaemia about 18 months ago, and had done well in the first round of treatment...but then it suddenly reappeared about 8 weeks ago. And when that happens there's not a lot that can be done.

I'm glad we had that extra time....mum's taken it hard though.


Vormund said:
Yeah he was diagnosed with leukaemia about 18 months ago, and had done well in the first round of treatment...but then it suddenly reappeared about 8 weeks ago. And when that happens there's not a lot that can be done.

I'm glad we had that extra time....mum's taken it hard though.

wow im really sorry that sucks hope ur mom feels better.
arter_2 said:
i had a job working at best buy this entire year but i gave it up to work for a summer camp for the summer teaching kids how to draw. My familly is just getting worse i sense divorce in the futre too.

hope that doesnt happen... i mean of all things, why seperate when times get tough? but that's human nature I guess..


Thanks guys.

It really sucks..I could always talk to my Dad about anything. And that helps since I'm an only child.

But life goes on....


I would think my life sucked, but after hearing other peoples' stories, I'm just glad that I have the life that I do.


Junior Member
Right nutt has become twice the size as my left. Left tonsil is taking over my throat. Sleep apnia. Eating everything and still losing weight. 2 beers and I am drunk. Broke the heart of one the daughter's of a senior VP. Getting married in Aug. No health insurance.


Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
...should the marriage thing really be in the life sucks bit? Please say no. I don't need any more depressing.
neptunes said:
I'm still in school...and I haven't made a definite career path!

It's even more difficult when your parents keep asking what are you going to do.
Join the club (free membership for wayward students!). ;)

I'm 6 months away from graduating and I have no clue what I'm going to do once I get my degree. I've got no real job prospects lined up, and I know I can't keep working "barely above minimum wage" jobs forever, either. I hope I find something, anything, soon though, because if I don't there's a chance I may have to temporarily move back in with my father or grandfather. And that's something that I'm seriously dreading because...

My father's suddenly become involved with a woman, for the first time in the 10 years since my mother died of cancer. Which is fine and all, I've got no real problems with him dating; it's a little surprising, sure, but frankly I don't know why he didn't try it sooner. But he's only been seeing this woman for 1 month (she's a coworker, though, so they've known each other for about 1 year too), and not only does he spend 101% of his time doting on her like a lovesick teenager, he's already looking to have her move in with him permanently. Now every time I see him (when he's not with her), he's trying to convince me to like this woman and "accept her into our family." Ha! Fat chance...

The truth is, the very thought of a strange woman living in my mom's house, and sleeping in my mom's bed, in the place where I grew up, is enough to make my stomach churn and my blood boil.

Other than that, my life's peachy! :D


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Do you have any idea how stupid this thread is? Not everything in my life makes me happy, but we all have it sooooo much better off than billions of others in this world. You'd probably want to hurt Donald Trump if he complained about being poor, but it's the same thing for us to complain about anything really. Just the fact that we are posting on an internet forum puts us in the top 3% of the world. You have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in, food in your stomach, working electricity and for the most part live freely.

Try looking into the caste system in India, see how the people on the bottom live and you should be instantly grateful. You don't know what opression is, but a lot of those people don't even know what freedom is to dream about it. Though if you think about it a little more you'll probably come to realize that your quality of life is built on the backs of billions of poor and opressed people in some way or another.

Now I'm not trying to make you feel guilty for being rich, it's the life you were born into and you couldn't truly give it up even if you wanted to, but be thankful for what you have. Our problems are so small... Have a problem with anything your life? Be glad that you at least have it to be having problems with it, because you'd miss it if it were gone and it's likely that whatever it is, the majority of the world is worse off.


Sorry to hear about your mom, Star Power. :( There are no words really... no one can ever know what that's like unless they go through it themselves, I'm sure.


Dice said:
Do you have any idea how stupid this thread is? Not everything in my life makes me happy, but we all have it sooooo much better off than billions of others in this world. You'd probably want to hurt Donald Trump if he complained about being poor, but it's the same thing for us to complain about anything really. Just the fact that we are posting on an internet forum puts us in the top 3% of the world. You have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in, food in your stomach, working electricity and for the most part live freely.

Try looking into the caste system in India, see how the people on the bottom live and you should be instantly grateful. You don't know what opression is, but a lot of those people don't even know what freedom is to dream about it. Though if you think about it a little more you'll probably come to realize that your quality of life is built on the backs of billions of poor and opressed people in some way or another.

Now I'm not trying to make you feel guilty for being rich, it's the life you were born into and you couldn't truly give it up even if you wanted to, but be thankful for what you have. Our problems are so small... Have a problem with anything your life? Be glad that you at least have it to be having problems with it, because you'd miss it if it were gone and it's likely that whatever it is, the majority of the world is worse off.

woah thier its just a place for people to vent god arent we allowed that with out being judged by people like u.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Dice said:
Do you have any idea how stupid this thread is? Not everything in my life makes me happy, but we all have it sooooo much better off than billions of others in this world. You'd probably want to hurt Donald Trump if he complained about being poor, but it's the same thing for us to complain about anything really. Just the fact that we are posting on an internet forum puts us in the top 3% of the world. You have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in, food in your stomach, working electricity and for the most part live freely.

