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Why do Americans love light beers?


In college I found out that after 20 Natty Lights the next Natty Light tastes like water mixed with sweet tarts.
Type 1 diabetic American here - Miller Lite gets me drunk and has only 3g of carbohydrates. The taste is whatever, but it makes things easier for me. Not to say I don't drink better beer, but if I do, I can't have many.


Trucker Sexologist
It's completely inoffensive to the palate. It's like the beer equivalent of vanilla ice cream. Not everyone is going to want a triple bock at 1 in the afternoon on a hot day.
And basically indistinguishable from Stella Artois for most people. The same goes for any other best seller lagers. Small variations here and there, but in the end they all are pretty much the same, only the label changes.

Yep. Marketing, brand recognition, price point and shelf space dominance also contribute to their success.

I say this as a huge craft beer nerd.

Ban Puncher

I apologise my American brethren. I thought your light beer was like the watery piss they try to flog down here with an alcohol content of 1-2.5% that nobody buys. Your light is averaging 4-4.5% which seems okay.

Your beer still tastes horrible though ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


I'm asking why Americans love light beers when they have so much better options available to them

You're presuming people love light beers. I'd argue that's incorrect. Americans love getting drunk for cheap. The light beers are a means to an end.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
What an ignorant, worthless thread. When another country has a craft beer scene that can compete with ours you can resume making fun of American beer.

We have those in America, it's more of a cultural thing. Coors Miller bought out Revolver in TX sadly.
Great option if you want a drink but don't want to get too drunk. 10 light beers can be the equivalent of 4 decent beers and the hangover is nowhere near as bad. Good beers are what I buy when I want to enjoy the beers and will only have a few. Light beers are what I go for when I know it is going to be a long session. If your hitting beers like delirium or la chouffe on a big one your gonna have a bad time. Its also nicer on the wallet than something by mikkeller, alphabet or any other half decent brewery, 4 decent beers usually comes to around £15 from a shop or £25 from a bar, light beers usually cost about £6 for 6. Session beers are usually too florally or sharp to go the distance.


Light beer is also an effective way to keep you drunk when you are already drunk from something else, since it goes down like water. Just sit back and sip on the Miller Lite to maintain that buzz.
I hate beer with a firey passion of 10,000 burning suns.

Then I came to Europe and had this light German beer.

I still don't like it, but I can drink it and it's pretty tasty.
What light German beer are you talking about if I may ask? We usually don't have much light beer. Lots of people drink Radler though (Beer mixed with lemonade)


If that was the case malt liquor would be the best seller.

Yeah, but if you drink malt liquor, people make fun of you and you won't get laid, so you gotta compromise somewhere.

Plus, when was the last time you went to a bar and they had malt liquor on draft?
Some light beers are good, and every country has them. Peroni Nastro Azzurro is one of my favorites, and it is my flat out favorite on hot summer days.

I also like IPAs like Sierra Nevada or Goose Island, but there's nothing "wrong" with the lighter stuff, especially given that it's so much cheaper.

And anecdotally, most of the people I know (all Americans) appreciate quality beer, we just buy cheap stuff for parties to save on costs.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I'm not making fun of American beers...I'm asking why Americans love light beers when they have so much better options available to them.

I'm American by the way and it's a shame that most people would rather drink Bud Light and probably haven't even heard of Sierra Nevada

If you go to most bars outside of large cities in the US, light beers are all that are listed. It's cultural. Lots of small cities are prudish, were not like Europe.


Mass produced beer is the top seller all over the world. Why? Marketing, price, availability.

There's obviously much better stuff out there and craft beers as a percentage of the market is very worrying to the big boys. Which is why they keep on buying them up.


Scottish , if I am in the house watching a movie or whatever I am having a craft beer, but If I am out then it's whatever the fuck is cheap and gets me drunk....So Bud , Corona , Stella , Tennents or god forbid even Carling. It's cheap , doesn't taste that bad and the end point is the same.

Every country I have ever visited have their own versions , be it Tiger , Mythos , Tennents , Carling or Estrella etc

Also Hoppy Beer is a bit of an acquired taste imho.
If you go to most bars outside of large cities in the US, light beers are all that are listed. It's cultural. Lots of small cities are prudish, were not like Europe.

