Yeah, that Hickman, what a humorless writer *sarcasm*:
As for the X-Men, they just need someone steering the ship who has the ability to do so. Apocalypse Wars sounded good in theory but just fell apart. Having all aspects of "The Rocks of the Eternal Shore" attack the X-Men at once? Great idea!
Revealing that the horsemen are Colossus, Deadpool, a Moon Knight we've never met and a Symbiote thats not Venom or Carnage? Ehhhh doable if the writing was decent but it isn't.
When Secret Wars ended, I felt like Marvel just lost some of their biggest guns and their big guns are spinning their wheels (looking at you Brian Michael Bendis with his murder happy sequel to Civil War). And hey listen, people can talk about how Marvel isn't pushing the X-Men down as a way to push the Inhumans up, but man, the storylines sure seem like that's what's happening. We're presented with yet another "Mutants are going extinct!" storyline and with none of the originality or forethought to seperate it from the thousands of times we've seen it before.
I think a huge angle to take with this would be to explore the idea that the Terrigen Mists are now sterilizing mutants. It's a HUGE development and unlike House of M, mutants turned human could still have kids. Now, hell yeah their better be a war brewing with the Inhumans. It's also so strange that the Inhumans do nothing for the mutant population considering this is entirely their fucking mess as a result of Infinity. I digress though.
Basically, if Marvel wants to bring the X-Men back, they need to make the Inhumans who they once were, give them their own spot in the Marvel Universe with crazy space shit and their separation from humanity and STOP TRYING TO MAKE THEM THE X-MEN!