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Why do I get drunk?

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Man tonight I got totally wasted and said some stupid shit in IRC before succumbing and vomitting my brains out. Everytime this happens I tell myself that I won;t do it again. Yet there I am at the bar every thursday/friday/saturday. I wouldn't really want to stop except that I said some reasll ybad things in IRC. Anyone know some tips?


You are a weak and pathetic being. It's simple really.

Also you can't handle your many shortcomings when you're sober.



I kid I kid!!!


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack


I'm sorry I took advantage of you in your weakened state, but it's so difficult not to. Please, forgive me.

But I have no sympathy for drunkards.

way more

Wellington said:
Man tonight I got totally wasted and said some stupid shit in IRC before succumbing and vomitting my brains out. Everytime this happens I tell myself that I won;t do it again. Yet there I am at the bar every thursday/friday/saturday. I wouldn't really want to stop except that I said some reasll ybad things in IRC. Anyone know some tips?

Is that your idea of an apology? You can do better.
Getting drunk is fun..

getting drunk to the point of puking isnt..

2-3 years ago when I was a soph/junior in college, we'd have running competitions to see who could go out the most days in a row and get drunk..

one guy got up to like 25-30 days.. that was fucking nuts...

even today i have an unhealthy love for alcohol.. alcoholism runs in my family so if i talk about it i get fucking shit, but i have drank everyday for the last 8 days now... never gotten drunk once, maybe once or twice actually, but not really.. i just like to reach that healthy buzz level..

right now i am drinking one of my captain morgan golds.. this shit is like my new dessert.. i fucking love them.
How Does Alcohol Kill?
Alcohol can cause death directly by acting on those brain areas that control consciousness, respiration and heart rate. As a central nervous system depressant, alcohol can "turn off" these vital brain areas, resulting first in coma and then death.

In many cases, drinking too much alcohol will make you sick and you will stop drinking. Contrary to folk tales, getting sick is not from mixing drinks or drinking on an empty stomach, it is because specialized poison control cells in your brain detect danger -- too much alcohol -- and send a signal to your stomach to vomit. This is the brain's way of dealing with poisoning. Vomiting is an attempt to eliminate any unabsorbed alcohol. The logic is, if you can prevent any alcohol that's still in the stomach from getting into the blood supply, it may save your life. Eating before you drink will slow down the speed of intoxication but it is no guarantee that you won't get sick or die if you consume enough alcohol.

Whereas some people only vomit when they have consumed too much alcohol, other people just fall asleep (with or without vomiting) after they have consumed too much alcohol. In these people, death can follow in one of two ways: you may fall into a deep sleep and vomit while sleeping. What's the result? You choke on your own vomit because you are too intoxicated to wake up and clear out your airway. In other instances, you simply fall asleep and never wake up, because the concentration of alcohol is so high that the areas of your brain controlling life functions are so depressed that they stop functioning and so do you.

How Much Alcohol Is "Lethal"?
The "lethal dose" (LD) of alcohol is clinically defined as the amount that would kill half the population (the LD50). Most authorities place the LD50 at about .40% or about four times the current legal limit in most states. However, there are many cases in which death occurred from alcohol poisoning at much lower, and in some cases, much higher levels. For a 100 lb. man or woman drinking very quickly, it would only require about 8-10 drinks in an hour to reach the lethal level.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Why would you use a computer while drunk? Being drunk to me means standing up and walking around and having loud conversations. None of which I could do while sitting in front of a computer.


Hollywood Square
catfish said:
Why would you use a computer while drunk? Being drunk to me means standing up and walking around and having loud conversations. None of which I could do while sitting in front of a computer.

Some people have no friends. Those people are Giants fans.


It could be a combination of things, but the main things that concern me are the fact you've seen strong males in your life drink heavily and the bit about you "drinking your troubles away."

You fuck up, I fuck up, we all fuck up. But that doesn't give an excuse to tip ye olde glass bottle. It's an addiction, and you may want to get help.