Go to a bar in a small town in most of Europe and you'll find very similar beers on tap. Jupiler, Palm, Estrella, 1664, Carlsberg, San Miguel, Stella, etc.
There are really fantastic tasty hoppy pale ales in the 4.5% ABV range that are canned and less than $10 a six pack.

But what if I don't like hoppy beer?

It seems to be the case. I hate IPAs, and every kind of craft beer I've tried from our local growler place I've not liked.

Everything is way too bitter for me or something. If I want something hard, I'll go for liquor, and I don't really like doing that either.
Because after Prohibition, so many breweries were obviously shut down, and so much institutional knowledge and infrastructure was lost that there were only a few organizations able to brew beer on a large, nationwide scale as the country headed in to World War II, which meant there wasn't going to be a lot of variety. And once WWII happened and a huge portion of the drinking age men were sent overseas to fight, beer companies decided the smart thing to do was to create and market beer to women, since they were the ones still in the country. Their idea of doing that was to make it all light beer. Because there was such little variety in the beer market, there wasn't much experimentation, and it turns out that the men returning from WWII were just as happy to buy and drink light beer, so the companies just stuck with it.
But what if I don't like hoppy beer?

It seems to be the case. I hate IPAs, and every kind of craft beer I've tried from our local growler place I've not liked.

Everything is way too bitter for me or something. If I want something hard, I'll go for liquor, and I don't really like doing that either.

[shrug] Lots of good locally made Pilsners and lagers here in Seattle.

I see you're in Atlanta. Here's a local made pilsner.



"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Go to a bar in a small town in most of Europe and you'll find very similar beers on tap. Jupiler, Palm, Stella, etc.

Ah so we're not so different. I assumed we were due to the US having a foundation of prudes and the prohibition.

Our fancy imports in rural areas are Stella and Heineken.

boiled goose

good with gravy
#notallamericans. Great beer cultures in northeast, bay area, and Pacific Northwest.

Also light beer is also popular in Latin America and Asia.

It's refreshing I guess, usually drank alongside food.
Cheaper too


ive never liked light beer. one time i got stuck in a concert on a boat and all they had was coors light and killians red. and they ran out of killians in like an hour.

terrible. but Poe was cool.
Ah so we're not so different. I assumed we were due to the US having a foundation of prudes and the prohibition.

Our fancy imports in rural areas are Stella and Heineken.

It's really no different in Europe than here in the US. I've been to parts of Belgium that are absolute beer watselands, and then also enjoyed wide variety of stuff in Brussels, where you still will find more Jupiler than anything else.
Two words : Day Drinking

Anyone can drink IPAs, Ales, Stouts, or Bocks but only a fool would do that before the sun is down. For instance, I've been out by my pool all day, smoking pork and bbq'ing, no way would I ever drink heavy beers during this. I mean, I did for years but I learned from that.
When I'm fucking drunk at 2PM, 5PM is never fun. Light beers when by the pool, or in the sun and darken it up at night when I want something that will either get me arrested or pass our on the couch at 8PM. Pace yourself bros

It follows the same logic as why most people don't take shots of tequilla for breakfast.. most people lol. You can, but there are finer methods of approach.

30-something GAF checking-in.
Less calories
Generic decent flavor that everyone can agree on (IPAs are far too bitter for me for instance)
Tastes good when it's hot outside which can be more than half the year in much of the US
Ding ding ding, we have a winner.


I dont like wheat tasting or thick beers so I dont know what else to drink other then lighter beers.

If you know one let me know and Ill try it


Technically they're not even beer, since they're corn and wheat fermentation.

Honestly, it has to do with prohibition. Even when prohibition was recinded, a lot of localities kept very low limits on the abv of beverages, thus light beers with low abvs were pushed. Plus, it's cheap with how much corn and wheat the US produces.

Before prohibition Americans pretty much drank the same dark lagers as the rest of Europe. And lately we've gone back to those roots.


What an ignorant, worthless thread. When another country has a craft beer scene that can compete with ours you can resume making fun of American beer.

lol is this some sort of meme or are you serious? Cause those light beers he listed are shit and I'm not sure why you'd be so upset about it.

Not a fan of any light beers myself either op.
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