Try looking into the caste system in India, see how the people on the bottom live and you should be instantly grateful. You don't know what opression is, but a lot of those people don't even know what freedom is to dream about it. Though if you think about it a little more you'll probably come to realize that your quality of life is built on the backs of billions of poor and opressed people in some way or another.

Now I'm not trying to make you feel guilty for being rich, it's the life you were born into and you couldn't truly give it up even if you wanted to, but be thankful for what you have. Our problems are so small... Have a problem with anything your life? Be glad that you at least have it to be having problems with it, because you'd miss it if it were gone and it's likely that whatever it is, the majority of the world is worse off.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but the world just doesn't work this way. Perhaps it should, but it doesn't. How happy you are or unhappy you are is based upon your own experiences or surroundings. There are people right at this moment in a third world country who are ecstaticly happy for one reason or another, I guarantee it. I also guarantee there's someone out there with a nice job, a family he loves and who love him, financial security etc...and he feels like shit right now and wouldn't care if he died. It's just the way the world is. The feelings are real, and just because maybe we shouldn;t be feeling them doesn't mean we don't or can just stop.


Dice, but what we don't know doesn't hurt us. We hurt to the deepest extent of *our* reality. Now it may seem silly and selfish, and in all honesty it probably is... but that's just how things are. For anyone. There are going to be things that upset anyone.

Yeah, we live in America and have all these great things available to us. You act as if we cannot have any problems and if we do, they should be easily forgotten about. True to an extent perhaps, but personally I think society has gone down the shitter. Especially in the business world. Everyone is screwing someone else. It's really cruel and sick. Just because we're richer than the rest of the world doesn't mean we can't admit to our society having problems.

Someday when you aren't a kid, you'll wake up in your nice house, go to work at probably 8, get home at 5 if you're lucky, have a few hours to eat and watch tv, fall asleep, then wake up the next day and do the same shit. Depending on your job you may or may not get a weekend. And most Americans are lucky if they get one vacation per year. And then you wonder why most people are so morbidly obese today? You think it's a reflection of the lifestyle most people are forced to live, hmm?

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
It's like the opposite of thinking of your utopia. Your utopia depends completely on your experiences and the world around you. So does your hell.
Being rich or being poor has no value really on how you feel, or how good your feel about yourself for that matter. However I see your point. Money helps, a lot. But for people that never had money to begin with, the point isn't really relevant because that's all they know...


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
woah thier its just a place for people to vent god arent we allowed that with out being judged by people like u.

I'm sorry but in this case I honestly don't think I'm judging you, I think the very facts of life are judging you. This is like the sun shining or gravity, the simple fact is that we are so ridiculously better off from everyone else in the world we really have no place to complain. I do not think of venting as a valid means of making ourselves feel better about our problems, but thanksgiving.

You can throw the J-word all over the place alluding to the fact that I'm being "intolerant" of your right to complain, but it's not going to change my mind. On this matter I am convinced of it as fact, ultimately I can't stop you from using your freedom of speech in that way, but I think the very fact you have that freedom proves my point.

So I guess to answer your question, no. Freedom is a two way street, you have right to complain, and I have right to say that I think your complaints are invalid. Sorry but the world does not revolve around you to let you say anything you want without anyone else disagreeing.


Whatever. Let them vent. It's healthy...Except when it consumes you. I was a dick earlier in this thread, and for that I'm sorry, but don't drag this thread down. Everyone has issues...If people want to share them here, then more power to them.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Don't ignore all the other good points made that don't accuse you of judging us dude. I assure you, if there's one fact of life showing clearly in this thread, it's that feeling crappy is absolutely relative to your situation.

After all, going on what you say, people in the third world should never feel happy. After all, we have it so good that we can't feel bad. And relative to us, they have it much worst. I guess they'll never have a moments happiness.

Or not. You're arguing against a basic human process that has been around forever, and will be around forever.
Mama Smurf said:
Don't ignore all the other good points made that don't accuse you of judging us dude. I assure you, if there's one fact of life showing clearly in this thread, it's that feeling crappy is absolutely relative to your situation.

After all, going on what you say, people in the third world should never feel happy. After all, we have it so good that we can't feel bad. And relative to us, they have it much worst. I guess they'll never have a moments happiness.

Or not. You're arguing against a basic human process that has been around forever, and will be around forever.