Not meaning to be off topic, but I don't want to start my own thread for the simple question: what server is #ga IRC on? I can't find it anywhere on the main pages of GA.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Because you either feel sad inside or try to act cool, my girlfriend use to drink for the same reasons...eugh.


irc.opa-ages.com is the one I use, I believe irc.shadow-corp.com is also operable. Outside of that, I dunno.


goddamit, Griese!
fucking, i'm so wasted right now. but i feel like shit. but i'm drunk right? man i should probabl,y seek help.
Stop being a crying pussy. So who cares if people fuck with you when you're drunk, it's a sign of love and compassion. Better than being a drunk ass and no one caring. So you say a few things you regret, meh. And you give some sort of ammo to tardos who have nothing better to do that log it and fire back a salvo. The key is not to care.

I'd personally buy you a keyboard that has a breathalyzer to activate your computer, but you should do what any other sane person does when they're drunk, go to bed. Same to any other drunk dialers out there. I'd say put a breathalyzer on the phones, but it would suck if you were drunk and that you need a ride...

I'd take a break from the bar for a while. Yeah, that's coming from me! But since I can control my drinking, I don't worry about it. You'll find that you'll have more cash in your pockets during the week... Besides, at the rate you're going, you'll be sick of bars on a permanent basis, and that sucks...

Jim Bowie

Moderation in all things. That's the only help I can offer. My advice is to drink a lot less, and control yourself. Afterall, you can't have mind over matter if your mind is ruled by matter.


Matlock said:
It could be a combination of things, but the main things that concern me are the fact you've seen strong males in your life drink heavily and the bit about you "drinking your troubles away."

You fuck up, I fuck up, we all fuck up. But that doesn't give an excuse to tip ye olde glass bottle. It's an addiction, and you may want to get help.

I agree with Matty here, and Jim.

You moderate a forum, now moderate your life.

For the curious, transcripts are available in this thread.


Wellington said:
Anyone know some tips?

Yeah, grow the #*$% up. Stop getting hammered.

Find a drinking buddy with better control and more sense than you.
Make sure he's stronger than you, too. Have him tell you when to stop.

Either that, or find a drinking buddy who's gay and super horny.
I'm assuming you're not gay. This works better if you're homophobic.


alcohol is great, but drink only upto the point where it is enjoyable. no point in getting to the point where it doesnt feel good.
i love drinking cocktails and just chilling. also, getting wasted on a regular basis is just not fun, so watch out for it.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Wellington said:
Man tonight I got totally wasted and said some stupid shit in IRC before succumbing and vomitting my brains out. Everytime this happens I tell myself that I won;t do it again. Yet there I am at the bar every thursday/friday/saturday. I wouldn't really want to stop except that I said some reasll ybad things in IRC. Anyone know some tips?

You can go to bars now? Damn we need to kick it again... you need to come to Japan and drink with the big boys... hahah


Hey, CK? If you're reading this still, I'm sorry for making fun of you and shit. In retrospect, it wasn't cool.

Also, if you ever drive drunk again, I'll get someone to kick your ass :p

aoi tsuki

What do you get outta getting shitfaced? i like getting hammered a few times a year as long as i have a good time, but beyond that, getting a buzz is enough.

Try going out in places that aren't bars. Catch a movie. Visit a bookstore. Go to a gym. There's plenty of things to do with your time and money that won't have you feeling like shit the next day, trying to remember how you got home.


I cant tell you why you get drnk buxdy. Today was an expericment for myself. I am totally on mushrooms right now (time space, they probaby started effecting me about an hour ago and I drank a cup of tea on top of eating about 9 caps and drinking normaly which is quite a bt for me) and well, I guess I am using GAF forum as a forum or a witness for my state. I can guess, from my frequnt spelling ererores (errors) and my carelessness for not giving a damn to correct them and my rum on sentences that I am pretty fuckekd up right now. Tada dow. Ta dam . Who gives a care....oh the matrix is on TV.

Sorry bud.

