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Why do I get drunk?

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Junior Member
Outlaw Pro Mod said:
For a 100 lb. man or woman drinking very quickly, it would only require about 8-10 drinks in an hour to reach the lethal level.

thank god I'm not 100 lb. On a good night, I can easily put down 6 in a hour. Those $1 drink nights.
Well, I had to ease my way into drinking when I just started working. I kept it under wraps until I saw the VP of my division at a corporate party with a different drink after every look over. After that, it was boozin' time at corporate parties. To date, there's no person that partied harder than I at that company. With that said, you gotta keep it in check for your career's sake. Let the rep die down a bit, go home earlier, etc...

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
skinnyrattler said:
thank god I'm not 100 lb. On a good night, I can easily put down 6 in a hour. Those $1 drink nights.

I once put down 15 shots of captain in 30 minutes . Granted that almost killed me but you cant let a little thing like near death stop you from getting your drink on.
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