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Why are Samurai cooler than Knights?

Are samurai cooler than knights?

  • Yes, samurai are cooler than knights.

  • No, I do not find that samurai are cooler than knights.

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Spearman > both

Just get 100 of your best buddies and you can do stuff like this

Unbeaten for 2000 years+ . From Alexander the great to the Duke of Wellington

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Gold Member
Spearman > both

Unbeaten for 2000 years+ . From Alexander the great to the Duke of Wellington
Nuh uhh, if Total War has taught me anything is that in the rock/paper/scissors game of warfare, archers beat spearmen, cav beats archers, and spearmen beat cav :p

I think the lithe spanish "sword and buckler" Rodelero troops cracked the spear, well pikes at that point, formations. For a time anyway, till polearms and firearms did away with virtually all of them other than cavalry.


Nuh uhh, if Total War has taught me anything is that in the rock/paper/scissors game of warfare, archers beat spearmen, cav beats archers, and spearmen beat cav :p

I think the lithe spanish "sword and buckler" Rodelero troops cracked the spear, well pikes at that point, formations. For a time anyway, till polearms and firearms did away with virtually all of them other than cavalry.
Mostly it is a terrain problem. In that ancient sort of tight formation warfare, they were always looking for battlefields with very flat ground. If you are on broken or hilly ground, then light infantry, usually with swords and shields, can more easily find gaps in a formation.


Gold Member
Samurais are superior
Musashi would've defeated Achilles, Theseus,Leonidas and the whole 300, Hannibal, William Wallace and more....easily

Even William Wallace could probably take him half drunk as he would be too confused by the kilt. Forget about him even landing a blow on the others. They aim to kill not to triumph in a duel.
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Gold Member

Even William Wallace could probably take him half drunk as he would be too confused by the kilt. Forget about him even landing a blow on the others. They aim to kill not to triumph in a duel.
Mushashi has what, FIFTY confirmed kills in duels? That guy was a prodigy for sure. Achilles, of course, was nigh immortal, Theseus was possibly the son of a god much like Heracles. Leonidas as a Spartan would be quite formidable in a fight. Mostly it would revolve around the unfamiliarity with the armor and weapons.

Personally, I think all these guys would end up getting roaringly drunk with each other :p


Samurais are superior
Musashi would've defeated Achilles, Theseus,Leonidas and the whole 300, Hannibal, William Wallace and more....easily

We do have reports of historical accounts of fights between samurai and European soldiers.
Most of them did not go well for the samurai.


We do have reports of historical accounts of fights between samurai and European soldiers.
Most of them did not go well for the samurai.

I think there is a big misunderstanding about European martial arts. We associate martial arts with Asia but that's wrong.

And that's saying nothing about the superior craftsmanship of weapon and armor.

So much so that we have example of European armor being prized in Japan.


Perpetually Offended
I think there is a big misunderstanding about European martial arts. We associate martial arts with Asia but that's wrong.

And that's saying nothing about the superior craftsmanship of weapon and armor.

So much so that we have example of European armor being prized in Japan.

Pankration, Greco-Roman wrestling, fencing and the more modern French Savate are only some of the European martial arts I have VERY LIMITED knowledge of.

There are martial arts all over the world that have nothing to do with Asia. Some still in practice, some have died out, some are practiced in secret.
I think Samurai are often seen as cooler than Knights because of their unique blend of martial skills, strict code of honor, and the distinct aesthetic of their armor and weapons. Samurai culture is deeply rooted in discipline and a philosophy that values loyalty, bravery, and respect.

Their armor is also pretty sleek compared to the bulky suits worn by knights. Plus, the katana sword is iconic, known for its sharpness and craftsmanship. I actually bought a katana sword from this store recently, and it's a beautiful piece of art, showcasing the elegance and precision of Samurai weaponry.

Knights are cool too, but there's just something about the Samurai's way of life and their legendary status in history that makes them stand out. The blend of skill, honor, and artistry is really fascinating.
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Gold Member
I think Samurai are often seen as cooler than Knights because of their unique blend of martial skills, strict code of honor, and the distinct aesthetic of their armor and weapons. Samurai culture is deeply rooted in discipline and a philosophy that values loyalty, bravery, and respect.
Knights had all those things as well.

I think we in the west are just more prone to dismiss knights due to bad PR of knights as just brutes and a generalized dislike for their strong Church influence in this much more secularized age. All the chivalric orders got taken down or transformed by the upper classes, gives us a distasteful feeling in the west since we tend to root for the underdog and knights got portrayed as tools of the oppressor rather than defenders of the weak (which Samurai ABSOLUTELY were as well, just better PR since the 50's :p


I think Samurai are often seen as cooler than Knights because of their unique blend of martial skills, strict code of honor, and the distinct aesthetic of their armor and weapons. Samurai culture is deeply rooted in discipline and a philosophy that values loyalty, bravery, and respect.

The only martial art the Samurai practiced more than a knight is archery.
For samurai, the bow and arrow was their primary weapon, along side the spear.
The knight rarely used bows and arrows, leaving this mostly to infantry.
On the other hand, knights had greater use of heavy cavalry and charging against formations.


Cowboys vs Ronin is a better matchup.
Bonus points if they are fighting dinosaurs and aliens.

In a way, we got that when Commodore Perry fought Japan in 1853, to force it to open it's borders to trade.
Because it was mostly a naval battle vs inland fortifications, the terms samurai and cowboys have to be stretched a little.


Gold Member
Knights are more popular and cement themselves in fantasy and chivalric romanticism. Samurai don’t seem to be as close in terms of popularity or inspiration.

King Arthur and his Knights, the Knights of Charlemagne, the Crusades, Templars, Paladins, etc. Even in anime and Japanese games, the Knight is more commonly seen over the Samurai.


Gold Member
Knights are more popular and cement themselves in fantasy and chivalric romanticism. Samurai don’t seem to be as close in terms of popularity or inspiration.

King Arthur and his Knights, the Knights of Charlemagne, the Crusades, Templars, Paladins, etc. Even in anime and Japanese games, the Knight is more commonly seen over the Samurai.
Funny thing is that I see a samurai and I think about the MASSIVE retinue necessary to dress him, maintain that armor and his weapons, and to support a guy so he can just learn to fight all day.

But I see a knight and fantasy DnD has trained me to think "yeah, he rolls out of bed in full plate, eats breakfast, then fights goblins all day by himself, no problem." :p
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