IAWMS ( I agree with mama smurf)

If we apply your points to every situation, then that would make it impossible for 3rd world residents to be happy, ever.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Diablos & Mama Smurf: I understand what you are saying, however I don't think that the existence of something makes it ok. Even you admitted that perhaps it isn't right, but we do it anyway. Well I think there is a difference between accpetance and dismissal. Ultimately I must accept that the world is full of injustice, and I have to accept that people take things for granted, but that doesn't mean that at the same time I dismiss it.

I understand that our feelings are generally not controlled by our moral convictions, but I put far more importance on the latter than the former. If we all went by just how we felt then the world would be in shambles, acting on our good reason often impacts our world in a far better way than acting on our feelings. Now I can't control the actions of another to follow my convictions, but I can plead with them in my reasoning and perhaps have them reconsider the way they think and live.

Sure, I won't end up changing the world, but I don't see that as a reason to live according to a lower standard. If I think it's probably not right for me to complain when I'm so well off, then I'll strive to be mroe thankful and consider what ways I can use my well being to benefit thsoe who are not. It won't take these problems out of the world, but it will help where I can. And if my sharing this perspective leads to someone else doing the same then it's that much better.

There was another issue I had a similar perspective on, it had to do with how we treat those who do us wrong. I won't get into that, but I'll use the same example in that it's like environmentalism. Ultimately it is the right thing to do, but most don't practice it, so should one stop trying? Well the very fact we know of it is because someone did try and passed it on, so I don't think all efforts to better the world are entirely fruitless.

Sorry if I sounded too harsh before, I probably was and should have been more empathetic to our type of struggles. Hopefully I've expressed my thoughts a little better now.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I agree that just because something is the way it is doesn't mean we should try and change it, but unlike something like envoronentalism, there's no harm in people feeling down.

I gotta go to bed now as it's nearly 4am here, but I'll just say that to say this thread is stupid as you initially did was really harsh, given the people who have recently lost parents etc.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Mama Smurf said:
Don't ignore all the other good points made that don't accuse you of judging us dude. I assure you, if there's one fact of life showing clearly in this thread, it's that feeling crappy is absolutely relative to your situation.

After all, going on what you say, people in the third world should never feel happy. After all, we have it so good that we can't feel bad. And relative to us, they have it much worst. I guess they'll never have a moments happiness.
I think there is a difference between our feelings and our actions. The poor man who is happy is happy because he appreciates something of the little that he has, however the rich man who complains is an entirely different situation. I never said thankfulness was limited to money and I wasn't arguing for us to feel equal to our status in the world, I was talking about the difference between thanksgiving and complaining. Though ultimately I see complaining as bad to some level, because even the poor man can be grateful that he lives (though being on the negative does not mean something is forbidden). However the ones on the bottom of the barrel just have SO much more right to complain, and perhaps they even should to expose the injustices that deny them basic human (and sometimes even animal) rights.

Or not. You're arguing against a basic human process that has been around forever, and will be around forever.
Not every basic human process is right or beneficial to the world around us. Clearly we see how murder is wrong, but it still happens all the time, does that mean we should forget about striving for better actions? Not complaining isn't near as bad as murder, but then I'm not even disallowing people to complain here, my purpose in posting this is not to try and control the actions of others and/or make them stop complaining. My posts are a plead to good reason and moral conviction of the state of the world around us to strive for something better than complaining, that is all. If you disagree then you don't have to listen to me and you're free to do and say as you wish, but don't forget that I am too (well, so long as it isn't outright abusive in accordance to the forum rules).

I agree that just because something is the way it is doesn't mean we should try and change it, but unlike something like envoronentalism, there's no harm in people feeling down.
There is no harm in feeling down, but I think there may be an indirect harm in complaining. Our words direct our mindsets, and often times if we get complaining (especially in groups) we start to get in the mindset (even if non-explicitly) that we have right to more than we actually do. And time spent in self pity only worsens the original state that brought you to it because you are only dwelling on what is wrong rather than what can be done to improve it. Sometimes we can do things to change problems, other times all we can improve is our attitudes, overall though I think negative attitudes of complaint cause us to procrastinate in our constructive minds so that we forget how we can help to change the issues in life, epsecially the greater ones beyond us. It is always good to be thankful, because our thanksgiving indirectly exposes the needs of others, especially those being denied rights which they really do deserve. So if it's better, why not choose to do so rather than what is worse?

I gotta go to bed now as it's nearly 4am here, but I'll just say that to say this thread is stupid as you initially did was really harsh, given the people who have recently lost parents etc.
Actually I think the loss of a loved one is bad and in such a case you're perfectly justified in mourning. The love of our companions is a great equalizer between all people in the world.

-edited to address everything that was being said while I was busy typing-


I just made a thread cause I wanted to get this stuff off my chest I needed some one to talk to i thought others might too. I know other people have it worse than me, but right now in this moment I can't catch a break and alot of stuff has been going down hill and my dad not haveing a job is slowly making me a poor unhappy kid.
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