(this is all true BTW...try dealing with that in the morn old GDGF (guess I have to try my best)


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Lost Weekend said:
I cant tell you why you get drnk buxdy. Today was an expericment for myself. I am totally on mushrooms right now (time space, they probaby started effecting me about an hour ago and I drank a cup of tea on top of eating about 9 caps and drinking normaly which is quite a bt for me) and well, I guess I am using GAF forum as a forum or a witness for my state. I can guess, from my frequnt spelling ererores (errors) and my carelessness for not giving a damn to correct them and my rum on sentences that I am pretty fuckekd up right now. Tada dow. Ta dam . Who gives a care....oh the matrix is on TV.

Sorry bud.



Ah.. here is something to do. Please dont ban me Blackace, as I have always liked you (bit like a poet) anyway...
You're probably drinking as an escape from your problems in life. If I drank, I know that would be my motivation. I have gotten pretty drunk several times before, but it was peer pressure, and I was depressed over some girl... Blah, blah, blah. That's no excuse, but I'm just telling you the mindset I was in.

I turn to other things for my escape. Video games, internet, music (this is the main thing - I constantly listen to music), movies, TV... sleep. Going to sleep is obviously the greatest escape. Of course, depressed people love to sleep.


Brian Fellows said:
Cuz its fun!
Booze makes for great times, but three consecutive nights each week is a little much, and I think Well knows that.

We tried to get our philosophy prof to come out drinking with us last week. He said he'd join us, but has "gotten too smart for alcohol". I know what he meant by that and it didn't come off as pretentious. Essentially, alcohol only compensates for insecurities and inhibitions. Some necessary. Yes, you will have more fun, but the base for getting to that point can be pretty dispiriting if you think about it.

Personally, I'm a special occasion drunk, rather than a night-out drunk. But I often have one or two beers just cuz.


shitting in the alley outside your window
WasabiKing said:
And you give some sort of ammo to tardos who have nothing better to do that log it and fire back a salvo.

IAWTP, i dont like all of these people who just want to blame the love of a fine spirit on depression.

And besides, you can't quit CK, theres a group of people who look forward to drunken CK irc talk come weekends, and you wouldn't want to disappoint them :)


Ahahaha, when did I post this...

Well, I'm gonna lay off for a bit I guess. Stories are already floating around the office about me.:/

Also, Suerte, i had to be up at 6 to get in at 8, as did the rest of the people I was with... Thursday night drinking can't be an all night thing. ;p


Wellington said:
Also, Suerte, i had to be up at 6 to get in at 8, as did the rest of the people I was with... Thursday night drinking can't be an all night thing. ;p

Excuses, excuses ;) Haha just kidding, Friday, Sunday and Tuesdays are my favourite drinking nights.


Error Macro said:
I turn to other things for my escape. Video games, internet, music (this is the main thing - I constantly listen to music), movies, TV... sleep. Going to sleep is obviously the greatest escape. Of course, depressed people love to sleep.


I love to sleep like all the time, any time of day/night, in totally random fashion... It's awesome and conforting...
I've never understood how people use computer/watch tv/play games while drunk. The concentration needed and the fast movements make me indescribably nauseous.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
What the hell happened here? Geez, CK, by all means have fun on IRC when you're drunk...I like doing that quite a bit, personally. But restrain yourself a bit, ya know? These stories people are telling me about what went down...This stuff about calling up your manager....



EviLore said:
What the hell happened here? Geez, CK, by all means have fun on IRC when you're drunk...I like doing that quite a bit, personally. But restrain yourself a bit, ya know? These stories people are telling me about what went down...This stuff about calling up your manager....


Don't jump to conclusions based on Matlock's heresay and conjecture. What happened was this, the purchasing manager of this business unit went to the same school that I just graduated from so we were joking around a bit. We have this one teacher at the school who everyone believes is gay but he has never outright said it. So we started ripping on him, then he ripped on me, so I ripped back. It was all good natured. Not like I said I fucked his wife or anything.
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