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Why do Americans love light beers?

I don't drink a ton, but after doing hard labor outside on a hot summer day, a light beer is crisp and refreshing. As for higher end beers, I don't even understand what craft beer enthusiasts are talking about most of the time. I just stick to what I already like.
Scottish , if I am in the house watching a movie or whatever I am having a craft beer, but If I am out then it's whatever the fuck is cheap and gets me drunk....So Bud , Corona , Stella , Tennents or god forbid even Carling. It's cheap , doesn't taste that bad and the end point is the same.

Every country I have ever visited have their own versions , be it Tiger , Mythos , Tennents , Carling or Estrella etc

Also Hoppy Beer is a bit of an acquired taste imho.

Aye, but those aren't light beers, they're just mass produced shite beers.
The top selling beers in the USA are of the light variety.
Bud Light, Miller Light, Coors Light, Natural light and Busch Light are 5 of the top 7 selling beers.

..now Bud Light is invading the UK.


What light German beer are you talking about if I may ask? We usually don't have much light beer. Lots of people drink Radler though (Beer mixed with lemonade)
It was a Paulaner unfiltered beer.

I'm not really sure the specifics, since it was in German and I don't speak German.


A lot of the country still hasn't been enlightened by craft beer. I don't know a single person who drinks shitty light beer unless it's the only thing available.
It's cheaper than the good stuff, won't get you drunk as fast, and is found everywhere.

#notallamericans. Great beer cultures in northeast, bay area, and Pacific Northwest.

Also light beer is also popular in Latin America and Asia.

It's refreshing I guess, usually drank alongside food.
Cheaper too

I'm hoping you're including the Great Lakes in the Northeast, best stouts and porters you'll ever find are brewed in Michigan and Ohio.
What's funny is the difference in ABV (where the calories come from) between most regular adjunct lagers and their light variants is less than a percent. In the long run that's not much.

Budweiser 145
Bud Light 110

And for shits and giggles, Guinness has 125. So much for it being a meal.
I'm not making fun of American beers...I'm asking why Americans love light beers when they have so much better options available to them.

I'm American by the way and it's a shame that most people would rather drink Bud Light and probably haven't even heard of Sierra Nevada
Your mistake is thinking that most people drink alcohol for the taste.


He measures in centimeters
Prohibition + subsequent slick marketing = crap lagers dominating commercially and culturally. That is definitely changing though.


I apologise my American brethren. I thought your light beer was like the watery piss they try to flog down here with an alcohol content of 1-2.5% that nobody buys. Your light is averaging 4-4.5% which seems okay.

Your beer still tastes horrible though ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


There are more than 5000 microbreweries and brewpubs in the US. Have you tried them all, or are you one of those foreigners who still thinks we all drink Budweiser and Miller Light?

Same people who judge our chocolate with Hersheys and our cheese with American craft singles. Typical.
Light beers are popular at get togethers because I can buy a case of it a know at the end of the night I won't be stuck with a case of beer. I'm not buying anything craft or with a particular taste for a mass amount of people.


To the people getting drunk on light beer: are you chugging the whole case ? Legit confused. It's so weak!


They're relatively cheap, easy to drink a ton of, and are sorta stealth marketed as being "better" for you because they're "Light". They're also absolutely gross and a waste of time when you could be drinking better beer.

What an ignorant, worthless thread. When another country has a craft beer scene that can compete with ours you can resume making fun of American beer.

I had a friend here, although he's from Canada, tell me he brews pilsners. I just laughed for a minute until he told me he was serious. Why the hell would you ever brew pilsners?

The PNW is basically Beervana.
I had a friend here, although he's from Canada, tell me he brews pilsners. I just laughed for a minute until he told me he was serious. Why the hell would you ever brew pilsners?

The PNW is basically Beervana.

Because a well made pilsner is amazing. They're just as important in the PNW craft beer scene as IPAs, saisons, stouts and sours.


I'm not normally a light beer drinker, but nothing is better during September tailgating. Next best thing to water.
I genuinely like light beers. I can enjoy a few sips of Samuel Adams but a whole pint makes me full, it's like eating a whole cake.
It's cheap, refreshing and inoffensive to most palettes. And as others have said, not remotely exclusive to America despite the common internet jerk around it.

Side note, neither here nor there: ironically, adjunct lager is fairly difficult to brew consistently compared to the craft enthusiast darling IPA.


Because they are sessionable.

And by sessionable I mean you can drink a 30 rack with your friends without getting too drunk to hop in your pickup truck at 2 am with an American flag flying in the back and blast country music and drive to Taco Bell to pick up some chalupas.


Junior Member
Drinking a non light coors right now. Actually pretty good.

Sometimes all the hops in an ale aren't really that refreshing and just make me thirsty for water.

The answer is honesty $.

They have the distribution to be more widely available than anything else and the marketing push to keep people buying them.

Also yeah they are cheap and easy to drink. I can down a Coors in literally a few minutes without really feeling like I'm chugging it. Not as easy to do with an IPA.


America, this one is yours.

He's right though. I've yet to see anyone come up with a rebuttal. A lot of foreigners just assume we make shitty beer because that's the funny meme they're used to. But anyone who actually knows anything about beer knows that over the past five years, the US has become a leader in the craft beer scene.


Junior Member
He's right though.

Yeah I was gonna say he's kind of right. The brewery scene has exploded like a fucking supernova in every major American city in the last decade or so.

There are literally 25+ breweries (most of them very good) within walking distance of my house in northeast Minneapolis. Much the same in every other city.
Beer mixed with lemonade? Never had that before. Any good?
You never had beer with currant either? Might be too sweet for some but it's great when really cold.

This is a joke, right? Super Bock is a standard pale lager. Nothing special about it. It's far from being a good beer, really, and it's not a craft by any means.
Not saying it is the best but I'm comparing it basically to light beers - those largely available type of beers that everyone drinks?! Super Bock is the standard here, not light beers.

And it's a damn good beer for what it costs. Compared to shit Sagres, Tagus, Crystal.


I can't stand the taste of these now and it takes a few to even get me tipsy so I avoid them. But I did "grow up" on them for the reasons listed. Cheap and easy to drink fast when out in the sun at a BBQ or whatever.

I just don't get the older guys I see here sometimes buying cases of these and going through them like its water. That kinda defeats their purpose. Unless you legitimately love the taste there are cheaper and more enjoyable ways to get your buzz on.

Now I mainly only drink for taste vs. buzz. So wines, craft beers, a decent bourbon or fruity slushy summer cocktails.

I'll still have a Coors Lite or whatever at a party or on a boat etc when its handed to me. I understand it I just can't justify buying them for myself. I keep some on hand for various friends and my gfs dad though!
I like to mix and match because I don't have a ton of money but enjoy beer. I'll have a Sierra Nevada or Goose Island followed by a Miller High Life or two, then repeat.

Honestly, I enjoy both craft and piss beers.


If you're not drinking Heady Topper or Julius or Sip of Sunshine you're no American to me

Trillium is acceptable too.


Maxis Redwood
People just can't help themselves from looking down on others regarding their taste in beers. Get over yourselves, nobody's impressed.
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