But many of them are not retired and are in places such as work environments where they are expected to keep up with the latest technology and constantly need helping doing so. It's one thing if you need help. It's another thing to talk trash about younger generations being lazy, useless idiots then needing their help for very basic things a few minutes later.
And speaking of toilet paper, that's such a boomer thing. Everyone younger and hip uses bidets. Get with the times.
Sadly many members of the Gen X, millennial, and zoomer generations were treated shitty by boomers and now have a chip on their sleeve as a result. I will say that I can easily make threads about problems with the other generations because all of them have stupid things about them as well and you're all free to point them out. This one just happens to be about boomers. You all have to admit that there are annoying characteristics that are mostly unique to individual generations. Boomers being bad with technology, millennials being snowflake brats, zoomers being even bigger snowflake brats, etc. Maybe I'm biased because I'm part of Gen X but I can't think of any negative stereotypes about us. Anyone want to help?
This entire thread seems like you’re projecting your own experiences on an entire generation of people. You are using the term “boomer” as a clearly derogatory one - unlike your references to other generations.
Not having an appreciation for what your elders have gone through will make you come off as whiny and entitled.