The Experiment said:
Because they are masters at indirectness and subtlety. Understand these subtleties and you'll be ahead of most men. It'll help you from getting stood up, cheated on, etc. If you are to talk to girls directly, 95% won't give you a direct answer back. However if you read between the lines, you can get their answer. For this guy here, when she asked for his number, this was the indirect way of saying, "Thanks but no thanks." If he stews about it any longer, he's just wasting his time and can drive him nuts.
I think this girl is a freak though. When he asked her, she instantly said yes.
Instantly. She didn't hold back or anything. And she started blushing and got kind of excited. I seriously think, that despite the fact my poor friend waited almost a month before getting his shit together, that this girl is just insane.
I don't think it is as easy as all of that but whats the alternative: obsessing about it? The alternatives to that is worse than brushing her off. If you obsess about her, the girl will think you're a creep ass, tell all her friends, and boom, you got a rep for being a creep. I've seen it happen. You can't talk to the girl about it afterward because when she says no the first time, thats pretty much it. Maybe years down the road he could ask her again but she just didn't find him attractive.
He could just as easily say she's a slut for leading him on and then playing games, even after she flirted and whatnot. Bad rep for her to other guys that might want to ask her out.
Its better to be that guy who writes it off than be that guy who gets shot down all the time but can't take the hint. TV and Movies are a lot different than how it is in the real world.
True, but I am now encouraging my friend to step up and be a man. Girls play games - guys say what the fuck they want to say. This is how I see things, at least. "Playing the game back" as a means of "brushing it off" is the pussiest thing I've ever heard in my life. Yeah, he could just wait until she finally says something a month from now when all of her friends are going out with other people and say "sorry, I have plans this week" too, but that's WEAK! I want him to approach her and say: "If you didn't want to go out with me, you should have said no instead of putting it off a week, telling me you would call but then putting it off yet another week and basically ignoring me since I asked you. I wouldn't do that to you, why'd you do it to me?" Put her on the spot. If she gets pissed, then just say "I'm not stupid, don't play games with me." If she gets all upset and feels like crying or gets confused, then you just put the girl in her place, congratulations. Plain, simple, and to the point. Who cares if she thinks he is crazy? Clearly she doesn't have much respect for him to begin with, so he has nothing to lose and everything to gain at this point, fortunately and unfortunately. It's Wednesday, she said she would call him this week. Nobody calls on Thursday to make plans for Friday or Saturday, especailly a week after you were supposed to AND for a first date. What a whore.
I don't know her so in her mind, she may think she's a perfect 10 when she could be a 6 or a 7. If she gets a lot of attention from guys, her standards will be high. Its like men though too. If you get a lot of attention from women, you're confidence is going to high and so will your standards.
This is true, but someday she's gonna wake up and realize those guys didn't really care much for her. She was seeing some guy before him that she really liked, but he admitted to just wanting sex and not a real relationship. She wanted something serious and then perhaps sex. This turned her off so she backed off from him. Clearly, like I said, this girl is insane. She doesn't want sex, yet doesnt' even want to start a fucking friendship which could possibly lead to a relationship. C-r-a-z-y.
Tell your buddy to keep his chin up.
Boogie said what I wanted to.